Member Reviews

The Rome Apartment tells the story of Beth who decides to move to Rome while contemplating a crossroads in her life. With her only child leaving for University, and her husband Joel requesting a break from their marriage she leaves her life behind and forces herself out of her comfort zone. The rental property she moves into is owned by 75 year old Veronica who helps Beth in her new life by encouraging her to take on challenges.
This is book one of a series and does feel slightly short and unfinished. There is definitely more to come from the characters and setting.

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Loved this book and felt it will resonate with many women. I love Rome as well so it would be so easy to jump on a plane and live there for three months. After the breakdown go her marriage Beth goes to Rome to find herself and discover the real person more commonly known as a wife and mother. Describing a lot of realisation moments in Beths life as she relives some painful memories and replace with the new ones. The book is well researched and the places mentioned very authentic, so what happens at the end of the three months? you will have to read the book. Thank you #NetGalley for the audio book to review.

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This was a gentle story to listen to. I had expected to be somewhat more invested in the life of the main character, but sadly that was not the case this time. So I enjoyed it, but I did not love it.

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Thank you to the publishers, author and NetGalley for the free copy of this audio book.

This was a sweet little read! Well written and some great characters. The narrator was good as well.

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Novel set in ROME

What a delight this novel is. A good, immersive story with Rome as a colourful backdrop.

Beth and her husband Joel have seen their daughter off to University. They live in Purley (outside London) and the marriage clearly has lost its sparkle for Joel, as he is off to Paris with work whilst he thinks about the future. Beth’s great friend encourages her to take the opportunity of doing something different, and in The Lady she finds the way forward. Over in Rome, Ronnie is encouraged by her loud friend Marina to let out a flat in her villa to a woman who will come to appreciate it. And that is how Beth finds her way to Rome for several weeks, into the arms of Marina and Ronnie.

The two women set Beth some tasks to ease her out of her self deprecating and unconfident stance (the task-giving sounds a bit contrived but actually works quite well, given the spirited characters of the two women) and soon Beth is off to get to know the city. A chance encounter with Rico is potentially messy and she wrestles with her heart and her head in a realistic way as she works her way through her sadness and anger, and starts to acknowledge her changing self. It does sound cheesy but in fact many of the thoughts and observations are surely gleaned from the author’s life experience and she sets out her stall in a very convincing and engaging way.

The author herself (as she says at the end), had the opportunity to live in the city for a month, and her writerly imagination was fired as she walked the city, past innumerable and individual water fountains and doors, behind which lives were clearly being lived to the full…

You get plenty of tips for a trip to Rome, whether it is exploring more out-of-the-way places (like Galeria Sciarra, Giardino degli Aranci or Park of the Aquaducts), where tourists are few and far between. Or, gelaterie: Highlighted is Fatamorgana which excels at mixed flavours like pink grapefruit with ginger and horseradish (I’d give that a go!) or avocado and lime with white wine, or liquorice and Kentucky chocolate with an infusion of tobacco leaves. We might have to organise a comparison between Beth’s preferred gelateria with our favourite: Gelateria Frigidarium in the Fico area of the city.

This novel is perfect for #literarytourism!

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Thank you NetGalley, Bolinda Audio and to the author for an audio copy in exchange for my honest review.

I really enjoyed this book and the story behind it, it’s never too late to find yourself and what you like.

I also really enjoyed the narrator, which she had a great voice and narrated the book exactly how I would like to hear it.

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3.5 Stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Bolinda Audio for an audio copy in exchange for an honest review.

Beth's life has just drastically changed. Shortly after dropping her daughter off at university, Beth's husband announces that he is bored, wants a separation, and he is taking a job in Paris for the next six months after which he will decide if he will proceed with the divorce. Beth is utterly distraught feeling like her life is over until she stumbles upon an ad for a room in Rome for three month but the occupant must be a woman of a certain age at a life crossroads. Hesitantly Beth applies and is accepted to be Ronnie's tenant, with one caveat, she must accept a series of challenges. Beth is captivated by the beauty of Rome, wandering for hours down side roads and stumbling on breathtaking sights. Including a particular palazzo with a captivating Italian singer. Beth is torn between returning to her old life or opening herself up to a world of possibilities.

The Rome Apartment is a great easy vacation read. It is predictable and not no real surprises but it is charming in its own way. The pace is good with solid enough characters. The best part is the descriptions of Rome and the romantic idea of exploring a new city and oneself. This is an enjoyable quick read.

I had the audio version read by Emma Spurgin Hussey who kept the timing well and was easy enough to listen to. She has a lower tone which, combined with the accent took, a little bit to adjust too but was good.

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I absolutely adored this, what a fabulous idea for a book. You’ll love The Rome Apartment. Kerry Fisher writes like a diary of a time ACTUALLY spent in an apartment in Rome.
I’m going to do it again and tell you that I could smell Rome, I could smell the markets and the coffee and hear the music and crowds. It’s the biggest compliment I can give to me it means the writing is perfect.
Moreover though it’s a story about learning to go it alone a little later in life and I cannot tell you how quickly I’d have responded to an advert to live an “experiment” in one of the worlds most stunning places.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookature Audio fir the opportunity to listen to this audiobook in return for an honest review.

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Unfortunately, my Netgalley app crashed and I lost the ability to complete this title before it expired. Sad as I had been enjoying the beginning. It holds much promise.

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I so enjoyed following Beth’s journey through Rome after her jerk of a husband decides he wants a break from their marriage. I loved visualizing the scenery of her daily adventures and meals. I do wish the author had not ended so abruptly, and gave the reader some direction to where Beth was going to end up, but she certainly left it perfectly open for a sequel!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bolinda Audio for my advance reader copy of in exchange for my honest feedback.

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Beth is married to Joel and they have a daughter named Maddie. Beth and Joel are empty nesters after dropping Maddie off at college a few months ago. One day Joel tell Beth that he wants a break from their marriage and is leaving on a work trip to Paris indefinitely. Beth is left heartbroken.
One day she finds an ad for an apartment in Rome with a short term lease of 3 months and with a push from her friends she goes. She makes friends when she is in Rome and she meets Rico. Veronica owns the apartment and helps Beth learn to slow down, enjoy life and to find beauty everywhere around her. Rico is a musician who is bad for her in every way, but is the one who brings her back to life.
I love how you watch Beth go from being broken hearted to a strong independent woman by the end of the book. By the end, she realizes she was better then ok without Joel, she wasn’t happy with him, and that somewhere along the way she just stopped missing him. The trip to Rome changed her life. I didn’t like the way Maddie treated her mom, as teenagers usually do at that age. I just felt like nothing Beth did was good enough for Maddie.
Thank you to Bolinda Audio and NetGalley for letting me listen to this ARC in exchange my for honest review. This is my first Kerry Fisher book and just learned that she has written a lot more so I’m going to have to go check out her other books. I give this book a 3.75, but since I can’t do that on Goodreads I rounded it up to 4 stars!

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This is the first book I've read, or to be more specific, listened to by this author. Thank you to Net Galley, Bolinda Audio, and the author for the ALC of this book.

At it's simplest, this is a book about the crossroads of life and the benefit of stepping back from a situation in order to gain perspective. The story takes a British woman facing an uncertain future to a Rome apartment for a few months. The story that unfolds as she sees the beauty of Rome is itself beautiful. The author paints an immersive setting for the reader. The character's journey shows us that if we are willing to look slow down and enjoy the beauty around us, we can find joy and live life fully. The author moves us through the story with lovely prose and has a twist that I didn't expect.

Emma Spurgin Hussey's narration of the audiobook book captured the voice of the book perfectly. I enjoyed this book and am now getting some of her more recent backlist titles on audiobook.

#theromeapartment #bolindaaudio #kerryfisher #emmaspurginhussey #romance #rome

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Beth is given a shock by her husband, and then she decides to go to Rome and find herself. A story of self-help, figuring out life after kids, and making yourself happy. Ronnie and Marina are goals! They come up with challenges that Beth has to complete while staying in Rome. They insert themselves in her life and encourage her to do things for her.
Loved the descriptions of Rome, the challenges, and the banter.

Listened to the audiobook, read by Emma Spurgin Hussey, Bolinda Audio. The reading was good but kind of bland for me. Easily forgot I was listening to a book, I had it on 1.5 pace to help.

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This is such a gorgeous book. From the cover to the exquisite descriptions of Rome, this is perfect escapism, with the addition of a brilliantly poignant story, especially for a recent empty-nester, like me!

When Beth and Joel's daughter leaves for university, Joel drops a bombshell; now that they have raised their daughter, he is ready for a divorce. Beth is stunned and devastated.

Beth's chance to spend some time in Rome, complete with challenges set by her hosts, Ronnie and Marina, push her so far out of her comfort zone, she questions whether she really even knows herself. What starts as a quest to show Joel what he's missing, becomes an important, emotional and sometimes humorous journey and I absolutely loved being on Beth's journey with her!

Ronnie and Marina are funny, bossy and irritatingly right - every time! Please let me book a stay with them at Villa Alba!

Emma Spurgin Hussey's narration is excellent, with clear diction and steady pacing.

5 ⭐️ Thanks to Netgalley, Kerry Fisher and Bolinda for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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The Rome Apartment - Kerry Fisher.


Firstly, what a beautiful cover!
It completely drew me in. Ten out of ten for shelf appeal.

The Rome Apartment, is book one in The Italian Escape series.

I have to be honest, I did struggle with this book a little.
I didn’t take to any of the characters very quickly.
I empathised with Beth and the situation she found herself in. I desperately wanted to give her a shake and tell her to wise up to that creepy husband of hers.

It didn’t take too many chapters before I was drawn into the story and especially the beautiful setting of Rome.

I enjoyed following Beth’s journey. Seeing her blossom and find herself once more was a joy.

#TheRomeApartment is an enjoyable read, that will absorb you in the beauty of Rome.
It’s a story about finding yourself when your life is turned on it’s head.

With great warmth, humour and a little romance, this is a delightful read.

Audio narration by Emma Spurgin Hussey, who does a good job of bringing the story to life.

With thanks to Netgalley and Bolinda Audio for an arc of this title.

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This was a heartwarming tale and tale of discovery. Though you might think that you have read various versions of this before but let me tell you, you'll enjoy this nonetheless. There are some tropes which you just can't get enough of. And who doesn't a tale of rediscovering yourself in Italy? I know, I do.

I'm so glad I requested this. Bolinda audiobooks are always so good. I know they won't disappoint and I'm glad I always request for them. Please give this a listen. You won't be disappointed.

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I absolutely loved this book. It embodies the whole notion of what it is to make life changing decisions; reviewing your life, decision making and basically reinventing well as how the people we meet can help change the course of our lives - deliberately or inadvertantly.

The story follows career woman, wife and mother Beth. After reaching a sort of 'crossroads' after her daughter leaves for university and her husband Joel, dropping the bombshell that he doesn't know whethet he wants to remain in the marriage. Obviously, Beth's life is turned upside down and, as many of us do, she turns to self critical thinking. HOWEVER, with a little push from her friend, Beth answers an advert to spend 3 months in Rome, the catch she needs to complete a few life reaffirming tasks. These subsequently result in her re-evaluating her life and re-finding her"joie de vivre", having a few adventures of her own.

The characters in this book are extremely likeable (albeit Joel...he's a self indulgent, self-centred...I'll leave you to fill in the gaps). Yes, Beth's daughter is a typical selfish teen, however she comes through for her mum in the end. I loved Ronnie and Veronica - they definately challenge societies expectations and beliefs in respect of the lives of the over 70's. Plus Rico, the Italian street entertainer who loves life and doesn't let anything get him down. Rico challenges Beth to reflect on her life and truley think of what is in the best interest for her and not the other selfish people in her life.

The imagery used when desribing Rome were spectacular, so much so I could imagine myself walking the strade and visiting each place (I've visited Rome a few times & the descriptions capture the atmosphere and essence of this beautiful city perfectly).

Overall, I HIGHLY recommend this book and I 'm so happy the ending was the one I anticipated. I look foward to reading more of Fishers work.

Thank you to NetGalley, Fisher and the publishers for affording me the opportunity to read and review this book extremely well written book

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Yet another fantastic book by Kerry Fisher. Beautifully narrated, I was lost for hours in Rome listening to this one!

Her books deliver great stories, with likeable, relatable characters and plenty of details that have me gripped in her worlds.

Thanks so much Bolinda Audio, via Netgalley, for gifting me an audiobook copy for review - can't wait for more!

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As Beth tried to discover herself after her husband called her boring and wanted a break, she answered an advert to escape to Italy for 3 months.

What a beautiful setting. It made me want to pack a bag and jump on a plane to Rome.

This was a very laid-back read. It would make an ideal beach read. It's a sweet, predictable, and safe storyline. The narrator had a soothing voice, and I liked how she delivered the book.

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This author writes with warmth and engaging perception about our relationship and understanding…..

Many thanx as always to NetGalley, the publishers and the author for allowing me to read and listen to this book.

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