Member Reviews

From the author who rocked my world with The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs Kip, now comes this! These characters are so well done, and they dive right into themes of family, forgiveness, and faith. Go grab your copy today!

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"The Divine Proverb of Steusel" was one of the books I highly anticipated reading in 2024, especially in light of the spectacular debut of the author's first book, "The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip." Unfortunately, I walked away disappointed in this book.

The story is about 26 year-old school teacher Nikki Werner, who flees after the last day of school to her grandparents' old farm still run by her Uncle Wes, who she has only met a hand full of times. She runs because her father, who rather aburptly divorced her mother, secretly remarried and announced it on social media. Added to the stress and wounding of that, her boyfriend wants to propose. She is struggling and can't find her way forward. When she finds an old notebook filled with German recipes and wise sayings, she embarks on cooking the recipes in order to find healing for her heart. She also helps renovate the farmhouse for the summer with her Uncle Wes. Will she find healing in this town during the summer?

One of the things that drew me to the book was the description that she would not only make the recipes, but invite people from the town to share their stories with her. This is not an idea of her own, rather one cooked up between her Uncle Wes and the delightful Aunt Emma (who does not get enough page time at all, in my opinion.) However, that concept never comes to fruition in the book. Rather, only two people other than Uncle Wes ever make it to the table. To me, this doesn't serve the plot.

Another issue with the book is with the mentors, step four of the hero's journey. The book actually suffers from too many mentors, who, strangely, never feel they can ever speak straight into Nikki's life. Neither do they ever ask her to talk about her pain. There are huge amounts of avoidance that weigh the plot down. Other reviewers have mentioned Nikki's incredible immaturity for someone her age as a part of this. Put these two things together, and the plot drags as a result.

Avoidance plays into the romance between Uncle Wes and Joyce, which is never truly explained. What could have been a delightful midlife relationship is paralyzed through unknown past trauma that we only ever get hints of. Since the book is about exploring trauma, I expected more there.

Finally, the endings of the book rush everything to tie it up with a happy bow. Some of it doesn't make sense. The instanteous healing of a number of situations leaves the reader with a bit of whiplash.

What is good about the book? It does well with making it clear that the pain of divorce can still be intense and devastating for adult children. They require help and counseling. However, the book takes almost a transcendental path to healing that really doesn't jibe with faith.

The book had a lot of potential but many unfulfilled expectation. I received an advanced reader copy of the book as part of the Revell Reads blogger team in exchange for my honest opinion.

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After greatly enjoying Brunsvold’s first book, I was intrigued to see what her second book would be like. Mom and I ended up getting copies at the same time, so we were somewhat able to read it together—what a good story!

I realized, as I read this book, that I’m used to plot-driven stories—this book is much more character-driven, which made for a more thoughtful read—but the richer for it, in some ways! Nikki is a strong, dynamic main character. I found myself empathizing with her situation, and loved that she ended up at her uncle’s farm—the one happy place from her childhood. I also loved Uncle Wes, his strong dependability and wisdom (even when he struggled to express that!), and the whole subplot around Joyce was hilarious. Aunt Emma, too, was a lot of fun—the kind of spunky old lady I hope to be one day.

I haven’t read many books that delivered the level of wisdom mixed with history mixed with faith that I encountered in this story. This isn’t a book you can just rush through…I tried; it kind of works, but you end up missing out on many nuances. I loved the proverbs sprinkled throughout, and the recipes sure got me wanting to get into the kitchen at times! I loved how often butter was mentioned, since dairy products are among my favorite cooking ingredients. The historical side was fun and interesting—I loved watching Nikki explore that, but also loved the way this book encouraged sharing wisdom with future generations.

I came away from this book with a lot to think about, and overall, it was a good read. There were nuances of the story I struggled with, and it wasn’t until I was most of the way through the book that I felt like I finally got “into” the story—but I suspect that had more to do with my current reading slump than anything else. If you enjoy books that dive deep into the complexities of faith, family, relationships, and where we come from, this could be a great book for you.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book, and this is my honest opinion of it.

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Last year, I read Sara Brunsvold’s debut novel, The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip. I loved that book! When I saw her second book coming out, The Divine Proverb of Streusel, I pre-ordered a print copy. I also signed up for a review copy so that I could read it early. It was worth reading!
Nikki is reeling. First, her father walked out on them four months ago, and now he has gotten married again. To add to her struggles, she’s feeling a growing distance from her serious boyfriend, Isaac. One evening, she found herself driving the several hours to her uncle’s farm in Missouri, the family farm, where she had experienced love and peace when they visited her grandmother for Christmas every year when she was a little girl. After arriving, with no luggage and no plan, she ended up deciding to spend the summer and help her uncle restore his mother’s old house.
One of the first things Nikki found as she looked at her grandmother’s belongings was a hand written note book of proverbs and old German recipes. She proceeded to begin cooking her way through the recipes, inviting local people to help eat them and  learning about her heritage as she went. How could she reach across the chasm between her and Isaac, though? Was there a future for them? And what about the unbridgeable divide between her and her father? She didn’t think she even wanted to patch that one up.
Sara Brunsvold has a way of developing characters so that the reader really cares about them. Normally, a side character dying in a book, doesn’t bother me that much, but in this one, it really got me. I had grown to care about that person that much! I very quickly loved certain characters, and disliked others, although I was glad to see that some of those changed enough by the end of the book that I liked them a lot better. The setting of the story felt very real, too. The Divine Proverb of Streusel is set in the community in which the author grew up, and her descriptions made the area come alive. I quickly grew to love the area and the people. I loved the way Nikki learned to make sense of her life and how to get along with the people she loved, by learning about her heritage. There was a lot more I loved, too, but I can’t mention any more lest I give spoilers. Be sure to read this book! It is good; not quite as great, in my opinion, as Mrs. Kip, but well worth spending time with.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley, and these are my honest thoughts about it.

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The Divine Proverb of Streusel by Sara Brunsvold
Nikki Werner is at her wits end to know what to do with her life. Her father has divorced her mother and according to a social media post, has recently remarried. She is confused and afraid to move forward with her own relationship with her boyfriend, Isaac. After school is out for the summer, she takes off for her grandmother’s farmhouse and her Uncle Wes, a virtual stranger. The summer away, time with her relatives and her grandmother’s handwritten recipes help her to rediscover her roots and mend the broken places in her life.
This book contains some endearing characters. Uncle Wes and Joyce were some of my favorites. I loved how Nikki matured and came to understand her father better through the stories of her relatives.
The plot and characters kept me engaged with the book and provided a satisfying ending. I think other readers will enjoy this book also, especially those who have experienced broken family relationships and need the hope of reconciliation. I am grateful to the publisher for the complimentary copy of this digital book in exchange for my honest review.

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After finishing The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip, the author's striking and imaginative debut novel. I was eager to read her follow-up book. This new novel explores the suffering and fallout of divorce on adult children. Because the author has personally dealt with this situation, she has insight into the subject covered that others may not.

The author's personal experience, along with the background and ancestry of her own family, served as inspiration for this novel. I liked how the author gave Nikki a historical and cultural overview of her grandmother's parents in addition to some delicious dishes. Two of which came from the author's grandmother's cookbook. Mother's Schoenborn's Raisin Nut Cookies and Scalloped Cabbage and Raisin Nut Cookies. Concealed inside the recipes are thought-provoking ingredients. The grandma shares pearls of wisdom gleaned from proverbs and her personal encounters.

I liked Nikki’s Uncle Wess who welcomes her with open arms and gives her a safe place to think. Tucked neatly into the recipes are food for thought. The grandmother pours out wisdom from proverbs and her own life’s experiences. She talks about reconciling the most broken relationships.

Aunt Emma had a great sense of humor. I adored her zeal for life and her ability to make a joke out of everything. She could even make a hilarious story out of falling and getting cuts on her face. She would not allow anything to bring her down. I enjoyed how Joyce and Nikki approached their challenging life choices and how they worked on the recipes.

This would make a great book club pick. There is so much to discuss and yummy recipes to make!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I requested and received a copy of this book by the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Nora St. Laurent
TBCN Where Book Fun Begins!
The Book Club Network blog

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I truly enjoyed this book. It hit home in several ways. I have experienced a lot of what Nikki has experienced but at a totally different age and circumstances.

I thought the idea of the cookbook was very inspiring and unique. It was interesting in both the recipes themselves and the thoughts before the recipes. It was nice to reconnect Nikki with her past.

The book is Christian fiction and I was pleased with the way God was seen in the lives of many.

The editing was well done. I don't remember any errors in the book and the story flowed well.

I requested this book to read and review through Revell Reads. I am not required to leave a positive review. I give this book a solid 4 out of 5-star review.

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This was such a lovely book! True Christian fiction with faith threads that ran throughout.

After having her world shattered by her mother and father’s divorce, Nikki Werner seeks to escape her life—and relationship—in Kansas City.

Hopping in her car with no clear destination in mind, she finds herself pulling into the driveway of her family’s farm hundreds of miles from home—much to the surprise of her uncle who barely knows her.

In the farmhouse where several generations once resided, Nikki finds comfort in cherished possessions from the past that link her to those who came before her. With the aid of her uncle, the good people of Eddner, and a book of handwritten recipes and proverbs, will she be able to face the pain and anger that drove her to the Werner farm?

This was a slow-paced, character-driven read, but it was endearing and precious. Uncle Wes and Aunt Emma were standout characters—such pillars for Nikki with their wisdom and faith. I also loved the strong connection that Nikki felt to learning more about her family’s German history and hearing stories about those who came before her.

Forgiveness is a major theme in this book—as well as the anger and bitterness that well up in our hearts when we refuse to do so. This book shed light on the importance of getting a full picture of someone’s story and the painful parts that may cause them to behave in hurtful ways—and choosing mercy over animosity.

So many other things that make this such a beautiful book, but you’ll just have to read it to find out!

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Nikki Werner’s world as she knew it takes one final blow when she learns—via social media, no less—that her father has gotten remarried, to the woman he divorced her mother for. Seeing her parents’ marriage fall apart so irrevocably has shaken her confidence in her relationship with her long-term boyfriend, Isaac. She thought they’d get married one day, but now, she isn’t so sure. After all, if her parents’ marriage can implode like it has, maybe she’s wrong about Isaac. And instead of talking to him and telling him about the roller coaster of emotion she’s on, she bails. She flees back to her father’s small hometown of Eddner. Her Uncle Wes, her father’s brother, is surprised to see her, but agrees that she can stay with him for the summer until she gets herself sorted out.

My heart just ached for Nikki. Sure, she’s a young adult, but seeing your dad just dump your mom for another woman can’t be easy. And to have him basically disconnect from his daughters’ lives, and then find out he’s remarried through the internet?! I couldn’t wrap my brain around that, and I could see why Nikki would take that very, very hard.

I did want to shake Nikki just a little for painting her father and Isaac with the same negative brush. There were a couple of times I wanted to yell at the book, “Just talk to him! Just answer the dang phone!” But I can’t saddle her with all the fault for the disconnect. Isaac also did his fair share of not responding and might have needed a good shake, too. (Will their relationship issues resolve satisfactorily? Read the book and find out!)

Nikki isn’t ready to talk about her father when people ask about him, but she slowly opens up to the idea of listening to the tales from those who knew him when. She also finds a book penned by her grandmother, and she begins working through the recipes in the book as her own form of therapy. She invites folks from town to try the things she makes, and in getting to know them, she learns more about her father. And in reading the notes, based on the book of Proverbs, that her grandmother jotted down, Nikki begins to understand her heritage, how the women in her family faced hard times—with faith, and through the gift of food.

I love Brunsvold’s use of stories here, both as the bridge that is slowly being restored between Nikki and her father and as the map to Nikki’s family, who she is, the legacy of her ancestors. That is genius. I wish I could find a book with my great-grandmother’s thoughts and recipes in it. What a treasure that would be.

The story is told from the point of view of Nikki and her Uncle Wes, and they’re an interesting duo. Wes is more reserved, and the events of his childhood didn’t have the same impact on him as they did on Nikki’s father, but they definitely affected the man he has become. He does his best to help Nikki understand her father, and in helping her move toward healing, he comes to realize that he may have a need for a little of that healing himself.

This book didn’t leave me a sobbing mess like Mrs. Kip did. But it has made an impression! The message that shone through most clearly for me was doing the next right thing. Taking the next step. Being willing to keep doing good when the Lord calls you to do so, and not giving up. If I had to sum it up in one word, that word would be perseverance. And I could use a little reminder to persevere sometimes.

Facing challenges, digging deep to find faith, a touch of romance (and not where you might expect it!), connecting with your roots, this book has it all. (Also, the book includes the recipes Nikki made. I want to try them all now. Y’all know how I am with recipes.) It ends on a hopeful note, but doesn’t wrap it all up in a neat little “happily ever after.” Kind of like life can be.

With The Divine Proverb of Streusel, Sara Brunsvold firmly establishes her place as one of my must-read authors. And it’s only January, but I’m already saying it: this may be one of my favorites for 2024. If you enjoy a good faith-based story with realistically written characters that will make you laugh and tear up and cheer, you need to read this one. Highly recommend.

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Sara Brunsvold came onto the scene last year with her debut novel that blew me away! Her second is a heartwarming read that will touch readers in the same way!

Nikki Werner has had her world turned upside down after her father left her mother and her relationship with her boyfriend is on the rocks. On break for the summer from her teaching job, she heads to her uncle’s farm to think and figure out the direction for her life. At the farm, she finds old journals and cookbooks from her grandmother that include Proverbs with the recipes. Within these pages and while learning to cook, she finds a way to connect to her past and that helps her see a future that might not be as bad as she expected.

I fell in love with Sara Brunsvold’s first novel and couldn’t wait to read her next. The Divine Proverb of Streusel is a heartwarming story that will give readers a lot to think about. The strained relationship she had with her father hit home for me and made a personal connection for me as a reader. While not every reader will have that connection, there will be something for everyone to gain from this book. I didn’t think this one was at the level of the first but still a fabulous contemporary novel. I recommend this book to readers that enjoy contemporary reads with a lot of heart.

I received a complimentary copy of this title from the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within are my own.

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The Divine Proverb of Streusel is a satisfying journey of identity and family connection. 4.5 stars

Nikki Weiner's life is in turmoil and begs the question, what does a person do when life seems all too much to deal with? In Nikki's case she ran to the past where she hoped to find answers about big life decisions

I really enjoyed how finding her grandmothers notebook provided insight for Nikki, how it had shaped the past and future generations. Working through issues by baking the German recipes helped Nikki understand so much about her family relationships and life too.

Sara Brunswold has once again offered up a soul-searching story that will have readers pondering their own life choices. I enjoyed The Divine Proverb of Streusel so much, how it delves deep into family, forgiveness and faith on the journey to wholeness. I appreciate Revell Publishing making a copy of The Divine Proverb of Streusel available for review. All thoughts and opinions are my very own.

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Sigh... this book was a warm hug-or maybe a warm meal made with love.

Overwhelmed by her parents' divorce, her dad's remarriage, and uncertainty about the future in her own romantic relationship, Nikki seeks quiet and refuge in the home where her grandmother used to live, which is now owned by her Uncle Wes. Over the course of a summer, she walks a path of healing through family ties, hard work, and the power of forgiveness.

What I loved about this book is that it portrayed characters with deep faith that felt authentic to real life. They were not perfect, but allowed ancient truth to influence the situations they found themselves in, even deeply painful situations. They modelled traits to aspire to: patience, hard work, rootedness, courage to say hard things, forgiveness, community, and caring for others. Though slow at times, the narrative also unfolded in a way that felt real. Although there is certainly a time for a good page-turner, I enjoyed the slower pace which reflected the pace of healing taking place on the pages.

I also loved the recipes and German heritage portrayed! It would be fun to try a recipe or two in the future.

Thank you to Netgalley and Revell for the advanced review copy. All opinions are my own.

"Family roots pulled on every human heart, no matter how broken."

"No matter how far from ease, a wise woman's heart is betrothed to gratitude."

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Another delightful novel from Sara Brunsvold. This is a story of Nikki, who suffers what can be best described as a relationship crisis - let down by her father, uncertain of deeper commitment to her boyfriend, which opens generational wounds that need healing.

She escapes for a summer break, where there is a charming relationship that develops between her and her uncle, who is a gateway to her discovering more of her family history. The stories are supported by newly discovered old family recipes, with the cooking leading her through her journey of making peace with the past and the future.

It is food therapy, linking the past wisdoms with the present situations. When each recipe was written down it was blended with a key verse from the book of Proverbs. The food and the scriptures minister together, intertwined.

One thing you will always get from one of Sara's novels is a deep understanding of the characters and their relationships, seeing their doubts, fears and motivations as their lives are revealed. She writes in a way that allows the reader to empathise, befriend and by the end you feel they are people who you would really like to have as long-standing friends.

It is a story of how some of the good, wholesome things in life like scripture, family and food, can bring healing to the emotional challenges that life can throw at us. Faith is a strong backbone to this story of healing and reconciliation, inherited from a strong family tradition and ever-present.

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The Divine Proverb of Streusel by Sara Brunsvold has Nikki Werner looking for a connection to her family’s past. I like the premise of the story. It would be intriguing to find an old notebook belonging to my grandmother filled with recipes and proverbs. I was not, though, a fan of Nikki. I found her immature. She is a woman in her twenties who is a schoolteacher, but she acted like a teenager. Her boyfriend acted juvenile as well. I loved Aunt Emma. She is a lively, spunky woman. Wes was also a good character. I liked seeing his growth and enjoyed his interactions with Aunt Emma. The story moves at a slow pace with it being particularly sluggish in the middle. I like how faith is woven throughout the story (it is never preachy). The development of the characters was good. The plot is predictable (it was easy to envisage how the story would end). The romance between two of the middle-aged characters was sweet (preferred it to the younger characters romance). There are descriptions of various German dishes (brought back memories of my childhood growing up in German Village). I like the fact that Nikki invited people to the farmhouse for them to try out the dishes and it enabled her to learn more about her family’s history. There are aspects of the story I enjoyed and others that I did not. So, The Divine Proverb of Streusel is a mixed bag for me.

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This. Book. Gutted. Me. It had my emotions roiling from the first sentence. I've tried to write a coherent review, but I've got nothing, so here's the best I can do:

It's emotional, heartbreaking, maddening, infuriating, and inspiring.

It's a beautiful story of finding your place in a family you barely knew. Of finding your legacy. Your roots. Your heritage.

That's all the words I have. This story is heartbreakingly beautiful.

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Nikki's life falls apart when her dad, seemingly out of the blue, divorces her mum. The last straw comes when he remarries, and in the shock of it, she leaves everything and flees to the family farm. There she gets to know her uncle and immerses herself in their family history, as part of preparing the old farmhouse to rent. Wes has learned a lot over his life, but realises he still has more to learn. When his little-known niece turns up unexpectedly on his doorstep, he welcomes her in - she's family! - and when she decides to stay for the summer he puts her to work but also sees this as an opportunity to try to fix a little of what is broken in their family. But maybe he needs her as much as she needs him... A summer spent with family and God will change a lot for both Nikki and Wes, not to mention others.

I loved the author's first book so much that I was torn between being eager to read this and not wanting the disappointment when it couldn't measure up! And having read it, I wasn't disappointed (though I think I do still marginally prefer the other - so this is better than at least 99% of the books out there). So what makes it so good? The brilliant writing is a good start, but it's the heart that the book is infused with that really makes it outstanding. It never excuses bad behaviour, but it does point to the need for forgiveness, as well as the value of understanding where a person is coming from (family history/heritage is a big thing in the book, but so is just understanding what someone has gone through in life to make them the way they are). Add in characters that I really connected with and a moving storyline, and you have a book that's well worth coming back to reread. Perhaps the best part of the book, though, was the recipe headers - the old recipes were interesting, but the headers were inspiring and deeply moving. Highly recommended, and I'm really looking forward to see what the author writes next.

Note that I received a complimentary copy of the book from NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review and this is my considered opinion of the book.

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This book is full of wisdom of the book of Proverbs even amongst pain, hurt and betrayal. This extremely emotional book carries a strong message of faith and forgiveness. "We cannot know what is around the bend. It could be sorrow or joy, riches or poverty, health or infirmity. But we can trust that contentment can be ours regardless of the circumstance." That is a heavy lesson to digest. This was just one of the many messages in an old recipe book that Nikki Werner finds.

Nikki is a teacher who has finished her last day of school. She makes the decision to flee her home for the summer. She even leaves her boyfriend behind. She heads to her uncle's home in the small town of Eddner . Nikki is bitter about many things, but mostly she is angry at her father who left her mother after almost 3 decades of marriage. Her mother is having to leave her home of 29 years because she can no longer afford it. Nikki is beyond angry, and she needs some space. What she finds are boxes full of memories from her grandmother and her family, which is where she finds the recipe book. As she delves further into her ancestry and starts cooking the recipes from the cookbook, she learns valuable lessons of life. She learns even more from Aunt Emma. Aunt Emma is a hoot who travels with her friends everywhere. I loved her. This plotline was so interesting. It was very emotional. Hurt comes in many fashions and fractured relationships are sometimes hard to heal, but this book shows that faith can heal when nothing else can do it for you. It was also a great lesson that we can all learn a lot from our ancestors.

Thank you to Revell Books and NetGalley for this ARC. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I love the way Sara Brunsvold weaves faith in her books. After reading the award winning The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs Kip, I was looking forward to seeing what she would give us next. Well, she did not disappoint.

As summer embarks on the beginning of school break, Nikki Werner finds herself in deep disappointment when she learns of her fathers recent marriage to a woman no one knows. On top of that she finds herself at a crossroad with her long time boyfriend, Isaac. She needs to be rescued. So she starts driving, not really knowing where she will go. She ends up at her family's farm, and decides to stay with her Uncle Wes for a while. With school out for the summer, she starts helping her uncle clean out and remodel the old farmhouse. She finds herself reconnecting with the past as she unearths treasures among the many boxes that have been stored over the years. When she finds an old notebook, filled with her grandmothers German recipes and sage advice, she finds healing of her wounds as she invites people over to taste the many recipes she tries. Her Aunt Emma helps Nikki find her way through her unforgiveness and deep hurts. Uncle Wes, a long time bachelor, is a patient loving person in Nikki's life. With his help, she discovers hope. And the forgiveness through the proverbs and wisdom spread throughout the recipe book.

This is a heartfelt story surrounded by faith, brokenness, family and most of all forgiveness. A clean Christian read that is beautifully written and faith filled.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are my honest opinion.

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This is a story of heartbreak, heritage, healing, hospitality, and home renovation. And it has recipes that look pretty tasty! If you loved The Extraordinary Deaths of Mrs. Kip, this book by the same author is worth checking out!

Huge Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and enjoy this ARC!

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BOOK REVIEW - The Divine Proverb of Streusel - Sara Brunsvold - 5/5 Stars

It's been too long since I've read a new-to-me author, so this week it's been good to break out and try something new. Everytime I read a woman's fiction story I tell myself this is so good and I should read more women's fiction and then promptly forget once more. I can understand why Sara Brunsvold won a Christy Award for her last book if it was anything like this one. If I had to sum this book up on one word it would be wholesome. This book was just so refreshing to the soul and was like reading a devotional wrapped up in a story. It gave me so much to think about and highlighted areas that I needed to work on my own faith. The story wasn't anything like I was expecting so it was nice to be surprised throughout. I really felt for Nikki and her pain but also loved Wes and connected with his desire to be a help to other people. The recipes were also cool and now I need to try them, fingers crossed they are real recipes!

This is not a romance story so I was surprised by the little romance in it and not for who would have expected. I'll leave it a surprise for you too....

So many to choose from but the one that stood out to me was the constant reminder to not weary of doing good. In this fallen world with fallen people we can tire of doing good. Of being the bigger person. Of turning the other cheek. Of not getting good in return. It's then we have to remember who and why we do good. We do good because Jesus is good to us and we must strive to be like Him, to show the love and mercy to others that He pours out on us!

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