Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this book. It was an interesting yet funny read. I hope there’s more to come from this author

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What a delightful, heart warming book. Whilst a little younger than Penny, and not having parents that need full time care, I was able to really identify and empathize with her. The story was compelling and entertaining while also shining an important light on the plight of women, particularly mothers, today.

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This was a great book with great laughing out loud moments. It also have a nice touch of reality, problems that we can all relate, some better than other. A really beautiful story.

Thank you netgalley and Hera for the opportunity to read this arc.

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What an absolutely beautiful story this was. I laughed out loud, I cried and I had many moments of self-reflection.

Penny Baker is trying to juggle motherhood, along with all of the other curveballs that life throws at you, namely a mother with dementia, and a father who is hospitalised.

This story was so beautifully written, with plenty of comedic moments to balance out the hard-hitting reality of motherhood and family life. Every woman, and every mother can empathise with Penny’s situation, and this story truly highlights the importance of family and friends, as well as the way in which we often end up having to repay our parents by mothering them as their health deteriorates.

All in all, this was a wonderful book, and I’m keen to read more from Nancy Peach as I absolutely adore her writing style.

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Loved loved loved this book. Couldn't put it down. A hefty dose of reality told with humour. Laugh out loud moments mixed with how tough life can be.
Thoroughly enjoyed reading Penny's family saga...for so many looking after aging parents on top of family responsibilities is a reality that's tough. . Can't wait for the next book and have just bought Nancy's first. Highly recommend.

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I don't recommend this book. I did find it funny and I found myself laughing out loud a few times, however, I felt like there wasn't much of a plot and I struggled to get through it. I can usually read a book very quickly but this one I just wasn't excited to reach for.

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"The Mother of all Problems" is a book about a woman who does it all. She has 3 kids of varies ages, a husband that doesn't appear to do much except work, a mother with dementia and a dog that causes chaos all under one roof! This book made me laugh out loud numerous times but it also made me shed a few silent tears. It hits all the spots in a book, it's captivating, witty, hilarious, emotional, raw and real! One of the best books I've read in the last few months!

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The Mother of All Problems
A funny, uplifting novel of life, love and family
by Nancy Peach

Thanks to NetGalley, Nancy Peach, and Hera Books for an advanced copy in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. I did enjoy the book. It just seemed sometimes to overwhelm me.I did think some days felt more dread, than humor. I was worn out by the end.

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This book made me cry happy tears in the final stages! Penny is a regular mum of three; coping as best she can with everyday life. Her mum has dementia; but she’s well cared for by her dad….until her dad breaks his hip and then has a stroke. Mum moves in with Penny and her family. It’s mayhem, but she’s coping. Husband Sam is struggling a bit with the upheaval, and brother Rory likes to bark ideas from his home in Australia. It’s the tale of Penny coping; and the people she meets along the way. This has been written in such a funny and entertaining way you can’t help but laugh along at their mishaps during what is a difficult time. The final chapters with the Singing for the Brain concert made me ugly cry!

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As a mom in a tough world, this was super relatable and enjoyable. Sometimes just knowing you're not alone is enough to get you through a tough time. For moms everywhere!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

The Mother of all Problems explores the story of Penny, as she juggles life, marriage, motherhood and caring for her own mother with dementia. I enjoyed most of the book, it did feel overly wordy in places however it was still an enjoyable read where most people can find a piece to relate to.

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Oh my goodness, what a hectic, chaotic life Penny leads. From the very beginning i was exhausted just hearing about her daily antics. Absolutely hilarious and heartwarming all at the same time. Your heart really does go out to her what with everything she has thrown at her on a daily basis. I am sure that all mothers will completely relate to Penny’s lifestyle bringing up 3 kids and elderly parents. Such a loveable character, always putting others before herself, so admirable and selfless. Thank goodness she had her choir practice and good friends to rely upon. Beautifully written story, will definitely be reading more by this author.

Thanks to Hera Books and NetGalley for allowing me an advanced copy to read in exchange for my open and honest review. As always, my reviews will also be posted on Amazon, Goodreads and Waterstones and interaction on Facebook and instagram where possible.

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Penny Baker is holding her own. The only stay ay home mom in an upscale neighborhood, she’s always volunteering to help out others. Meanwhile, in her increasingly messy house, she deals with an unhelpful, absentee husband and three mouthy, ungrateful children. Oh, and an incontinent but loving dog. Her shaky house of cards is always about to tumble down and tumble down it does when her father falls, breaks his hip and then has a stroke while in the hospital. He’s the sole caregiver for her mother Mary who has early onset dementia. So Grandma Mary comes home to live with Penny until her father is well again. This final change will force Penny to make different choices in her own life.

At first, The Mother of all Problems seems to be another fluffy put-upon mom story with the usual snarky humor. It is not. Penny’s journey to carve a life from chaos makes this novel both tragic and compulsively readable. When Penny finds Singing for the Brain, a local dementia choir, and involves her mother and children in production, changes start to happen. The Mother of all Problems will quickly draw you in. You’ll cheer for Penny and the ragtag group of singers and their final concert will bring tears to your eyes! 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley, Hera Books and Nancy Peach for this ARC.

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An easy enjoyable read. At times I couldn't relate as I don't have children but I found myself laughing along. I would recommend.

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I have never read a book by Nancy Peach before but I really enjoyed it and was hooked from the first page.

The story focuses on Penny and her family while she cares for her mother who has Alzheimer’s. The book has many funny moments but is also heart breaking and bitter sweet and I really felt for Penny. I also related with lots of it having 3 children of the same ages as her and really emphasised with her and some of her struggles.

I loved the details about school mums which was definitely true and very funny and I cannot wait for the sequel.

Thanks to NetGalley, Nancy Peach and Hera Books for an advanced copy in exchange for an unbiased and honest review.

I could not find this book on goodread but will keep checking and add a review when available.

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The Mother of all problem is a true to life story of the challenges of motherhood, I've never read anything by this author before so I was quite excited to read it and it was a book I enjoyed

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