Member Reviews

A lush take on well-know fairytales mixed with a historic setting, Kell Woods’ After the Forest is an enchanting debut.
The story is set in Southern Germany after the end of the Thirty Years’ War. We learn of all that has happened to Greta and Hans Rosenthal since they escaped the witch. Using the witch’s grimoire, Greta has been making ends meet by baking tasty gingerbread and secretly bewitching the village. But using the book puts her in danger in a time of witch hunts, where even rumours of witchcraft are dangerous.
Having Germanic roots and a mother with a fascination for fairytales, reading this book as an audiobook gave it the added feel of slotting into the oral storytelling tradition. The story weaves together elements of two well-known fairytales, Hansel and Gretel and Snow White, and combines these with shape shifters and magic. I enjoyed the narration for the most parts and felt that it helped bring the story to life, and while I wasn’t a fan of the Scottish accent, I appreciated how well the German phrase were blended into the narration. The plot felt a bit slow at times, and Greta came across as naïve in parts, as she was slow to catch on to what were in my opinion fairly obvious plot elements. However, I enjoyed the audiobook overall and give this a 3.5 star rating.

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After the Forest is a solid debut but very much feels like a debut.
The story Kell Woods weaves of a reimagined Hansal & Gretel story had the bones to be an excellent book but unfortunately doesn't meet those expectations for a number of reasons.

Parts of this book are interesting- the spin on the well known fairytale intertwined with another was very satisfying to unravel but unfortunately this tale gets caught up in itself when it introduces too many moving parts.
I really enjoyed the romance element in this story but by the time we work through the last 25% of this book I was struggling to care.

This book felt too long, it would have benefited from another round of editing IMO.

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This was definitely an interesting and engaging story to read, however, it did take quite some time for the plot to become apparent. I struggled to continue the book at the start, but ultimately I am glad that I stuck with it! The characters were all diverse and well-developed, and the narrator did an incredible job at changing her accent to reflect the nationalities of each person! There were quite a few times that I grew frustrated with the main character for not realising something incredibly obvious (such as who the bear was, for example) but in the end, I'm glad that I read this story because it was the perfect blend between light-hearted fairytale and complex adult fiction!

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This was an absolutely gorgeous story that was a beautiful balance of historical fiction and a lush fantasy retelling.

I was pulled straight in by the cover of this one and the idea of a Hansel and Gretel retelling massively intrigued me - it’s a quite a unique premise, in amongst retellings it’s not one I’ve seen done before so I was interested to get stuck in!

From the first chapter I was entirely gripped - pegged as a historical fantasy I thought the pitch of this was spot on - set in a time where superstition and witchcraft was at its peak, coupled with the traditional fairytale elements of Hansel and Gretel this was a stunning atmospheric read. The plot picks up with Greta twenty years after the events in the fairytale we know so well take place and this was such a great shift in bringing the story to an adult setting - admittedly I don’t think I’ve ever thought about what happened next, but if that was it, what a great story!

There was enough whimsy and enchantment built into the plot to keep this grounded in its fairytale roots, but also plenty of darker themes to keep you engaged. I enjoyed the audio - it was easy to listen to and the narrator did a good job of bringing each of the characters to life. Definitely one I’d recommend to fans of retellings - I’ll be looking out for more from Kell Woods for sure!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for my arc of this story.

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I very much enjoyed this dark fairytale fantasy novel based on Hansel and Gretel which was always a favourite of mine in childhood
The prose was beautiful while the plot was very engaging. The narrator in this audiobook did a great job of bringing the characters to life

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this arc

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I've DNF'd this book for now. I'm just not vibing with the audiobook. I'm struggling to keep along with the story.
This is likely just me and not an issue with the audiobook.
I'm intrigued enough by the premise of the book to pick up a physical copy and try that, once it's out.

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A deliciously delightful fairytale retelling.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and loved that we had the story of Hansel and Gretal woven throughout, with hints of other fairytales dotting about. The narration was very good too, it kept me hooked until I had finished the book and invested in the characters lives.

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Of all the novels I have known that have taken fairytales as inspiration, this is one of the very best. The world Kell Woods has created is rich and wholly realised. After the Forest, as the name suggests, begins some time later than the end of Hansel and Gretel’s experience in the witch’s gingerbread house, and the repercussions affect them still. The trauma of their abandonment and the horrors they experienced have marked their lives and their neighbours’ still view them, especially Greta, with suspicion. What I especially liked about this book is the scope and imagination. It goes well beyond that one fairytale, weaving in images and magic from other stories to create a really compelling, original narrative. The characters and the historical setting feel real and ground the magic so that it feels a natural part of the story’s world. It was beautifully read and I highly recommend it.

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Huge thanks to the publisher and the author for the opportunity to read and review this ARC. I found the story was a bit muddled and hard for me to follow. I liked the narration, and the fairytale twist but, it wasn’t an easy read.

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Greta and Hans live in the Black Forest and 15 years ago they escaped death at the gingerbread house. Hans wastes time and money and takes no responsibility while Greta bakes magical gingerbread No one can resist.

This fantasy novel may be based on the original tale but time has moved on and danger lurks in the forest again.

Loved this novel, well written and well read (I listened to the audiobook). Lots of twists and turns, love, danger, magic, wolves and a bear. Hope you enjoy as much as I did.

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Set in the Black Forest April 1650, this book is a dark and magical telling of Hansel and Gretel’s life after they escape the witches cottage. Written as an amalgamation of old fairytales and folklore with sprinklings of historical truth throughout, we learn of all the has befallen Greta and Hans Rosenthal since that fateful day in the woods.

A gothic tale of death, love, witch-hunts and shapeshifters. I really enjoyed this retelling, the pacing at the start a little plodding and Greta does seem to be a bit slow on the uptake of obvious concepts, which is a bit frustrating. Once I settled into the story I really enjoyed it, overall a great audiobook.

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I adore fairytales and fairy tale retellings. They always draw me in. However I have never really cared for the story of the gingerbread witch and lost children.

So when I found this one I was very confused about weather or not to read it. But it was a fairy tale, and in the end it won out.

And so I met a grown Hansle and Gretel. Their time in the forest and with the witch long past . And I found that Greta was using the witches book to bake ginger bread. Enchanted gingerbread to keep herself and her no account brother in hearth and home.

This book is amazing and spell binding. It has sooo many stories woven and interwoven into one another. It weaves it's own powerful enchantment over the readers. I didn't think I would enjoy it but I have enjoyed every single word.

This is truly a story to remember.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bolinda Audio for providing me with an audiobook arc in exchange for an honest review

What happened to Hansel & Gretel after they escaped the witch in the forest?

After The Forest is set 20 years after the siblings’ fateful encounter in the woods. Hans & Greta are struggling to make ends meet in their small village, in the aftermath of a war that has torn their country apart. Hans has racked up a serious gambling debt and Greta is left with no choice but try to settle the cost herself.

Her solution? Gingerbread.

Unbeknownst to everyone – Greta didn’t just escape with her life twenty years before. She took the witches grimoire with her and has been secretly using it ever since, to make the irresistible sweet treats the village has come to know her for. But Greta puts herself in danger every time she uses it, as not only are witch hunters roaming the countryside, the book itself could be trying to corrupt her.

At the same time the village and surrounding area is becoming plagued with mysterious deaths, a sinister wolf pack and the sighting of an unusual black bear.

I really enjoyed this. This is not a fast paced, action-packed fantasy so do not go into this expecting that. This is a tale that you need to sit back with and enjoy and I’m so glad I opted for the audiobook version, which I would absolutely recommend. This story is written like a fairy-tale so having someone read it to you really added to the experience.
The narration was really easy to follow and engaging. The only (very slight) issue I had was that the few Irish & Scottish accents we had, which is not the narrators natural voice, would often blend into one another or sound extremely thick and heavy. But I’m honestly nit picking here. Esther Wane is a fabulous narrator and I would happily listen to something else read by her.

Overall, I loved the imagery and the expansion on the original tale. I thought the romance was sweet and I enjoyed the little twists we got on the way.

4 stars

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This is a fantastic debut fantasy fairytale from this author! 15 years after getting lost in the woods and captured by the witch in the gingerbread house, Hans & Greta are trying to get on with life against various struggles. I don’t really enjoy fairytale retellings, but as this was more of a sequel to the story I thought it was a really imaginative answer to the question what happens next? German and Celtic folklore and myths play a part in the tale, with characters from all around Europe being present following a war and subsequent displacement. The audio was excellent-the accents/voices were all distinct and easy to keep track of who was who. I enjoyed the snippets of the story of Snow White and her sister at the beginning of each chapter. There is just pure magic woven into this-brilliant and great for this time of year.

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It was.... OK. I really liked the narrator actually (I know alot of people didn't).
The story was just OK for me. I didn't really connect very well with the characters but the story was nice and lyrical.

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Thank you #netgalley #bolindaaudio for free audio ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I'm really pleased to see lots of good reviews for this because it makes me feel better about not really liking it 😬😬. Ordinarily I wouldn't post a review for a book that I didn't enjoy too much because I'm all about the positive vibes but as this is for netgalley I'll give a brief one.

The book: the world building is excellent. Very immersive. And I liked the magic system.
However, the pace was quite slow and the characters were quite one dimensional. I must say Gretta was a bit whiny and it took her way too long to figure the obvious out..

The audio: I really do think there should be a general ban on people doing Irish and Scottish accents unless they are exceptional. Mira's English accent was bad enough. I found the narration quite difficult with this one.

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First, I would like to thank the author & NetGalley for the eARC opportunity. Like always, this review is voluntary & honest

After the Forest was such a new take on fairytale retellings. It had romance, mystery, and darkness a tale of overcoming trauma, finding inner strength, and determining your future on your terms. 

The storytelling was excellent and I liked the way the author wrote about the magic in this world. The intricate plot is woven between the current day and flashbacks.

I read this as an audiobook, and I fully recommend this method. 
This is for all of us grownups who still believe in fairy tales!

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Not for me, I'm afraid.

I thought this would be a sort of modern update of what happened to Hansel and Gretel "after the forest" so to speak. In a way it was but it was so mired in fairy tale that I became increasingly frustrated by it.

Great, now grown, appears to have fewer brains than when she was a child as she seems incapable of comprehending that the book that speaks to her and helps her make her famous gingerbread (which appears to be the only income the family has?) might actually be magical. Or that the magic might be evil magic, despite the fact that she got the book from the evil witch who tried to eat her brother?

Everything seems to surprise her - people turning into wolves and bears, her memory being faulty, not everyone being decent human beings, her brother's inability to stop gambling away everything they own any time they do have money. This total shock at everything isn't helped by the narration as Greta seems to be permanently on the point ... of tears ... and ... keeps stopping ... talking when ... when ... when she's upset. The other part of the narration that grated were the bizarre accents of Rob, Christophe and Matteus - Scottish? Northern Irish? Bewildered.

I'm sorry I found almost the entire book irritating. I should have stopped reading the minute I turned the narration speed from 1 to 1.75 but I am a glutton for punishment. Plus I also have this quaint idea that no book stays awful. I am often wrong.

I apologise to Kell Woods and Esther Wane. Had I seen the other cover for this book I would never have picked it up. My fault entirely.

Thanks to Netgalley and Bolinda Audio for the advance review copy.

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I thought I would really enjoy this one, but unfortunately I didn’t. I think the narration had a lot to do with it. I just didn’t get on with it. I listened to 50-60% and then stopped. I think I will leave it a while and then read a physical copy of the book when it’s released. When I have re-read, I will come back and edit my review accordingly. Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers.

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Possible spoilers

This was s good listen, it had familiar stories and just put the right twist to go with them.
It never stopped amusing me what a waste of space Hans was.

The added story within chapters, such short lines breaking up the story added another element to the story.
Theres wolves, bears, witches and magic, things that make a great story.
It wasn't quite as dark as I'd hoped, but it was an enjoyable listen.

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