Member Reviews

Did Not Finish.
The FMC is kind of terrible and I don't understand why the MMC puts up with her. But the cover is really adorable, but a little misleading, as I was expecting a sweet story and instead it's really not.

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I really liked this book. I almost loved it but the constant miscommunication/misunderstanding that happened throughout knocked it down a notch. I will go back and read the first book and then the third in the series now that I know there are more.

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Neither Silas nor Ellen are ready for this marriage of convenience arranged by their fathers. Each has their own demons as to why they don’t feel good enough for each other, and this voyage of discovery of each other and themselves is a delight to be immersed in.

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I absolutely loved the story between Ellen and Si. I wish it didn’t have to end. I enjoyed the slow burn of them getting to know each other and experiencing their new places in life together. However, the one grievance I do have is the third act breakup—it felt out of character for Si and I felt like his feelings weren’t explained enough to pay off the third act breakup. Would have been just as great for them to not break up but be separated due to the evil doings of others.

Regardless, I enjoyed reading and loved the story and this world!

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This was an entertaining marriage of convenience romance. While the protagonists both have certain ideas coming into their marriage, their surroundings and circumstances show them that they understand each other far better than they ever imagined.

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This book was absolutely amazing!! I couldn't get enough of this!! And that cover is to die for! I definitely want to read the next book in this series because I adore this series and I can't get enough of it. 5 out of 5 stars!!!!
I just reviewed Lady Len and the Mysterious Mac by Rose Prendeville. #LadyLen #NetGalley
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This is the second book in the brides of chattan series and is a marriage of convenience romance. It’s one of my favourite tropes and this book was no exception to that rule .

Ellen and Silas both have their own insecurities and it was lovely reading about them developing not only as individuals but as a couple. This is a dual POV book and it really works to show both of their inner thoughts!

I particularly loved the anonymous letters!

If you don’t like historical romances this might not be the book for you as Rose clearly work hard to try and make the setting largely accurate of its time. It was really well written and if historical romance is something you like I’d definitely recommend you give this one a try!

Please be aware of the trigger warnings prior to reading.

I enjoyed this read and would recommend it to others.

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Thank you to Eridani Press for an eARC of this book!

This book has everything: a marriage of convenience, a FMC named Ellen, poison, and a man who isn’t afraid to cry or show his emotions!!!! Seriously though, what a joy to read. The pacing of their relationship played out perfectly and didn’t feel rushed at any point. I was a bit worried the subplots would get convoluted or something wouldn’t be resolved, but everything was tied up in a neat tartan bow. My only hang up— and this is pure personal preference— is the *SPOILERRRRR* big public confession of love scene at the end. Again, that is just my personal opinion, I know it’s apparent in most romance novels.

Regardless, I would 10000% recommend this book— nay, this SERIES, to everyone. LOVE!

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LADY LEN AND THE MYSTERIOUS MAC is a marriage-of-convenience novel combined with a pen-pal trope. There is also a little bit of a mystery plot woven in, which is always a plus for me.

One thing readers should know going in is that both main characters have serious self-esteem problems. Silas believes that he breaks everything he touches, and he is particularly worried about the fact that his mother died after giving birth to him, presumably because he was such a large baby. As such, he's worried that if he gets his wife pregnant, she will die in childbirth. Meanwhile, Ellen is small and prone to nosebleeds, so her family has always treated her as incompetent and sickly. She thinks of herself that way, assuming that she is not capable of doing things other ladies of her age and class would do. In fact, she thinks the only thing she's fit for is becoming a nun, which was her lifelong ambition.

Since this is a romance, we know going in that Ellen and Silas will work things out, but there are a lot of miscommunications and misunderstandings on the way, not to mention some interference from well-meaning relatives who want to see the marriage flourish AND want to see babies.

One of the things I liked about the novel is how it represented Ellen's religious faith as an important part of her life, even if her self-imposed penances were extremely problematic. (Trigger warning for religously-motivated self-harm). Sometimes historical romance completely ignores the role that religion would have played in people's lives, or else assigns religious belief or practices only to minor characters. Historically, not everyone in the past would have been devout to the degree Ellen is, but religion WAS an important element of past cultures. I like it when historical fiction acknowledges that, instead of ignoring religion except during wedding scenes.

Overall, I liked this book, but it did take me awhile to get invested in the characters. In hindsight, I wish I'd read the first book of the series. With some romance series, you can easily read the books out of order, but there are enough repeat characters that I think this one should be read in order.

I received a digital ARC from Netgalley, but this is my honest review.

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This was a very fast and cute historical romance following two characters who both didn't fit into their roles and are pushed into a marriage of convenience. I enjoyed the journey of watching these two make it.

Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an arc for an honest review!

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Lady Len and the Mysterious Mac is book two in the Brides of Chattan series. There's a lot going on in this story and I wasn't as captivated as I hoped. Silas and Ellen are betrothed to unite two clans. Both are extremely quiet (Ellen doesn't speak at all, why wasn't this questioned more in the beginning?) and thrust into being the center of attention for their clans, positions they don't want.

Silas is described as big, hulking, breaks everything he touches. He had gone off to University to further is studies before being heralded back to his clan to take his place as laird when his father passes. Ellen is meek, nearly mute, a wisp of a woman who wants to go a convent.

The two didn't spend enough quality time together to get over all their emotional obstacles. And small things annoyed me, like, why would Silas, a scholar, be upset that Ellen was teaching the villagers and children to read?

Some of their interactions occurred in the form of "anonymous" letters, and I did enjoy these.

Just like the first book (which I didn't realize until later that I had read) the cutesy, animated cover promises a light hearted tome, and this book is not that.

Trigger warnings and spoilers:
This is probably the first historical romance I've read where self harm is dealt with. It was hard to read about Ellen's mental and physical issues. There was a lot of potential there, but unfortunately they were resolved all to easily due to the "power of love."

Virgin MMC and MFC.

Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own and freely given.

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OMG this book is SO CUTE and I loved it!!! This was my first time reading Rose Prendeville but not the last. Consider me a fan now. 

Poor Silas MacKenzie thinks he breaks everything he touches so when he finds himself married to Ellen he fears he will break her too. Silas is a large man and Ellen is the tiniest of average sized humans. They make quite a pair. Ellen has always been the "weak" one of the family even though she is perfectly fine, just quiet because everyone else is so loud. Years of being the one who allegedly needs special care has made her into a timid creature but one with a wild and colorful imagination. 

Both of these individuals try not to take up much space. Silas, because he's just SO large and Ellen, because she's been taught to. So when Silas speaks to Ellen, he often cuts off his words and calls her Len. She begins to imagine this Lady Len and the type of woman she might be, the woman and wife Ellen longs to be. Because Silas isn't good with words, in his opinion, he begins to write to Ellen as the mysterious "Mac." And because everyone is Scottish and Mac-something, Ellen never thinks it could be her own husband. haha. She writes him back and they develop a friendship and through this friendship, Ellen and Silas allow themselves to get to know each other in real life as well. 

Silas never doubts Ellen's ferocity and bravery. While she is small in stature, Silas never diminishes her like her own family has. Since he has always seen her as brave, he tells her that and she starts to believe it. In turn, Ellen never believes Silas to be the brute he thinks he is. Each start to see themselves through the unbiased eyes of the other, allowing them to see the truth for the first time. 

There's an element of intrigue and deception that adds nicely to this story. I'm very excited to see what is next from Ms. Prendeville.

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I loved this book. It was an unique premise. I would like to explore more by this author. I I would have given this a 5 star but i wanted to have more banter

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This book was very confused for me, I liked the story, but the main male character was suppose to be grumpy but where some times when he acted like an asshole and i didn't like him, once i had warmed up to him, the book was over.

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I tried. I truly did. Some books are just not for some people and this book was just not for me. Each turn of the page was like dragging myself through molasses. Took me ages just to make it to chapter 8 and then I couldn’t even bring myself to finish the chapter. The writing, characters, and the plot had potential, but the book just failed to capture my interest.

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the main lead was very unhappy and rude to me. this book was also very confusing and i didnt vibe with the writing.

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A very nice book. From the first to the last word an exciting, emotional and humorous story. I love Scotland and the history of this wonderful country, which is why it was so exciting for me to immerse myself in this very exciting time through this story. The characters were very individual and stubborn, and I really liked that too. Of course Silas is stunning. really loved it and want more.

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Lady Len and the Mysterious Mac by Rose Prendeville
Brides of Chattan #2

Marriage of convenience that becomes so much more ~ Loved this book!

What I liked:
* Ellen Mackintosh: quiet, hasn’t spoken (much or loudly) since childhood, has nosebleeds, focused on trying to be perfect, cossetted considered “weak” by her family, learns a lot about who she really is and what she really wants by the end of the story
* Silas MacKenzie: bigger than most, quiet, studious, brilliant, a bit of a scientist, has guilt feelings carried since childhood, loves his father, caring, kind, stuttered as a child, prefers to write than talk, made a vow in childhood that is difficult to keep…especially after marrying Ellen
* The slow burn that takes place as Ellen and Silas get to know one another
* The plot, pacing, setting and writing
* That it drew me in and made me care
* It felt true to the era and in keeping with the times
* The supporting characters and the necessary parts they played to make this story rich
* The conclusion of the book and how all the threads were drawn together and tied in a tidy knot
* Hoping there will be another book in the series

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about how selfish some people are and the pain they cause
* The pain both main characters carried from childhood

Did I Like this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely!

Thank you to NetGalley and Eridani Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars

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Lady Len and the Mysterious Mac by Rose Prendeville

If you're looking for a historic romance then this is the perfect book for you.

This book starts off with a marriage of convenience between Ellen and Silas. Neither of them want to get married however their families want an alliance and for Silas to take over the role of Laird in their clan.

Ellen is considered sickly and rarely speaks due to an incident that happened when she was a child. Silas is a man if few words and prefers the company of his books or horse.

The book is from both of their POVs and its a lot of their inner thoughts which somehow works.

I appreciate how the author gives the character the space to breathe. She writes the characters in a respectful manner where they aren't forcing eachother to do things but time to understand eachother.

It's a very sweet read that warms your heart and cheers on their growing love for eachother.

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Ok, can I first say - how cute is the cover? I have to admit, that's what drew me to this book initially, and when I read the summary, I definitely wanted to give it a try. I haven't read anything by this author before, but I will certainly be looking for more of her work after reading this one. Len and Silas are being pushed into a marriage of convenience by their families. Neither of them wants this, but they have no choice in the matter. Silas' father is dying and his clan is restless and his father wants to name him as his heir. Len lost her voice when she was young, and doesn't think herself capable of being Lady of the Castle. She just wanted to join a nunnery and live out her days, but her father had other plans for her. Silas has every intention of keeping things platonic between them, but he can't deny the attraction and pull he feels towards her. They get to know each other and begin to really care for one another and despite the chaos surrounding them, find true love.
Len and Silas were two characters I immediately fell in love with. Both were torturing themselves in their own way and struggled with their insecurities, which made them perfect for each other. I enjoyed seeing them become more confident and break out of their shells. The story pulled me in from the start and kept my interest all the way through. A charming and heartwarming story I am glad to have had the opportunity to read.
My thanks to Eridani Press and Netgalley for providing a complimentary copy. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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