Member Reviews

This had an interesting start but ended up setting the book down for now. Night try this again in the future

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i'm gonna be honest, this whole poly relationship fell so incredibly flat for me. the way moira was written lack any depth, and it was clear the author cared way more for the two male characters and their romance, which is incredibly disappointing. also did not like the way david's addiction was handled.

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Okay so I have loved ST Gibsons past books and to an extent this one was no different. I do however have a couple thoughts. The romance between David, Moira, and Rhys felt a little bit unequal. It was less about a romance between all of them and more so Rhys’ romance with Moira and Rhys’ romance with David. It didn’t really feel like Moira’s choice more like something she was agreeing to because she loved Rhys. Also the synopsis reveals a really huge plot twist which I feel like is better left out of the blurb because as I was reading it as the reader I knew what was going on and the characters didn’t? And they didn’t for about 70% of the story.

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I adored this book! It's a read that takes a bit to fully rev into gear but then suddenly you're racing toward the finish line, clenching your fists (and jaw) and just desperate to know how it ends. I fell hard for David, Rhys, and Moira, and can't wait to read on in the series!

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I DNF'd this early on because it was so boring. None of the characters drew me in, and the chemistry between all the characters gave nothing. I got through the first few chapters and nothing really stood out to me and made me want to keep reading.

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I just finished Evocation by S.T. Gibson, and I have to say—it was an intense, beautifully crafted read that pulled me in from the very first page. The story follows a deeply complex relationship between two warlocks, Kent and Vivienne, set against a dark academia backdrop filled with magic, ambition, and obsession.

What I loved most about this book was how it explored power dynamics, love, and the consequences of magic in a world where every spell comes with a cost. Gibson’s prose is lush and evocative (pun intended), making the emotions between the characters feel raw and painfully real. The tension between Kent and Vivienne was palpable, both romantic and destructive in equal measure.

That being said, this isn’t a light read—it delves into themes of control, trauma, and sacrifice, which might not be for everyone. But if you enjoy morally gray characters, gothic atmosphere, and a story that doesn’t shy away from messy emotions, Evocation is worth picking up. It left me haunted in the best way.

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This book captivated me straight from the beginning with strong witchy vibes, excellent tarot scenes and three dimensional characters with an unconventional dynamic between them that made for an interesting read. While there are darker topics in this book, it’s well balanced with more light hearted scenes. I flew through it and will definitely be reading the sequel.

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Evocation is full of S.T. Gibson's beautiful writing, capturing the essence of a scene so well. I loved watching a strained relationship grow together, and eventually become firm friends with Moira and David. I can't wait to join these characters in their future adventure.

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Evocation is an absolutely stunning start to the Summoner's Circle series. Having devoured A Dowry of Blood and An Education in Malice, I couldn't wait to read Saint Gibson's latest novel. And did she ever deliver! This is without a doubt my favourite title of hers to date.

Enter a world of the occult, of witchcraft and secret societies in this breathtaking novel. David Aristarkhov's days are numbered: the devil will come to collect on an ancestral deal on his thirtieth birthday. With death looming at his door, David reluctantly reaches out to his ex-boyfriend and secret society rival Rhys. To get his help, he needs to go through his wife, Moira. Thrown into each other's company, old feelings resurface and the trio must work out their differences and feelings, as well as find a way to trick the Devil before it's too late for David.

Saint's character dynamics are spectacular, and for me reading the story from the three perspectives absolutely worked for giving us maximum insight into each of the three protagonists. While David initially came across as stubborn and arrogant, seeing events through his eyes made it impossible not to relate to him. Moira is a central force in the character dynamics, as she demands communication between them. The development of the characters and their relationship was compelling, and I loved where the novel left off on the Deal with the Devil. This was one of my favourite reads of 2024 - can't believe I forgot to add a review on NetGalley, but the three editions of this title sitting on my shelves can attest to my love for this novel!

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⚝ 𓂃꒰ 4/5 stars ꒱ ♡

I truly love the worlds S.T. Gibson is able to create. The dark atmosphere, the complex characters and overall intriguing storyline is something Gibson does really well. I loved how flawed these characters were and their connection they had to one another. I was really interested in more of the possession side of the story that kind of seemed more like a back story than the fore front. This was very character driven and seemed to be a perfect set up for the next book. I can't wait to continue this series and explore more of the secret society.

thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. ♡

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Beautiful, lush and intriguing. These characters are fully fleshed and life like. One of my favorite elements of this story overall. Very atmospheric, as well which seems to be something Gibson is superb at.

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I was close to DNFing around 20% but kept going and did find myself enjoying the story more. i liked the relationship between moira and david especially, but didn't feel like i got to know or like rhys as much. i won't be continuing the series but i am glad i finally got to it.

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I really liked the sound of this one from the synopsis but it felt like more was made about their relationship than the deal with the Devil, which was the bit that intrigued me most.

David’s forefather had made a deal with the Devil to grant them wealth and charm, but the Devil wants paying. Suddenly David is possessed by a demon and has to find a way to break the curse with the help of his ex Rhys. This starts of rocky but soon descends into the kind of love hate relationship they had before. But this time with the added complication of Rhys’ wife Moira

Most of the book seemed to focus on that with the curse as a kind of backstory threaded through, then over before you knew it. Good writing and interesting storyline but not for me.

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I loved Dowry of Blood, so I knew I had to pick up Evocation. S.T. Gibson’s writing just oozes a dark academia atmosphere. This is a solid 4 star for me!

I was instantly drawn into the characters. I very much enjoyed David, Rhys, and Moira. They are all intricate and passionate, and have lots of layers to dive into. I love characters that leave you thinking about them. Adding in their relationship with each other leaves so much to explore and it always had me wondering what they will do next. This is a character driven story, so I appreciated how complicated the characters were.

This book is dark in parts, as it comes with the territory of something more gothic. I was always wondering what was going on next as spirits were invoked and magic was used. This book is beautifully written with wonderful character dynamics. This is a must read for any fans of gothic books.

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Such a stunning start to a series, which is unsurprising given my adoration of S.T.'s A Dowry of Blood. Much like Dowry, the character work is phenomenal, the prose is decadent, and it has me very excited to read the rest of the series as it comes out,

David, Moira and Rhys each feel so tangible -- their flaws and strengths, their love for each other, in different but equally fierce ways. The examinations of trauma, addiction, and healing were interesting and you can tell they will continue to be examined in future books. I particularly appreciated the fact that David was never punished for his problems and was treated with empathy, even when his actions were worthy of criticism. I did want to see a bit more of the actual occult workings, but with Evocation's ending and Rhys' book being next, I have no doubt I'll get my fill.

Saint has this ability to captivate me entirely with their work. I am consumed, devouring page after page. It's been a chaotic year for me personally, between continuing and emerging health issues, study and creative pursuits. But I am so glad I managed to finally get to this, as it was romantic and eerie and allowed me to sink into a new world.

Definitely recommend for those looking for poly relationships, magic in a contemporary setting, and a wonderful series starter.

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This book was an interesting character study, with the characters being well fleshed out, feeling like real people. however the relationships, writing and world building threw me off a little bit.

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As with everything that S.T Gibson writes, I am in awe of her writing and how sensual it always is no matter the book, it lures you into the narrative and wraps you tight and hard. I cannot wait to see.more of these characters in the upcoming parts.

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DNF @ 62%. Unfortunately I did not end up finishing this one, as I am realizing that S.T, Gibson just does not write in a writing style that I love. The premise of her books always sound so great, but always feel like a slog to get through, which is exactly how I ended up feeling during most of Evocation. I didn't find the characters compelling or interesting enough to keep pushing through the writing.

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Really enjoyed this book. Loved the dynamic between the characters. Did find it a bit too slow paced for my liking. However, S T Gibson still writes amazing books and I will continue to recommend this one.

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I unfortunately dnfed it 50% in. It just wasn't for me.
I was bored most of the time and the characters annoyed me.
I was expecting a lot more going into it but just couldn't get through to the end.
Not for me.

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