Member Reviews

Maybe it's just me, but I don't love this book's romanticization of the female reproductive system. I understand why that's the direction the creators took: childbirth is something only AFAB bodies can do. Therefore, it's an excellent topic for a Cells at Work! spinoff, and quite frankly, too many people with female bodies don't get enough education about their health. (Particularly as it relates to “icky” things like periods.) Normalizing it is essential. But, uh…do we really need a little macrophage butler who constantly refers to the body as “my lady” and a Virgin Mary-like statue in the chapel of the uterus as the woman's representative? It feels a little too precious as if bodies aren't something you live in.

That said, this book has zero compunctions discussing menstruation, pregnancy, STI and cancer screenings, and all the other wonderful things that come with owning a uterus and vagina. Macrophage and his pals all have to deal with anemia and PMS, as well as the horrors of a transvaginal ultrasound and pap smear, and their reactions are pretty spot-on – aghast but resigned. While this doesn't get into too much detail, it does mention how all of these things affect the body and can be intertwined with each other, which again isn't something that gets a lot of press because of societal discomfort with female bodies and bodily functions.

Because this is a book about a lady body, there are a few new cell types introduced into the mix, primarily the endometrial cells, which all look like especially froofy Victorian maids. They spend their time prepping a gorgeous, fluffy bed for “The Legend,” i.e., a fertilized egg, and again, I'm a bit torn on seeing them weep when none appears and the body's period starts. Yes, it can feel like your body is mad at you at that time of the month, but since not all women want (or can have) children, having the lovely endometrial cells start crying feels one-sided. Just because bodies can do something doesn't mean that they need to, and this is the rare case where the Cells at Work! franchise feels like it loses sight of that.

But really, this does what it says on the tin: it's a book about anthropomorphized human cells in the body of an adult woman. Information is doled out in a reasonably entertaining fashion, and it's pretty fun. It would be a good addition to any middle-grade library about sexuality and sex ed because, as an overview, it's glamorized but still solid.

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This was such a fun, visual portrayal of the internal body and how microphages and killer T cells work within the body I also absolutely adore how each of them have different characteristics. They have different personalities how they interact with each other and although it was a little repetitive about them fighting different things and also it got a little same. I did actually really enjoy this and I would rate it 10 out of 10. I love the way to show them patience of not eating and also what happens to the body when it’s going for PMS I think this is a great educational book, especially if you’re someone who learns visually and not reading off of a textbook, I would highly recommend. This was absolutely adorable and I potentially will be reading more of the series.

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Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this manga in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this manga. I read the full original manga series and enjoyed it okay, but this one takes it to the next level for me. Maybe it is more relatable because I am a woman, but reading about what goes on in my body is interesting to me. It also gave me an appreciation for my body, especially during a time when I’m struggling with body image. Thinking that my body loves me and appreciates me helps me to love it back a little.

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I'm honestly not familiar with the Cells at Work series, even if it's in my to-read list, but if this is how the other one is made then I will have to check that out ASAP.

This series in centered in a woman's body and reading it made me remember watching a series I used to love as a kid about the human body.
This one is basically its manga form but being more informative because it uses actual medical and scientific terms that will all be explained and translated.

I loved how the author decided to made our characters interact with their lady and how devoted they all are to her. In fact that's exactly how it works. If we treat our body with kindness and if we listen to its needs, it will do everything in its power to keep us healthy and active.

All the chapters are based on a woman's event in her life or period of time and it shows us how our body reacts with said certain events, in some creative ways of representing them.

Definitely an informative and useful read, turned into a real adventure for our protagonists.

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Yes, yes, yes! Everything I love about Cells at Work but for women's issues! She's abnormally cold, she has PMS, she is menstruating! All of it! This should be an amazing series! I love the original manga and the Code Black manga because they are actually smart and educational. The art style is fantastic and the writing is humorous. I literally read this in one sitting! I can't wait to see which other female issues they tackle!

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ARC requested from NetGalley and Kodansha in exchange for an honest review.

in a ragtag gathering of boisterous fighters who just can't seem to keep their shared housing clean, a butler with a single-minded fervor for serving his mistress has no choice but to keep them in line. but the butler is a cell called a macrophage and his housemates the immune system. in this spin-off of cells at work, we get to take a look at how the different cells and systems work in the female body, through the lens of bishonen and bishojo - making even the most medical of concepts easier to explain.

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I first encountered Cells at Work while browsing Netflix for an Anime to watch. As someone that is in the science field, and loves Anime, it was a mix of both of my worlds.
When Cells at Work! Lady appeared in my dashboard for review I was excited, because I can read more about our awesome cells and what they do in a women's body.
This manga is fun, informative and great for tweens and teenagers. For parents that do not know where to start talking to their kids about the changes a lady goes through, I think this will be a good way to start the conversation.
Not only you are having a leisure read, but also you are learning about the body and the roles each cells have within our body.

Totally recommend, you won't be disappointed.

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My husband asked me to request this, and while it definitely wasn't my normal type of read, it was very interesting and held my attention! I think he'll like it a lot once he's able to purchase a copy.

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I am totally impressed with the book!
Surprised me and made me super excited about this serie.

The book beautifully represented the human body, and is really well done and explained.
I love the main characters, with their engaging personalities that add another touch to the story.

The story and approach to it, with the fantastic illustrations made the volume a wonderful experience.
Furthermore, I was very curious because I am a woman, and the book explores topics that aren't that much talked about about women's bodies. As I also lack iron, it was super interesting to know what happens inside me and how my body reacts to it.

Reading the book was like an experience that took me back in time, back to science classes where the teacher put a video of "Once upon a time - Life". Was so cool.

I recommend everyone pick up this book, learning about the human body is essential for everyone, but this book does it in a charming way.

I really want to read the second volume!!

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This book was so good, I loved everything about it, the illustrations were so well done, they suited the book perfectly, the story was amazing as well, even thought is very short I could really connect with the characters. I’m sure the kids are going to be just as enthralled with this amazing book as I was. I will definitely recommend! Thank you netgalley and the publisher for this early copy

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Thank you to NetGalley and Kodansha for the E-arc!

I have watched the Cells at Work animes and enjoyed them but not enough to seek out the manga. However, when I saw this iteration I was a bit intrigued since it takes place in a woman's body and the cells seem to be mostly female. What I was not expecting was a butler-like cell and a focus on women's health. The other Cells at Work! are just as informative but I feel like they are centered around male health and more broader health issues. In Cells at Work! Lady, you get discussions of menstruation, diets, pregnancy, etc. This was a fun read I would tune into this if it gets an anime adaptation.

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Another solid installment in the series with plenty of science to learn. This time with a butler.

The Cells at Work series has always been peak edutainment for me. The original was fun, Code Black was a great twist, and now we have a new installment - Lady? The most evident change is that they story now follows Macrophage instead of a Red Blood Cell, stylized as an ikemen butler (in fact, nearly all the characters in this are ikemen of some sort). The plot follows a lot of the usual virus-busting, but it also covers things like menstruation, dieting, anemia, and a physical exam. But most interesting to me is the relationship that the characters have with the body. The original series didn't touch on this too much, and Code Black was a person who actively did damage to their body. In this case, Macrophage raises a prayer of gratitude every time the body does something to take care of itself, even if it's a small token like a hot bath. But having an anthropomorphized reminder that your body will thank you if you take care of yourself is kind of nice. As usual, there's plenty to learn, all packaged in a fun storytelling device. Fans of the series will enjoy this one too.

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Another entertaining Cells at Work spinoff... This time focusing on women's health!

Overall this was a really fun manga to read, especially as someone AFAB. The goddess worship was a little extreme for me, but it didn't detract from the story. I was especially impressed with their interpretation of the female reproductive system, including the uterus and the endometrial cells there, the metal arms representing prostaglandins and cramping, and the focus on reproductive health (which could've been done without the pretext of birth, but the body doesn't know the difference).

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Another great addition to the Cells at Work universe, this new manga series introduces a new cast of cells who reside within the body of a woman and handle her day-to-day needs. The same handling of germs and viruses occur, but new scenarios are brought to the forefront that focus on issues commonly found amongst women such as PMS and cervical cancer cells. I've always loved this series for its informative nature and the way it educates in a way that keeps the reader's attention, but this particular edition goes above and beyond in the way that the cells worship and adore the body that houses them. In a world where women's bodies are constantly critiqued and have unrealistic standards placed upon them, it's always refreshing to read from a perspective that not only respects the body, but reveres it. The world of this series is a special one, and worth protecting, and it's a joy to see the ways it cares for itself and the actions that can be taken to help with that process. Highly recommend checking this one out, and I look forward to the editions to come!

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The manga is about all the body cells as an individual character who are assigned to do a particular job in the host's body i.e. a human body.
I love the way the writer and illustrator have planned and scripted this beautiful concept. It is easily relatable to all the human being.

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I have read all the book in the Cells at Work series as well as all the spin off and this one may be my favorite. This one was really fun and I liked how accurate it was but in a really funny way. If you enjoyed the original series definitely give this one a shot cause its a lot of fun.

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I have been a huge fan of cells for a long time. This time we get to see the journey from a macrophages point of view and its return to the intense at times, sweet and cute at others storylines.

I finished this one quickly and I loved every part of it and i cant wait to see when the "day of legends" arrives.

If youre new to the series or an old fan definetly pick this one up!

Thank you to net galley for letting me arc read this and to the author as.well.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Kodansha Comics, Shigemitsu Harada, Akari Otokawa, and Akane Shimizu for the opportunity to read this manga in exchange for an honest review.

Much lite traditional Cells at Work!, this manga starts with a few of the basics, like T Cells and Red Blood Cells and White Blood Cells, using fact boxes to explain their functions and how they work in the human body. Well, this series subtitle is "Lady," hinting that we may get some different focused information as the story progresses.

As the subtitle indicates, we learn about what happens to a woman's body during her cycle, accompanying anemia, dieting, and how hormones change when one is in love. This turned from basic Cells at Work! to something very focused in its direction, becoming vastly interesting.

I recommend this for older teens, but find it to be a strong teacher of the topic itself. A fun accompanying installment to the Cells at Work! universe!

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Somehow after all these years I've never read/watched Cells at Work, so when Cells at Work! Lady popped up on NetGalley I knew it was time! This spin-off focuses on common issues for female (that is to say, people designated female at birth, although some intersex and transwomen may have some similar issues dependent upon hormones/etc) bodies, with a huge amount of definitions and explanations in a fun and easy to understand way, helped by anthropomorphized cells and other body-functions including the main character, a sexy butler version of Macrophage. Honestly I learned a ton!!

Thank you to NetGalley and Kodansha for the eARC borrow in exchange for this honest review!

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Review to come to my blog September 11th + also on other places.

I received this book from Netgalley/the publisher in exchange of an honest review.

Yes, another Cells at Work series! I was a bit on the fence about it, on the one hand I am a bit done with all the Cells at Work, but on the other hand I just cannot resist a butler, especially not with glasses. Plus, this one takes place in a female body along with female anatomy stuff, so I was curious. 

In this one we dive into the body of a woman and see all sorts of female stuff happening. From menstruation (which had me both laughing and feeling even sadder for the cells there, I mean, I know that it is called making a bed for the cell and such, but to actually see it in illustration.., but at the same time it was also silly) to dieting (which caused quite some problems for the body and we see how the cells struggle to keep everything afloat and hoping that their lady will eat something) to things like sensitivity to cold (which I could clearly understand, I have the same problem and now I feel a bit bad for my body, then again, my body could also just try harder to stay warm XD), and there is more. It was definitely a lot of fun to read though sometimes a bit too dramatic. 

I loved seeing all my favourite cells again but then a bit different. Personalities are often the same (well, the biggest change would be White Blood Cell who is generally murderous but in this one a scaredycat) but they look different. 

The butler was hot and I loved how good he was with weapons and how quick his wit was. There was just one thing that got a bit off-putting for me. His dedication and stalkerish attitude towards his Lady (aka the body he lives in). It was just a bit creepy seeing him go all out at points, talking to a statue, and more. I mean there is dedication and there is obsession and he was often just heading straight into obsession.

The art was quite fun. Not always the best, but still I like the designs of the characters, love that the body in this one is more like a fancy estate with fancy town instead of what most of the series have shown us. Very elegant. 

All in all, despite the butler being slightly to a lot creepy and some things felt a bit blunt (as we Dutch would say Kort door de bocht) it was still a lot of fun and I would definitely be interested in checking out the next volume.

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