Member Reviews

Mind blown! Such a fantastic book. It had suspense, mystery, a paranormal element, and a neuro divergent protagonist-- I finished it in 2 days. The narrator made it even better, and more interesting. It's labelled as YA, as the protagonists are high school students, but it is easily enjoyed by fans of thrillers/mysteries.
Bex, the main character, only wants to finish high school. Her classmates start dying. She's next? But why? Her family supports her, and nobody really cares about her at school. Amazing plot twists, the ending made me want more.

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This is an incredibly haunting ghost story that I am so grateful I got to hear. It's chilling and a perfect way to kick off your spooky season. I did not see the twist coming at the end at all. It's wonderfully written, spoken, and characterized with excellent representation.

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This book is absolutely amazing!

I love how we are thrown right into the meat of the book. Not having a backstory adds to the intensity of the read!

As a special education teacher dealing primarily with autistic children I love the way Rebecca was written and how her thoughts were translated (especially when she was trying to hear through radio).

This book was amazing! A great read for around a campfire or sleepover and spooky season in general.

The ending did confuse me a little. Rebecca went back to being Rebecca Ashley instead of Rebecca Holly. But who is the ghost that is haunting her? Who is Holly? Was Holly murdered and using Rebecca to help solve cases?

Whatever the meaning of the ending I absolutely loved this book! Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to give it a listen. Also, whomever did the reading did a phenomenal job! Every time she whispered “you found me” I got literal chills. The first time I heard it I jumped a little lol.


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Rating: 4/5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Swipe for Synopsis

Never read a YA horror so I decided to give this one a go, and I must say I was pleasantly surprised.

First and foremost, Bex is a complex character, she’s quirky and perfect and so unbelievably smart with the perfect amount of charm. I loved her. I love the neurodivergent/austism representation and I think Wheaton did a phenomenal job at bringing this amazing character to life. He really explains the complexities and the challenges that a neurodivergent person faces on a daily basis and in my opinion he does it with such grace.

This is a fast paced book. It starts off as a super gripping read and will keep you on the edge of your seat. It’s a psychological suspense / paranormal horror and I thought it was really great at keeping me spooked. I had goosebumps majority of the time I was listening to this one. And oh my god, dont get me started about how I damn near peed myself the first time I heard “You found me” being whispered. Theres definitely an interesting take on the hauntings and how they occurred and I found this to be super intriguing - I would love to see it explored more.

The only thing that kept this one from being a five star read for me was the ending. Unfortunately I felt it to be a bit rushed and a little too open ended for my liking. I think it would be cool to see the one have a sequel at some point, but the way it ended could essentially just be how it ends. This one is also a shorter read so I would have definitely loved more length to this, maybe diving more into the background of the hauntings.

The audiobook, oh my god, the audiobook was phenomenal. The narrator - Annalee Scott was incredible. Seriously, let me say it again, she had me damn near running to turn on every light in my house the second I heard “You found me” for the first time. She was legitimately incredible for this role. Highly highly highly recommend this one on audio!

Overall, if your new to getting into the horror genre of hauntings - this is a great starter. Not overly scary but just the right amount. I think fans of paranormal reading will like this one!

Who Haunts You was just released on 9/2! Go grab your copy today! Huge thank you to NetGalley and Mark Wheaton for my ALC in exchange for my honest review!

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Who Haunts You
By Mark Wheaton
Narrated By Annalee Scott
Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC copy for an honest review.
*kind of ending spoilers in review*
Who Haunts You' is a YA thriller novel, I enjoyed my time with the book and the narration by Annalee Scott was really well done. The story was well paced and the characters believable. My only negative and its only a small negative is the ending it felt a little lacking.. *SPOILERS* it reminded me of the ending of Jennifers Body but with the movie it felt it had more of a resolution
*End of SPOILERS* that being said I did enjoy the book and would recommend it.
Rating: 4 Stars

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3.5 stars

I loved this book up until the last 20%. Rebecca was a well written character, and I loved that the character was autistic & that it didn’t feel like the author made her autistic just to check off a box. The plot was really interesting until they threw in a twist that came out of nowhere and truly made no sense. But the book is short enough that the ending didn’t make me that upset.

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This YA thriller is reminiscent of the Christopher Pike and R. L. Stine novels from the late 80s and early 90s. I really enjoyed the story and felt like the audiobook narrator had a superb performance. But, also like those YA thriller from my youth, I was left wanting more from the ending. I don't want to give more details than that to avoid spoilers. This would have been a five star rating if there had been more resolution in the ending. I was provided with a free copy of this audiobook and this review represents my honest opinion.

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👻 #WhoHauntsYou
🪦 by Mark Wheaton
🎧 narrated by Annalee Scott

After a fellow student dies stranhely, Bex, a neurodivergent high schooler, gets hyperfocused on solving the mystery.

Bex herself is often ignored or infantalized by her family. She's an odd MC choice because she's not actually very connected to anyone in the story. Her status as an outsider could be interesting, but it's never very utilized.

The mystery is compelling, but the reader is never given quite enough information to solve it. By the end of the book when the villain is unmasked, it has the same feeling as when Velma would explain all the behind the scenes things that happened off camera that would have helped us solve the crime with them.

I was not confused by the twisting realities, but they were confusing. It seemed like an unnecessary complication.

Overall, I was fully invested in this story until the end when it all started fraying apart. Its kind of fun and quick and the audiobook narrator is good.

2/3 fictitious ghosts

Thanks to #netgalley for giving me the opportunity to listen to this!

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What a great YA thriller! It was fast paced, intriguing and I binge listened to it in one day. The storytelling was cinematic and I can absolutely see this becoming a TV series or movie. The ending left me spooked! If you are a fan of teen screams or ghost stories, this is definitely a must read!

*Thank you to NetGalley and Mark Wheaton for sharing an Audiobook ARC in exchange for an honest review*

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Overall, I enjoyed this audiobook! Bex is a high school senior who becomes fascinated with the sudden deaths of three different seniors at her school. She discovers that each appears to have been haunted by a relative that doesn’t actually exist… right before being visited by a ghost of her own. This book was a fast-paced, fun ride! I have a long commute, and this book kept my attention the whole time. The plot is engaging, and I enjoyed being on the journey with the main character. There were plenty of twists and turns to keep the reader guessing.
*Mild Spoiler Below*
Throughout the book I thought I would be giving it five stars, but ended up at four because the ending took some serious suspicion of disbelief. I had to make the deliberate decision to go along with the author, but I could understand not being able to do so.

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I don't read a ton of YA, but this was really good. The audiobook was about 4 hours (perfect length for someone like me who loves a fast pace!) I think listening to this was a lot creepier than if I were to read a physical copy. I had goosebumps during the ghost scenes. The narrator created such an eerie atmosphere.

I loved the overall story, and there were plenty of twists to keep my head spinning. As a mama with two neurodivergent kids, I loved reading a book with an MC that has autism.

The ending of this book was SO GOOD, that I'm praying Mark Wheaton writes a sequel!

Thank you #NetGalley and #MarkWheaton for a copy in exchange for an honest review

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I feel like anything I might say about this book is a spoiler, so - sorry. Except maybe this one thing: Who Haunts You is a psychological horror. Teen death and psychological trauma are both huge factors in this story. If these are triggers for you, read with caution.

At a highly competitive high school, where everyone’s GPA and class rank are public knowledge, the salutatorian suddenly and mysteriously dies. Then the beloved star jock is next. If there is a pattern to be seen, Rebecca is the one who would find it. Her neurodivergent mind picks out patterns. The unique way her Autistic brain works also sometimes leaves her feeling outside looking in; so when her classmates continue to deal with tragedy, Rebecca is watching - and connecting the dots.

Ok, that’s all I can reasonably say about the plot without giving away things you should really find out for yourself.

Quote: “I’m lightyears from the person I was, and still a few miles from the person I want to be. But Dr. Tamar assures me that’s normal. I can feel now that there’s a future taking shape ahead of me, one that hadn’t felt possible before where I might - dare I say it - thrive. Thanks, Dr. Tamar.”

I had a maddening love/hate relationship with this story for all kinds of reasons - which is of course the sign of a well written story. In the end it was unexpected and unsettling and horrific - so, Well Done! One thing I particularly liked was the neurodivergent narrator. Being on the autism spectrum is neither unmentionable nor uncommon. Having books that embrace this is great. BUT I disliked that the narrator is identified as only neurodivergent, without the possibly more relevant diagnoses mentioned. Makes me worry that people who do not understand the complex and widely varied diagnosis of autism may end up with the wrong idea. But, that would be a spoiler, wouldn’t it.

Good reads:

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I was provided a copy of the audiobook from NetGalley for this book.

An autistic teen is trying to manage high school when her peers start dying and she decides that something is off about the deaths.

I loved the first 3/4 of this book. It was a really cool version of a haunting and the writing was fast paced and fun. The last 1/4 felt a little like it came out of left field and a LOT happened in that last 1/4. I did not love the ending and felt like a lot was left hanging but not in a way that felt good to me. I usually don’t mind ambiguous endings but this wasn’t ambiguous it was more like “here’s an ending that doesn’t answer some key questions”.

The narrator was fantastic. Did a great job of setting the eerie mood and making the haunting feel very creepy.

The autism portrayal actually felt pretty good to me as someone who is autistic. Her experience is not mine, but it didn’t feel super stereotypical either. It did seem to be portrayed as not a great thing, though this was probably due to the situations she found herself in.

I will definitely read more of this author even if this wasn’t my favorite. Like I said, the writing was overall really solid and fun and I feel like this may have just not been an ending for me but other books may be!

Would recommend to my therapist just so I could ask her what she thought. Would not recommend to people who are looking for a lighter read.

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I loved it. Its the first audio book i have listened to. The narrator and author go perfect together. The book is intense from the start, with mind blowing twists. A wondeful read, can't wait for the continuation.

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Mark Wheaton brings an interesting element to this book in the form of his autistic / neurodivergent main character. This story was craftily written, while not going on any unnecessary side tangents. While it is a short listen, there is plenty of time for anticipation of the twists along the way. I really enjoyed the narrators role in this audiobook as well.

If you're looking for a fast paced YA horror, this is a solid choice!

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I really enjoyed the story! its a very quick read perfect for autumn. I liked the main character a lot! I liked how it was an unreliable narrator, you never knew what was real and what was fake and I loved it. I would 100% love to read more of Mark Wheaton's work!

I really enjoyed the narrator for the audiobook, I loved how she would whisper when the entity would talk bringing that level or eeriness that I enjoyed!

overall 4 ⭐

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What a great surprise this YA supernatural horror/psychological thriller was. I enjoyed it a lot. The narrator was really good at capturing the creepy factor of this book, I really enjoyed listening to her. This is also quite a quick listen and the perfect start to spooky season.

The vibes and the creepy atmosphere in this book were spot on, I was truly creep out at times. I honestly had trouble knowing what was real and what wasn't. Who was telling the truth and who was out of their mind.

I really liked Bex the main character, she was relatable and likeable. All the events that occurred, the coincidences and clues that Bex found made would've also made me doubt myself into what is real and what isn't.

I was really engaged in this ghost story and it's unlike anything I've read before. I will definitely look out for this author.

If you're looking for a short YA ghostly, psychological thriller for spooky season try this one!

✨️Thank you to @netgalley & @markwheaton for my free ALC in exchange for an honest review.

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Listening to Who Haunts You by Mark Wheaton, I found that I really liked this (audio)book. The narrator was very comforting and did a great job and the story was very tense and captivating. I personally very much liked the main character and - as an autistic person myself - thought she was very well and accurately portrayed. Towards the end I personally wasn't sure what to think of it, because as an autistic person with a strong sense of justice I had my own quarrels with the ending, but it was definetely not predictable in my opinion and that is a very important point in a thriller, murder mystery story.
I personally think though, that this book should have trigger warnings at the beginning, especially for derealization, because books with neurodivergent characters draw the attention of neurodivergent readers, who may have issues by some things happening in this book and might get triggered by it.

All in all I really enjoyed the (audio)book and will recommend it to my friends and also to customers at work.

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Wow. This book was extremely well done. Listening to it as an audiobook was an incredible experience. The narrator was amazing and made it so I couldn’t stop listening. I was shocked by how it ended because I wanted it to keep going. I still need some answers but that’s the beauty of the ending

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I finished this audiobook within a 24 hour period. I really enjoyed the narration and the storyline in general. When I paused the book all I could think about was trying to find more time to listen. The author does a great job of writing a story from Bex’s perspective. She has autism and begins to fixate in recent deaths at her high school. Bex is trying to solve the suspicious deaths before she dies herself. While introducing herself Bex explains what autism is how her brain works. Throughout the story she is trying to determine if her neurological disorder is getting worse or something paranormal is happening.

I don’t read a lot of YA or horror, but this was just creepy enough to keep me going. This was my first full audiobook and I really enjoyed it. The narrator did a great job on speaking for each character. Especially the “ghost”!!

Read this book if you love creepy, paranormal activity, a quick read and a one person POV.

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