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📖🎧Who Haunts You by: Mark Wheaton | 📅 Pub Day: OUT TODAY!

This was the perfect short and sweet YA, dark academia, horror, who-done-it and why novel. At just about 170 pages/4.5hrs at 1x speed it was a fast paced, action packed, and thrilling book full of twists and turns!

This is definitely an audiobook that should be on your TBR this fall if you like YA dark academia that packs a lot in a short amount of time! The narrator definitely added a level of creepiness and gave me shivers a few time while listening so I would highly recommend the audio for maximum spookiness!

When I was listening to this I couldn’t get out of my head how much this reminded me of an episode of ‘Goosebumps’ or the 90s Nickelodeon show ‘Are You Afraid of the Dark’ (not so much in content or time period but definitely vibes of that spooky and creepiness)!!!


Special thanks to the author and netgalley for the advance copy of this audiobook to read and review prior to publish day.

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Devoured this all in one sitting 😳😮‍💨 a good, fast paced, supernatural-fight for your life kind of spooky read! Perfect for spooky season.
I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about this one since it is YA, but it did not disappoint! An interesting concept on the mystery of “why” these supernatural, unexplained deaths are occurring! I loved it. The ending was satisfying 👏🏼
Audiobook made this nice and creepy too, good job narrator!

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Happy Release Day📚
Book Title: Who Haunts You
Author: Mark Wheaton
Genre: YA, Suspense, Thriller, paranormal
Release Day: Sept 2, 2023
Format: Audio Book
Rating: Storyline 4.5 ⭐️ 5 Narration

Synopsis: High school senior Rebecca “Bex” Koeltl is just trying to make it to graduation. But when her fellow seniors begin dying in seemingly unrelated incidents, Bex uncovers disturbing connections between their deaths, including that the teens believed they were haunted by long-dead relatives their own family members swear never existed. After Bex is visited by a malevolent specter of her own, she realizes she has to get the bottom of this horror before she’s its next victim...

My Thoughts: This was such a fun listen! I listened in one day. Reminded me of almost like a paranormal version of Good Girls Guide to Murder. It had that feel to how the story flowed and the YA aspect of it. I absolutely loved it and this this should definitely be on at least your October haunts TBR!

Thank you to @NetGalley and Mark Wheaton for this ALC in exchange for honest review.

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I really liked seeing this book offered. As an autistic person myself, I was excited to see a story from the point of view of an autistic person and it did not disappoint, I found myself agreeing with some of the stuff that she was the music and people speaking getting all mixed up. Anyways, the book deals with the protagonist and a group of students that go to her school and start dying after suspicious events/beliefs. It is a fast listen (especially since I heard it at 1.5x) that keeps your interest and keeps you guessing until the end. I would love for there to be a sequel but I believe the book does give you an end. Definitely recommend.

Thank you NetGalley and Mark Wheaton for an advanced copy of the audiobook,

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I really enjoyed Annalee Scott narration of this book. This was a really good haunting story. Bex was a well written character. She has autism and I felt like the author really captured that. I found myself cheering her on as she searched for clues in the deaths of her peers. I definitely didn't see the twist coming!! If you're looking for a good YA horror read then I would definitely recommend this book.

Thank you NetGalley and Mark Wheaton for allowing me to listen to this ARC in advance for my honest opinion.

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3.5 stars. I really enjoyed the fast paced storytelling that was a cross between psychological thriller and paranormal horror. It was a really intriguing concept and I really enjoyed how the story played out. My one criticism was the characterization of Bex and her autism; I really appreciate the representation of neurodivergent characters and it was interesting seeing how Bex processes her day to day life. I just didn’t really enjoy the portrayal of Bex as aggressive, uncontrollable, and at times volatile due to her condition.

I listened to the audiobook version of this eArc and loved Annalee Scott’s narration. She provided terrific acting and added to the suspense of the writing.

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Before I start my review, I want to say that this is the first time I ever tried an audiobook, and I was totally into it. Thanks NetGalley for this wonderful opportunity!

Now let's start.

For this first experience, I took one of my favorite topics: ghost stories.
This YA, easy to read (& listen to) and very catchy, was a delight.

We are in the body of Rebecca “Bex”, a high school senior, who had the fatality to love a little too much mystery. One day, one girl at her school died abruptly, and for her it didn’t add up. Something was off.

So, without knowing how she ended up all this mystery looking for why this girl died.

As the story goes along, we learned that Rebecca has autism and it’s pretty well represented in this book. Sometimes she even makes jokes about it. I love this part because we know it’s there. This is something that she’s living with and we partially experience that with her. How she gets overwhelmed by things, how sometimes even conversations are hard to follow, and the list goes on.

I used to read a lot of representations of autism in books, but this one is actually one of the best I’ve read so far.

She was a well written, developed, interesting and intriguing main character. I loved every bit of her thoughts, action, attention to details, and even the little plot of thought in the end.

I was talking about the mystery of the ghost story.

At first, when we entered into the mystery of the death, we learned that someone else died, and at this moment, she started to see ghosts.

One ghost in particular: Holly.

And a lot of things that were presented to us in the first part of this ghost story started to change completely. I was lost. I was thinking; this is not her name? Probably she thought about it but this wasn't her name, was it? Is this all a lie? Are we in a matrix? All of those questions were in my head while listening.

And as we read a listen, we have some clues who did the killing and how it happens. It was a thin redline, linking every hint to the real culprit.

It was amazingly done.

Then, the little plot to the very last chapter, I loved it. It was brought in a way that until now I’m still wondering what was real and what was not.

So if you want to know or make your own theory about how it ends and what’s real, go, read it!

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First off, many thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this book as an audio ARC! I greatly appreciate it!

This book had a really great start. The mystery was super intriguing and Rebecca was an interesting main character. She's the first main character I've ever read who's actually confirmed to be autistic! The way she was written was so realistic that I actually had to stop reading for a minute to process a few times!

The plot was twisty and held my attention for most of the story, but the third act was... Not good, especially the ending. The twist gets sprung out of nowhere, with very little build-up. The reveal was disappointing and didn't make much sense.

The writing itself was good enough that I'd definitely read other stories by this author, and the narrator is amazing! What a performance! I also liked that it was short. Too many bricks are getting published these days.

3.5 stars out of 5!

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I chose this one, as someone mentioned it giving an autistic experience, plus it was horror (my favorite) and an audiobook (August has been a busy month). I have to stay that I thoroughly enjoyed it. The narration is great. The story is both spooky, and gives an urban legend / "creepy medical backstory" background. Both of which I love to read about, whether they are true or made up for the book. Even though this book is YA Horror, it still didn't feel "overly YA" in which I mean, I could still relate to the experiences and feel for the characters. It was a fast and quick read, so it helped as I've been in a bit of a reading slump. I would definitely read more by this author.

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Rebecca “Bex” Koeltl is an autistic girl just trying to make it to the end of her senior year of high school. But when several of her classmates die in unrelated incidents, Bex uncovers disturbing connections between their deaths. The most disturbing being that all three teens have had claimed to be haunted by a family member that no one else in their family knows leading up to their death.

Bex begins to investigate these deaths on her own and keeps finding odd connections. While doing her research, Bex begins to be haunted by an aunt she doesn't remember having that her family swears has always been there. To make matters worse, her mother and sister believe her accusations regarding what's going on is a side effect of her autism. Bex hopes to figure out what's happening before she's the next to die.

This was a fun, creepy story and was a very quick read. I liked the look at all the different ways the students who died had been acting odd leading up to their deaths and how the story slowly revealed how all of those people were connected. I also liked that this was from Bex's point of view and you got to see her thought process while working within her neurodivergence. I did not like the ending, however. It felt rushed and not cohesive with the rest of the story.

I received an advance copy of the audiobook that was read by Annalee Scott and she did an amazing job with this. The voices of the "haunts" were perfectly creepy and the bluntness of some of Bex's more questionable actions came across very well. I think this is the first time I've listened to a book read by Annalee Scott, but I'd be interested to hear more.

Thank you Netgalley and Mark Wheaton for providing this ALC to me!

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The beginning was a bit confusing, but then we had a fast paced story of haunt.
I always appreciate it when protagonists are autistic or unconventional, as we are being reminded in the most gentle way that they usually are very smart and conscious and sensitive.
Bex is an exceptional girl, solving the yarn thread by thread, throwing us here and there until we feel exhausted and haunted ourselves.
We had a slight twist at the end, which I thought was impossible and the very ending gave me goosebumps. So, well done, author, nice story and well done, narrator, good job.

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What a fun, fast paced read! I enjoyed that the main character was a high school girl living on the spectrum as the suspense builds. While the story reads a bit young for an adult, I would have really enjoyed this book in my younger years.

The intrigue of the story builds when facts and people start changing and you lose the ability to understand what parts are real and what parts are not. It’s refreshing to find a good story where neurodivergent main character finds her own way through these horrific events as people die around her, the ending was good and would have been a 5-star if there had been a bit.. more. Highly enjoyed though.

Thank you NetGalley & Off Limits Press for the ARC of this book.

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This was a fun & quick read to listen to throughout my day at work.
The story follows Rebecca aka Bex, a teen with autism. In less than 3 months three of the students died and Bex is thinning she may be the fourth.

As her story unraveled digging into the deaths of her classmates Bex finds herself questioning things she knew her whole life and wondering if she’s being torments by a spirit.

I enjoyed this book as a quick listen for the week!

Thank you NetGalley!

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WOW.. This did not feel like 170 pages at all.. in the best way possible. I genuinely felt like I was watching a thriller/horror film the entire time rather than just reading/listening to one.

“Who Haunts You” follows the story of Rebecca (aka bexs) who is trying to navigate through her senior year as a neurodivergent (academically, below average) student at a nationally ranked and very competitive high school. After the mysterious deaths of 3 of her classmates, she begins to theorize that this can’t just be a coincidence and there must be a connection. As she continues to try to put the pieces together to try to find a pattern, she begins to fear that she might be the next victim after she experiences a strange/supernatural encounter. Racing against time, she tries to discover the “why” in hopes of preventing her death.

I LOVEEEE Bexs so much. I just want to hug her and tell her that she is not alone. 🥺 She is funny, brave, and incredibly smart (despite her rank at school). As a parent to a child with autism, I really appreciate the research and consideration that Mark Wheaton took in developing Bexs character rather than labeling her with just stereotypical behaviors. Mark mentions in his acknowledgments that he has autism as well and is also a father to someone who is on the spectrum, so it’s really awesome to see that he not only was able to use his own experiences as a neurodivergent individual, but also sought out additional insight and feedback from many others as well.

I received the ARC copy of the book and Audiobook through NetGalley. Annalee Scott does a PHENOMENAL job at narrating and really pulls you into the story. I don’t even like horror movies but she did such a great job at bringing her character to life and the creepy/scary scenes gave me actual goosebumps!!! There was not a single dull moment in this book. This is definitely one I’ll be re-reading/listening to before the year ends!

Thank you to NetGalley and Off Limits Press for the ARC copies. An even bigger thank you to Mark Wheaton for really providing an amazing perspective of what it can be like to live life through the mind of someone who is neurodivergent.

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This is a review of the audio version of this book. I have said this so many times lately, “I want a scary book”. For some reason, I have had a craving for horror and I couldn’t get my horror fix. Who Haunts You gave that to me but I think that’s all because of the narration by Annalee Scott. 

This is a paranormal story and that’s where Scott made those horror elements shine. No spoilers, it’s a paranormal story so you know there are ghosts. When the ghost speaks to the main character Rebecca, her voice will give you instant chills. Her ghost narration has stuck with me long after I finished the story. 

I really liked Rebecca and how she was written. Rebecca is autistic and the representation is very well done. Rebecca was so relatable and the way some of her quirks were written was truly relatable. I go back and forth on the ending of this book. I wanna talk about it so go read this book and let's talk about the end!

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The best and brightest at Rebecca's (Bex's) school have begun to die in weird accidents. Then the weird artsy kid dies, and because high school is, well, high school, most people ignore it. But Bex is troubled. After the deaths, he had been sending her videos, photos, and information hinting that these weren't all random accidents. Then he Facetimed her while he was burning in his grandmother's house. Bex isn't sure how all these things relate, until her own life is seemingly turned upside down - a relative that doesn't exist appears to be haunting her and her middle name is suddenly different, because she was allegedly named after the deceased aunt. Bex feels like she's losing her mind, but she knows something is going on. The key now is to figure it out before her own unnatural death occurs...

This was very fast-paced. I am aware of the social experiment mentioned in the book, and it was interesting how it fit into the story. All in all, a quick, satisfying read.

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I have to say that the beginning of this book was a little slow and confusing for me. I was about to stop reading it and then I got to chapter 4 and everything changed… the book was so interesting that I didn’t want to stop listening to it as I wanted to know what was going on. I had so many theories and I’m sure you will too once you start reading it and not until the last moment everything will be uncovered.

Rebecca is a girl on the spectrum, she’s starts seeing Holly, her great aunt that died when she was a teenager. The thing is… Holly has never being a member of her family as far as she remembers, even though everyone else around her does. Is Rebecca going crazy? Would Holly kill her?

Thank you NetGalley and Mark Wheaton for the ALC in exchange of my honest opinion.

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Fantastic audio production for a really good story. I enjoyed listening to this along with reading the book. Recommended to fans of horror and especially ghosts.

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Thankyou #netgalley for the copy of this book for a honest review.
Ya horror. Fast paced . Easy to read for youngsters .
It was a good story with Rebecca who has a asd but very well trying to get by. Up until she was haunted or is she?
It lost just a tiny bit of stars with me because the writing on the end doesn’t quite mix when she was getting sentenced. I keep on repeating the words but it just a tiny mishap there but it was light and easy to read .


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This thriller’s first sentence jumps right into the storyline and continues at a running pace all the way until the twisted turn at the end. The story is from the point of view of Rebecca (“Bex”), a high school senior, as she tries to uncover the connections of her fellow classmates’ recent deaths. If she wants to graduate with her classmates, then she better figure out who the killer is fast before she is the next victim.

The storyline thoroughly walks you through Bex’s thoughts and actions as she pieces together the mystery, and it also provided valuable insight into the complexity of autism. Throughout the story, Bex battles her confusion of the situation with her neurodiversity. The ghost hauntings certainly don’t help her either. You could actually feel the confusion come through the words. It was so well written that I actually got confused at times, but in a way that was obviously intentional to keep me guessing and moving forward in the story. I thought I had a suspicion of who the killer was, but the twist at the end was so unexpected that I had a “whoa” moment.

My only complaint was that I wish there were more scary, ghost moments. I didn’t feel as much terror as I was expecting. The setting of the quiet, dark library was perfect for ghostly encounters. This is especially true when one is alone…no, thank you.

The author, Mark Wheaton, takes you on a rollercoaster ride with this fast-paced ghost story! I recommend this book to anyone looking for a thriller read that can be completed in one sitting.

I actually read this book and listened to the audiobook version! I prefer the audiobook because the narrator’s voice just added that creepy ghost factor I felt I was missing in the book version.

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