Member Reviews

Who Haunts You is a YA book but I think it’s more the 13/14 yr old YA. I think the writing and story is probably a bit too simple for those over 25. That’s not to say it isn’t an enjoyable book, it’s just not meant for someone my age!

It’s a quick read, or listen in my case since I had the audiobook. I found the first half was a bit slow, but it really picked up in the second half and I was quite curious to see how the story would play out. It was a storyline I hadn’t seen before, and I was very curious about an experiment mentioned in the story. I actually googled it when I finished the book and discovered it really happened. So I also learned something!

I didn’t figure out the twist , and was second guessing my theories as the ending came around. I didn’t find the ending super satisfying, but that is more a preference than a fault of the book.

I think a teen would really enjoy this book and it reminds me of the types of books (Christopher Pike, R.L. Stine) that I read when I was 12/13!

I rate is 4/5 stars since it was very unique but a bit of a slow start.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me an audio copy of Who Haunts You which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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I didn't like this one. I think autism can be a tricky thing to portray and a writer will inevitably end up with people feeling like they’ve been misrepresented under the best of circumstances. These were not the best of circumstances. At the end of this book, I felt myself asking, Why? Why write this? What was the point? Why write an autistic character, torture her, and then give her a miserable ending? I felt like I got nothing out of this book.

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I’ve been chewing on my thoughts here for a while.

I want to tell you that I really enjoyed this because, for the most part, I did. I adored the main character and found certain aspects of her personality relatable, plus I felt the novel was extremely fast paced with satisfying creepiness and a great mystery to work away at my brain. The author included some important social commentary on academic competitiveness and the writing was absolutely phenomenal. I was fully invested in this story.


I did not care for the ending. It felt hastily completed (and, ultimately, incomplete) with a twist that left me feeling ill-at-ease, and not in the way that a suspenseful horror should do. I do wish the author had gone a different route with this and that he’d stretched it all out a bit longer. It is a short book, leaving room for so much more.

3.5 stars

I am immensely grateful to Mark Wheaton and NetGalley for my copy. All opinions are my own.

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4.5 stars. Great thriller. Extremely fast paced.
It did take me a couple chapters to really get invested. But once I was. I was in for the long haul. Great twists and turns.

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Good quick read. I thought the characters were written very well and the storyline was interesting, although there was something missing. I think it was the open ending that didn't really provide a good close to the story that in the end made it feel unfinished. Overall, I like that it was quick and definitely made the reader/listener think and kept me guessing about what was happening.

Thank you NetGalley for the arc.

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Gifted copy from Netgalley

This was a short listen with just over 4 hours.

The book is fast-paced with a mixture of plot and character-driven.

The main character - Bex or Rebecca flaws does a play big part in the book. I feel the flaws make it better for the reader to relate to the main protagonist.

Who Haunts you gives you seriously - scream, I know what you did last summer vibe. If you love horror then you HAVE to listen to this book.

What I enjoyed a lot was the different voice for the spooky parts, there was a moment or two where I truly did get a fright. I did not see the plot twist and the ending. Damn man, now will there be a book too. Does Bex gets her revenge?

Look I loved this audiobook and recommend you give it a listen

I give it 4 out of 5 stars.

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I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. This review is entirely my own opinion.

This book was exactly what I needed it to be. I alternated between the digital and audiobooks because I could not put it down I had to know what happens next.

The audiobook is one of the best I have listened to this year. The narrator does an absolutely amazing job of keeping you interested in the story. The first time the words "You found me." were spoken my anxiety levels went through the roof and my heart was racing. The narration is 5 stars.

I was completely invested in the story right from the first page. Although I did figure out the twist about a chapter or so before the FMC I feel like it was done on purpose.

The only reason I gave it four stars instead of five is that the ending left me wanting a little more from it.

This book is perfect for the upcoming spooky season. It's a short, fast paced, quick read that's guaranteed to get your heart rate up and have you checking to make sure there is no one looking over your shoulder.

Well done to Mark Wheaton.

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“The more you look, the more you find, the more you believe. Are you ready to die?”

Who Haunts You by Mark Wheaton is a spooky YA suspense thriller about a group of high school seniors. Bex is autistic, always on the outside. She spends most her time volunteering at the school’s library, hiding in the shadows. When 3 of the class’s most gifted students tragically die back to back to back, Bex becomes obsessed with making sense of it all. She begins to suspect the deaths are linked and soon finds herself in a real life ghost hunt.

Right off the bat, readers are drawn into Bex’s autistic mind. Wheaton does an amazing job explaining the complexities of autism and how it affects someone’s day to day life. In short: I fell in love with Bex. She is smart, she is funny, she is strong, and she is a dang good detective. She bravely takes us with her down a dark haunted rabbit hole and together we try and find the truth.

I highly recommend this as an audio book. I listened to it in 1 day at work (don’t tell my boss!). I felt like I was watching a well loved scary movie from my past. I could picture all the characters perfectly. Scott exceeded at playing the role of Bex . Her voice was clear and easy to listen to. I never got bored - always needing to find the next clue.

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Who Haunts You is the first book I've read by Mark Wheaton and I was not disappointed. The author did a wonderful job at writing an autistic main character and I loved getting to know Bex throughout the story. I've been all about hauntings lately and this supernatural psychological suspense / horror was just what I have been looking for. It was a short and fast paced story that had me biting my lip in anticipation. I do think the ending was too rushed but the final twist really made up for that. I highly recommend for fans of psychological suspense and hauntings.

Thank you to the author, publishers, and netgalley for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I don’t know what to think about this one. Thanks to this one I’ve come to understand that I don’t really like open endings.
I just feel like I won’t remember this story in two months time. The main character was fine, the writing was fine and the plot was fine. Everything was fine but I never caught myself being in the story I was always just doing something else while listening, I never stopped and only listened, and for me it’s a sign that I liked it but didn’t love it. I don’t really have anything bad to say, it was just middle of the road.

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Wow! This tiny book packs a punch. Clocking in at 174 pages, and about 4.5hrs audio, I listened to it on 2x speed and raced through it.

The narrator is excellent. She adds emotion without being overwhelming and off-putting. There's inflection and the pacing varies based on the story's events. I mean, she even sings at one point. Kudos for that!

The story itself is pretty pedal to the metal. Students in a competitive high school are dying off, and there's worry about if they're connected or coincidences. Bex is a neurodivergent teen who is picking up on patterns that either don't exist or others can't see--depending on your interpretation.

I think this is a GREAT story for any hesitant readers and/or anyone looking for a quick, eerie look into high school pressures.

Overall: 4 stars

I'll tell my students about: alcohol, language, drugs, death/murder, trauma, stalking, violence

**Thank you to NetGalley and Mark Wheaton for the free ALC. All opinions expressed are my own.**

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Thank you to Netgalley and the author for an advanced copy of this audiobook.

This book was so genuinely good, quick, and creepy.  But this audio legit gave me the creeps!  Narrator Annalee Scott does a very good job of making chills run down your spine.  Listen with headphones on.  

This is a creepy, coming of age YA horror that has a very unique spin.  Loved it!

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My initial interest in Who Haunts You by Mark Wheaton was the combination of ghosts and autism representation. For Bex’s senior year, high school is all about grades and early college acceptance. Her classmates start dying in mysterious ways. This tells the story of one person who chases their dream of being valedictorian the cut-throat way and Bex takes the blame. Thanks to Mark Wheaton and NetGalley for the ALC.

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Who Haunts You tell the story of three students who were mysteriously killed and Rebecca, who has autism, is convinced that something is going on and these murders were not a coincidence. However, she starts being haunted by a spirit, with each interaction getting crazier & crazier. She starts to realize that there are connections to each murder that are similar to her own experience - which means that she's also racing against time to stop her own demise.

I'm a sucker for a good paranormal book that creeps me out - Who Haunts You definitely gave had a creep factor that kept me on the edge of my toes and made the book one that I couldn't put down.

Annalee Scott was a fantastic narrator - I loved the difference in her voice when it went between Rebecca and Holly. She had great energy that made the audiobook a joy to listen to.

However, I really struggled with the "twist" at the end and I could have done with a completely different ending. Because of that, I did knock it from a 5 start to a 4.5 star.

Thank you NetGalley and the author for the ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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I was able to read an advanced copy of this book thanks to NetGalley. Thank you to the author and publishers.

I want to start off this review as a preface that I don’t usually read books involving spirits and or ghosts. It was an interesting book and well written. I really liked the main character and her “personality” the main character was an autistic neurodivergent high schooler who was trying to fit in. Several students from her Highschool died in mysterious ways. Bex, the main character was able to uncover eerie similarities between their deaths. The story line was interesting. This psychological thriller was a great and quick read. I give it 4 stars only due to the fact that it’s not my typical kind of reading but overall I think it was written well.

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Who Haunts You is a fast paced YA supernatural thriller. Bex (Rebecca) is an autistic high school senior. Despite her less than stellar GPA and class ranking you can tell she’s smart and has goals in life. You get the sense she’s sort of watching the world from the outside. But then some of her fellow students die, and there is something off about these deaths and Bex is drawn into investigating. The more she looks into things the more bizarre things appear, such as each of the dead students suddenly being obsessed over a perceived unknown family member. And then Bex’s own worldview begins to shift. What is happening and will she be the next to die? The pacing is fast and the story really pulled me in. I will say the ending seemed a little rushed/abrupt, but overall it was a heck of a ride. Very much had a type of Ring/It Follows-ish vibe, and I think it would translate well to a movie. I will also say my experience with autism is quite limited, but Mark Wheaton does a fantastic job bringing that aspect of the story to life. Annalee Scott’s narration is spot on. I’d like to thank Mark Wheaton and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen and review an advanced copy of the audio version of Who Haunts You.

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Wow! Who Haunts You was a haunting tale that will stick with me for awhile! A high school student named Bex desperately tries to uncover the truth when chilling events start impacting her and her classmates. If you are looking for a unique take on a ghost story, this is it. The author did a fantastic job brining the chills while doing a great job representing autism. This a creepy, must read, just in time for spooky season!

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Rebecca “Bex” Koeltl is just a normal girl with autism, trying to get through high school unscathed, when her classmates start dropping like flies. The circumstances around their deaths are suspicious to say the least, as they are said to have been being haunted by people that supposedly does not exist. Bex finds her self with a haunting of her own, and tries to get to the bottom of this supernatural mystery before she herself dies.

This Young adult horror novel was definitely one of the better novels centered around hauntings I’ve ever read. It was fast paced, twisty and simply a pleasure to read. The audiobook made it even creepier with a great narrator and creepy whispers that add to the atmosphere of the novel.

I don’t usually see a lot of books that have autistic/ neurodivergent main characters, in addition to doing it well. But Mark Wheaton did it wonderfully, and I felt it added something more to the story which would have otherwise been missed.

I recommend this novel to anyone looking for a fast YA horror read.

Big thanks to Netgalley, and Mark Wheaton for allowing me to listen to an audio arc of this novel.

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This review contains spoilers and was rated using the CAWPILE method…

Main/Important Characters (6/10):
Rebecca “Bex” Koeltl – has autism, current class rank #401
Glory – Bex’s older sister
Yunwen Lei – current class rank #2; first to die
Julie G – current class rank #1; voted most popular
Darrell Anolik – current class rank #3
Bina Henry - current class rank #14; volunteers at library with Bex

There was a good understanding of Bex’s experience with autism and being neurodivergent. We had good, but brief backstory on the other characters. The only thing missing was Bina’s real motivations at the end.

Atmosphere/Setting (9/10):
The book is set in high school, but bounces around the town that they live in. When listening to the audiobook, the atmosphere is very spooky, meaning the narrator did a fantastic job!

Writing Style (8/10):
I really enjoyed the author’s writing. The “ghostly” voices were easy to distinguish from the thoughts of the main character. The plot was easy to connect together with very few gaps to figure out what was going on.

Plot (7/10):
The plot was very good until the end, when I started questioning what was going on. I was very confused about what happened at the end and left me with more questions than answers.

Intrigue (10/10):
This book kept me at the edge of my seat and I wanted more!

Logic/Relationships (5/10):
The relationship among the characters could have been developed a little more. I felt like there were some parts that fell very flat as we are trying to connect together the pieces of this story, like more backstory on Bina and the ghostly voices.

Enjoyment (7/10):
Overall, I enjoyed this book and would read more by Mark Wheaton!

CAWPILE score = 7.4
Star Rating = 4 stars

Thank you to NetGalley for an Advanced Reader's Copy of this book.

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The story was fast-paced and interesting with an unexpectedly unreliable narrator and a plot that shifted around quite a bit.

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