Member Reviews

Such a fun and fast read. I wasn't expecting all the twists and turns. I would recommend for anyone getting into thrillers.

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Thank you NetGalley for the audio book! I listened to it while already reading the ebook. This book was so well written. Super trippy. I was trying to figure out who was doing all of this and why it was happening. Was it ghosts? Was it kids losing their minds? Doing drugs? What was going on. The ending got me. I’ll admit it. I was NOT expecting it. Awesome book! I will definitely be telling my friends about this one!

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Who Haunts You is a fast-paced and engaging young adult thriller that has a constant pull to the resolution.. I wanted to love this more than I did but it was a midtier read that was overall enjoyable and engaging.

The narrative unfolds at an engaging pace, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as Bex delves into the disturbing connections between the deaths. The author skillfully weaves a web of intrigue, making readers question the motivations of each character. Each character has a distinct history, offering insight into their lives and driving their actions. This adds depth to the narrative and enhances the understanding of each character's motivations. The story successfully navigates the intricate dynamics between the characters, revealing hidden secrets and building a sense of suspense.

However, despite the thrilling build-up, the ending falls somewhat short of expectations. While still satisfying, it leaves a lingering sense of letdown after the intense journey.

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Wasn't a fan. It wasn't the easiest book to get into, narrator was a little flat and it was obvious as to what was going to happen.

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This was an enjoyable listen. The narrator was fantastic and I appreciated how easy it was to get lost in the story. I am a scary movie fan and it felt very much like watching one while listening!

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A haunting tale told from the perspective of Bex, a neurodivergent high school senior, who is just trying to make it to graduation. The many twists and turns will keep the reader engaged and questioning their own memory as they try to solve the mystery. Listening to the audiobook gives an added chill as narrator Annalee Scott channels ghostly whispers in your ears.

Thank you NetGalley and Mark Wheaton for an advanced copy of the audiobook.

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I had both the digital & audio versions of this book. Thank you Netgalley. I listened to this more than reading it. It was a very good whodunit. The main character is a high school girl with autistic outbursts. Very good book. Kept me guessing until the end. Would listen to this author's books again.

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This book was truly captivating, keeping you in suspense throughout. It can be categorized as a Young Adult Psychological Thriller with elements of horror, and it's filled with numerous outstanding aspects.

The atmosphere created in the book is exceptional, with a well-executed twist that adds a touch of unsettling intrigue. It prompts you to question a multitude of things and effortlessly maintains your attention and interest. Moreover, the characters are wonderfully crafted, and I particularly appreciated the exploration of family dynamics and the in-depth backstory of the main character, Rebecca.

It's worth noting that while this book is labeled as Young Adult, as an adult reader, I found it immensely enjoyable. It serves as a reminder not to underestimate Young Adult literature, as it can still provide exceptional reading experiences for adults.

*Thank you to NetGalley, and Mark Wheaton for the opportunity to listen and review this book, but all thoughts are my own*

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for an audio copy of this book.

Smart kids are having mental breaks and dying. Is it drugs? Is it a ghost? Rebecca is trying to find out what’s going on. But as she falls into the rabbit hole, weird things start to happen to her. No one believes her. Will she survive or be the next senior to fall victim?

I really enjoyed this book. It was a fast read and kept me wanting to know how it would end. Since it was audio, the one part that annoyed me was a certain phrase being whispered over and over. I didn’t give this book 5 stars because I wanted a bit more from the ending. I needed more of a conclusion. But it was very enjoyable

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"Who Haunts You" by Mark Wheaton is a gripping and suspenseful young adult thriller that delves into the eerie and enigmatic occurrences surrounding high school senior Rebecca "Bex" Koeltl. As Bex strives to navigate the trials of senior year and reach the coveted milestone of graduation, a series of inexplicable deaths among her peers sends shockwaves through her community.

Wheaton crafts a chilling narrative as Bex unravels disturbing connections between the deceased seniors, discovering a haunting link: each believed they were tormented by the spirits of long-dead relatives. What's even more perplexing is that their own family members deny the existence of these supposed ancestors. As the deaths continue, Bex finds herself ensnared in a web of terror when she is visited by a malevolent specter, awakening her realization that she could be the next target.

The novel artfully weaves together elements of horror and mystery, keeping readers on the edge of their seats with spine-tingling suspense. Bex's determined quest to uncover the truth behind the haunting and the escalating danger she faces adds layers of intensity to the narrative.

Wheaton's storytelling prowess shines as he skillfully builds tension and intrigue, drawing readers deeper into a world where the line between the living and the dead blurs. "Who Haunts You" is a captivating and atmospheric tale that skillfully explores themes of fear, family secrets, and the chilling unknown, leaving readers captivated until the very end. With its gripping plot and haunting twists, this novel is a must-read for fans of YA mysteries and supernatural thrillers.

I just reviewed Who Haunts You by Mark Wheaton. #NetGalley

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For a short book/audiobook, I was pleasantly surprised by the punch this one gave. The title is a perfect description. Although the thought of a senior class losing multiple students within weeks of each other is a terrible situation, this storyline reminded me very much of a scary/horror movie premise. And I'm totally here for that. I also appreciate the direct understanding of the innerworkings of a autistic mind - the sensory sensitivity, need to obsess over something to get a full understanding of a situation, and struggle and hardwork it takes to feel like a person who belongs in every day social settings.

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I love a good creepy YA novel. This book hit all the right buttons and the author was able to create some great atmosphere! I would say that this book is geared towards younger teens and is an over all solid story.

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I was not expecting this to be as creepy as it was. Usually YA books are not remotely scary, but this was a great balance between creepy and YA. I think my students will love this title. I was sad when I arrived at work and had to pause my book, I did not want to put it down.

5 stars

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High School is a struggle for Bex, who is neurotypical and is learning how to manage her outbursts and hypersensitivity. When her classmates start dying after seemingly being haunted by something unseen, Bex starts questioning how the deaths were connected. Once she finds a connection, her hyper fixation on the mystery takes a turn as she starts being haunted herself. Can she figure out how to stop it before she meets her own end?

I enjoyed Bex and felt seeing the world through her POV helped me understand aspects of her autism (like stimming). There were moments where she was frustrating and other times when my heart broke for her.

I liked the ending but felt like it was wrapped up too quickly for the massive amount of sleuthing Bex was doing throughout the whole story. But as a fairly short book at 170 pages (4.5 hours on audio) I'd still recommend.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a complimentary audiobook copy. I am leaving an honest review voluntarily.

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I received a free audio version of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Narration by Annalee Scott. Runtime: 4h 30m. Genre: Horror / YA

The narration by Scott was very well done. Rarely do I listen to audiobooks on 1x speed, but since I was listening on the NetGalley App I had no choice. I think 1.2x would be about perfect. But overall, I felt her grasp on the characters, the ability to convey who was speaking with voice changes and her grasp of the overall tone of the novel was spot on.

The story, by Mark Wheaton was intriguing. It was certainly geared towards the younger adult / teen crowd. But I thought the idea was captivating and kept you engaged, making you want to find out what was going on.

There were moments of true darkness that were well crafted. The idea of having a main character who is neurodivergent was well executed. And the setting was great.

That being said, I do feel like there was room for improvement. I felt like there were many elements that could have been explored in greater depth. I would have liked to dive deeper into the characters. And there were a few things like the GPA and class rank that didn’t work particularly well on audio that could have possibly been executed slightly better.

Overall, I was pleased with this read. The ending fell a little short, but it’s a very worthwhile listen!

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The intrigue level throughout the book was high, but I didn't like the way it was executed so 3⭐s.

This was a YA unsettling supernatural mystery surrounding one girl whose classmates were being killed and she was being drawn to some kind of a haunting spirit. The girl, Bex trying to unravel the truth of those classmates all the while staying sane with her vision of this haunting spirit.

The story had a good enough plot that could keep the reader interested in reading through the pages and the story was actually was fast phase. The characters sounded like, specially the main character, younger than the age range that it describes. The way they acted was even reflected the same. There was not much depth to the characters to make them more exciting. At times it went a bit dark but the author didn't go there, at least for me. I didn't get the scary haunting feeling from the tone of the story. I saw the potential of the story & I would have read a bit more pages even to get more intuiging plot line. The narrator was fine & finally it was an average read for me.

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I was genuinely intrigued by the premise of this one, but it just didn’t work for me. I’m not quite sure how I feel about it. I wasn’t quite satisfied with how the MC was portrayed due to her autism.

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This book had me hooked very early on and was a fun, fast-paced short read.

Thank you NetGalley and publishers for the audio ARC!

Who Haunts You immediately traps you in this world, with great world building, detailed ambiance, and makes you feel like you are right there with the characters right from the start.

I loved that this was just a nice short read, but I do think the length was it's downfall. Due to the amount of detail when it came to the overall scenes in the book, and with such a short page count, it didn't leave a lot of room for actual story building, making the "twist" virtually impossible to assume based on the details given throughout the story. I also think the way it was resolved was also just a touch random. That being said, it is a YA book, and I think for the audience that it's targeting, it is a great read.

3.5 stars of enjoyment!

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This book blew me away.
I went into it not expecting a lot because of this being a new to me author. But they did amazing and I absolutely loved the story and looked forward to being able to read it.

Bex was a character where you didn't know if what she was seeing was real or not, and because of this it made the story all the more creepy and kept you on the edge of your seat.
Was it really happening or was she just seeing things? Why was this happening to her classmates as well? and what connected all of them together. These are the questions you ask yourself throughout the story and try and figure out as it unfolds.

Overall I loved this one and it was such a good medium-sized read that was very creepy at times.

I look forward to listening/reading more by the author in the future.

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This was actually a really interesting spooky read.

But I'm a bit worried about how the autistic MC is portrayed. I was heartbroken in the end when it felt like the insinuation was that autistic kids are violent. Not only are they violent, but they don't feel remorse for it. It also broke my heart when the mom and sister stopped visiting and then moved on with their life - insinuating the MC was a family burden they were both really glad to no longer have.

Having a recently diagnosed young adult, I just don't know if this is the kind of representation I want out there about autistic kids.

A huge thank you to the author and publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.

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