Member Reviews

This was interesting!

The main character of this story has autism, and I feel like it's represented pretty well! It's not brushed over, or used as a gimmick, or to simply hit the "inclusion" quota. It's REPRESENTED and it's a main part of this story and Bex's reactions to things.

There's also some twisty-turny things that happen throughout the book. Is Bex being haunted? Is she going insane? What happened to her classmates?

The ending of this is also WILD. This definitely didn't do the whole "we'll wrap this up and make it palatable for everyone" thing. Like, this ending is an ending I LOVE. Give me the unhappy unexpected.

My only critique is that I wanted more explanations. And I wanted more of a conclusion. I know I just said I loved the ending, and I did, but the very very end of this is kind of left open and you're supposed to read between the lines and understand it...and I, sadly, did not.

That might have been because I was just enjoying the ride and wasn't trying to put together the whole story and play detective, so when that was needed, I didn't feel like I had any of the pieces I needed, or maybe it was just the actual way this was written, I don't know. Either way, this was fun, this was quick, the ending was great, but also I needed a little bit more explanations of the whole thing for it to hit a five star rating.

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really enjoyed this YA book. There was horror and suspense and I was truly engrossed. The narrator for the audiobook did a great job!

I loved the main character and found myself relating to her and liking her. I was team Bex the whole way through. The plot was well developed and I enjoyed the twists and turns.

The ending fell flat for me though. I felt it was slightly rushed. This was a shorter novel, so I feel there could’ve been more development in the way of a better, more clear and defining ending. There were so many questions that I had during the last 25% of the novel that I would have appreciated clarification on.

Overall this was the perfect book to read to kick off spooky season and I really enjoyed it.

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I don't normally read thriller or horror stories but the blurb of this book had such a mysterious component to it that I had to give it a try. I think the writing was excellent and the story had so many twists and turns that it really had you in it's grasp and refused to let you go! I applaud the main character being written in such an understanding and easy to understand way. A neurotypical teenager wouldn't be an easy character to write but the background of Autism and the description of thought processes and foibles was amazing. Well done to the author!
I think the narrator was an excellent choice as she was so easy to listen to and put such emotion into the words. Exceedingly creepy too at times, with a gorgeous singing voice to round it all off.
My thanks go to Netgalley and the author and publisher for a temporary copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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Why do high school seniors keep dying? One neuro non-typical girl decides to try to find out. Twisty psychological thriller. Once your figure it out, it is hard to escape with your life.

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Who Haunts You made for a very good audiobook. While I enjoyed this book, there was something missing for me and I am not quite sure what it is.

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I think my main wish was that it was longer.

It's a good book, chilling at moments, and I am always appreciative of cyclical narratives present in works like this. Some moments left me feeling meh (like the main character doing one of the "my neurodiversity is my superpower" type of moments--though despite this, the representation had largely been good, and oddly previously the narrative made a point of disparaging those types of moments), but overall, it was interesting. However, it felt incomplete. Not just because of the ending, but also because of the book's relationship to time, how quickly it would surpass things, stretch moments as necessary but hand-wave weeks without a blink. It was disorienting in a way that--in my case, at least--didn't aid the narrative, let alone provide the urgency or dread I felt was otherwise a necessity here.

Still, it was a short, interesting read. I'm left with some good questions and curiosities.

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This book blew me away!

I can't believe that every person is not talking about this book.

This is a thriller mystery taking place from the perspective of an autistic teenager Rebecca. She is aware of how her condition and her neuro spicy brain can change her perspective on reality. When classmates of her graduating class start to die in tragic accidents, Rebecca starts to see patterns in their situations.

The more that she uncovers, the crazier the plot becomes, and the reader is unsure if Rebecca is in fact in reality or sidetracked by delusions of her own mind.

The ending had my jaw dropped. There had better be a follow-up book!

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Fast read. Great characters. Autism represented pretty well.
BUT…felt like a total let down with the ending. There was zero closure for me!

I was totally invested in the book and characters. Interested to learn all that Rebecca had discovered with her sleuthing! Some pretty scary scenes too!
But, in the end, I felt like they could have done so much more with the book.
Narrator was excellent! Especially with all the creepy stuff!

In a nutshell, Rebecca starts investigating when kids in her Senior HS class begin dying. And what she discovers will chill you to your core…

Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC of the audiobook.

#WhoHauntsYou by #MarkWheaton.

2.5 ⭐️⭐️💫 for me, rounded up to 3.

This is already on shelves, so if it sounds like something you’d like, you can pick it up now.

Check out all my reviews on Instagram @ BookReviews_with_emsr
Thanks for reading!

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This YA horror brings autism representation and chills, and the narrator added the perfect amount of creepy to an already scary tale. Perfect for teens that want YA horror without a romantic angle, and perfect for adults that love YA books. This is one that can easily be zoomed through but will live in your head rent free.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Off Limits Press for allowing me to listen to this audiobook. My opinions are my own.

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Praise for the audiobook : This audiobook is amazing. Narration is gripping and done wonderfully. It is a chilling as well as a thrilling experience.

I generally do not prefer books with YA character as protagonist because I end up disliking them as I find most American teenagers whiny. I do not know why I chose this book but I wasn't expecting much from it when I entered into the spooky and eerie world of " Who haunts you".

This was unexpectedly brilliant psychological thriller and murder mystery that kept me hooked from the page 1 till the end. The supernatural element adds more horror to the atmosphere. Also it is quite short and you can finish it possibly in setting or two. TBH, you will want to finish it fast because that's how gripping and fast paced the whole story is.

I would have given 5 stars but cutting one star only because for me the end felt rushed and I would have loved some explanation. But because I loved audiobook I raise the stars to 4.5.

Thank you Netgalley for the audiobook ARC in exchange of an honest review. Definitely recommend it to everyone who loves some spooky vibes.

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Cliffhanger! I hope there’s another book after this! The audiobook narrator was perfect and the description of Bexs issues with her autism was well done. The combination of ghosts, autism and mystery was such an interesting approach. I would recommend this book.

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This audiobook is perfect for the spooky season! It's incredibly eerie and will send shivers down your spine. It delivers a chilling story but also features commendable representation of autism.

Approaching this audiobook without any prior knowledge was a thrilling experience. I was completely captivated from start to finish. The combination of supernatural elements and psychological twists created a constant sense of tension that kept me on the edge of my seat. The result is absolutely nail-biting, and the narrator's performance was on point!

I would highly recommend giving this audiobook a listen if you're looking for a spine-chilling experience. It's a fantastic story that will leave you wanting more. While I would recommend it to teenage listeners, I can attest that it has all-ages appeal, including adults.

I want to express my gratitude to the publisher for providing me with a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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Within the pages of 'WHO HAUNTS YOU,' I discovered an exceptional literary gem that uniquely weaves an eerie supernatural enigma with a profoundly moving depiction of the teenage autistic journey. It stands as an indispensable work that provides profound insight into the world of neurodivergent young adults, offering them the validation of being truly perceived, heard, and comprehended. In a market saturated with thrillers, 'WHO HAUNTS YOU' transcends boundaries to venture into the realm of teenage experiences within the autistic spectrum, crafting a narrative that gracefully captures their emotions and aspirations.

This extraordinary book goes beyond the conventions of traditional mystery novels, delving deep into the psyche of its autistic protagonist, unraveling their innermost thoughts and fears. Its significance reverberates for anyone who has ever felt different or struggled to fit in, as it navigates a labyrinth of self-discovery, friendship, and the unearthing of family secrets. Within this finely penned narrative, 'WHO HAUNTS YOU' becomes a beacon of hope and relatability for neurodivergent young adults, demonstrating that their stories deserve to be told and cherished. It is a celebration of uniqueness and an eloquent reminder that diversity is the bedrock of our shared human tapestry.

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Great horror story. Loved the characters. Quick read. Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to listen to this audiobook

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What the actual eff did I just read? I’ll be honest I don’t 100% get the end. That aside this book had me gripped! I tore through this one! Highly recommend the audiobook version because that narrator was creepy af. I’m glad I didn’t have headphones on.

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I listened to this one in one sitting while working! Super quick listen at 4.5 hours without 1x speed. It was really easy to get sucked in with a possible haunting, high school drama and murders. I was a big fan of our MC Rebecca. She was the only one to really put two and two together as details from her classmates deaths are released. She is smart and detail oriented. She does have autism and author did a great job including that into this book! The narrator did a fabulous job and I was really able to get into this one. I definitely didn’t see the ending coming but gosh to be in high school again 🙄 it’s a no from me lol.

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Big thank you to NetGalley and Mark Wheaton for the provided copy!
This was a great supernatural and mistery story! Fast paced, a lot happening, very different ending. You will wonder what is real and what is an illusion. And the narrator is doing a great job! Absolutely recommend the book.

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A fast paced YA horror that I binged in a day.
I loved that the main character Rebecka was autistic and as a fellow neurodivergent I felt understood, and seen.
I truly felt what Rebecka felt, and I loved it. The confusion, frustration and fear kept me on my toes.

The horror elements in the book are great. I wouldn’t recommend walking alone in the woods while listening to it…

Who Haunts You is a thrilling book, easy to listen to, and the narrator Annalee Scott was truly amazing.

A perfect book for spooky season!

A special thanks to NetGalley and the publishing company for giving me the opportunity to listen to this audiobook.

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Rebecca is an autistic teen trying to make it through her senior year of high school but class mates keep dying. Seemingly separate accidents, Rebecca starts to uncover connections relating to these accidents and ghosts of family members that perhaps never were real.

Rebecca is on a mission to get to the bottom of what's going on but when she starts to see her own dead relative she wonders if she is next.

I listened to the audiobook and it was great. The narrator did an excellent job and the storyline was suspenseful while allowing us a perspective of an autistic teen which I do not find often. I have already recommended this to my sisters and niece.

If you are looking for a quick but thrilling read or listen you will definitely want to check out Who Haunts You.

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Who Haunts You is a spooky psychological thriller. The main character Bex has autism which impacts her perception of events and how people react to her throughout the story. I thought the inclusion of a character with autism added a unique element to the story.
The audio version was creepy and stressful to listen to. While this is a TA thriller I enjoyed listening.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

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