Member Reviews

Who Haunts You was such a fun YA horror story with great autism rep!

Bex is a high school senior that starts to get concerned when her classmates keep getting killed. When she starts to experience the same hauntings that they did, the clock is ticking to find out who or what is behind the killings.

This was a short book but a lot of fun, it kept me guessing and was the perfect amount of spooky. Definitely an accessible book for both young readers and adults.

I especially recommend the audiobook for this – the narrator is really great and her creepy whispers reverberate through your soul omg.

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4.5 ⭐️

I started this book around 10 am and finished around 4 hours later, all in one sitting! It was such an interesting concept that I haven’t really seen explored in many other mysteries/thrillers. I kept wondering if there were any supernatural elements to the book or if what was happening was genuinely happening in real life.

While listening to the audiobook, I felt on the edge of my seat and was eager to solve the mystery that was unfolding. I love trying to guess the plot and this one was pretty hard to decipher up until the mystery was already about to be revealed. The writing itself was haunting but was heightened due to the great narration done by Annalee Scott.

I appreciate the neurodivergence representation that didn’t feel too forced but was still informative enough to make the readers really understand how the main character, Bex, was feeling and thinking.

I’ve never read any works by Wheaton before but I definitely will be checking more out from him now that I’ve read this book.

Thank you to Mark Wheaton & NetGalley for an ARC of this book!

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This turned out to be fantastic. My first time seeing a neuro-divergent protagonist, it was fantastic to see her portrayed as a fighter and not a victim. This story is haunting and terrifying in parts. The characters are relatable and their choices make sense. I look forward to more from the author.

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Who Haunts You was a fun, quick YA Horror novel perfect for spooky season. This book has all the elements of a great ghost story; mysterious deaths, spooky voices from no where, and a determined main character. The narrator of this audiobook does a great job of highlighting the scariest parts of the book to really enhance the reading experience. I also appreciated the author's choice of making the main character neurodivergent. Representation is important and I hadn't yet seen it in this kind of novel. If you're looking for a fun, easy horror, I highly recommend Who Haunts You.

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3.5 ⭐

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of Who Haunts You.

I went into this book with no expectations or clue as to what this book was about. I was pleasantly surprised of how quick of a read/listen this book is. The main character is neurodivergent & seems to hear voices. She's in high school & classmates end up dead. Her voices have hints as to what happened. You just need to read the book & find out what happens.

I'll definitely look into more books by Mark Wheaton

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Despite not being a huge consumer of thrillers, I picked up Who Haunts You when I heard about the autistic protagonist. Overall, it felt like an episode of the TV show "Accused". I really enjoyed the haunting atmosphere and transformed this South Carolina town into a place where the threat of danger lives at almost every corner. The prose made the places vivid and even though the town is likely not real, it sure felt like it. The pacing is quick and with it only being a four hour listen, it goes by fast and I finished in less than a day. The biggest plus for me is Rebecca, aka Bex, our main protagonist. She's autistic and her mannerisms and brain patterns were spelled out enough to connect to a general audience and were a vital part to the storyline and background, especially as she investigates what's going on with her classmates dying in mysterious circumstances and fears she could be next. I loved the little quirks and her struggles to fit into a neurotypical world, and loved the comment in chapter 1 about her having "normal, boring autism", saying she wasn't a savant. The narrator, Annalee Scott, added to the uneasiness to the entire thing. I also enjoyed how it examines the cut throat culture of some high schools to get the highest grades possible without caring much about anyone else. My biggest issue is that some of the more supernatural elements of the book were skimmed upon and never properly explained, even with the brain science involved. Don't get me wrong, it is haunting, but I still had my share of questions with certain scenes with Bex. The ending was somewhat satisfactory, but leaves me wanting to know what happens afterward due to some open ended elements that I wished were explained. If you're looking for a physiological thriller with a unique viewpoint, you won't regret Who Haunts You.

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This is very, very much young adult, but it's still a fun, compelling story. It does sort of loses steam by the end.

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This book is a perfect read for spooky season. Told from the perspective of a teenage girl named Bex it delivers some scary moments involving the ghosts of dead relatives that may or may not have ever existed. One of my favorite YA books I’ve read in awhile. I do not recommend reading late at night or before bed as nightmares can absolutely happen that way. I know they did for me.

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Wow, this story transports you into the mind of a teenage girl who is trying to uncover the truth about recent deaths at her high school. The suspense is of the utmost level. I felt the confusion, the suspicion, the fear. It was so good!

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4.5 ⭐️

This was such a twisty, dark tale and I loved every second. The twists and plot line weren’t predictable (to me) and I thought the whole premise was unique and different than anything I have personally read before.

This was a shorter story, but it felt like a lot of plot and information was packed into it really well. It was definitely plot driven so we don’t see a ton of character development in our FMC and the support characters are fairly one-sided. That being said, with the style of writing and the focus on the story arc, I didn’t feel like I was missing anything. I knew what I needed to know and everything flowed super well.

I listened to this via audiobook, and thought narrator Annalee Scott did a fantastic job with the pacing, voices, and overall reading style.

I will absolutely be looking into reading more from Mark Wheaton or listening to other thrillers narrated by Annalee Scott!

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I am not sure how to feel about this novel.

I like the premise and there were moments in the story that lived up to the promise of the blurb but overall...

Hang on. Let me start from the beginning.

This is a YA novel with a neuroatypical protagonist. Bex has ASD but has tried to hide it for a long time. This means that she doesn't have many friends and likes to go for walks very early in the morning. When three of her classmates dies, she becomes embroiled in the mystery and quickly becomes a target herself. The cause of these deaths may be supernatural, with people acting out of character and imagining family members, that have seemingly never existed, haunting them before their demise. When she starts seeing visions of a non-existent aunt, Bex knows she must solve the mystery before she is next.

While I applaud the more realistic depiction of autism, as someone who has family members with ASD (as I'm sure many of us do) I didn't like that it felt like a dirty secret that had to be hidden away from your peers. This, along with a conclusion that seemed to leave out important details, did ruin the story for me.

It's a good idea but the ending was unsatisfying.

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Rebecca is a high school senior ready to graduate (and hyper-fixated everyone’s GPA and class rank thanks to her Autism). Things are going fairly well for her until a few of her classmates die back to back—is it a coincidence? Or are the deaths connected somehow?

This was a great book and perfect to kick off SPOOKY season. It was a quick easy read/listen and held my interest for most of the duration. It even took a few turns that I wasn’t expecting! This is a great YA book and I would recommend to others!

Thank you NetGalley and Off Limits Press for the ARC and ALC!

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Who Haunts You by Mark Wheaton - This was so freaky, but so dang, good! Having the ability to make people believe they are being haunted by someone who never even existed would be such an amazing study to follow. If you want something that will mess with your head, then definitely give this short book a read.

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Audiobook Review- Who Haunts You gives the perfect creepy crawly feelings! This story is well narrated and well written with a neurodivergent main character. Hand this to teens who can't get enough thrillers/ghost stories. A must purchase for all YA collections!

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I enjoyed listening 🎧 to this audiobook, it's that time of the season for hauntings and scary things, so this book stood right in there. It is my first time reading a by this Author and will continue to read his books.

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This is an interesting quick read, but I’m torn on my thoughts on this one.

I loved the twists and mystery aspects of the books, but it was more of a short story than a book. The ending felt hastily done and very brief. It ended so abruptly that it left me confused.

I loved the horror/haunting parts, but they were so short that this book really didn’t feel like a horror book. I guess that was what I was hoping for in this one.

Thanks NetGalley and publisher for the digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

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I really loved this haunting, creepy audiobook through the first three quarters of the book. I was genuinely spooked and interested in where the story was going. The premise and characters are unique and intriguing. I loved the main character as an autistic high school girl who had the compulsion to get to the bottom of the mystery. The last quarter, I felt, should have been the last half. The ending felt rushed and left a lot of loose ends, ending in an unsatisfying finish to a potentially great book. I wanted more from this book but would be very interested in reading other titles by this author.

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Who Haunts You by Mark Wheaton: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Format: ALC and ARC courtesy of Mark Wheaton and Off Limits Press via NetGalley

At an elite South Carolina high school, where the social hierarchy revolves around class rank, Rebecca “Bex” is finding her own way to thrive as a neurodivergent student. But when her classmates start dying in strange but unrelated ways, Bex begins to connect the dots that no one else can recognize. She determines that the victims of the strange deaths all had one thing in common: In the days before the incidents, they each were haunted by long-dead relatives- relatives that their surviving family claim never existed. But when Bex begins to see visions of a ghost herself, the line between perception and reality blurs, and she must fight to discover the truth before she becomes the next victim.

Wheaton has over 50 books under his belt but this was the first I’ve read from him. According to his bio, he is an author with autism who often writes neurodivergent characters in his books. I really appreciate the representation in the book, and that it comes from the lived experience of the author!

I would classify Who Haunts You as a YA horror novella. Clocking in at 170 pages or 4.5 hours of audio, this is a very quick “done in a day” book. I didn’t want to put it down once I started it! I thought it was a very compulsive story, and I was really rooting for Bex from start to finish. I thought the story was unique in concept and was fascinated as it played out. Some plot twists I saw coming, others I was surprised by. If I could change one thing about this book, I would want it to be longer and more detailed in the second half of the story as I still have some unanswered questions! I actually think this would make for a really good movie one day.

AUDIO: I REALLY liked the narrator, Annalee Scott! Her performance in this was amazing. Her voice work for the character of Holly in particular was SO good. I was listening to this book while walking around my dark house before bed and I had to do a little run to get to bed because I was scared 🐔

I got this book “Read Now/Listen Now” from NetGalley and I’m really glad to have read it. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes lite horror, especially to anyone looking for a good audiobook! Who Haunts You published on September 2nd and is available now on Amazon, Bookshop, B&N, and Audible.

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4ish stars

This was a creepy little horror novella. It’s not quite my usual genre, but I enjoyed most of the story, and I’m becoming a fan of the author’s work. Ultimately, I tend to enjoy anything that tells a compelling story, and this one definitely makes the cut.

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“ 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝓶𝓮…”

Title: Who Haunts You
Author: Mark Wheaton
Rating: ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ⭑✩
Release: September 2, 2023
Genre: Horror, Paranormal Thriller, Young Adult
Format: Audiobook 🎧, Ebook 📱
Narrator: Annalee Scott
Length: 4h 30m
Start: September 13, 2023
Finish: September 18, 2023
Favorite character: Bex
Would I read again: Yes

What better way to bring in the spooky season than a story that gives you the absolute heebee jeebees? I had no idea what I was getting into with this one. But after finishing it, it is still on my mind and the chills still go down my spine.

We follow Bex, a high school student on the spectrum, surrounded by classmates obsessed with GPAs, volunteer work, scholarships, and acceptance letters. Bex just wants to finish high school in the shadows with no social imprint, but all of that changes when students are dying back to back. The only connection is that each student that died proclaimed they had relatives that actually didn't exist. Could these ghosts that haunt them be the reason for their deaths? And why now?

This book really played on my fear. The fear of not being believed, the fear of not understanding what you see with your own eyes. Seeing the story play out through Bex’s eyes, with everything she deals with while being autistic, it constantly broke my heart. But the strength behind she shows is inspiring. The story has you constantly doubting her experience. Is she seeing what she says she is? What could possibly be the true and logical explanation for all of this? How could this even happen? So many questions and unbelievable scenes, this story was one mind explosion after the other. What is even reality anymore?

And that ending! Wow! The twist of that is so good, I literally can’t write about it without spoiling it. I get so excited about and I will forever get the creeps when I think back on this book.

Mark Wheaton’s writing style is fantastic. From the beginning, the world building is solid and Bex truly comes to life. Page after page, you slowly find yourself in her shoes, seeing through her eyes. But the narrator, Annalee Scott, is the true MVP. She became Bex. I just loved the way she spoke, the emotion, the singing! Even when she read as the ghosts, I literally shivered. She is by far the best narrator I have ever heard since I started to listen to audiobooks. She is absolutely amazing.

I highly recommend this book. Especially for this upcoming spooky season. Four star read!

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