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The Hunger of Empires is the second book in the epic fantasy series The Erland Saga, written by R.S. Moule, and published by Second Sky Books. Two kings are fighting for the throne and Erland is broken in two; a destructive war that is attracting the attention of a new enemy that was at the sidelines, waiting for the precise moment, the Ulvatian Empire.

In this epic second instalment, we will continue following characters that we loved from book one, while the world and the cast are expanded, upping the stakes quite a bit.
Orsian has been hiding since his father was killed, but in the streets of Cliffark he finds a home and some people he can call friends; however Erland is under a threat, and he has to decide between this new life or answer the call of his land and fulfill the role that everybody expected from the son of Barrelbreaker.
Meanwhile, Rymond is struggling to keep the crown of West Erland; his power is disputed at every turn and the attack of the Imperial force only puts him even more between the sword and the wall. The new kingdom is under the threat of disappearing at their weakest moment; and Rymond can't trust on those that are close to him.
Disconnected from these struggles, we have Pherri, who continues her travel towards Eryispek, with the hope of discover more about her magic; but she will find that two rival gods are imprisoned in the mountain. Their liberation could end with the Erland she knows.

Moule smoothly expands the world without losing the focus on the political intrigues that made the first book so enjoyable. The fights for power in the Ulvatian Empire create one of the best subplots in the saga, introducing memorable characters such as Drast Fulkiro; Viratia doesn't lose relevance after her husband's death, and her own war is incredible.

While this book is definitely a chonk by current standards, it doesn't feel as such, as you will totally devour it; the pacing and the writing are really on point. Battles are well-written, and the epicness is always there, even when the focus is put in characters with less relevance, as everybody is playing a role in the big picture.

I compared the first book with A Song of Ice and Fire, and I can only say that the second book raises the previous level; if you are in the look for a epic fantasy with a wide cast of characters, political intrigues and thrilling battles, The Erland Saga is an excellent election. Can't wait to read the conclusion in The Madness of Gods.

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Magic, betrayal, war. Fantasy is always filled with good conflict. I've not read the first book in this series, so it took me a little bit to catch up. That being said, well done. I enjoyed The Hunger of Empires and look forward to the next book

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More bodies. More betrayals. Moule just keeps the Erland Saga raging, and The Hunger of Empires takes off where The Fury of Kings left us.

Can I just say the covers for these books are phenomenal? I guess they had to match the storytelling, because that's exactly what it is: phenomenal. I could've kept reading forever, and I need the final installment IMMEDIATELY.

Just as before, I feel like the "bad" guys have a bit of an edge, so I am more than ready for retribution. Also, I need my favorites to STAY ALIVE and get things done. You know who you are.

***I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy generously provided by the publisher via NetGalley.***

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With The Hunger of Empires, R. S. Moule has landed himself in my list of favourite authors. To follow up such a solid debut with something even better is no easy feat. There is no second book syndrome here and I was even more captivated and immersed in the story than I was for The Fury of Kings. Often that second book will be a lot of exposition and moving pieces into place but there is so much political manoeuvring, twists and turns and massive, massive moments that The Hunger of Empires is even more exciting.

The story resumes some time after the events of book one, and it worked really well to hear the situation through news coming to Orsian who has of course been out at sea, discovering what’s been happening at the same time as the reader does. I like that Viratia, Andrick Barrelbreaker’s widow, has not just faded into obscurity in the story with his death and plays a much more prominent role than I would have expected, she became one of my favourite characters to follow.

As with book one, there are multiple POVs and I love things being kept fresh by jumping between these divergent and then interlinking stories. I know not everybody finds following multiple POVs easy, but it’s the only plausible way to approach this story and I much prefer it in any case personally. It’s much more rewarding as a reader here because the characters are so interesting and dynamically written. Strovac Sigac is once again my favourite character, the bad guy I love to hate. I really think Moule has created one of the most memorable villains; when you can’t decide whether you want a character to get the comeuppance they deserve, or to survive just so you can carry on following their cunning ways, that’s the mark of a good character writer.

What the author also does so well is write so many characters that are equally intriguing and in varying shades of grey. As in the real world, it is rarely so simple a case of good guys Vs bad and there are a lot of different players in this game. Drast is one such player introduced to us in book two, and his ambition will be sure to keep you glued to the page as much as any of your previous favourites. The more prominent role Errian begins to play later in the story and the emergence of Alcantra as well as Pherri’s increasing power will captivate most readers further. Of course, Orsian will still be many readers’ favourite and there is big development for Tansa and Helana too. I could talk all day about all the various characters, their development and motivations and this shows just how well the author has crafted them all.

One thing that lets some books down is their predictability. You get a sense for which characters are going to be successful and feel like you can smell early on where things are going. R. S. Moule however, ingrains such a well thought out but unpredictable narrative that you’re always engaged, because nobody has plot armour. You know just as in the real world, unfortunate circumstances happen and even clever characters can still be outwitted. It keeps you on the edge of your seat and makes you feel like you’re pulled into a journey rather than sitting there knowing what’s going to happen. For example, one character who I felt sure was set up in The Fury of Kings to be a major player is wiped out to make way for another and I was left speechless but ultimately loving the fragility of each character’s thread.

My favourite fantasy series is A Song of Ice and Fire and although I’ve read some excellent fantasy since, it is hard to find something with the same ingredients, while still feeling original. The Erland Saga, at least so far, has really given me a feel it has this same magic recipe and I am incredibly happy I’ve found it.

Warring factions, awesome characters, plans put into motion, twists, turns and backstabbing, multiple character POVs coming together, creating explosive moments. And of course, a well thought out world with a great magic system and immersive storytelling. R. S. Moule deserves to be successful and everyone to find out just how great these books are, and I hope that happens!

For me, the next book can’t come around quick enough!

*PS, how awesome is the cover art???

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This is going to be short, as I still need time to recover from this roller coaster ride. Full in depth and categorized review will come soon to Goodreads.

This book. If you thought the first book of the Erland Saga was intense, you better strap yourself down tight because the second one will be like a hurricane bearing down on you.

If you are look for a fresh and unique fantasy series, I highly recommend you start the Erland Saga. The writing, character development, and vivid battles will have you staying up until ungodly AM hours just waiting to see what happens next.

R.S. Moule is going to be the next big name in fantasy. This series is quickly becoming one of those that I wish I could wipe my memory so I can experience it again for the first time.

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The second book in the Erland Saga, and this book had a lot to live up to for me. The first one being an excellent foundation for this series. The cover is just as amazing as the first also!

The Hunger of Empires picks up just after the conclusion to book one. The characters are all dealing with the consequences of the events from that ending. R.S. Moule has yet again stunned me with the world building. I think if an author can create a world thats layered and with depth it just makes that book. Well, he definitely made it!

I was so interested in everything about this story. The growth of the characters from the first book is clear. I was getting to know which ones I wasnt keen on and those I backed all the way. The tale was full of intrigue, betrayal and battles. I was even more invested with this book!

The pacing doesn't let up for a minute. I raced through this in no time. Everytime I thought I would put the book down there was another twist to make me keep reading. It reminded me of Game of Thrones with the amount of action that R.S.Moule has packed into these pages. An excellent follow up to the start of the series. It's one I wont miss out on, that's for sure!
Thanks to Second Sky and NG for the book to write my review.

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The Hunger of Empires continues the saga of the Erland Empire. After the conclusion of book one, Fury of Kings, I eagerly awaited the sequel. It did not disappoint, because I had a great time returning to this rich and complex world.  Magic, war, betrayals, revenge and political manoeuvrings awaits fans of the genre

The Hunger of Empires picks up immediately after the tragic ending of book one. The family affected by the tragedy are grieving in their own way. The wife is hell-bent on revenge, one son has taken to drowning his sorrows in alcohol, while the other fled and ended on a pirate ship. Meanwhile, the daughter went on a journey with her mentor to obtain answers regarding the source of her magic.

Like the previous book in the series, the story features multiple POVs, with each chapter alternating between them. Despite the jumps between the various POVs with each chapter, I had no issues following the story. It was like watching a film and observing the switching of scenes throughout.

The characters featured, from the good guys to the villains, were fascinating and complex. Some you gladly cheer on, and others one would wish to see get their comeuppance.  Surprisingly, there was one villain I admired. My admiration came about because of the way he is always one step ahead of all who desire to take him down. I can't wait for him to find his match. That should make for some interesting reading.

I can't say much for fear of spoilers. However, I can attest that the action, political intrigue, and the desire to know the outcome, will have readers flipping the pages. The story hidden in The Hunger for Empires is one which would have fans of the genre clamouring to get their hands on a copy.

This was a delightful addition to the series and I eagerly await the next book. My only regret is not getting the opportunity to listen to the audiobook like I did for the first book.

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The Hunger of Empires: The Erland Saga book 2

When I reviewed book 1 back in May, I was amazed it was a debut novel. R. S. Moule's talent for storytelling is paired with his talent for writing sentences & prose that feel effortless—every single chapter flows & ripples across the page. This sequel is no different. I savoured my read through of The Fury of Kings, but I literally gobbled The Hunger of Empires!

It's no exaggeration to say that this ranks in my top 5 favourite reads this year—& I’ve read over 177 books in 2023 to date!

“A dying, decadent empire, of a dying decadent people. I pity all of you.”

The Erland Saga is a wholly immersive world. This is a high fantasy series, with everything you’d expect to find within that genre—political intrigue & maneuvering, betrayal, assassinations, an interesting magic system, sweeping mountains, warring kingdoms, treacherous landscapes, & a diverse cast of characters with complex motivations.

“He had been dreaming. Dreaming about drowning, and a burning ship upon a sea of blood, and a hundred corpses on the seabed, grasping for him.”

The Hunger of Empires reintroduces us to events and people where The Fury of Kings left off. I couldn’t wait to catch up on the lives of my favourite characters—Pherri, Viratia, Ciera, and Tansa—amongst others! Moule’s characters are compelling—some of them you love to hate, others you yearn will find redemption—regardless of whether you hate or love them, every single one of them have traits & flaws or personal traumas & circumstances which humanize them.

“His ears beat with blood, like the drums of war leading him across the mountains.”

The Erland Saga is a 2023 must-read for fantasy enthusiasts. I can’t wait for the next installment!

Thank you to @rs_moule @SecondSkyBooks @NetGalley for providing an eARC of The Hunger of Empires in exchange for an honest review.

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The second book to The Erland Saga. Each book has me hungrily devouring the pages and then wishing for more when it’s over! We pick up from book one with Lord Andrick dead, his wife vowing revenge and taking his men to fight, one son fleeing into a pirate ship and another drinking the pain away, while his daughter Pherri is taken on a journey of magic by the crowns magi. The queen has given birth to an heir to the throne and Hessian is as unreliable and manic as always. Through a fast paced plot of murder, war, kidnapping, betrayal and love we delve further into the world and further into danger.

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The first book in this series was excellent, it made me think about one of my favorite fantasy authors (Gemmell) and kept me hooked following the twists and discovering this complex world.
If you didn’t read the first book, please do it as you will surely enjoy it and it will help you to enjoy this exciting story.
There’s a handy list of characters at the beginning and it will help to refresh who’s who.
This action packed and fast paced fantasy doesn’t suffer from the in-between-book-syndrome: there’s a lot of surprising twists and there a lot more world building and character development.
You are kept turning pages, having fun and rooting for the characters.
I can’t wait for the conclusion and I think it will epic and full of BOOM-BANG-ETC
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to Second Sky for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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"The Hunger of Empires" is a fantastic read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. This second book in the series is more solid than the first ("The Fury of Kings"). The characters grow brilliantly, the story moves along with perfect pacing, and the writing is even better. My expectations for book 3 are very, very high - and I can't wait!

My thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley. This review was written voluntarily and is entirely my own, unbiased, opinion.

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Erland is in flames. Two kings claim the throne and the war between them lays waste to the country. Far away, an old enemy scents weakness. The vast empire of Ulvatia desires new lands. Under a ruthless new leader, the empire turns its armies on Erland.

This was good. I think I liked the first one better, but this was fun to read.

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I really enjoyed the first book in the Erland saga and was truly looking forward to book 2. Again, this is a fantastic, fast paced and gripping fantasy saga.
The novel picks up just after the end of book 1 and we're following the characters as they face this new Erland in the aftermath of the devastating events at the end of the first book. Again, there are so many characters to follow, this novel reminds me of Game of Thrones. Thankfully, there was a handy reminder at the start of the novel and Moule tends to keep each chapter in a single POV which was one of the things that bugged me in the first book. The wide and varied cast of characters is built upon and I really grew to love or despise them. Orsian has become one of my firm favourites in this series, especially in the way he seems to mirror his father far more than his brother, the supposed heir to the Barrelbreaker.
The worldbuilding in this book is deep and unique, yet still rather easy to follow. I loved how it was developed in this book from the first. The fast pacing had me tearing through a fairly long book
This was a fantastic addition to the series. I'm anxiously awaiting it's conclusion.
Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publishers for providing an arc in return for an honest review.

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Adventurous and engaging fantasy saga.
It's a good idea to keep notes from books in a series so you won't get lost. It took me a while to wrap my head around all the characters and places, but notes helped a lot.
The story is sometimes a bit slow, but that's ok. The characters are interesting. Politics, family drama, battles, complex behavior, and magic, of course, are what defines a good fantasy book.
Book two in the Erland Saga is even better than book one so have fun!

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A brilliant follow up to the first book Fury of Kings. It starts where the last book finished. It was busy to start with and jumped all the place but it soon settles down. We know that something has awakened on the mountain but now we know what it is. I was once again completely immersed in the tale that was unfolding. More great storytelling with wonderful characters I really did not want this book to end. Can I have the next book now Please!!! Loved it and highly recommended.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the Arc in return for an honest review.

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Brilliant follow up to Moule's Fury of Kings.. This volume brings the reader more intense political fantast a lá Game of Thrones lite. The characters are engaging and the plot is compelling. Looking forward to more.

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