Member Reviews

While Dave Kane and Shane Wolfe are out of town on a secret assignment Sheriff Jenna Alton is assisting a forensic anthropologist and her team excavate some recently discovered graves in the forest. When a lightning strike hits a tree a dislodged branch hits Jenna knocking her into the river. When she gets to shore she comes across a young woman who says she had been buried alive by a man who had kidnapped her some years earlier. Before she and Jenna can make their way to safety the kidnapper discovers them and kills the young woman - Jenna manages to escape. When reunited with Dave Kane and the rest of the team they start an investigation into murder and while searching the forest for the suspect they are informed that a young girl has been taken from her foster home in the next town.
Another great read in the Kane and Alton series.
Thanks to Netgalley, Bookouture and D K Hood for the ARC of this book in return for an honest review.

Never a dull moment in Black Rock Falls! This is book 20 in the series and it is an absolute ripper. I could not put it down, a real page turner from start to finish. This cast of characters feel like family to me now. We have been through so much together, and Where Hidden Souls Lie, went up another level again.
Dave’s past comes back to haunt him, Jenna is in serious danger, girls are going missing, and all of this while Dave and Jenna are starting their family. It is an intense and scary read at time, with characters lives hanging in the balance. We see some familiar faces come back into the stories which was nice too.
I cannot recommend this book and series more. I always look forward to travelling back to Black Rock Falls, and already I am in need of the next book.
Thanks Bookouture and NetGalley for my advanced copy of this book to read. Published on October 11th.

Another excellent book in the Kane and Alton series. Each book is just as brilliant as the previous ones in the series. Very intense storyline that grips you from the first page and you can't stop reading. It's great to see mention of the other characters from her new series,Katz & Styles to bring the two series together. I'm not sure how but D.K.Hood always leaves me wanting more and I don't want the book to end. This series and author is a must read for people who like this genre, it's just brilliant!

Slightly different from the other books but still tense and difficult to leave down and just as life for Jenna and Kane is changing, there was a few moments when I thought that one of them was in serious danger. The ending was perfect and hints at possibly part of the storyline for the next book.

A lot happens in this book. And from page one until the end of it, it doesn't stop.
Jenna and Kane have been together now with Tauri for some time now and are completely in love with the child as he is with them. In this book we'll find out if the judge approves the adoption.
As the time passes life moves on and so does work. When Kane is ticketing speeders he runs across a dead man. Oh, he's very much alive but shouldn't be and when he tries to blow up Kane and gets away it brings Kane's past to the present. How will he handle this part of his old life? He and Wolfe must contact POTUS. But will Jenna be alive when he gets back?
After a fall into the river and falls Jenna must use everything she knows to her advantage if she wants to live through the fall?
**There are some very serious situations in this book that may trigger some. Rape and extreme violence.**

Each Kane and Alton book can be read as part of the series or as a standalone.
To say I wanted more would be an understatement. This was a delicious page turner right from the start. Everytime I had to put it down, it was all I could think about. I did end up finishing way past my bedtime, just so I would be able to sleep.

Wow, 20 books already in this splendid series. I cannot not admire an author who can achieve this making each book into an amazing one, where the hairs prickle at the back of your neck, you feel chills running down your spine and you keep your fingers crossed for the safety of the two main stars.
It's hard to describe the feeling when you open your diary and see that the next book on your tour list is one from your favourite authors. You know you will love it, fall under the spell of it and wish it could last for ever and ever.
I am going to try to give you an idea about how I felt though. I felt like my birthday, like Christmas and like opening a very precious gift you longed for.
And yes the author delivered once again although I had not the slightest doubt about that. I thought they could not get any better anymore, but they do, believe me.
I suppose it's almost needless to say I loved every word in this story and my fingers still hurt from keeping them crossed. 5 stars
Thank you

Literally could not put this down….i stayed up till 4am to finish!!! Kept me on my toes the entire time. 10 out of 10 stars!! Fans of the series or newcomers will find something they will enjoy. A great mystery to be solved, familiar characters, a great time to be had by all!! There was one thing I kind of questioned but I will have to go back to the last book and see if I can find an explanation. This book is so worth your time!!

Once again D.K.Hood has done amazing job off not disappoint me with thus series , she always knows how to keep her readers wanting more with each book and doesn't hold back at all, which each turn of the page you get pulled into the story, and see the characters come to life as well as how much they've grown since the last book. And it's even more intense then book 19 ever was with its ever more none stop action and twist and turns that seem to come put of nowhere.

As always, D.K. Hood pushes her main characters - Jenna Alton and David Kane - to the limits... and this will leave the reader breathless! Kane is called away to participate in a special operations with Shane Wolfe (the local ME, and so much more). Whilst they are called away, Jenna heads to the woods to help the forensic anthrop0logist unearth some newly located graves. Lightning strikes a tree and Jenna is pushed into the rushing river towards the falls. Due to her training and some smart safety packing, Jenna finally emerges from the water to encounter a young woman who explains she's been buried alive, and cannot remember the past four years of her life. Where Hidden Souls Lie quickly escalates from this chance meeting. Absolutely, positively this needs to be on all mystery/thriller must-read lists! I purposefully read it slowly as I did not want it to end. Thank you to Bookouture for an advanced reader of this book - the opinions expressed are my own.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.
I’ve been waiting to read this since the last one in the series and not due it not disappoint.
The first half of the hook was incredibly intense. I was on edge and at one point wanted to ‘do a Joey’ and put my kindle in the freezer. I’m so invested in these characters and with Dave on a top secret black ops mission, and Jenna swept away by a river, I was convinced something terrible was going to happen. The way that was all built up was incredible. Edge of your seat l, heart pounding stuff!
The main story was about the killer and abductor of young girls. With a side story about Jenna and Kane’s possible adoption.
I truly loved this. 5⭐️

Wanda Beauchamp wakes up in a shallow grave in the forest, left for dead, drags herself out and runs off into the deep, dark woods to escape the man who though he’d killed her. “The smell told her she’d been buried deep in a pine forest, and the icy chill and distinct smell of snow meant somewhere in the mountains.” And so begins “Where Hidden Souls Lie”. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review.
D.K. Hood ratchets up the intensity, doubles down on the suspense and sends us readers on a roller coaster of emotions, as Dave Kane drops back into his former life in order to foil an assassination attempt and Jenna Alton faces danger from both man and nature in this 20th book in the extremely popular Detectives Kane and Alton series.
All is quiet in Black Rock Falls, as Sheriff Jenna Alton and husband (and Deputy) Dave Kane are preparing for the final step in their adoption of Tauri, the little boy who has a familial connection to both Kane’s late wife, Annie, and Atohi Blackhawk’s tribe.
At a routine traffic stop, Deputy Kane comes face to face with a face from his past life - a terrorist who was one of his ‘kills’. After the man makes a shocking escape, Kane and Shane Wolfe intuit that a) somehow the terrorist is back, and b) that he must be on a mission, one that they vow to put a stop to.
This takes them out of Black Rock Falls, and radio silent - leaving Jenna behinds - and to Helena Montana, where POTUS is set to make a speech. They spend their time tracking down and ultimately eliminating the team of would-be assassins, and look forward to getting home, until a frantic life-or-death message reaches them while in the air.
Meanwhile, in Stanton Forest, Jenna accompanies Dr. Norrell Larson and Atohi to the site of some historical graves (which have been mentioned in previous books), when a freak storm sends Jenna into the rushing river without her weapon or phone. “Waves covered her head, and out of control in the rapids, she sped along the river. The end of this journey could only mean death.”
After struggling out of the river, and setting up camp to wait for rescue, Wanda Beauchamp appears out of the forest, running for her life. As Jenna tries desperately to help her, ‘the man’ catches up to Wanda with disastrous results. Jenna knows that he’s seen her face (but she’s also seen his) so getting back to civilization and hunting him down becomes her priority - if only she could figure out where she is and how to get back. And she makes the decision to risk the waters again!
In Black Rock Falls, the entire town, as well as all of Dave and Jenna’s allies, are out searching for her - unable to contact either Dave or Shane - and hoping agains hope that the body that washes up on the rocks is not the Sheriff.
After an emotional reunion, and an alert that a young girl has gone missing, the manhunt begins - with stunning results!
This one has some of the most intense scenes that I can recall of any of the books in the series. And in a twist that you won’t see coming, The Tarot Killer makes a return appearance in Black Rock Falls! And in another twist - the kiss (not saying another word)!!
Hold on to your hats, folks, this one will keep you in suspense until the very end. (And shame on you, DK Hood for bringing out the tears.) Highly recommended. Could be read as a standalone (the author does go into the past in small detail) but you really should read the series to get the full picture.

Worryingly, it's quiet in Black Rock Falls but both Sheriff Jenna Alton and husband Deputy Dave Kane are about to be very busy indeed. With a new member of their small household giving them a different outlook on life everything seems so much brighter but this is murder central and that's all about to change!
With Kane and Wolfe off working together, Jenna gets the chance to work with new forensic anthropologist Norrell Larson in Stanton Forest where she stumbles across mortal danger for both herself and a young woman she finds who is lost, disoriented, and terrified. As more information is revealed it becomes clear that, once again, a criminal gang is operating on Jenna’s patch and this time they might just have the upper hand!
Book twenty and wow, D K Hood has done it once again! The action is full throttle with the jeopardy sky high from the start in this excellent page turner. There are many threads to this story all of which work brilliantly together and once again Jo Wells and Ty Carter are part of the investigation, adding yet another enjoyable angle to this novel. There is also a mention or two of the main protagonists from the author's new work featuring Agents Beth Katz and Dax Styles which adds continuity to both series.
I was able to read an advanced copy of this book thanks to NetGalley and the publishers, Bookouture, but the opinions expressed are my own. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and can't wait to see what happens next.

While investigating a hidden grave in the woods Jenna falls into a rapidly moving river. She manages to save herself and comes across a young girl in the woods. The girl has been kidnapped and is running from her captor. This book will grab you from the first page. It is full of suspense and twists, young girls have been disappearing. Are they connected, are there more graves. I couldn’t put this one down. This author has become a must read for me. Can’t wait for the next book. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

D.K. Hood has another gripping thriller with this very addictive series of Sheriff Jenna Alton and Deputy Dave Kane. Where Hidden Souls Lie has non-stop action and heart-wrenching scenes to keep you turning pages way into the night to finish the story. With Jenna and Kane and their crime-stopping colleagues in action, there is never a dull moment or lull in the excitement!
The introduction of the Tarot Killer into this book leads me to believe there may be an appearance of FBI Special Agent Beth Katz in future episodes! Stay tuned! This series and definitely this book is a must read!
Thank you Netgalley for this ARC opportunity!