Member Reviews

This was such a good sequel, i love this series! The characters are so loveable and will be definitely be picking up future works from this author!

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The Buffy the Vampire Slayer vibes continue strong in Dennard’s second instalment as Winnie must come to terms with what happened to her… and search for the answers to secrets she’s only just begun to uncover. Immensely readable, Dennard’s prose flows hypnotically and despite the fantasy setting, the realities of being a teen girl are completely believable. This would make an absolutely fantastic translation to screen. Impeccable vibes.

I raced through this book in about a day. Extra shout out to Daphne Press and Illumicrate for producing a physical edition so gorgeously illustrated and luxurious in feel that I didn’t want to put it down!

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This is the sequel to The Luminaries and it doesn’t disappoint. We learn more about Winnie Wednesday and the secrets she uncovers. Her dad was framed and she wants to try to find out by who. She enlists the help of Jay and begins to work out the secrets he is keeping. The worst thing about this book is I am now going to have to wait for the next one!

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Thank you to netgalley for an arc of this book!

Having enjoyed the Luminaries I was very excited to get approved for this. I won’t lie the first half was quite slow in progressing in any way but the 2nd half really got it going!

Jay was such a mindfuck and even though I had my suspicions before of him being the werewolf, it frustrated me a bit before it was confirmed at the end 😂 I love that him & Winnie have finally got together even if it did take a while.

I really enjoyed the whole ending scene in the forest as we didn’t get to see much of it n this book unfortunately and I find the nightmares so interesting. I particularly LOVED the sadhuzag it was such an awesome creature. The changeling that Winnie is battling was also a great nightmare.

I’m not sure what’s going to happen in the next book. The Diana’s were a bit confusing but I like that we’ve seen them in the story and what they are trying to do, but why did they want to capture Jay/werewolf? And the crow at the end - is that a Diana or her dad or what? Why did Erica take everything from Winnie’s house? (This is particularly am looking forward to to actually find out what the hell is going on 😂) will we see Winnie’s dad again?

One part I loved about this one is that Winnie actually seems to be falling back in love with being a Luminary as she really was against a lot of people for a while so I’m glad she feels more settled into her life.

Overall a slow start but I really did enjoy this and am looking forward to the next instalment.

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I absolutely love this series. I love the way the story is told and how it keeps me enticed.
I love everything about this novel

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5 ⭐️A fantastic sequel that had me
theorising what will come next & left me desperate for more

Holy Moly this was good! Don't you love it when a series just gets better as it goes on?! Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Book 1, but there was just something about The Hunting Moon that was on another level. It was a real treat of a sequel that was fantastically paced and I couldn't put it down.

I really liked that definitions from the nightmare compendium as well as the daily testing reports were sprinkled throughout the book which helped show passage of time and also added to the plot/world building.

The Hunting Moon was full of mysteries, twists & reveals, some things I worked out & some that I didn't.

There were other seeds planted leaving me open mouthed & wondering what will happen next- I have so many theories! We got to see more of Jay (yay!! & & there's more of the delicious slow burn building between him & Winnie (I can't cope!) It was also nice to learn more about the former WTF friendship group & piece together the events of the past.

Overall I loved this & definitely recommend - the ending had me :O and I NEED the next book like now because I have SUSPICIONS!

If you haven't read this yet and you like YA, Paranormal fantasy with mystery and a bit of a romance then what are you waiting for?!

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I did thoroughly enjoy this. I love the world and think it has a lot of potential. Therefore, I was excited to read it after the first one to find out what happens next but I have to be honest, it dragged a little. There's a little too much repetition and not nearly enough progression of the story. I'm not someone who tries to figure out the twists and big reveals, I'm happy to just let the story unfold so when I know what the big reveal is long before it happens, it's too obvious.

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This is the second book in the series of The Luminaries. Our protagonist Winnie Wednesday has gotten through 3 trials to become a Luminary and is now dealing with the aftermath, nightmares in the forest, Jay Friday and working out why her dad left her clues regarding the Diana’s and his ejection from the Luminaries.

After how I felt about the first book, I wanted to give this book in the series the benefit of the doubt, so finished the first book which I’d previously DNF’d so I could start on this.

In terms of how I felt about this second book, it’s similar to how I felt with the first: leaving more questions than there were answers and no progression really in this book either. Hunting Moon was extremely slow to start, and I felt it had a lot of filler material filled with teenage angst, I found myself getting annoyed with Winnie’s constant whining through the first half. There were some good parts, and in particular I liked the world building, mystery and suspense which I felt was suitable for a YA. I’m also glad to see that there was less “Winnie’s teeth clicked” (a phrase that throughly irritated me in the first book).

Overall? This series just isn’t for me. I definitely won’t be reading the third book in the trilogy as the writing and predictable plots just haven’t captivated my attention enough for me to stay on for the full course. I’m pleased to see though that the book has been edited more efficiently this time and there was far less repetition of certain phrases.

Thank you @netgalley and for this free arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I was swept away by the darkly atmospheric The Luminaries, and I couldn’t wait to find out what was next in store for Winnie! The Hunting Moon was just as good as I hoped and I hung on every word of Dennard’s beautiful prose.
The Hunting Moon begins shortly after book 1 with Winnie trying to adjust to her new found notoriety and acceptance into the Luminary community after the events of her trials. All while battling her feeling for Jay, the mystery of the werewolf and the threat of The Whisper that no one believes exists. As Winnie starts to unravel the clues that her father left her, she starts to question everything that she knows about the Luminaries and the Dianas, and ultimately, where her loyalties lie . . .
I have so much love for this series. The writing is spectacular and combined with the imaginative and unique premise and world building, it makes for a really magical and immersive reading experience. Winnie’s narration sucked me in from the first page and I got caught up in her stream of consciousness as she navigates her new found place in Luminary society, which sadly isn’t everything she hoped for. Winnie undergoes great character growth as she learns to embrace her new found friendships with her ‘square’ of friends (Bretta, Emma, and Fatima) and rebuilds ties with her previous ‘triangle’ of Jay and Erica. Having been alone for the four years of her family’s exclusion from the Luminaries, Winnie isn’t used to having people to rely on, so it’s beautiful to watch these genuine friendships grow as Winnie starts to open up and make herself emotionally available.
Winnie isn’t your average heroine, which is no bad thing, as her ‘realness’ makes her all the more relatable and perfect for the YA audience. She’s quirky, clumsy, a little bit socially awkward, but equally brave, loyal and determined. I was intrigued by Jay in book 1 and glad to see that he plays a major role as he works with Winnie to uncover her father’s clues. My younger self would have loved brooding, tortured and mysterious Jay and I enjoyed every minute of his blossoming romance with Winnie. Their angsty, awkward chemistry was perfection and gave me butterflies.
The author expertly captures the dark and eerie atmosphere of the forest and the terrifying Nightmare monsters that live within it. The book is peppered with beautiful illustration of these creatures that really brought them to life and will make me think twice before walking through a forest after dark again! The action and drama really pick up in the second half along with some shocking revelations as Winnie starts to unravel some of the mysteries that have been building since book 1. Although I guessed the identity of the werewolf, I enjoyed how this storyline played out and Winnie’s reaction to the truth.
Although paranormal in nature, The Hunting Moon is a great coming of age story, which convincingly explores the trials and tribulations of teenage life, belonging, and the headiness of first love, set against a world where things really do go bump in the night. I can’t wait to see what’s next in store for Winnie in book 3!

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Winnie Wednesday got everything she thought she wanted. She passed the hunters' deadly tests, her family was welcomed back into the Luminaries, and overnight she became a local celebrity.
Unfortunately, it all seems wrong. For one thing, no one will believe her about the new nightmare called the Whisperer that kills hunters every night. Everyone blames the werewolf, even though Winnie is certain the wolf is innocent.
Then to complicate matters there is still only one person who can help her-Jay Friday, the boy with so many problems of his own.

The Hunting Moon picks up where the author left off in the first volume, and gradually a world that was still mysterious to us is revealed.
The worldbuilding is well structured, but I had already pointed this out in the first book.
This book, however, has a problem; it is difficult to digest.
Reading the novel, I noticed a "heavy" writing style. I admit that I found some difficulty in completing the book, despite its few pages.
On the other hand, the ending is saved.
Let's say it is the opposite of the first novel.
The luminaries I had found engaging in the first half and the rest a bit flat.
Here it is the opposite.

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The Hunting Moon picks up right where the Luminaries left off.

The world building is a real strength of this series and I loved diving further into it, particularly as the lore around the witches was further developed.

The mysteries first established in The Luminaries continue to gradually unfold, I did guess some of the reveals early on but it was still satisfying to finally have them confirmed. I’m looking forward to reading the final book and getting some answers to the remaining questions I have!

This series sits at the lower end of YA but it definitely appeals to the older reader as well. Not only is the world building great but It’s an easy read with well developed and realistic characters. Unlike in some other young YA books, I never felt frustrated with the teenage characters. In The Hunting Moon Winnie continues to battle all the teenage angst, including romantic feelings, finally being accepted by a community that previously ostracised her and the trauma she went through in the first book.

I’d definitely recommend this series if you’re looking for an atmospheric YA fantasy perfect for autumn.

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Compelling mystery coupled with brilliantly-realised characters and a deliciously tense setting make The Hunting Moon a fantastic winter read.

Another hit for The Luminaries series! We pick up after Winnie has become a full-fledged Luminary in the aftermath of her near-death in the Hemlock Falls forest. Although she's suffering a combination of the truth threatening to consume her and the trauma of her last forest venture, Winnie is forced to act like all is well, making for an interesting and difficult internal conflict. Her will-they-won't-they romance with Jay adds a layer of much needed brevity to the story, so it's not all doom and gloom, very appropriate for the YA audience, and Dennard also gives us answers to so many of the questions she left us with in the first book and adds a few surprising twists of her own. The ending made me scream out loud.

A really great book, I had a blast.

WILL I READ ON? Obviously.

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The second book in the Luminaries series. O was exciting to get back to this world and see what happens next, it started slow and I was waiting for more to happen, it was until halfway through the book that things picked up. This is a perfect book for teens, super easy to read.

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I absolutely loved the first book The Luminaries and I was so excited to read this one. It did not disappoint. It didn’t take long before I was drawn back into this unique world.
The story jumps straight back into where Winnie’s story finished in the last book.
The world building again was fantastic and the plot had a good steady pace.
The book was well written and I love the authors writing style as I find it easy to follow along.
I really need the next book! I’m a little annoyed that I finished it this quickly!

Thank you to Netgalley, the author and publisher for an eARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Big fan of the first book, so couldn't wait for the second one.

The book picks right up where we left off and avoids that awkward Co stant reminder of book one thing that so many books fall prey to.
This one was maybe a bit more about Winnie and Jay, and less the creatures, but this didn't detract too much. There were a few twists and turns, I personally saw them coming in book one, but it was nicely done. The Diana's are interesting characters and we have a mini mystery there.

Definitely looking forward to reading more in the future.

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The Hunting Moon was such an anticipated release for me, and it was SO GOOD. I was already a fan of The Luminaries, however for me, this book just eclipsed the first book. The Hunting Moon was exciting, and didn't have to worry itself with the same amount of world building that The Luminaries had. It dove right into the story and didn't slow the pace throughout the whole book.

This was excellent, highly recommend.

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I've been going back and forth with this one since finishing it last night, but I've finally settled on 3 stars.

This is the continuation of The Luminaries, picking up right where the first book left off. Winnie is dealing with the consequences of her lies (fame is a double-edged sword, who knew?), trying to investigate the message that she found, dealing with her troubled feelings for Jay, her place in the Luminaries community, and trying to understand what the Whisperer is and what it's after. Sixteen-year-old me could never. I'm tired just thinking about it. But also someone get this girl to a dentist, she's going to hurt herself.

It was a bit of a struggle to get through the first 70%. There was an interesting bit around the halfway point where I thought we'd finally take off, but no such luck. The stakes are decent, but I needed a bit more from her 'before' relationships to make me care. As it stands, I don't feel the betrayal, I'm just reading about it. Still, I definitely feel for Winnie, having to deal with it all at such a young age after being isolated for four years, but I do agree with what another character tells her towards the end. I'm not about to hate on Winnie for being self-absorbed, though, given the circumstances and yes, her age.

The last 30% got more interesting, though none of the reveals packed a punch, given how very obvious they were. It's fine, this isn't really a mystery book, but then you don't get to act like it's such a big shock, heh. I mostly liked the conflict, though I'll say that 1) they should have been dead 20 times over, 2) that was some deus ex-machina, and 3) way to make the villains moustache-twirling caricatures.

As for the writing, it's fine. Sometimes it's a bit cliché, when it tries too hard to be metaphoric and evocative. I'd like that to be a bit more polished, but that is my personal preference. There is nothing especially distracting about it, and it is well suited for its target audience.

Finally, I liked that tiny twist at the very end. Very intriguing, definitely caught my attention, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it pans out.

This book is for you if you enjoy:
- the previous book, obviously
- monster-hunting but wait the monsters aren't all evil
- childhood friends to strangers to lovers
- traitor/betrayal plot points
- two societies at odds with each other

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"You either trust the forest or you don’t. You either trust yourself or you don’t."

A quick and easy read, The Hunting Moon has great dark forest vibes and a thrumming bass of tension that keeps your attention. It's the second book in The Luminaries YA fantasy series.

I enjoyed The Hunting Moon and its darker edged atmosphere, filled with Nightmares and magic. This book is mainly about secrets; there are some reveals we've been waiting on from the first book, many answers, and new, even greater mysteries.

I liked learning more about the mysterious, magical Diana's, about Winnie's Dad, and about Winnie's former best friends, Jay and Erica. The sweet, heart-aching storyline of Winnie and Jay hit the YA sweet-spot.

I'm looking forward to seeing where the series heads next!

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This was one of my most anticipated released of the year and it definitely didn't disappoint.

In The Hunting Moon, Winnie Wednesday has everything she thought she wanted at the start of Luminaries, so why isn't she happier? Why can't she shake the strange, clawing, panicking darkness that makes her feel cut off from the rest of the luminaries, who can face unspeakable terrors and danger, then party the night away as if nothing happened? She's also struggling to move past her history with Jay, who is still keeping secrets, and she's worried the fragile happiness she's bought to her mum and brother could be shattered by secrets from their past.

As with book one, I couldn't put this down. The world is so intriguing, and there were so many questions and twists as the novel progressed that I couldn't look away. Winnie's mixed emotions worked really well to add tension, and despite the extraordinary circumstances she was facing, she felt like a real teenager.

I LOVED returning to Winnie, Jay and the world of the Luminaries. Everything about this series is brilliant - from the fantasy system to the character development. And that ending!? I can't wait to find out what happens next.

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I want to thank @netgalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read “The Hunting Moon# in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed the continuation of “The Luminaires”.

We start where the first book leaves us, and find our protagonist, involved in a pile of emotions and cursed by her actions. It was a bit slow for me, but the end was more exciting and faster to read and see everything unfold for Winnie.

The writing was in my opinion good, giving us a twist at the end, hard to put down. I recommend this book it didn't disappoint it was a good continuation of this world.

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