Member Reviews

When does book three come out?!

I love this series, perhaps being a Yorkshire lass helps me to resonate so easily with the characters and storyline. I can hear the words that get spoken in the book being said by people I know locally!

Once again Betty has a strong storyline with important parts of the war intwined into it. The characters are all so likeable and you want to get to know them more. It combines a nice mixture of the countryside in wartime and then takes the characters back into the city where things were often quite different in wartime.

I would highly recommend this series to anyone and cannot wait for book three! Thank you to NetGalley, Betty and her publishers for allowing me to read this title before it's publication.

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I’ve been looking forward to reading this since finishing the first Silverdale book and it was definitely worth the wait! I loved meeting Bobby and the residents of Silverdale again. This is a brilliant story and so cleverly written; Bobby has all the attributes we want to see in a modern heroine, but the story is firmly rooted in the past. The historical details are woven into the story with a light touch, thoroughly convincing but never overbearing. I genuinely had no idea how the romantic aspect was going to end! I hope this series runs and runs!

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War come to the Dales by Betty Firth

Yorkshire Dales village felt like a little pocket of a past long gone.

While much of the country was suffering nightly bombing raids as the Blitz raged, life in isolated Silverdale carried on just as it had for a hundred years or more. But as the summer of 1941 approaches, war finally seems to have come to Silverdale. The villagers face new hardships when shortages and rationing begin to bite, young men become scarce as more and more are called up, and Bobby finds herself juggling her job on the magazine with a new role as an ARP warden.

This is such a wonderful book and the characters within it , well you can really imagine them being true life people , in fact , the author writes so well , I can also feel as if I was there going through their tribulations with them.

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Firstly thank you Netgalley for this Arc

Wow what a brilliant book family saga at its best can’t wait to read more by this author

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