Member Reviews

"The Cruel Dark" by Bea Northwick is like a thrilling ride through a spooky house, filled with secrets and mysteries. Millie gets a job with Professor Hughes, and his house is like a big, old, creepy mansion. The story is full of surprises and hidden stuff, making it a fun 4-star read for fans of old-timey adventures. 🏚️🔍📖😄

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"The Cruel Dark" is a historical gothic romance written by Bea Northwick.

This book was wonderful! Delightfully dark, eerie, bewitching and seductive, it absorbed me completely. It is a gothic, mysterious and intriguing story filled with Celtic mythology, plants and flowers, featuring a darkly fascinating setting, an evocative style, a captivating plot and complex and interesting characters. All sprinkled with a highly sizzling romance, with swoon-worthy spicy!

I loved the writing so much! Alluring, evocative and magnetic, it won me over with its beauty. I was enchanted by the extremely vivid descriptions, by the analysis of the characters and by their sizzling interactions. In my opinion, the author did an incredible job in rendering the gothic and spooky undertones of the story, with the addition of some typical elements of the horror genre. She managed to portray the various environments incredibly well, creating really clear images. I found it to be a researched prose, careful in word choice, full of feeling and passion. Accomplice to the tantalizing pace and the presence of short chapters I struggled to tear myself away from the pages, immersed in the compelling whirlwind of the read!

The setting is darkly enchanting! The story takes place in 1928, in Massachusetts, more specifically in Willowfield, an old estate isolated in the wilderness. A once majestic mansion, a place of dazzling parties, now reduced to a structure that is slowly falling apart. A gloomy place, abandoned to its own fate, inhabited only by the Professor and his three helpers, the last remaining staff members, the only ones brave enough not to run away frightened by rumors of ghosts that are said to haunt the mansion. Because yes, according to the gossips, Willowfield is haunted by the ghost of the professor's deceased wife, a rather sensitive woman who died by suicide under mysterious conditions. A house that stands alone, with its peaked roofs, chimneys, dormers and turret, left to rot under the effects of neglect and time. Willowfield is a house full of dusty, creaking hallways, unused and sometimes locked rooms, with decorations belonging to Celtic folklore present in every corner, surface and available space. The magnificent, and once renowned, gardens surround the structure, better maintained than the mansion itself, with orchards, vegetable gardens, greenhouses, topiary art in the shape of animals and creatures from Celtic folklore, a rose maze, and much more. In short, it's a fascinating, sinister, highly atmospheric setting, skillfully drawn. In addition, I greatly appreciated the focus on Celtic folklore! As mentioned above, Willowfield is filled with statues, paintings, carvings, and more, depicting elements of Celtic folklore. The professor himself, like his mother before him, does research in this area. And Millie herself knows numerous fables and legends on the subject.

The plot is intriguing! Dark, compelling and thrilling, it proceeds with a placid, quiet, almost sleepy pace. It is a story full of mysteries, secrets, lies, remorse, torment, grudges, obsessions and madness, combined with plenty of Celtic mythology and a decidedly more eerie undertone. To which is added a swoon-worthy romance! It is a tale that takes its time, without rushing, able to create fantastic suspense. I think the author did a great job in handling the more horror component of the book: frightening apparitions, creepy visions, eerie whispers, mysterious footsteps, ominous light plays, sudden drafts of air, and more abound in the text. I admit that I spotted the various plot twists well in advance, but this did not affect my great appreciation in the least.

I loved Millicent, protagonist and only pov in the first person! Millie is a woman haunted by a difficult past. Coming from a wealthy, troubled family, following a terrible event she had traumatic amnesia. Millie has a four-year gap in her life: she knows she left home one day, only to find herself four years later in a totally different place, without any idea what happened in the meantime. She has spent two months in a mental ward, only to get out and try to rebuild a new life. Until an unexpected job offer, as an assistant to a mythology professor, jumps straight into her lap. Millie is a person with a sensitive and restless soul, marked by deep fears, doubts and uncertainties. But she is also determined, intelligent, wry and kind, unwilling to be pushed around. A woman constantly caught between wanting to be free and having to follow the conventions of the time. I think Millie is a well-analyzed character, with an incredible evolution, whom I became very fond of! Also I confess that I usually have a hard time liking the amnesia trope, but in this case I found it handled well and with great coherence!

Professor Callum Hughes, in turn, won me over from the start! Charming, arrogant, sullen, reserved, and tormented by the loss of his beloved wife, he made me melt a lot! A rich, intelligent, mysterious man full of secrets, totally absorbed in the study of Celtic folklore. I can't say more to avoid spoilers, but I loved him! My only "criticism" is the lack of his pov, because in my opinion it would have been really interesting to read!

The relationship between Millie and Callum is simply mind blowing! They set off sparks from the start, with definitely sizzling chemistry and juicy interactions to say the least! I enjoyed the way the relationship was built, moving from physical attraction to a gradual mutual understanding. Of course there are many secrets from both of them, with lies and truths omitted, but over time they have way to talk, confront and support each other. The spicy then is really hot, well inserted and it made me repeatedly melt!

All in all, this is a wonderful historical gothic romance that I recommend to lovers of the genre, maybe during the spooky season or on a gray, rainy day!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bea Northwick for giving me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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What on earth did I just read?!

This isn’t my normal type of book & I really didn’t know what to expect, but it for sure wasn’t THAT 😳 Part gothic romance and part terrifying thriller, this book started slow - then took off like a freaking shot!

With this book being just over 200 pages it was a quick read - which was good because I legit It was a slow build but I appreciated the world that was being developed - & the payoff in the end was well worth it! The entire last chapter was absolute PERFECTION.

"Strange things bloom where grief lives."

"I enjoyed the excitement of facing a beast on the safe side of the page, where defeating it meant only closing the cover."

What to expect:
- Historical setting

- Gothic romance

- Flowers and folklore

- Eerie estates

- Deadly secrets

- Jane Eyre vibes

I can’t wait for people to read this book so I scream with them about that ending!

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Bea Northwick for sending me an ARC of this book!

If you liked Jane Eyre, Rebecca, Mexican Gothic and The Death of Jane Lawrence this one is for you! The vibes are immaculate; The Cruel Dark features:
- slow burn romance
- folklore
- libraries and academic research
- cold winter air
- creepy ghosts
- a crumbling country estate
- hand written notes and secret notebooks
- candlelight

I REALLY enjoyed The Cruel Dark! Such a good title, cover and premise - I was hooked as soon as I read the summary. Set in New England in the 1920's, Millicent Foxboro takes a job as an assistant to a mysterious and tempestuous academic, at a crumbling estate in the countryside. Once she arrives, she finds a house full of secrets, and starts seeing visions and ghosts in the dead of night...

The main character, Millie, is well-written and I instantly liked her. Her back story is revealed little by little, which was well thought-through and incorporated into the book in a way that felt natural. I also think the world-building is done well - I haven't read many books set in this era, but I I enjoyed the mentions of flapper-style dresses, the hairstyles and things.

This book does have spice, as it's a gothic romance, but not too much and it's not over-played. The romance developed at a good pace; sometimes I find romance books to have romantic relationships that develop too fast/are the opposite of a slow-burn (a fast-burn??) but this wasn't like that!

Lastly, THE PLOT TWISTS! I read this book in a few days as I wanted to know what was going to happen next! I did end up guessing the final twist but I don't mind that, because it's a really good one. 10/10 would recommend this book, it was such a joy to read!

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I devoured this book! It checked off all of the boxes for me. It was creepy, full of tension and suspense with a dash of horror. I was up at 2am cowering under my blanket while reading this 😅 and flew through it in one sitting because I just could not put it down. I really loved the ending and did not see that twist coming! I highly recommend adding this one to your tbr.

What to expect:
Historical setting
Gothic romance
Houses with secrets

Release date: October 31, 2023

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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Really liked this! It was the perfect mix of romantic & eerie without being unnecessarily edgy.

I felt really swept up in the heroines feelings, doubting myself along with her while she tried to figure out what was going in the mansion. I usually pride myself on seeing plot points coming from a mile away, but I actually really didn't expect the twist at the end, even though I probably should have.

Thank you so much for letting me read it in advance!

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All I can say is WOW! This story had me guessing what was going to happen until the last chapter. Rarely can I say that a book keeps me this on my toes! Millie is a character I felt was relatable in a way that didn’t feel forced. And Callum, very drool worthy. This should definitely be on the top of your TBR. I can’t wait to see what else Bea Northwick produces for us! This was definitely a 5 star read for me! Did I mention the spice!?

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So this is a new to me author. I saw this book on sponsored ads on Instagram quite a bit. I got really intrigued so I checked out the author's page and started following her. Then it landed on Netgalley so I requested an ARC copy.

This book was absolutely perfectly written!

There are hot schmexy times in this but it's not the basis of the book. This book is more storyline heavy than it is fun times heavy. For me this was a great draw into the story because when those times came I was like, okay girl it's time to get into it, time to ride this out if you know what I mean. I love the darker vibes of this story. It was the perfect setting, it drew you in to the mystery surrounding Willowfield and Callum which really intensified the darker elements of the story.

There is a twist in the story that I did not see coming at all. When an author can do this I'm sold, I'm all in it, I want to read everything by this author and this author absolutely nailed it.

This is easily one of my top reads of 2023. When this book releases you need to get on over to your favorite retailer buy that book, buy that ebook one clickety click cuz you're going to need this in your life.

**Received an ARC copy through netgalley. Voluntarily reviewed**

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This is a real gothic romance, in the vein of Rebecca and with a hint of My Sweet Audrina by Virginia Andrews.

It is short but it packs a punch and is perfect for autumn spooky vibes. I enjoyed it and read it in one sitting.

4 stars

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Dear reader, The Cruel Dark will satisfy all your gothic novel cravings. But beware - dark secrets lurk in the shadows!
In this gothic romance enter a mouldering estate full of Celtic folklore inspiration and meet the brooding Professor Hughes.
The eerie atmosphere will haunt you and the steamy scenes will make you swoon. Get ready to be spooked and seduced 🖤

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4.5 stars
This is one for all of the Jane Eyre girlies. The vibes in this book are immaculate. It is dark and spooky and eerie and everything one could want from a gothic novel releasing on Halloween.

In particular, the author has a talent for vivid, visceral descriptions, as when she writes “But there, near the edges of the windows and around the plaster ceiling coffers, seeping water stains pulled and marred the designs, bloating the wall beneath. I imagined the soft, pulpy feel of it under my fingers and shivered.”

Personally, I loved the influence of folklore and mythology on the story, and I also appreciated the author’s choice to set this in the 1920s, a time that feels historical but also modern.

The twist in this book made me actually gasp. I don’t want to spoil so I will leave it there.

It is 4.5 stars instead of 5 for me because I don’t know that it 100% felt like a romance novel to me, which is what I was expecting from the description. Yes, there is a love story, etc, but most of the book felt like the central conflicts and story lines were less about the two main characters and more about the protagonists own conflicts with herself, her mind, her ghosts, and the setting. I almost felt like the romance itself was a subplot.

I would heartily recommend this book.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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TL;DR: ARC review, solid debut from a new author, spooky, beautiful, sexy
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Gothic Mystery / Romance
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

This was a really great debut! This Gothic romance had me captivated from the first chapter – with its unnerving elements of Celtic mythology, ghosts, and creepy, yet beautiful, setting. This book takes place in the late 1920s at an eerie rundown estate during a northeastern winter. I read this at the end of September, so it was a great way to kick off spooky season. (I also really enjoyed the spice)

You could tell this was a debut novel. There were a few things that needed a bit of refining. To start off, the chemistry between the two main characters was a little weird. To be fair, the IS a reason given for that at the end of the book, but I still felt like it could have been handled a bit smoother. There was also a lot of very repetitive, very detailed setting descriptions. It was great at the beginning to set the mood, but it made some parts of the story drag a bit.

As for the two plot twists – the main one I saw coming from about halfway through the book. I knew there was going to be more to it, so I was holding out hope for more of a surprise. The second twist I didn’t see coming, but it fell a little flat. Everything was pieced together in the end by a monologue from the villain, but there were so many pieces that could have been put together by our main character and I feel like there was a missed opportunity there.

All of this being said, I did really enjoy this story. I think it’s a great first novel by Northwick and I can’t wait to see what she does next!

Thank you, NetGalley and Northwick Books, for sending me an e-ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review! All opinions are my own.

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I loved the setting and dark/gothic undertone. I’ve been craving a book set in the 1920’s and this did not disappoint. Bea brought fourth an immersive world full of macabre moments. I loved the Celtic folk references. This is the perfect read for fall. I can’t wait to buy my physical copy for my library. Thank you to net galley and the talented author for my arc.

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Thank you to Net Galley, Victory Editing and Bea Northwick for the ARC. The writing in this book is incredibly descriptive, reminding me of Stephanie Garner's style, especially when it comes to world-building. However, this world has a different vibe; it's more gloomy and macabre. It's a historical gothic romance. There’s a mystery that needs to be unraveled. The spice is great in this book as well. This book includes secrets, tension, ghosts, and Celtic folklore. If you’re a fan of belladonna or one dark window, you'd like this. This book is the perfect book for fall. Absolutely adored it!

Will link my tik tok review when it is done, should be before sept 30. Thank you again!

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I finished The Cruel Dark yesterday and had to sleep it off before writing this, my jaw is still on the floor! This story is perfect for the upcoming spooky season, absolutely haunting and captivating. If you like American Horror Story, you'll want to be reading this because it's better.
Set in 1928 Millie a 26 year old bookkeepers assistant, has had a tough past. Nicknamed by her wicked mother "mad Millie", she had an episode that left her in a mental hospital before she found her way to Mr.Helms book shop. Her memory was missing of any events post her college graduation, leaving only those dark times she had in her family estate years ago. Millie was approached by a doctor who shared her love of Celtic lore and fairy tales. he offered her a position as a professors assistant with a pay rate she just could not refuse. She left the city to make way to the spooky gothic Fae inspired estate of the famous widowed Professor Hughes. Everyone warned her of the secrets and dark magic that lie dormant inside of Willowfield, especially the ghosts. What she did not know before entering was that there was so much more than that inside, including a spicy, butterfly inducing relationship with her boss Professor Callum Hughes.
The banter in this book is perfection, the SPICE made my belly do flips. The relationship between Callum and Millie....WOW. The pacing was a bit slow in the beginning but sorts itself quickly and surely makes up for it as you progress. I mean the secrets, the twists, the mystery, and the JAW DROPPING ending. I'm clapping like a seal, I loved it. I also loved the highlight on Celtic Lore, it was the special touch of this book that made things truly magic and peculiar.
Thank you Bea Northwick, NetGally, and Xpresso book tours for this ARC! The perfect read, at such a great time to get spooky! #NetGally #TheCruelDark

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The Cruel Dark by Bea Northwick

This is not my usual Genre to read. Mystery/Thriller with a heavy dose of romance.

This book has opened my mind to a new genre! I very much enjoyed this book. It had twists and turns, shock revelations and heart stopping, creepy scenes. The historical setting added to the scary aspects of the book. I enjoyed the build up to a double shock feature at the end.

Prepare to be swept away to 1928, thrust into an exciting and mysterious story.

Thank you so much to Bea Northwick and Northwick Books for allowing me to ARC read this enticingly mysterious book!

Get your copy soon!

Publication Date: 31 October 2023

Note for the Author:
Chapter 4: the word Point has a f after it: ‘points’
Chapter 4: you use the phrase ‘right out’ - it may sound better as ‘out right’
Chapter 7: you have written (in a passage that she is reading) ‘no matter we are’ I think this may be supposed to say ‘no matter where we are’

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Thank you to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for the advance copy of this book to read.

The story follows Millie, a young woman who has spent 2 months in a mental institute as she starts new employment with Professor Callum Hughes at the atmospheric Willowfield Estate.

This is my first historical academic romance and it did not disappoint. It's a great autumn/Halloween read with ghosts, faes and forbidden lust.

It really reminded me of Verity by Colleen Hoover but a more sophisticated and grown up version. The language and descriptions made for a beautiful and enchanting read.

If you're looking for a suspenseful, dark and gothic historical read this is for you.

4.5 stars

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The Cruel Dark is a 1920’s gothic story with excellent haunted house vibes which felt reminiscent of Rebecca. We follow our main character Millie after she leaves her job in Boston to be a research assistant to a reclusive widowed professor, Callum. Soon after arriving Millie has doubts about this new role as she starts seeing and hearing things she can’t explain while the staff and Callum seem to be acting strange. There also is a constant presence of Callum’s deceased wife throughout the home. A creepy tale ensues as Millie tries to figure out the secrets of her new residence while maintaining her sanity.

I really enjoyed this book with all of the gothic descriptions and overall creepy vibes. I did not see the twists coming, and was kept guessing all the way until the end. The writing was very atmospheric and immersive. This book was an overall creepy delight, perfect for fall!

I received an ARC ebook from NetGalley for an honest review.

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For a debut novel, this left quite an impression and I cannot wait to see what more this author will come out with in the future.

I really enjoyed this book for the fall season. I was giving spooky and very spicy, I definitely had me creeped out from time to time which is impressive since I don't startle easily!

The plot was amazing and was paced very nicely.

The characters were beautifully written and I felt like I was walking alongside the protagonist turning every corner with Millie.

Although the ending was decently predictable I was still pleasantly surprised and thought it ended just the way it should, it was great.

I don't typically read historical fiction or romances but I really liked this one and would recommend it to others who are trying to get into the genre as well. This is also in part of how well-written the book was the imagery was insane and the connection to characters and detail was otherworldly. Because of the writing style Bea used I was able to read this book in one day.

Though it has creepy elements it really is a great story I think everyone should check it out! When this book is released I hope it gets a lot of traction on social media because it is well deserved.

Excellent job Bea!

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There are very few books that leave me speechless at the end, this is one of them.

Dang. Just. . . WOW!

The last chapter of this book is EVERYTHING. I thought I knew what was coming. I thought I could vaguely guess. I was wrong on SOOOOOOOOOO many levels. That alone is refreshing. I love to be surprised.

This book truly is a Dark Romance and has some wonderfully creepy imagery to go along with it. Since I am a very busy working mom of two, most of my reading is done at night after the kids go to bed. . . I can honestly say there was one night I was torn between being ok with how scared I was and my need to keep reading. Reading won out, but I woke my husband up on the sly just to not me along for a moment. BAHAHA!

I said it once, but It needs to be said two or three times more. This story is beautiful, the imagery is stunning, the characters are demential. I could honestly go on and on just listing the reasons this book is so jaw droopingly good.

5 freaking stars all the way around.

Thank you NetGalley and Northwick Books for the ARC.

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