Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley, NorthWick books and Bea Northwick for the ARC in return for an honest review.

"You shine a light in this dark house, Miss Foxboro. I pray you let nothing extinguish it."

Let me start out by say I didn't have a single clue what this book was about. I saw the cover and title on instagram and said SOLD, especially with it getting into the spooky season. Honestly, I'm so glad I went into this story in the dark because it did not disappoint. I hit all the marks, romance, suspense, thriller, and the twist at the end!

In the beginning we met Millie, who doesn't remember a huge part of her life due to traumatic event that landed her in a psychiatric hospital. Working in a little book store she is approach by Dr. Hannigan who offers her an assistant job to the reclusive Professor Hughes. She needs the money and with it being only a few weeks she accepts. Moving into the home strange things start to occur for Millie, hearing voices, seeing people, feeling ill. Not to mention with the limited staff the home does have, they all act very strange towards her. As Millie and Professor Hughes grow closer and closer, the spooky things start to get more intense by the day.

I thought I figured out the twist Bae wrote fairly early on, but when I tell you I was completely wrong I mean it, I was no where near close to that twist. It was so much better than I could ever imagine. The beginning was a little dry and boring for me but once I hit chapter 4 I could not put this book down. I also wish it would have been longer but felt it was wrapped up very nicely.

If you are looking for a romantic, historical, gothic, thriller, suspenseful book then look no further! Count down the days because The Cruel Dark is out October 31st!

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I was excited to read this book, a 1920s gothic thriller but found it a bit disappointing. Overwritten at times, it's heavy on description that sometimes falls flat. I had a tough time gelling with the MC, Millie Foxboro, I'm not sure why. Eventually I got invested in the story and was anxious to learn the mystery. First I had to slog through an unexpected extended sex scene which I didn't feel fit the narrative. When the mystery is resolved I didn't really buy it. Overall I was underwhelmed by the story.

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The cruel dark review
5 stars
I don’t normally read historical fiction or thrillers/mystery books. I gave this a try because it sounded interesting and I’m glad that I did!

I read this book so quickly because I needed to know who or what was haunting Milli- or was it the house that was haunted?

I don’t typically like historical fiction, I’m not into history- at all. But this book was fantastic. The language used, in my opinion, was very 1920s and kept with the theme of the book.

The mansion: creepy. The descriptions of some of what our FMC was seeing and experiencing, gave me the chills. The Fae folklore really brought some magic into the story. The world building was just enough, not too much, and at the right time. It wasn’t overwhelming or repetitive.

The plot kept twisting and I did not see it coming! I don’t want to say any spoilers so unfortunately I am going to leave it vague.

Favorite quote:

“I realized what he was doing. I’d sworn I would never beg, and he was making sure I couldn’t stand by my word. Lust unraveled my pride.”

And the pages following, which are too spicy to post publicly. 🥵

Great book for anyone who may not typically like this genre, and of course, those who do. I found it to be captivating!

Thank you Netgalley and Bea Northwick for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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3.5 stars

Holy F***! That twist! This is a book that HAS to be read in a single setting - so much lush atmosphere! This is not going to be a long review, as the book is much better without spoilers - but just, read the trigger warnings, and read it!!

Why the less than 5 stars: I felt this book could've done better with more editing. There were huge swathes of book towards the beginning, full of descriptions that made the core storyline less gripping.

My thanks to Netgalley and the author for an eARC!

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W O W!!!

I am utterly floored that this is a debut novel. I devoured this in less than a day, I literally could not put it down. The writing is gripping, while still beautiful. Tense and creepy but still good-humored when needed.

I will say I picked up on the twist about halfway through, but it did not take away from my enjoyment in the slightest. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the story unfold and all of the little twists and turns had my stomach lurching.

I will, undoubtedly, be reading anything Bea Northwick releases in the future. This book solidified me as an absolute huge fan of her writing!

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THE PLOT TWISTS! This book was absolute gothic perfection, the ghosts, the mansion, the dark elements of the Celtic mythological creatures, it was an amazing read that I simply couldn’t put down.

I have to pay my respects to Bea Northwick, her attention to detail in this book was amazing, she did not leave one loose end, making sure to clean everything up in the Epilogue. That final plot twist was, hm *chefs kiss*!

I am at a loss for words at Millie’s character, I loved her strong personality, and the fact that she remained her outspoken self throughout.

ALSO, when I learnt what happened to her parents ??? I was shook! It was the perfect way to bring in that morbid/dark side of the story.

The spice 🌶️🌶️🌶️🫣

I will recommend this to anyone who listens.

A big thank you to NetGalley and Northwick Books for allowing me the pleasure of reading the ARC of Cruel Dark.

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The Cruel Dark is a gothic romance rich with spine-tingling elements and enigmatic characters. The immersive storytelling instantly captured my interest, and I felt I was exploring the tragically beautiful home, shuddering when approaching the darkest corners alongside the main protagonist. The build-up is done wonderfully and makes the dramatic twist worthwhile.

My favorite things from The Cruel Dark that other readers might enjoy include:

- Historical setting
- Gothic romance
- Flowers and folklore
- Eerie estates
- Deadly secrets
- Jane Eyre and Rebecca vibes

I can’t wait for people to read this book so I can rhapsodize about the ending!

Thank you, NetGalley and Northwick Books, for sending me an e-ARC of this book! All opinions are my own.

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The Cruel Dark has everything you want in a great fall read:
- Slow burn gothic romance with spice
- Forced proximity
- FMC with a tragic past
- House with secrets

This atmospheric debut novel from Bea Northwick had me turning the pages, wanting more. The story follows Millie Foxboro as she is hired by Professor Callum Hughes to move into his estate as his assistant. She soon realizes that she cannot escape ghosts of her past as she begins to learn the history of Willowfield and its dark secrets.

I immediately thought of Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier with its similar gothic romance vibes. The suspense throughout the book was well-paced and the characters were intriguing and mysterious. I did not expect the ending and it absolutely threw me for a loop! This book was a great way to jumpstart the fall reading season and I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

Thank you to the author and Netgalley for the ARC to read and review. Opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Bea Northwick, Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op and NetGalley for giving me this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

"My heart seized, full of love, sorrow, and fear, because I had seen the things walking the halls of Willowfield and I didn't believe his wife had been mad."

I am still reeling from the shocking twist this book ended with! This read was an absolute whirlwind. This is a gothic romance full of suspense. I felt as though I was on edge most of this book. The suspense and tension are so thick that I couldn't stop reading until I was finished. The Cruel Dark has distressed heroin, grieving lover, gothic charm, dark secrets, romantic suspense, and spice. Do I need to say anything else?

This story follows Millicent Foxboro, who is haunted by the ghosts of her past. She has found herself trying to piece her life together after spending two months in a mental ward for traumatic amnesia. She is only able to recall memories that still haunt her in her sleep. She accepts an assistantship to a Professor Callum of mythology due to the incredibly high salary and her need to find stability in her life again. It sounds like a good opportunity, right? When she arrives for her assistantship, she finds that the widowed professor is grim with unpredictable moods. Not only that but the magnificent home has scarce staff due to the rumors of ghosts and is falling to pieces after the late death of his wife. During the time she spends with the professor working, she finds herself to be drawn to him and a desire blooms. As quick as the desire comes, so do the secrets of the house and they threaten to reveal her own secret. Whose secret is most dangerous? Millicent's or Callum's?

I highly recommend everyone reads The Cruel Dark!

This review is posted to my Goodreads account on 9/1/2023, and it will be posted to my Bookstagram account on 9/5/2023.

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