Member Reviews

The Cruel Dark was such a fascinating story, set in the 1920's amidst a large estate named Willowfield, a once magnificent home known for sprawling gardens and large parties, but has deteriorated since the lady of the house's death. Millie who once spent two months in a mental ward for traumatic amnesia is offered a job at Willowfield to assist Professor Callum Hughes at his estate. Not being able to resist the enormous salary that could help set Millie up in a new life she accepts. At first she is taken a back by his rude demeanor but slowly he entices her in with a need she can hardly refuse.
This beautifully written story both charming and haunted drew me in from the start. and I couldn't let go. I was especially fascinated with Callum and intrigued by his back story, and the slow relationship that builds between him and Millie. With untrustworthy characters and some spice thrown in for good measure, this book is a must read.
Thank you NetGalley and Northwick Books for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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It's not often you come across a good haunted mansion story that also works as a psychological thriller, a crime mystery and a dark romance with a healthy amount of spice thrown in for good measure. The Cruel Dark delivers on all counts.
The writing is wonderfully descriptive, which allows readers to visualise the unique details of Willowfield, while leaving enough to the imagination to put your own interpretation on those mental images; always a perfect compromise.
Willowfield itself felt more stunning if not slightly sad than scary and oppressing, and while it perfectly fulfils its role of the quintessential eerie, gothic haunted mansion, with some scenes that most definitely tick the horror box, it ultimately also breaks this mould. It's a house I would absolutely love to live in, and as someone who is not frightened of the dark and believes that the only monsters we should be truly afraid of are people, I found the resolution of the mystery of Willowfield as deeply satisfying as it was surprising.
At one point, the plot could have gone in a few different directions, and as such the resolution was hinted at and presented several possible outcomes. The full extent is sufficiently well hidden to make it feel unexpected, which is a rare find and this adds a very welcome and original element of thrilling mystery.

Characters don't get anymore multi-dimensional than a sassy and strong FMC with some serious vulnerabilities due to past mental health and trauma so deep it's caused significant memory loss.
Some of the supporting characters such as Ms Dillard the housekeeper, were incredibly well-rounded and I loved the element of things not being always what they seem being applied to character development, with both negative and positive outcomes.

The historical backdrop of the late 1920's added to the beautifully visual style of the setting, with all its wonderful innovation and post- war feeling of opportunity that lend hope for a brighter future.
The Cruel Dark comes out on October 31st and if you're not planning on going trick or treating, this will definitely sort your night out in the best way possible.

Thank you to @beanorthwick and @Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to indulge in this wonderful story ahead of release day.

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This is a spectacular debut! Scary and sexy, Bea Northwick's The Cruel Dark is a gothic romance that's sure to set your heart racing.

βœ… What worked: The scarier scenes in this book are so well done that I found it tough to read it in the dark at night! The mystery of Willowfield, and Millie's own past really draw the reader in, and make it hard to put the book down. Additionally, Millie's descent into madness at the estate is well done, and the reader also feels a gnawing sense of paranoia.
πŸ“˜ Would I recommend: Yes

I look forward to reading Bea Northwick's next book, and would thoroughly recommend any fan of gothic/gothic romance books to pick up a copy of The Cruel Dark. You won't regret it!

Thank you to NetGalley and Bea Northwick for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I'm in love with this book!

Mystery, thriller and a spicy romance with a dash of folklore. What's not to love. Although I was able to predict a major information early on. That didn't ruin the story for me because it kept me on the edge of my seat. Always questioning my earlier assumptions thus keeping the thrill and enigma of the book.

I was able to relate to Millie quickly and saw a great dynamic between her and Callum. I would have loved if it was dual POV. Maybe 2 or 3 chapters from him would have been great for us to know more about him but too many might have destroyed the mystery.

The ending is just amazing! the way the "major information" was revealed was just wow!

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The Cruel Dark is a jaw-dropping success, offering a perfect mix of historical, mythical, spooky, and spicy elements. It has the ability to captivate readers, keep them on their toes with unpredictable plot twists. The author has created a beautiful, immersive world with well-rounded characters. The spice is great.
The Cruel Dark is a must-read for those who enjoy gothic historical romance, dark academia vibes, haunted/ghost stories, slow-burn spice, fun plot twists, dark secrets, and mental health representation.

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This was a delightfully spooky gothic historical fiction. I loved it. It could not have a more satisfying ending than if I plotted it myself (which I couldn't have).
The plot was brilliantly executed. I did not foresee that ending. The setting was creepy - with a proper decaying mansion, where the estate includes vast gardens and a hedge maze (with a fairy ring). The characters were charming and enigmatic. The banter was excellent. This contributed to the sizzling chemistry between the characters. The conflict was nail bitingly good. I really can't say more without spoiling it, so I won't. This is a must add to the tbr’s of any reader.
Watch for tigger warnings.
Thank you to @netgalley and the author for an advanced e-copy. The opinions expressed are honest and my own.

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Oh. My. Gosh. This was amazing!!!

It was that creepy and eery in parts I got goosebumps and it genuinely gave me anxiety. The imagination is a very powerful thing and I could feel Millie’s fear through the writing.

I am normally quite perceptive and tend to guess the β€œtwist” or β€œbad guy” quite early on. This one completely took me by surprise.

There is some spice in this which to be honest I wasn’t expecting but it didn’t take away from the plot at all. In fact, it all made sense at the end!!

I won’t say too much as anything said may give it away, but if you’re in the mood for a gothic creepy read with a sprinkling of romance and spice, pick this up!

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This book was a perfectly spooky read for October. Three know was interesting and I loved learning about the world. The only twist was insane at the end and everything tied up very neatly. The spicy scenes were really good.

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The Cruel Dark promised a rich gothic atmosphere, and it did deliver on that front. However, my overall experience left me giving it a modest three stars. While the ambiance was captivating, the story's length and verbosity sometimes made it feel like a marathon rather than a leisurely stroll.. The story's pacing, in particular, left much to be desired. The book felt like it was 350-page read, but is much shorter.

Moreover, the chemistry between the two main characters felt somewhat awkward and underdeveloped. Their interactions struck me as clunky, failing to draw me in or make me root for their connection. In a story where character dynamics play a pivotal role, this aspect was a noticeable shortcoming.

It wasn't until I reached the 80% mark that I felt the narrative truly hit its stride, making the earlier sections of the book appear somewhat lackluster in comparison.

In summary, this book had its strengths, primarily in its atmospheric quality.. However, it left room for improvement in terms of pacing, character dynamics, and the need for a more engaging storyline in its initial segments. While I don't hold strong feelings about this book, I do believe it has potential if some adjustments were made to enhance the overall reading experience.

Thank you to Netgalley and Northwick Books for this Arc!

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I went into this book without to much to go on just the words gothic romance and while it was gothic and it did have a great romance this book reminded me more of a thriller type book with the plot laid out how it was and the turns it took but I was engrossed in the story and the lives of the characters. Even with the story only being from Millie's POV the Author had a way of making you see the book through others as well in the descriptions and writing you could see it all unfolding and helped in understanding what was going on. It was a good story and am truly happy it was a 1 and done book I feel like it was the perfect length to wrap up the main points in the way a good thriller mystery does.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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Thank you to the author and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for a review.

I love gothic romance and this was definitely heavy into that genre. We start the book with Millie working at a book shop and then being recruited by a regular customer to go help a Professor with his research at an old, dark estate. Millie soon learns that this house is dark, mostly empty, and plagued by spirits.

Wow, I finished the last chapter on this book and just had to stop and say "WHAT?" This was beautifully done, with great build up in the story and tying up all the loose bits at the end.

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Thank you so much @netgalley and @beanorthwick for an ARC of this book!


Okay, y’all. This book is soooo good! I couldn’t put it down. I haven’t blown through a book this fast in I don’t know how long. It’s just one of those stories that grabs you and keeps you guessing until the end. I thought I knew what was going on, and I was right, but I kept second guessing myself the whole time. I loved it so much!!

This book is dark, mysterious, thrilling, enthralling, romantic, and spicyyyy πŸ₯΅. The slow-ish burn about killed me, but in the best way! πŸ”₯

Honestly, this book is gothic romance at its finest. Highly recommend if that’s your thing.

Anything @beanorthwick writes is definitely a must have for me now!

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Absolutely brilliant! Dark and intense with mysterious, devastating and passionate characters amidst a stunning backdrop that’s both opulent and ancient. It pulses with primal sentience and I’d read it all over again right now.

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This book is the perfect Halloween/fall read. A gothic historical romance set in the 1920’s that has ghosts, a haunted house and lots of mystery. Oh and let’s not forget spice!

I’m not gonna go into to much detail about the summary because I think you’ll enjoy this book more if you go in blind. But I’ll say this book is beautifully written and very intriguing. I enjoyed the characters and the mystery throughout the story. There’s a lot of twists that I never saw coming and THAT ENDING! I got a lot of creepy vibes and some parts actually freaked me out a little bit.

Bea Northwick did an incredible job with this book. It’s very atmospheric and will have you completely hooked. I’m excited to read more from her in the future! This beauty releases on October 31st so make sure to grab a copy!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the e-arc!

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Celtic folklore
Slow burn
Dark secrets
Twists & turns
Atmospheric estate
Haunted heroine
Gothic romance
I’m speechless!!!
It’s a perfect read for spooky season with its eerie atmosphere. It’s a perfect mix of mystery, romance and supernatural. It kept me on the edge the whole time. I really enjoy haunted mansion stories although this time the haunted one isn’t the mansion, it gave a similar vibe and I loved it!
The story follows Millicent Foxboro who had a traumatic amnesia and desperately seeks for stability. Professor Callum Hughes offers Millicent a well-paid job as his assistant at Willowfield. His research focuses on celtic folklore which Millie has been drawn to for years. While Millie lives and works there, the dark secrets Willowfield have slowly unravels.
I was lucky enough to be on the ARC team of this wonderful story! Special thanks to NetGalley and the author for providing me with an eARC in return for an honest review!
β€œThe pull of this place, that man, was powerful, and I struggled to recoil against it.”

β€œDon’t ever apologize for your passions. I would happily bleed again if it brought you pleasure.”

β€œWe know they’re better than us in so many ways. They’re all the strength and beauty and power humans could never hope to have for themselves, so we crave their love despite their abuses because their love means we are unique. To be favored is a worthwhile danger because it means that among the masses of mortal life, we’ve been singled out and are, in some way, special. That’s what most of us want, isn’t it? To not feel so small and inconsequential in this vast world.”

β€œAll that burdens me could be solved with one decision , but it’s a decision I can’t make in good conscience as it could either repair the problems at hand or destroy everything.”

β€œI’m afraid I’ve become a person who wouldn’t miss an opportunity for good even if the chances of evil were equal. I’d rather know I’d opted to give myself happiness and failed than live always guessing what might have been.”

β€œYou’re stubborn and odd-tempered. You’re obstinate and snappish and nosy. But you’re smart, disarmingly romantic. Everything about you vexes and beguiles me. I think you’re bedeviled by your temper and your secrets and all the passions you’re terrified of. Furthermore, your face gives away everything, and I know you’re lying, Millie, when you say you believe any word Margaret has said against me. As for my suggestions, they were all promises that I fully plan to fulfill. I am a gentleman, Millie, but not always, and I certainly don’t intend to be one right now.”

β€œHe’s doomed”
β€œAll men in love are.”

β€œDo you still think I’m a beast?”
β€œYou are, but I don’t mind anymore.β€β€œGood, because it was very hard pretending not to be.”

β€œYou must stop always thinking the worst of me. And yourself . You’re a force of nature, and despite your trials, you’ve survived with a spirit worthy of its own folklore. Up to now you’ve made your way through hell all alone, but you’re not on your own anymore, Millie. Never again.”

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Received this is as an ARC via NetGalley.

Dark, hunted and spooky read. Tragic love, hunted home, ghost prefect for this time of year.

Story takes place in 1928. Millie Foxboro gets a job as an assistant to widowed Professor Callum Hughes and moves to his estate, Willowfield. While there Millie experience that the creepy manor lives it's own live. She is being hunted by the Woman in White, a ghost of late Mrs. Hughes. With ghost out the secrets of the place and what happened to Callums wife are slowly being uncovered. Will Millie lose her sanity? Will she find out what happened? Will Millie and Callum act on their feelings? Will the ghost of the late wife be a problem?

I know so many questions!? This books keeps you guessing until last chapters, when we finally after a crazy twist we find out more.

The whole books is so detailed and so beautifully written. Hunted home in 1928 gives me creeps for sure! It kind reminds me of movie Crimson Peak. I guess the whole creepy manor, ghosts made me think of it.

Spice wise - I would say they are some good scenes but nothing over the top.

The TWIST - i kind of saw that coming... But I did quest wrong on who the villain was ...

This is sold 5 stars for me.

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⭐️3.5 stars⭐️This had me at β€˜haunted estate’ and β€˜Celtic folklore’ but as the storyline unraveled, it was the eerie twists and unanswered questions that hooked me the most.

I also feel like it’s my duty to note that I’ve read a lot of spicy scenes in my day and these were among the superior. 🌢️πŸ”₯

The first person narrative felt quite wordy / diary-like at times which isn’t generally my preferred style but I was able to overlook this for the story.

Would recommend to anyone who wants to get out of a book slump with a quick gothic romance. There were many unexpected surprises and my first thought upon finishing is I need a re-readβ€” immediately.

Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley.

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Thank you NetGalley and Northwick Books for the ARC! Here I leave my honest review.

I didn't have any expectations of this book at the beginning. But later on I found this is a perfect book for October. From the beginning, I can feel the gloomy, gothic feel from this book. Old house, library, garden, death of the madam of house and all things that make this book feel so dark and eerie.

Millie is full of mystery since the beginning. I thought she has a dark secrets but turns out she doesn't remember her past. One point that make me curious about how this will change in further book. The book focus on the mystery of the house, the things Millie saw and heard and her relationship with Callum. I love how the author successfully makes me afraid to read this book at the middle of the night. I can feel the horror and imagine these "things" that bother Millie.

At first I can't explain how I feel toward Millie and Callum relationship. They didn't interact that much at first but surely has some interest toward each other. Feel like insta love but not really. But later on everything feel make sense. The plot twist surely change everything in this book and I really love that! I can't predict at all how this book will turn out. The conflict itself is so great and well written. I feel content when I finish the book. Really recommend this book if you want a fast read and suitable for this month!

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The Cruel Dark by Bea Northwick is a fantastic read! It's a gothic thriller set in the 1920's. It's full of twists and turns that took me on a spooky, dark, mysterious rollercoaster ride with some adult sizzle. I loved the profound and, very satisfying ending. This is definitely in my top five favorite books of 2023

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π‘©π’π’π’Œ π‘Ήπ’†π’—π’Šπ’†π’˜: π‘‡β„Žπ‘’ πΆπ‘Ÿπ‘’π‘’π‘™ π·π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘˜ by Bea Northwick @beanorthwick

5/5 stars


β€œπ‘° π’π’Šπ’Œπ’† π’”π’•π’π’“π’Šπ’†π’” π’˜π’Šπ’•π’‰ 𝒂𝒏 π’†π’π’†π’Žπ’†π’π’• 𝒐𝒇 π’•π’‰π’“π’Šπ’π’, 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒂 π’ƒπ’Šπ’• 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓. π‘­π’‚π’Šπ’“π’š 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 π’‘π’π’†π’π’•π’š 𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒐𝒕𝒉 π’–π’”π’–π’‚π’π’π’š. 𝑰𝒕'𝒔 π’†π’‚π’”π’š 𝒕𝒐 π’†π’π’‹π’π’š π’•π’‰π’Šπ’π’ˆπ’” π’π’Šπ’Œπ’† 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 π’˜π’‰π’†π’ π’šπ’π’– 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 π’‚π’π’šπ’•π’Šπ’Žπ’† 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒃𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒇𝒆."

"𝑡𝒐𝒕 π’‚π’π’˜π’‚π’šπ’”.β€œ


Mille has made her way to the Willowfield estate on the heels of an incredible job offer to assist Professor Callum Hughes with his research on the Fae and Celtic mythology. When she gets there, however, something isn’t quite right. The manor itself is crumbling, frozen in a state of disrepair after the death of the Professor’s wife.

As she spends more time within Willowfield, Millie becomes convinced that the manor is haunted. It’s clear the Professor is keeping secrets, and she intends puzzle them out. But Mille is also haunted by her past, and she has secrets of her own.

The Cruel Dark blends romance and horror in a way I’ve never experienced before, and I don’t know that I will ever fully recover or forgive Bea Northwick for the ordeal she just put me through with this book. But I’m also convinced she could give me her grocery list to read and I would devour it.

There were moments within The Cruel Dark that sent shivers down my spine. It was genuinely creepy and consistently surprising. I never really knew where the story was heading next, and I loved that.

The characters were phenomenal. I loved Millie so much, I definitely related to her nervous tendencies.

I cannot recommend The Cruel Dark enough. It’s the perfect spooky season read, full of passion and terror in equal parts.

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