Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for an ARC! I really enjoyed this story. When you're picking up a Christmas rom com, you're absolutely looking for a certain level of Hallmark cliche. This book delivers in the BEST way. The ridiculous tasks along the way were genuinely entertaining and fun to read. I love a dual POV story and felt that it helped us learn the characters very well. An overall great Christmas read!

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If you love British humor, wacky, lovable characters and the joy of Christmas this is the book for you. What a delightful rom com reminiscent of the movie Love Actually this turned out to be.
Eve is coming off a horrible break up and needs a distraction to get through Christmas. She goes off on quest to deliver 5 gold rings all over London with her co worker and friend Joe. Mayhem ensues as the power of love prevails. This sweet love story is not as raunchy as Kristen Bailey’s books usually are but it is just as laugh out loud funny. I highly recommend!
Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Five Gold Rings was a cute book. I think it’d make a fun movie with all the little side quests the main characters had in it. Eve has just caught her boyfriend of three years cheating on her right before Christmas. She goes to her job at a jewelry store and in the midst of comforting her, her elderly bosses mix up some orders of cuff links and rings. In order to save Christmas for these customers, Eve and fellow co-worker Joe (who happens to be in love with her) team up to get the rings back to their rightful owners. Along the way, they wind up in some funny situations and Joe does his best to be a good guy and not take advantage of Eve’s heartbroken state.

Thanks as always to NetGalley for this ARC.

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Five Gold Rings
By: Kristen Bailey
Review Score: 4 Stars

Boogie’s Bulletpoints
-This book hooks you straight from the start.

-The Caspar’s, who own the Jewelry store, are the nicest people.

-I loved reading about London at Christmastime.

-This story had a ton of humor, but some really thought provoking parts too.

-I laughed, I cried, I fully enjoyed this story!


Five Gold Rings was kindly provided as an ARC by Netgalley and Storm Publishing. Thank you for allowing me to read this wonderful book!

Release Date 10/30/23

Five Gold Rings is the perfect holiday story. We follow Joe and Eve, two friends (but Joe would like to be more) who are delivered 5 rings to different customers on Christmas.

There are so many hilarious shenanigans that these two run into, but there is also a lot of heart in this story. I love a book that can make you laugh but also make you think.

This book should definitely be on your list for Holiday reads!

#bookstagram #books #readingnow #boogiereadsbooks #fivekeyfeels #audiobooks #audiobook #arcreview #fiction #netgalley #boogiesbulletpoints #fivegoldrings #kristenbailey #stormpublishing

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this book read like an extremely fun Netflix Christmas romantic comedy- full of hilarious, relatable moments and had Bridget Jones vibes! This is perfect for the holiday season!

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Oh my god! This is one hilariously good Christmas read! I just loved everything about it, the characters, the season, just everything. Definitely one of the best Christmas books I have read! Loved it!

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Fun Christmas themed book. I loved all the small stories in the big story. I recommend this book to get you in the Christmas romance spirit. Thanks NetGalley for the advanced copy. #NetGalley #FiveGoldRings

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Kristen Bailey does it again! Thanks to #NetGalley and #Storm Publishing for an advanced reader copy of Five Gold Rings. I read her “Sex Ed” earlier this year and and laughed and cheered my way through it. “Five Gold Rings” does not disappoint. And for those readers who thought there was too much sex in “Sex Ed” (not me), you will be happy with the scaled back sexual attraction in this story.

Eve comes home hours early on December 23rd to find her boyfriend of three years with another woman. Eve is devastated. She ends up on a special mission for her employer to deliver five rings and some cuff links to customers over the next few days with her coworker (who is in love with her).

Ms. Bailey knows how to write humor. I was laughing throughout the book as the two main characters got caught up in a variety of bizarre and hilarious hijinks. This is a great story for the Christmas holiday, and as it launches in October, a perfect Christmas gift. I highly recommend this read if you need some gut splitting laughs and love the theme of friends to lovers.

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4.5 rounded up. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of this upcoming Christmas book. I didn't know a lot about the author going into it so I picked the book up on a whim and it definitely exceeded my expectations. I loved all the Christmas vibes throughout the story and all the heart felt moments. Sometimes when they switched between characters it would go back in time a little bit and say what the other character was doing during that time and/or their thoughts. Sometimes this confused me a little but once I understood what it was doing I found it to be a nice look at the flip side. Overall I'd definitely recommend this book to fellow Christmas book fans looking for romance and a good story.

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This was a fun christmassy read! I loved reading about all the other couples stories behind the rings!

I just reviewed Five Gold Rings by Kristen Bailey. #FiveGoldRings #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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Five Gold Rings by Kristen Bailey is the most delightful book I've read this year!
I was hesitant to get this ARC from #NetGalley because I don't usually enjoy reading Christmas books so far before the holidays. But I am so glad I decided to read it early!
This is a wonderful tale of Eve, a woman wronged and heart-broken, and Joe, the man who has loved her from afar. Their quest to deliver five rings to customers of the jewelry store where they work not only features the story of her healing and their developing relationship, but features five other heart warming tales of the couples to whom they deliver the rings. As the two meet these couples and experience the drama surrounding their proposals/weddings, they learn something from each experience that helps them grow individually and as a couple.
The book is full of humour and love of all kinds, and keeps you turning the pages to the very end.
I'm so glad to have downloaded the ARC of #FiveGoldRings from #NetGalley! If you only read one Christmas book this season, it should be this one!

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I had a hard time getting into this one. The story line was funny here and there but I didn’t really feel the chemistry between Eve and Joe as much as I wanted. I wished there were more chapters of them as a couple, even though she did just have a bad breakup with her ex. I don’t know, just something wasn’t hitting for me.

Overall, it wasn’t bad. It kinda reminds me of a Hallmark movie waiting to happen. The theme of Christmas with the rings would be great to read around Christmas time and maybe I would have enjoyed it more then. I did like the dual point of view so we get to see what each of the main characters are thinking.

I’m thankful I got the opportunity to read this one. Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the arc. This is my honest and voluntary opinion.

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I loved Joe and Eve delivering the rings! They had so much fun and it seemed like they would become friends with every character they met! But I didn't love that we didn't get to see more of them as a couple.

Overall, this was a sweet Christmas romance that has a cute little Easter egg at the end!! If you're looking for a fun Christmas adventure, definitely give this one a go!!

Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for the opportunity to read this book.

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If you can read this title without singing it, you deserve a cookie, preferably of the Christmas kind. Anyway, this book was cute and I enjoyed getting a sneak peak at what to expect this holiday season for reading material. I will recommend my library purchase this book for circulation.

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This book not only made me smile, it made me laugh, too! Seriously, I LOLed several times throughout this fun story!

The characters are charming and you can't help but root for them.

It's told through two POV - Eve and Joe. Eve just found out her boyfriend has been cheating on her and Joe finally fesses up that he's been in love with her!

Super fun {if slightly unrealistic!} read to escape reality!

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So unbelievable and kitsch, but you just can't help reading it! It makes you smile, cry, laugh and make you want to punch certain characters! Definitely Christmassy, definitely romantic and definitely readable.

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3 stars, Buck up

by Kristen Bailey

Eve catches her boyfriend Chris in a compromising position in their shower and decides she's had it with him. It's Christmas time and all of the gifts they've purchased are under the tree. Eve starts pulling out gifts, unwrapping them, and hucking them out the window. Chris tries to protest, but Eve ignores him.

Eve gets a little tipsy and goes to Caspar and Sons, a jewelry store where she works because the owners are like family to her. Mr. and Mrs. Caspar call Joe in, he works in the jewelry shop part-time also and has a mega crush on Eve. They think that Joe might be able to help Eve.

Mr. Caspar has some last-minute ring deliveries to do before Christmas is over and asks Joe and Eve to take over for him. Then the adventure begins.

This is a slightly humorous Christmas novel, Eve is drunk throughout most of the book, and I didn't care much for that part. She should have bucked up and stood up to her trials. I did like that it was set in England and the unique way that their sayings are different from American sayings. There were some mental health issues in the book, but the book didn't get too in-depth with them.

I received a complimentary copy of #FiveGoldRings from #StormPublishing #NetGalley I was under no obligation to post a review.

#Humor #Romance #Contemporary #HEA #England #TriggerWarning #KristenBailey

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When a book makes me smile, it’s a great one. When it makes me laugh, it’s a noteworthy one. Five gold rings made me laugh for sure. There were so many hilarious moments, that just fitted my humor.

In addition it was a cute story, and I loved the characters. Sure, someone falling in love so fast after a break-up isn’t entirely believable, but we do know that adrenaline combined with alcohol surely creates emotions one might not otherwise experience.

We follow two POVs, Eve and Joe. Eve has just discovered that her boyfriend was cheating on her, and Joe has been in love with Eve for a while without telling her. Perfect setup? Oh, yes!! I have read Bailey’s books before, and they also made me laugh and feel great about the world, so it was wonderful that I got the chance to feel that way again.

The book isn’t deep or profound, but it was enjoyable, cute and fun. What more can you ask for to take your mind off things and make you feel better for a while?

Thanks to netgalley and storm publishing for the arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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3.5 stars!

If you want a good laugh you should give this book a try!

When Eve discovers that her boyfriend is getting a blowjob from another woman, all the Christmas gifts fly out the window, including the engagement ring Chris wanted to propose to her with.

When Eve arrives at work in a panic, her super sweet employers quickly call Joe to see if he can come there.
Joe is Eve's colleague and has secretly had a crush on Eve for a long time. At the jeweler where they work, a mistake was made when delivering the rings, so Joe and Eve go out together to deliver them.

Every Delivery gets crazier and yet they still manage to get everything done on time and make everyone around them happy.
Eve is quite drunk along the way because of all her heartbreak.
While Eve and Joe go on all these adventures together, something starts to grow between them. there's even a kiss.

My favorite part had to be when they stole the turkey after the confrontation with Chris's family.

The story was a very slow slow burn and once they got together there was a mini epilogue and that was it. I would have liked that to be a bit longer and more extensive. I also sometimes missed the chemistry between Eve and Joe.

But all in all I thought it was a nice and funny book!

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This was so so cute! Eve and Joe are such fun characters and the ring deliveries they go on bring out so much in both of them. I loved hearing about the Caspar's little jewelry shop too and how it made a difference in those people's lives who bought from there.
A really great feel good Christmas read.

Thanks NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

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