Member Reviews

In the shadow-laden narrative that C.L. Taylor unfurls within "Every Move You Make," I find myself both captivated and unnerved, a testament to the meticulous craft and psychological depth that Taylor is celebrated for. As I turn the pages, I'm drawn into a world so vividly real and darkly intricate that it sends shivers down my spine, a feeling both thrilling and unsettling in equal measure.
Taylor's brilliance in storytelling is unmistakable, ensnaring me in a plot that feels all too plausible, a reflection of the fine line between fiction and the chilling possibilities of reality. The realism etched into every page of this narrative is palpable, compelling me to glance over my shoulder, pondering the fragility of my own safety in a world that mirrors Taylor's haunting creation. It's this realism that I find most commendable, a skilful demonstration of how to craft a story that not only entertains but also profoundly resonates.
However, amidst my praises, I can't help but feel that Taylor might have tempered the raw intensity and potential of the story's darker themes. There was room, I believe, for a deeper dive into the grit and turmoil of its psychological underpinnings. This restraint, perhaps a bid to maintain broader appeal, leaves me yearning for a bit more boldness in the narrative, a longing for the story to push the envelope just that bit further to fully unleash its harrowing potential.
The afterword adds a deeply personal dimension to the novel, offering a glimpse into Taylor's own experiences that inspired the story. This revelation not only blurs the lines between author and narrative but also invites me to reflect on the precarity of our lives compared to the turmoil depicted in the novel. This aspect of the book profoundly affects me, enhancing my appreciation for the narrative while urging me to contemplate its broader societal implications.
The twist—crucial in any thriller—though cleverly executed, required me to pause and ponder its effectiveness post-finale. While it stands as a testament to Taylor's crafting prowess, it leaves me with a sense of dissatisfaction having to work out if it worked or not. I had a whisper of longing for a revelation that could have been more seamlessly integrated into the narrative's fabric.
In summary, "Every Move You Make" showcases C.L. Taylor's adeptness at weaving a tale that is both engrossing and disconcerting, masterfully blurring the boundaries between the imaginary and the tangible. While I critique the novel for its hesitance to delve into the depths of its darker possibilities, I acknowledge the skilful balance Taylor strikes between accessibility and depth. It's a compelling read, prompting introspection and discussion, albeit shadowed by a yearning for a touch more daring to match its otherwise impeccable craftsmanship.

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It isn't often I don't enjoy reading a book not because its awful but because it was so creepy! It certainly kept you on the edge trying to work out who would die although that did seem to really drag on but once it came to the crux it was almost a relief that something actually happened!

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This was my first book by C.L. Taylor. It was fast-paced and easy to read. However, I found the main "twist" very predictable, and the ending was a bit over the top. There was a lot of action in the last 25% of the book, and the whiplash of events became outlandish instead of suspenseful. If you are looking for a book that specifically follows a stalker trope, Every Move You Make is a great option. Otherwise, it's a middle-of-the-road thriller.

Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This was a very creepy thriller! A group of victims of stalking get together after bonding online. They try to support each other as they tell each other their own horrific stories. Poor Natalie is the first victim to be killed by her stalker. As the others gather to pay their respects, they are given a wreath with a date on it. The date of the next victim’s death. This story was a great and detailed one as the group of victims, all with their own fears tried to make sure they looked out for each other and made sure that they all stayed alive after the death date.
All the characters had such depth and their fight against their stalker became more frenzied as the death date came closer. I felt sorry for all of them. It really made me think about how I would react in a situation like that….
An amazing psychological thriller that will really make you sit up and take notice!!!

Many thanks to Avon Books Uk for the chance to read this arc copy for my own opinion of this, via Netgalley.
#Netgalley, #AvonBooksUk, #C L Taylor Author.

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From the moment I cracked open this thriller, I was sucked into a whirlwind of suspense and terror. The way it tackled the nightmare of being stalked hit close to home, sending shivers down my spine as I imagined myself in the victims' shoes. The constant fear of death looming over them was like a weight pressing down on my chest, making it hard to breathe.

As the story unfolded, I found myself grappling with the same questions of trust as the characters. Who could they rely on in their darkest hour? The bond between the group of protectors and the victims was a ray of hope in the darkness, but it was also fraught with tension and uncertainty. Every twist and turn kept me guessing, never knowing who was friend or foe.

But it was the ending that truly left me speechless. Just when I thought I had it all figured out, the author pulled the rug out from under me with a twist I never saw coming. It was like being hit by a freight train of emotions, leaving me reeling and desperate for more.

This book isn't just a gripping read—it's an experience. A rollercoaster of emotions that had me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. If you're looking for a thriller that will keep you guessing until the very end, look no further. This one is a must-read.

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I’d like to thank Avon Books UK and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘Every Move You Make’ written by C L Taylor in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

There are five members of a stalking support group, Alex, Lucy, River, Bridget and Natalie, that’s until Natalie is stabbed to death by her stalker, then there are only four! As the four walk away from the church, a funeral wreath is handed to them with a card bearing the stark message “Rest in Peace. 20th October” but it’s only the 10th October so whose life will end on the 20th?

‘Every Move You Make’ is a thought-provoking novel about stalkers, male and female, whose actions are so vicious that they impact on every part of their victim’s lives until they’re too scared to function properly. As the novel counts down from ten days to the day they believe someone is going to die, we learn more about each of the four victims and their stalkers. This is an intense and involving thriller that’s opened my eyes to stalkers and the way they operate and although difficult to read at times I couldn’t stop reading. From the author’s note at the end, it’s clear that she’s been the victim of a stalker herself and has put her experience into writing this novel, so I’m doubly grateful that I’ve been allowed to read it in advance of being published.

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I really enjoy C.L Taylor books but this one just wasn’t for me. It started out well but I soon found myself skimming through a lot of the content. It just became so far fetched, especially the ending (when Bridget walks out and Marcus walks in). This one wasn’t for me. I won’t review this on other social media forms.

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Oh this was terrifying! A story about stalkers and how they infiltrate every part of your life. It was a great read with plenty of twists, you couldn't take anyone at face value here.
A support group for stalking victims is the basis of the story, it took me a bit of time to work out who was who but it all comes together in the end.
The endnote by the author was fascinating, she had been a stalking victim herself and it is truly chilling to hear how common it is. Thankfully laws have recently become tighter with more support for victims of stalking.

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Alex, Bridget, Lucy and River are friends, but not in the conventional sense. They have been brought together as victims of stalkers, offering each other support via their WhatsApp group. Each day they are terrified, being watched constantly and sent horrifying messages.

The four are brought together attending the funeral of Nat, the fifth member of the group who was herself stalked and fatally wounded by her ex-boyfriend. After the funeral a wreath is delivered to the group outside of the church. The message with it is disturbing ‘RIP’, and gives a date in ten days’ time. The group do not know for which of them the message was intended and who will be killed on this date.

The story subsequently follows the four remaining characters as they endeavour to track down and face their stalkers. We learn a lot about the individual characters as well as an insight to the perpetrators and the reasons behind each stalking.

This is an intense yet disturbing thriller which is even more so when you learn that the author has herself been in this terrifying situation. It’s skilfully written with a plot that is horrific but compulsive to read. Highly recommended.

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The premise of this book is great and the book does start with a bang!

However, as the story kept switching from fast-paced action packed chapters to snoozefests, I found myself losing interest and if it wasn’t for the suspense that was building up, I would’ve probably DNF’ed it.

Some twists were decent, others were a tad ‘out there’ and the ending was just alright.

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I loved every move you make, and the fact it centres around the fact that C.L Taylor was in fact stalked by her ex makes it even more personal than any other thriller I have ever read. Huge courage and respect to her for writing this book!

Alex, River, Lucy, Bridget and Natalie all became friends through the fact they were all victims of stalkers. Just days after Natalie’s stalker is released from prison she is murdered. Whilst at Natalie’s funeral the now group of 4 are sent a wreath with a message written on it saying in ten days time one of you will be murdered.

River comes up with a plan to keep the group safe by putting trackers on all the stalkers, that way they will be able to get on with their daily lives, knowing where their stalkers are and will no longer have to live in constant fear.

As time goes by the stalkers catch up with their victims, one goes missing, and doubts are made over who the 4 friends can and cannot trust in their own small circle. With the group is also looking over their shoulder constantly trying to protect themselves and their loved one from the murder threat that is hanging over them like a black cloud.

Without saying to much more as I don’t want to give away any spoilers I’d say this thriller is packed full of suspense. I didn’t work out who the culprit was I had no idea at all who was behind the murder note and at all times I never drew a conclusion as to who would be murdered. I also loved how at the start of each chapter you got a count down of how many days left until the murder took place and for me I felt this helped to build the suspense.

I’d definitely recommend every move you make to anyone looking for a good suspense thriller.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for an advance copy of this book in exchange for this review.

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I’ve read a few CL Taylor books so I was really looking forward to reading this one.

It took a little while to get through this book as I just couldn’t warm to the characters. Usually I race through a thriller!

The book unravels well with the expected twists and turns. It’s not as suspenseful as I thought it would be - again this may be because I didn’t warm to the main characters.

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A disturbing and compelling novel highlighting the dangers of stalking and coercive and controlling behaviour. The plot centres on a group who are victims of stalking. We get to find out their back stories and how their nightmare situations started and escalated. A welcome piece of fiction to remind readers of the dangers of stalking.

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**Listened to the audiobook along with the electronic copy**

Ahhh super gutted with this book! Usually love a CL Taylor book, and look forward to reading. The premise of the book sounded really intriguing, and the topic of 'stalking' is very prevalent in the news at the moment, or the amount of documentaries recently released. It followed different cases, and this allowed for the idea of 'stalking' to be broadened - but I think it was just there as a 'padding' or to make more people relate. It felt like Taylor wanted to cover multiple bases but by doing this, it felt too vague and broad. I think it would have been more intense to just focus on one subject, or one case.

After listening to the note from the author at the end, I think this book was a bit too close to home for her - and think this was evident in the writing.

The narrator was great in bringing the story to life! I definitely enjoyed listening to the audio version more than reading the electronic book.

This certainly isn't my favourite CL Taylor book - all just a bit vague and nuts - wanted to get to know the characters and motives more - wanted some 'truth' to feel more empathy.

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Always enjoy this authors books and this one was no different….dark and tense it kept me reading…and reading
Some good twists and turns and altogether a great read

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A group of five (4 females and 1 male), previously unknown to each other, have bonded over their shared experiences with a stalker (not the same one!) and have formed an online group to support and protect one another.

Although I have no personal experience with stalking, it's a subject that has always fascinated me and I was quite pumped when I started this book. Unfortunately the more I read, the more confused I became. It may have been due to the number of characters and the fact that I had to keep flipping back to remind myself who was stalking whom as well as who was dating whom. It seemed like new names kept popping up and I didn't know who they were; a couple of times I thought I'd missed something. I know that doesn't sound like a glowing recommendation but by the time I made it past the half-way point I was enjoying the book a lot more and by the time I got to about 60% I had done a 180 in my opinion of it. It was hard to figure out who to believe and things got pretty tense in a few places. After being positive I knew who was behind everything, the wrap-up was a surprise but not a disappointment.

The story itself was quite clever even though it induced some eye rolling at times and the characters were varied and interesting but not necessarily likeable. This is my first read of this author and I'd definitely give another of her books a try.

TW: Some violence, some profanity but not excessive, teacher's relationship with a student.

Thank you to Avon Books via Netgalley for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this novel. All opinons expressed are my own.
Publication Date: March 28, 2024

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This is the first novel by CL Taylor that I've ever read... it's so good!! I can't wait to read more from this author now!!!

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I really enjoyed this book. The writing was tightly plotted, pacy and made for gripping reading. I always enjoy CL Taylor's books and this is one of the best I have read to date.

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A cracking page turner of a book
From the prospect of the four main characters the story is full of twists as each of them try to come to terms with their own well being and that of the group.
But who is the puppet master pulling the strings. Are they all really the victim of stalkers or is one of them just ingratiating themselves into the group to get to one or all of the others.
Brilliantly written

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I had a feeling when downloading this book that it might make for some uncomfortable ad creepy reading and I wasn't wrong!
I was definitely looking over my shoulder the whole walk home!
Told from multiple POV's (which is my favourite!), I continuously found myself changing my mind and second-guessing my assumptions.
It was such a gripping read and I found myself constantly retracing my steps to make sure I had all the facts.
It's full of twists and turns that had me on the edge of my seat throughout!

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