Member Reviews

I absolutely love C.L Taylors books, so I was super excited to read this. It's based on four strangers who are being stalked, so they form a WhatsApp group to support each other.

I found this book to be quite slow to begin with the story switching between the victims. As the story progressed, I found myself completely invested and wanted to know who was after them all. I really thought I had it all figured out, but then I had a plot twist. This book is filled with twists and turns. Overall, I really loved this book. Yes, some parts were a bit slow, but then it kept me on edge, a solid four stars.

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Wow…..I was a bit out of my comfort zone with this book as the idea of a stalker is so terrifying. So yes….it dint cure my fears. But it’s fine, it was such a good book and I was so engrossed, that I read it in 2 days.Fast paced, exciting and the story pulls you so much so, that you can’t stop.
I rather like the short chapters as it keeps the narrative moving quickly.
A great ending and highly recommended

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Super intense and chilling!

Five people who are being stalked get together to support each other and try and get one over on their stalkers. When one of them is murdered, they receive a note telling them that another one will die in 10 days time!

Some of the plot was convoluted and some of the things that happened were a bit too convenient, but the red herrings and twists saved the day!

The character development was really well done and there were some entertaining parts to the story, despite the serious and chilling undertones.

4 ⭐️ Thanks to Netgalley, C. L. Taylor and Avon for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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Every Move You Make follows a group of stalking victims (River, Alex, Bridget and Lucy) who form a support group. After the death of one of their members and an anonymous threat directed at one of them, the remaining four decide to take matters into their own hands.

This book is a psychological thriller and really lives up to that promise. After reading so many thrillers they can become a bit samey but this one felt really different. The characters felt like believable flawed real people. Their emotional reactions to the circumstances they find themselves in feel realistic. There is a good build and release of tension in waves throughout the book keeping you reading and wanting more.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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I am a bit undecided on how I feel about this book.
It was different from other thrillers, so for that I’m appreciative. I always love a unique narrative.
This story follows a collection of people who have stalkers, and have formed a support group. When one of their own is murdered by her stalker, the group receives a wreath at the funeral with a warning. This book has some quick paced moments but also some lulls in the story. 3.5⭐️ for this one.
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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Alexandra, Lucy, Bridget, River, and Natalie. Five friends who wish they had never met. Because one thing they have in common is the worst thing in their lives: they are all being stalked. When one of the group is murdered, days after her stalker is released from prison, time stands still for them all. They know their lives could end just as brutally at any moment - all it takes is for the people they fear the most to catch up with them. When the group receives a threat that one of them will die in ten days time, the terror that stalks their daily lives becomes all-consuming. But they know they don't want to be victims anymore - it's time to turn the tables and finally get their revenge.

There are quite a few characters to keep track of. It's action-packed and filled with red herrings and twists. Five friends develop a unique WhatsApp support group for people who have been stalked. I was suspicious of everyone, even the group members. This story is so real for many people on many levels. The panic of the person being stalked was heightened. The characters are well portrayed. Ensure you read the author's note at the end of the book, and her personal experience with stalking.

Published 28th March

I would like to thank #NetGalley #AvonBooksUK and the author #CLTaylor for my ARC of #EveryMoveYOuMake in exchange for an honest review.

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Five very different people who are tormented by a stalker meet through a support group online. When one of them gets killed by their stalker things suddenly get intense. They get a thread that one of them gets killed in ten days. They decide to fight back. But that is easier said than done.

The story unfolds from the remaining five characters POV’s. There is a kind of countdown until the day someone is supposed to die. The story is intense and you can feel the dread of the characters being stalked, to always live in fear of your stalker being there watching you, interfere with your life. What an awful feeling. There are some twists and some action and yes, not everything sounds believable and some things are a bit over the top but I was fortunately never stalked so what do I know. The author explains in her acknowledgement that she has been a victim of a stalker herself so she knows what she is talking about.

The book held my interest and I was very invested in the story. This was my fifth book from this author and I had very different opinions about them. But I liked this one and I will surely look out for her next book.

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I was excited to read this book, as I've read others by C.L. Taylor and really enjoyed them.

I think I was really ready for a good, twisty turn-y thriller, because I couldn't put this one down and read it very quickly. I was quickly caught up in the story, and all the different characters. Even though I didn't like all of them, and kept feeling suspicious of each one in turn, I was engrossed in their stories and so it became a real page-turner for me as I was increasingly baffled as to how things would play out.
I had maybe a couple of small 'what?' moments towards the end where things perhaps seemed a little too convenient or unbelievable, but still I raced to read it and just sort of let them pass me by because I just really wanted to know what would happen. The author note at the end is also definitely worth reading.

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Imagine this, just for a minute…

You are in a whatsapp group. A one of a kind group… you don’t want to be in the position you are in to be in the group…. You speak regularly,. You all check in for safety then one evening one of the members stops replying…..

The group is for people who are being stalked… you find what’s happened to your friend the next day….. the group decide to take action.

This book was gripping. It had twists and turns all over. Well worth a read!

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I was thrilled to receive C.L. Taylor’s new book Every Move You Make, an insight into how dangerous stalking is when victims are left to fend for themselves.

Set in four points of view, Lucy, River, Bridget and Alex are terrified when a mutual friend is killed by a stalker. Realising they too are at risk, each with their own stalkers, they decide to make a plan. With the use of a small group chat they have set up themselves, they are able to monitor each other frequently. With backstories and dangerous exes, this makes for a propulsive read, but also a triggering one. If you have suffered intense stalking, this might not be the book for you. But for me, it was a huge learning curve into the hows and whys of stalking, and the red flags to avoid in relationships, where obsessive, compulsive personalities may abound.

The plot is intricate and well thought out. With so many twists and turns, it was hard – at times – to keep up. The chapters headings: Four days until someone dies… made it a page-turner for me and the ending was one I had considered, but I enjoyed it all the same.

Thank you NetGalley, Avon Books UK and C.L. Taylor for the privilege of reading an advance copy of this book.

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Read and reviewed in exchange for a free copy from NetGalley. This was a gripping, chilling, twisty read. The plot was realistic and well-written, and Taylor's author's note provided its own insight into the topic.

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This is my top read of 2024! Five people being stalked have become a their own WhatsApp support group. Always in contact with each other, panic sets in when one member goes silent...

CL Taylor really is the master of the twist 5/5 stars

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This was a fast read for me. I have read lots of books by this author so was very excited to start reading this.

The story is about five people, each person is being stalked by someone so they join a being stalked group and then the story begins. One of them is murdered and at her funeral they learn that another one will die very soon. They need to find a way to protect themselves.

We learn about each character and feel their fears when they are faced with their stalker. The story build and builds with each chapter, leaving me wanting to read a little more. I enjoyed the way it all came together at the end and found it to be a satisfying ending.

On reading the authors note I found that this was something the author had been through and that was why the book was written so well with so much detail in.

I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I have read a few books by this author and have found them all to be good books with interesting stories.

I found this one to be quite slow in places, however I was invested in the book and wanted to know the outcome. It was a good storyline and I didn't guess the ending which was an added bonus.

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What an absolute page turner this was. I was reading at breakneck speed as I just had to find out what was happening.
River, Bridget, Alex, Lucy, and Natalie all have stalkers. They have formed a WhatsApp group to support each other. Nat doesn't reply to a message sent to make sure she got home safe.
After the funeral, River comes up with a plan to turn the tables on their stalkers.
For the most part, it's absolutely terrifying to think someone could be tracking your every move. I can't imagine how the victims deal with this.
I felt most for Lucy as her stalker, Marcus seemed totally obsessed, but I guess that's what they are like.
I did guess some of the outcome, but not the ending. It was very cleverly written.
There were some parts which I had to suspend disbelief but then you have to ramp up the tension to see the outcome.
Overall, I did enjoy it.
There is a note from the author at the rnd about her own experience. Terrifying.
Thanks to Netgalley and Avon Books for the ARC in return for an honest review.

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An intense thriller made all the more chilling when you learn the author experienced stalking.
I like how the main characters came together through being stalked. It worked well that nothing was as it seemed. Everyone had an element of suspicion over them.
I kind of guessed the ending to a degree but it didn't detract from.the story.

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A group of five friends have one thing in common - they're all being stalked. When one member is murdered by her stalker, the group is thrown into further turmoil when a threat is made professing another will die in ten days time. Can the group stay vigilant and outsmart their stalkers?

Can I just say how scary it would be to have a stalker? This book gave me goosebumps in certain parts, picturing how the stalkers would prey on their obsession. Towards the start of the book, it was a bit difficult to keep track of all the names - people, their stalkers, their partners - however as the book flowed on, it started to make sense and my fingers began pointing to those that seemed suspicious. This book was fantastic. It was twisted, kept me fully entertained and so fast paced. Don't forget to read the author's note at the end too if you pick this one up!

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This book had me HOOKED. I didn’t want to stop reading for a single minute. If you see a book by C.L. Taylor, grab it! Every Move You Make is her latest, and wow was it fantastic. I went into this one not knowing much, sometimes I just want to jump and be surprised with a book and yes, I was!


The only way to stop a stalker is to become one yourself…

Alex, Lucy, River and Bridget.

Four people with one thing in common: they are all being stalked. Their lives are filled with daily terror. Always watching. Always waiting. And never knowing what – or who – is hiding in the shadows.

But this group of four used to be five, until the terrible day their friend Nat was followed home by her stalker…

Coming together for Nat’s funeral, they are handed a wreath saying RIP. However, this isn’t a wreath in memory of Nat – it’s for them, with a card dated in ten days’ time.

It’s a clear message: in ten days, one of them will die. And the only way to stop the killer is to get closer than they ever dared to their stalkers. The very people who want them dead…

This is out now!

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Great book once I got into it, slow burner but it's worth it! I also loved the authors note at the end

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I'm actually surprised I didn't finish this title. It all started fine, with a group of victims of stalking finding help and understanding with each other. They all have their reasons not to just rely on what the police can do so they come up with a plan - especially wThen one of the group gets actually murdered and there is a real threat hanging over the others.
What bothered me was mainly that after a while I was starting to lose the different stories. I had to keep going back to see who was who, who the stalker was and why. It all became very muddled for me so around the 50% mark so I skipped to the 80% mark to try and pick up the story. No such luck.
I also just couldn't understand why they al most all seem to have a lot of social media accounts, but they don't use them in the usual way - the accounts are in fake names or set to private. Well, in real life I personally don't see what someone makes to want to live their life on the internet instead of having a real life, with real friends so this added to my confusion.
The story is sort of a 'Strangers on a Train' but then with more people - which sadly for me it didn't make it more interesting.

Thanks to Avon Books and Netgalley for this review copy.

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