Member Reviews

3.5 rounded down
Quick and easy read, hard to put down. Didn't figure things out, which is a plus, but some of thd story was just too much. Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book

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What a page-turner! Yet another 5 star book by CL Taylor. "Every Move You Make" is jam-packed with thriller plot upon thriller plot. Not content with the storyline of one stalker/stalker victim, we have multiple ones here that overlap. I would have read it in one go but sadly I had to go to work. Highly recommend!

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A tense and bumpy ride that had me on the edge of my seat. I had no idea at all which way this story would take me. The thought that someone watches your every move would fill you with dread but this is the scenario that faces Natalie, Lucy, Alex, Bridget and River. Each of them in a private whatsapp group only for victims of stalkers. Danger is maybe closer than they expect.
This is a fabulous read, very tense and suspenseful and there was very little to give clues as to who the perpetrators were

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Thank You #NetGalley and #AvonBooksUK for my e-Arc copy of #EveryMoveYouMake in exchange for my honest review.

Another sensational book by C.L.Taylor.

You really need to read the authors notes at the end of this novel, to be able to fully appreciate and understand where the whole premise for this story came from.

Drawing in from her own experience of stalkingTaylor does a great job at creating high levels of tension within this book.

You’re pulled into this intense story from the start.

But unfortunately for me I found the vast amount of characters difficult to keep up with who was who.
I also found the idea of sticking trackers on suspected stalkers, as well as dangerous to be implausible.

Still I did enjoy this novel and think it’s brave of Taylor to write a book based upon her own stalking experience.

3.5 stars rounded up to four.

#author #cltaylor #mystery #thriller #intense #tension #stalker #AvonBooksUK #EArcCopy #Netgalley

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River, Bridget Alex and Lucy- which one of them will die in 10 days? This is a nicely twisty and complex page turner about four people who are in a race to identify the person who is stalking them and threatening their lives. No spoilers from me Thanks to netgalley for the ARC. It's a page turner!

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This book was kind of slow during some parts but it was interesting and I definitely wanted to read the ending to see what was happening.

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A brilliant read. Another thrilling story from C L Taylor they get better and better really enjoyed the four main characters in this novel as they set up a group to try and find their stalker's and the way it affects them all .Spine chilling with lots of twists that will have you hooked from the beginning but also knowing that this happens to lots of people in reality it highlights this important subject.

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The beginning was promising, but I found I was bored very quickly. It was a struggle to finish the book. It seemed to be an important topic and the author was also a victim of stalking. However, this just didn't do it for me.

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Clever, atmospheric and sharp, the only thing letting this down was the pace.

I’m sorry to say this just dragged a bit too much for me.

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C L Taylor is truly at the top of her game. Each book, in my view, is different to and better than the last and this one covers totally new ground. A group of five have a stalker; one of them is murdered and at her funeral, there’s a chilling message to say there’s more to come. I’ve never experienced being stalked and the thought fills me with terror. Taylor manages to capture that sense of unease and mounting fear as the countdown to the next murder begins. The ordinary becomes extraordinary and everything is enhanced and magnified when filled with suspicion.

The plotting is carefully crafted with surprises and twists along the way and a blistering end. I think this is her best yet.

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#EveryMoveYouMake by @cltaylorauthor @avonbooksuk


This was a really interesting but also quite a disturbing and uncomfortable read. Just thinking about stalking gives me a serious case of heebie-jeebies.

As a fictional piece this is an excellent who done it mystery; mistrust is rife, characters a likeable enough for you to relate to themt but kept distant enough for the trust issues to fester.

I loved the multiple point of view narration and how the clues were given at just the right time to be effective. I was constantly changing my mind about who I thought was guilty.

There was a point where there were so many twists and turns that it became hard to keep focus on who and what and occasionally edged towards the unbelievable but mostly it was fast paced, suspenseful and an enjoyable read.

With thanks to author #cltaylor #avonbooks and @netgalley for allowing us to read this one early!

RELEASING: March 28th



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In this latest book Ms Taylor takes us into the world of stalkers, and what a journey!

A small group of Londoners, Lucy, River, Bridget and Alex find themselves at a mutual friend's funeral who was the victim pf a stalker. The book then gives an insight into this terrifying world as each of them has their own stalker. Intimate details, of how these awful stalking people control, intimidate and indeed terrorise their victims, are set out from each of the group's individual perspective..

Ms Taylor leaves no stone unturned in her views on stalkers and each story, for instance Lucy's, is brilliant and yet, sad.

Social media is, seemingly, one easy way to stalk people and I wonder how this can be controlled?

An exciting end to the book which I devoured in two days. I really enjoyed it and certainly learned a lot!

Thanks to Net Galley and Avon Books UK for the chance to read and review.

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Hooked from the very start of this book.
Its about victims / survivors of stalking. The description of how they're made to feel made me feel nervous & on edge. It chilled me.
All of the way through I thought the author had done thorough research, I was shocked to see she had been a victim of stalking herself. The way she transferred some of the things that happened to her, to the characters was interesting.
I like it how the important subject of stalking wasn't lost in an unbelievable fictional story - well written, so it was believable and made me think of victims of stalking, and how horrendous it must be.
All in all, a good, chilling read.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy.

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Another great read by this author
Five friends being stalked and one is murdered
One of them will die in the next 10 days
The book will have you hooked and turning the pages to get to the end to see what happens
Thanks NetGalley

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I am a huge fan of CL Taylor, and was delighted to be approved for the ARC. Thank you Netgalley and the publishers.

Every Move You Make is everything you want in a novel. It has strong characters, stalkers, red herrings and a race to get to the end to find out who it was.

Four strangers come together on whatsapp to with one common theme. They all have a stalker. The plot weaves through how they all try to deal with their stalkers; but are they all who they say they are. As this is a CL Taylor novel you know that someone is not telling the truth and I played the guessing game all the way through. Did I get it right? On one of my guesses I did but I did go through all of them.

Parts of this novel are terrifying and difficult to read. Including the authors note at the end where she explains her own stalking experience. But its this feeling of unease that grabs you early, and you are constantly looking over their shoulder thinking: “he’s behind your”. When I got to the end I was just relieved that it was over and they characters could hopefully move on with their life.

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I enjoyed this book on the whole but i think in parts the plot was a bit messy, clunky and i think too much was going on. There were so many characters introduced so early without really getting to know them so i found it hard to connect with them.

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C.L Taylor is one of my go to authors when I want a unpredictable and gripping psychological thriller so I was eager to dive into her new release Every Move You Make which takes us into the world of Stalking.
The book gets off to a gripping start wasting no time in getting gritty with a murder so I was already finding myself falling into this storyline with intrigue. We get to know four main characters River, Alex, Lucy and Bridget who are all victims of stalking and have formed their own little support network via whatsapp to help each other seen as they all find themselves frightened for their lives but things take a turn when they are at a funeral and receive a wreath stating that one of them will die in 10 days time, question is which one of them is the target?
I have to say though I did struggle a little with this book, for some reason I kept losing my way with whose stalker was who and I continuously found myself getting mixed up between Alex and Bridgets characters now I don’t know if this was just me or if this was actually done on purpose to cause confusion because I found where I was concentrating on trying to follow who was who I took my eye off the ball and wasn’t trying to look for clues to see who could be trusted or if there were cracks in anyone’s stories which would allow me to see if anyone had an ulterior motive.
The book really picks up in the last quarter and I found myself flicking greedily through the pages as things were beginning to come to light and things were taking a darker turn. I can hold my hands up and say I was completely in the dark with the revelation, I hadn’t had an inkling at all so the storyline was completely unpredictable for me which I loved. The author was able to bring the emotions of fear, suffocation and desperation to her characters because she knows firsthand what it is like to have a stalker and her experiences, she has used to bring insight and depth into the subject matter of this book.

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I absolutely love C.L Taylor & was delighted to receive a copy of her latest book to review.
It was an uncomfortable, utterly gripping read & felt ever more claustrophobic as the story progressed from the shocking opening.
Felt so sorry for poor Natalie, I wasn't expecting her story to go how it did & was really shocked & quite upset by it, which goes to show how well written it was. The sense of foreboding which built through the story made me feel really uneasy & I felt gave a sense of how the characters being stalked would have felt.
I didn't predict the ending. Found it a great read, & I liked how you could see the "stalker" stories from the side of victim or villain so you weren't sure whether to believe them or not.
Loved it.
My thanks to Netgalley & the publisher for my eARC in return for my honest review.

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I was given this book by NetGalley for an honest review-
The terror is real. Women find themselves being stalked. When Natalie is murdered after her stalker was released from jail— the fear heightens it could happen to any of them. They decide to form a group and quit being victims and become the stalker— can they do this? Can they stop them?

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I really liked this book. As a thriller lover this one had me guessing. It was a very interesting concept of the five people brought together as victims of stalking. It was just scary and suspenseful enough and you felt the emotions of the characters. It was terrifying to see the author's note at the end.
C.L. Taylor is a brilliant author and you can tell time and love are put into the stories. Bravo! Another excellent book!

Thank you for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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