Member Reviews

Four people with one thing in common: they are all being stalked. Their lives are filled with daily terror. Always watching. Always waiting. And never knowing what – or who – is hiding in the shadows.

Wow, this some gripping story. Fast paced, really great characters and a modern, believable story. There is a lot happening but the way it’s presented means it’s easy to keep on track. It’s just one of those books that you can’t put down as the pace increases towards the finale. This is an excellent work by a brilliant writer.

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I've loved all of C L Taylors books however I think this one is my favourite. What starts out as a slow build suddenly increases speed in a terrifying climax.

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I have read all of this authors books now and you just know that you are going to be in for a thrilling ride. This one was a little slower paced than previous books but I still really enjoyed it. It was dark intense and the fear of each character was portrayed so well. Reading the authors notes at the end was eye opening and talks about her own experiences which sounded terrifying.

A groups of people that are all victims of stalker form a group to try to help each other. When one of them is murdered by their stalker, things ramp the funeral, a wreath is delivered to them all, telling them that one of them would die in 10 days. Who sent the wreath? Who was going to die? The friends decide to fight back, sick of living in fear.

This is a highly emotional story, each character well fleshed out with their own unique experience. They all lived in constant fear, and their stalkers were getting away with terrorising them. Really makes you think.

Thanks to Avon Books UK and NetGalley for my advanced copy of this book to read. Published on March 28th

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A fast moving story of five stalking victims who form a support group. The narrative is made more authentic by the authors own terrifying experiences from a stalker. This is one of C L Taylor's best psychological thrillers yet. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc.

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Natalie, River, Bridget, Alex, and Lucy are a group of friends who are also all victims of stalking. After one is killed by their stalker, the remaining group receives a memorial wreath at the funeral with a card that says one of them will die in 10 days. Deciding to no longer live in fear, this quartet decides to take revenge.

I really enjoyed this psychological thriller! The book grabs you from the first page and doesn't let go. The author does a magnificent job of giving the reader the feeling of fear and isolation that these characters face. It gave me claustrophobic feelings. You get to know the characters and their backstories as we go along and how they started being stalked. I enjoyed the realness of the emotions and the support they gave each other. I would also highly recommend you read the author's note at the end! This is for fans of fast paced psychological thrillers.

Thank you to Avon Books UK, author C.L. Taylor and NetGalley for gifting me a digital copy of this book. My opinions are my own.

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Stunning and suspenseful!! Loved the tension and the way I was really unsure why was going to happen all the way through.

Brilliancy opening.

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Throughout the book it was so well written. Very easy to read. Highlight read of the week. Thrilling and gripping read. Highly recommended this.

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4.25 ⭐

I really enjoyed this book, you became drawn in to the characters and were invested in their well-being. It kept me guessing as to what was going on and I did question whether this would be the obvious answer later in the book - safe to say it wasn't and I definitely didn't see it coming!

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Cally Taylor you are a superstar and an incredible writer. I just love your books and know when I settle down to read one of your stories I’m in for a rollercoaster and a treat. Every Move You Make is no exception and without giving anything away about the plot, I just loved the tension and suspense the book created. I’m greedy, but can’t wait to read more from this very talented author.

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Natalie, River, Alexandra, Lucy and Bridget are a group of unlikely friends. The reason they are friends is because they are all members of a group, a group of people who are being stalked.

As the story unfolds, we learn about these five friends and also about their stalkers. The group decide they need to put a stop to this, after one of their stalkers says one of them will die and they have a few days to try and stop this.

Goodness, this story was such a difficult one to read. My heart went out to these characters, the story was so intense and at times, scary.

My heart was in my mouth often, and when it wasn’t, my heart felt like it was beating out of control. This was due to the fear for the characters, thanks to the author’s fantastic storytelling.

This book made me stop and think about people who are going through this, right now. The author includes horrendous figures after the story, the amount of people who are victim to stalking is shocking.

If there is one book that I feel people should read this year, it’s this one. An outstanding story, which unfortunately happens to many.

My thanks to Avon Books UK and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Powerful and brave!

By the time you’ve finished this book you will totally agree – especially after reading the Author’s note.

C L Taylor is by far my favourite modern author – you easily fall in to the rhythm of her writing and have compassion for her characters.

This book, for me, is by far the boldest and powerful of stories written so far by this wonderful author. It’s based around people being stalked and keeps the subject on the serious side and realistic without making the writing mega-dramatic.

It follows four main characters, who are well written and very relatable. Each one being stalked and basically living a life of hell, living on tenterhooks and scared in every move they make in life. They make a WhatsApp Group to keep in touch and try to help one another. There are quite a lot of characters, which could have easily got a bit complicated, but didn’t – they were well defined, and the writer made them easy to identify and remember. The story is a fast-paced page-turner, with lots of action, twists and turns.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for the opportunity to read this ARC in return of an unbiased, honest review.

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A proper edge-of-your-seat page turner. Easy to read, in fact I raced through this novel which is focused on victims of stalking.

When Natalie is killed by her stalker whilst walking home from work, other members of her support group, who are also being stalked, decide that enough is enough. At her funeral, they are presented with a wreath which tells them one of them will die in 9 days. They decide to take matters into their own hands and place trackers on their stalkers so that they can take back control. But of course, the best laid plans are fraught with danger, and that is exactly the position they all find themselves in.

This was real heart poundingly, jump scaringly good. You couldnt stop turning the pages to find out more.

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest review. If you like a pacey thriller, this one has your name on it.

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Thank you NetGalley and Avon Books UK, Avon for the copy of Every Move You Make by C.L. Taylor. You should probably skip this one if you have ever been stalked because this story is about people being stalked and how they try to save themselves. There was a lot happening with four main characters with different stories, so I had a little trouble keeping them all straight at first. As much as I loved the story, many things went on too long so I would start to lose interest. The conclusion is a good example, because it felt like the book would never end. More editing would have helped to make it concise. While I enjoyed a lot of the book, I’m not sure the writing style was for me. If you love shocking reveals, you would probably love it though.

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FYST – that the What’s App name for 5 friends who are being stalked. Alexandra, Lucy, Bridget, River and Natalie. They support each other. Then Natalie’s stalker is released from jail and within days she is murdered. At Natalie’s funeral the group receives a death threat that one of them have 10 days to live. They decide to take control of their destiny and agreed to attach trackers to another’s stalker.

As the deadline gets closer each of the 4 has situations where their stalkers are stepping up their harassment. Which one has the deadline to live? Or will it be more than one?

The tension kept rising as I turned the pages. Ah, so good. One of those books where you can feel the anxiety.

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I've read and enjoyed a number of this author's books, and this was no exception. Peopled with believable characters who, experiencing stalking, have joined together to support each other and try and put an end to their nightmare, it's a real page turner but I must admit I wasn't completely convinced by the ending, however, I really enjoyed getting there and stayed up way too late to find out what happened and how the relationships played out.
I was shocked, but not surprised, to discover the author had been a victim of coercive behaviour and stalking herself. I imagine this was how she was able to describe the feelings of anger and helplessness, reluctance to go to the police and the yearning for a "normal" life that the characters all express.
Bravo Ms Taylor, and all those other brave people who are trying to shine a light on these crimes and make others sit up and listen and help end the horrifying loss of lives.
Thank you to netgalley and Avon Books for an advance copy of this book.

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I enjoyed this one!

Annoyingly, I'd guessed how it would end within the first couple of chapters. So it was more of a how and why for me, as opposed to who and what.

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Alexandra, Lucy, Bridget, River and Natalie. Five friends who wish they'd never met. Because the one thing they have in common is the worst thing in their lives: they are all being stalked. When one of their group is murdered, days after their stalker is released from prison, time stands still for them all. They know their lives could end just as brutally at any moment , all it takes is for the people they fear the most to catch up with them. When the group receive a threat that one of them will die in ten days' time, the terror that stalks their daily lives becomes all-consuming. But they know they don't want to be victims anymore - it's time to turn the tables and finally get their revenge. Because the only way to stop a stalker is to become one yourself.

Without spoiling anything, I can say that the book was clever, the characters were interesting and the ending was amazing. The twist came as a surprise, and made perfect sense. Everything was explained and there was a really touching scene at the end. What I also loved was the breathing space between new revelations. Your pulse and mind got the pause it needed before something new happening. And be assured, a lot happens in the book.

Although I was able to keep track of who our four group members were, I often found myself confused about the back stories of each and about “WHO was WHO” in our supporting cast of characters.

DO read the author’s note at the conclusion of the book. She was unfortunately a Victim of Stalking fifteen years ago, and I applaud her for sharing her experience and the sobering statistics of Stalking in the UK. and for providing tips and resources for those who may be experiencing stalking now.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Avon books UK for an advance copy in return for an honest and unbiased review

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Well what a shock another great page turner from C L Taylor! I loved them all….!!!! This is a gripping and thought-provoking read that will stay with readers long after they’ve turned the last page. With its blend of suspense, mystery, and heart, this novel is sure to appeal to fans of the genre and newcomers alike. Just brilliant

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Brilliant book by one of my favorite authors.
This latest book is just as great as the other by this author.
A group of people are brought together as they are stalking victims, after the horrific murder of one of their number
it is a race against time to bring the stalkers to justice
Edge of your seat thriller, riveting and exciting.

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As an avid fan of Cally, I was super excited to receive a copy of this. It follows the lives of four people whose lives have been ruined by stalkers. They have a group where they support one another, They decide to place trackers on each other's stalkers so they can protect one another. But things are not as they seem and they take a turn for the worse. This book is gripping and a rollercoaster of twists and turns. I had theories about everything, but the last few chapters completely blew those theories out of the water. I really enjoyed this book.

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