Member Reviews

Twists, suspense and stalkers, what more could you need.
I've only read one book by C. L. Taylor before (Fear) but was very excited to read this and it did not disappoint.

A support group for people who have been/are being stalked should be a safe place but not everyone is safe.

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Another great thriller by C L Taylor that I couldn’t put down!
Read it & enjoy!!
Highly recommended.

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A gripping and original thriller. Told from various characters who are all victims of stalkers both past and present. They look out for one another and work out who is continuing to put their lives at risk.

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The concept of this book - and of a group of people all being stalked - was really terrifying, automatically making it a great initial plot for a thriller. And this harrowing nature is something that continues throughout the book, making it a pretty uncomfortable read on the whole. It follows a really interesting bunch of characters and the many red herrings mean you're not entirely trusting of many of them. They were some neat twists which I appreciated but some felt a bit far fetched which let the book down a little.

I also applaud the author for bravely sharing her own experience with stalking. The author's note at the end is a must read.

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WOW Every Move You Make (kindle edition) an exciting psychological thriller by C.L. Taylor chilled me to the bones.

Alexandra, Bridget, Lucy, Natalie and River join a WhatsApp group as they are each being harassed by stalkers and become friends who support each other no matter what is ahead of them.

One of the group has been found murdered by their stalker who has recently been released from prison.

They receive a threatening message which states that one of them will die in ten day' time and they all decide that they no longer want to be prey but to become the hunter.

The countdown has begun and their lives are in danger, their hearts are in their mouths every time they venture out and are always looking over their shoulder.

There are really good twists in this chilling thriller and C.L. Taylor has captured every emotion, blood, sweat and tears and what a finale.

Stalking is happening in reality as we are reading this story so sad.

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This was a fast paced thriller about a group of people brought together through their shared experiences of dealing with a stalker in their lives. The group receives a threat, promising the death of one of them and they join together to determine who is behind it. I thought this was a really good depiction of the manipulation and fear that comes with this form of abuse.

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I did enjoy this book but I didn’t love it. It felt like it was taking ages to read a small amount, for hours I’d read only to have read 30%. There just wasn’t enough happening.
Four people meet on a stalker forum and become friends, they all have stalkers and their lives are plagued by them.

I didn’t like any of the friends, they were all bland and had no discernible qualities that made them likeable people.
We meet their stalkers and I did question each of them
at a time and wonder where they really the guilty party. One of the four has to be guilty of something.

Things did start to develop and become more dramatic as time went on and the last part had me intrigued and wanting to keep reading.
Some things weren’t too much of a shock, some things were.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for the ARC in return for an honest review.

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I loved those book- I loved the pace and getting to know the characters and it truly captured my attention.

Five strangers come together in the form of a what’s app group set up by one of them. The reason they are all linked and in this what’s app groups is that they are all living through hell as they are being stalked.

Alexandra, Lucy, Bridget, Natalie and River all live in daily fear of their stalkers. They constantly look over their shoulder, can’t relax and have to keep changing jobs and their routines to try and escape this stalkers. One of the group is murdered almost immediately after their stalker is released from prison.

The rest of the group are devastated and their fear goes up a notch. It could have happened to any one of them and they decide that they need to take action to stop it happening again. River has some ideas about how to try and reclaim some of their life back and the others agree that they don’t have any other choice. They become close and rely on each other very much.

A great read and one that made me not want to put the book down as I needed to know what happened next. Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for an advance copy in return for an honest review.

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When you start a book by C.L. Taylor you know that you are in for a brilliant read and Every Move You Make didn't disappoint. Five people that are being stalked set up their own WhatsApp support group to help one another. This book really shows how terrifying it must be to be a victim and to think that the author has been stalked herself she knows how bad it affects the victim. A highly recommended book.

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Every Move You Make by C.L. Taylor was scary and creepy. I didn't see the twist coming, and I had a suspicion about one character that turned out to be wrong, which was a good red herring. The story was a quick read and held my interest.

The story was fairly fast-paced and revolved around stalking and had you second-guessing the characters and what would happen next.

The book is well-written. I would recommend it.

#NetGalley @AvonBooksUK @callytaylor

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Do you know that feeling when you sit back, look towards the ceiling in contemplation and feel completely satisfied? That’s how I felt after finishing every move you make. There is so much to say about this one, but I want to make it completely clear: There is nothing lacking in this one. Every loose thread (even ones I didn’t notice before they were picked up again) was tied up neatly, and that’s an achievement.

The plot was also made for suspense. Stalked characters who takes matters into their own hands, was a perfect way to ensure an engaging read. There were four main characters, which I also loved because there was a lot going on and many possibilities, and I kept wondering who was telling the truth, and what would happen next.

Without spoiling anything, I can say that the book was clever, the characters were interesting and the ending was amazing. The twist came as a surprise, and made perfect sense. Everything was explained and there was a really touching scene at the end. What I also loved was the breathing space between new revelations. Your pulse and mind got the pause it needed before something new happening. And be assured, a lot happens in the book.

I also have to mention that the author included a note about her own experience with stalking at the end, and it was obvious that this was a theme important to her. She treated stalking with understanding and respect, and the complexities came through without necessarily moralizing.

Thank you netgalley and the publisher for the arc.

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A pulse-pounding, twisty read that I couldn’t put down! Very well-written with memorable, interesting characters. I really enjoyed this tension-filled thriller! Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read the ARC.

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CL Taylor does it again!! I literally devour her books and race through them as I just cannot put them down!
This book was so well written and I really couldn’t figure out where it was going at times. Loved all the twists and turns and the stalker aspect of the whole novel made things even creepier! Reading the authors note at the end also made the book bit harder, knowing she had experienced some of this herself. Brilliant written and unputdownable!!

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Book Review – Every Move you Make by C.L Taylor
4.5/5 *
I, still, to this day remember the very first book I read from C.L Taylor (The Escape) and ever since then, they have become my go to author for any sort of thriller/suspense novel.

Every Move You Make is just like every other book from Taylor. It is difficult to explain without it sounding awful but I will try. Firstly, they're easy. Like you can pick it up in the middle of the afternoon and have it done by the evening king of easy. But that is not to say how easy they are to figure the plot out. That has yet to happen, for me.

There is so much description and intensity throughout the book that you are not left bored, but in fact drawn in and waiting for this plot twist. It keeps you hooked but in such a way where you can easily read it without it being overdone. That makes sense right? The very last thing I want when reading it trying to obtain obscene amounts of information that it becomes to much to enjoy, that’s my pet peeve, But Taylor just isn't capable of that,

You’re on the edge of your seat. You’re fighting your brain trying to figure it out. You’re cursing yourself for getting it so wrong but at the same time your just completely and utter lost in the book, its easy. Those are my favourite.

I like to dabble in all sorts of genres but when it comes down to it, I will pick up a thriller/suspense over everything else and when this gets released in March (yes, I already have it preordered) it will sit on my shelf with the other 2000 (slight exaggeration) books I have of Taylors.

If you just want to lose yourself in a book then I will always recommend Taylor for that. The books speak for themselves.

A Huge thank you to NetGalley and the publishing team for allowing me to read this ARC. This review is from my own, honest opinion.

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This is a scarily realistic tale of how easy it can be for someone to isolate you from your friends and family and push you to the limits. Its alos a great demonstration of the lengths desperate people will go to.

This is a story of people who are being stalked who join a support group. They re all scared, it's impacting their daily lives and they don't feel that they can get help. Whilst it's fiction it's scarily close to the truth you hear from many people who ve been in that situation and the brutal honesty and rawness the characters experience make the book both brilliant and motivational.

I was so sure I'd worked out who would die and how. I wasn't completely right but this was a book when I wanted the girls and River to make it to the end and be stronger for it.

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This was okay. Not the greatest of C L Taylor reads but good all the same. Just expected a bit more.

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CL Taylor is in a class of her own when it comes to delivering blisteringly pacy plots that you just cannot stop reading. Every Move You Make is no exception. I read it in one sitting, sucked in by the twisty narrative about a group of stalking victims turning the table on their stalkers. My only quibble was the trigger for them taking action – receiving a funeral bouquet – felt flimsy and coincidental. They read far more into a certain date than the average person would! But that was the only weak point in a plot that had so many twists and turns it's as much a head-spinner as a page-turner! I didn't see the ending coming either and the final twist was superb. Highly recommend.

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Looking for an addictive page-turner that will have you looking over your shoulder? Well look no further, C. L. Taylor has you covered with her latest novel, Every Move You Make which is out next month!

Five individuals form a support group chat as they are all being stalked. After one is murdered, things take a sinister turn for the others and a countdown is on for one of them but the question is, who?

This book had me gripped from the very first page and that first chapter?! Actually chills! Taylor's writing here is captivating and the layering of the plot is what really got me! It weaves and twists but there's also heart in it. We see how these characters care for one another all while they're struggling in their own lives. While reading, I was so suspicious of everyone and questioning motives, it has a feel that at any point things could turn. Readers will be on the edge of their seats! While the entire read was a treat the ending was the cherry on top! There were many gasps as I reached the conclusion, I saw nothing coming!

Thank you so much Avon Books, NetGalley and C. L. Taylor for this copy! I've seen so much love on here for this book and it's all so deserved, an automatic must-read! Every Move You Make is out March 28th!

* Please look up trigger warnings before reading *

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I love this author and was not disappointed by the latest book from them. This time we are introduce to a group of people brought together because they are victims of stalkers and their fear has brought them together. After the brutal murder of one of their group they are delivered a wreath suggesting they are next. It’s a race against time to bring their stalkers out in the open but is everyone being honest and is the danger closer than they think. I loved this edge of your seat thriller which is not to be missed.

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I found this book creepy as hell, but just couldn’t stop reading it! The twists and turns kept me hooked from the get go, right till the end. Yes there were some unbelievable moments, but none that put me off from finishing the book. The book is well written, the twists and plots are thrilling and the ending is great. I’m glad I got a chance to read it and definitely recommend this book.
Thank you to the publishers Avon Books UK for an advanced copy of this ebook and giving me a chance to review this book!

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