Member Reviews

Love C L Taylor books! Predictably fast paced and gripping storylines. This one is hard to put down from about half way through as you just need to read another chapter. Themes around stalking are the focus of this book but I loved the mystery surrounding who were the stalkers and who was being stalked!!! Sufficiently creepy and exciting. Great read!

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This is a good thriller with a story around staking. A group has been set up via whatsapp for victims of stalking, when one of the members Rachel is killed by her stalker and a wreath is delivered at her funeral to the group giving them a date until another death they decide to meet up and discuss how to keep each other safe. The book is well written and kept me guessing. There were a good mix of characters and action. I will be recommending to others.

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#EveryMoveYou Make #NetGalley I love C L Taylor as an author. She manages to make each book unique. The storyline for this book was quite different to others and was a great (if that is the right word!) read. Plenty of action and drama that made me catch my breath on occasions and really brought home to me how terrifying a stalker would be. An ending I didn't see coming kept me turning the pages late into the night. The notes from the author explaining how she had once been the subject of a stalker made the book even more intense. A great read and a well deserved 5 stars

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Wow I finished this in a day! Really gripping I’d highly recommend it.

A group of people set up a support group for victims of stalking. When one of them is murdered they’re all shocked and meet for the first time in person at her funeral. But an unwelcome gift puts them all in danger. Someone is going to die soon, but which one of them will it be? And is it their stalkers or someone more dangerous.

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This complex and frightening account of stalking will be all too real to those who have suffered from such an invasive crime. One stalker in a story would be bad enough but in this book there are multiple instances. Exploring the horrific depths these warped people go to while professing their love to their victims makes for a frightening and creepy story. River, Alex, Lucy, Bridget and Natalie all live in London and each has a stalker. When one of them is murdered the remaining members of their small group attend the funeral. There, they are presented with a wreath that implies one of them will also die in just ten days. They each suspect their own stalker and as the days pass, the fear escalates, difficult decisions are made and they realise the danger is very real. The culmination of the book is evil and shocking as the truth fully emerges. Another brilliant book from Cally Taylor that certainly seemed to understand the extremes that stalkers will go to. I was therefore sad and dismayed to read her author’s note at the end of the book.

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Every Move You Make by C.L. Taylor is a chilling a portrayal of the horror of being stalked, harassed, threatened, and what it means to be the object of one’s obsession.

Natalie, Alexandra, Lucy, Bridget and River form a group no one ever wants to be a part of. All victims of stalking, they first met on an online forum for those trying to cope with the unyielding threat of being stalked. Bonded over their experiences, and realizing the five live locally, they decide to form their own WhatsApp support check-in group called FYST. But when a member of their group is killed by their own stalker, the members of FYST meet in person for the first time at the funeral. It is here, in the church pews, that they receive a delivery of flowers with a threatening message: one of them will die in a matter of days. The group was supposed to increase their chance of safety, now surviving seems unlikely for at least one of them. But which one?

It seems the only way to not become the next victim is to fight back, so they devise a plan to stalk their stalkers and to track their every move. It is an urgent task to find which stalker made the threat before the deadline. As fear begins to take hold, suspicion takes over, and the members of FYST start to cast doubt on everyone, including each other. It is a suspenseful and gripping story, authentically told, of the powerlessness of being stalked. The author’s note provides good insight as to why C.L. Taylor was able to offer such a credible account of the emotions involved.

Thank you to NetGalley, author C.L. Taylor, and Avon Books UK for an advanced reader copy of this book.

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I'm a huge CL Taylor fan and this certainly didn't disappoint. The intricacies of each character and their story was so well written, and whilst I worried maybe I'd struggle to follow along, I absolutely devoured this with ease. The characters are great, the storyline left me gasping and the ending was so surprising, not one I expected at all. Fantastic!

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In the year up to June 2023, there were over 700,000 reported cases of stalking in the UK. Seven-hundred thousand. Let that sink in for a moment. Sobering thought isn't it? With this fact, and the fact that CL Taylor has had her own experience of being a victim of stalking, it is no wonder that, although very much fiction, Every Move You Make, has an air of tragic authenticity about it. From the very opening scene we are forced into the perspective of the victim and it is not a comfortable or pleasant place to be. It is not a chapter drowning in violence, it doesn't need to be, although it does lead us to that precipice, but it does have the sense of expectation and nervousness, and you can feel the trepidation building to outright fear of the all-too-soon-to-be victim. It seems all too inevitable that some great injustice is about to happen, and we are powerless to stop it, but compelled to read onwards. And read on I did.

After that shocking opening we meet the four main protagonists of this story - stalking victims Alex, Lucy, Bridget and River who are united via an offshoot from an online stalker support group. The author has been very clever here as although they are all victims in their own ways, there are elements of their characters which mean that they aren't all automatically sympathetic. Absolutely I felt for their position, and when a very overt threat is made against one of them, that feeling of unease and being on tenterhooks only grows stronger, as does that sense of mistrust. There are those natural character quirks that we all have, that give them each a believability, but which also led me to question some of their decisions and actions. And the more we learn about each of them in turn, the more questions lingered in the mind. But is this a clever poly by the author to create suspicion, or the natural predicament of many victims? That the charm and apparently rational behaviour of the stalker verses the reaction - or sometimes perceived irrational overreaction - of the victim actually turns us toward victim blaming?

There are many tense moments in this book, that building sense of characters needing to look over their shoulder, or of being watched from the shadow. Some of the stalkers were more brazen than others, leading to a particularly uncomfortable situation for one of the group and for readers. this also adds to that real sense of danger and perhaps the inevitable moment that the whole book as been building towards. There are certainly many scenes where the pace picks up to frantic levels, where the risks taken are high and the threat is far more obvious than before. There are some violent scenes toward the end - none of which are overly descriptive - but which create that sense of urgency and fear that drives the various antagonists in their obsession.

This is a carefully crafted thriller which really brings the position of a stalkers victim to the fore. Yes, there are times when you may question their decision making, but in similar scenarios, how many of us can really say they'd act differently. Many stalkers use fear and manipulation to control their victims and this is laid out so clearly in this book. But I love the way in which the author has manipulated us as readers too, as it left me in a bit of dilemma. From time to time my trust of the fearful four wavered, and with so many clues pointing towards one outcome, so did my conviction over certain people's innocence or guilt. I never felt relaxed as I read this book, always expecting something to happen - although perhaps not quite down the path that CL Taylor ultimately leads us.

It's an entirely engrossing story, teeming with disquiet, and certainly one that will make you think. Another classic and sure fire hit from an author who really likes to rattle the nerves of her readers.

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I have read all of CL Taylor's books and I'm a huge fan. I've been waiting to read this for ages and it lived up to all my expectations. It's based around a whatsapp group of stalker survivors who decide to take matters into their own hands. Once you get your head around whose stalker is whose it gets a lot easier. Not all the characters are likeable, some grown on you and this is what keeps you interested.the scenarios in the story are Intense and quite frightening and it really makes the author note at the end more emotional.
What a book!

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I really wanted to love this book but although I enjoyed it I didn’t love it, but that’s down to me rather than the author. There are a lot of characters , which meant I didn’t really think I got to know them in a depth so it meant although I found the subject of stalking terrifying I didn’t care about what was happening to the characters as much as I would have liked. Although the plot and pace meant this book made for a quick read and I can see why there are so many five star reviews

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This book weaves back and too between different characters. You’ll keep changing your mind about who has done what and why. The twist was clever and I didn’t see it coming at all. Very good.

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Five strangers meet in an online forum for people who have been stalked. The idea of having a support group with several individuals added more layers to the stalker trope.

This is anxiety and tension filled straight out of the gates as the reader is shown what the end point of stalking can be. It managed to keep that level of tension with the reader feeling their fear throughout ramping up even higher for the end.
We are given the back stories of each of the 5 main characters and introduced to their stalkers. So theres a few characters to keep track of.

This is high octane extreme stalking of every day people, which is what makes it a thriller. There’s twists and turns thrown in along the way to keep the reader on their toes.

It may be a trigger for some, if you’ve not had personal experience it gives the reader great incite to how much it can impact on a person. The authors notes at the end are worth a read.

This is one of the best stalker books I’ve read, one I’d highly recommend.

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An online search on how to stop a stalker brings five desperate victims together, initially on a forum then forming their own whatsapp group they support and check in on each other.

Days after her stalker is released from prison, group member Nat is murdered, a chilling opening that really sets the scene and drew me in. Her funeral is the first time the remaining four meet face to face an experience that is further unsettled by the late arrival of a wreath, not for Nat but for them, promising one of them will die in ten days time.

There's a lot to like about this novel, in particular the characters fear and unease as they attempt to go about their daily lives, constantly scanning crowds and looking over their shoulder for that person who wants to ruin their day was scarily good. This book grabbed my attention from the start but keeping up with the victims, their lives, their partners, other characters as well as numerous twists along the way as the ten day countdown progressed wasn't without challenges.

A though provoking read thats ideal for those that like their storylines twisted and chilling. The authors note at the end, her personal experience of being a victim of stalking is raw and the very real statistics are unsettling.

My thanks to Avon books and NetGalley for the review copy, I was under no obligation and all opinions expressed are my own.

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I was excited to read this as have loved previous books by CL Taylor but this didn't quite hit the mark unfortunately. I liked the fact that it was victims of stalkers fighting back but something just didn't gel with me. It was fast paced and a smooth read but I didn't particularly care much about that characters and many times it felt like they would do the silliest of things like in a film when they should run out the house from the murderer but instead they run up the stairs etc. I didn't guess the final plot twist which was a nice surprise but it did feel slightly irrelevant to the main storyline.
Thank you to #NetGalley for the copy

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Twisty and creepy! And what a story to devour on Valentine’s Day! Alexandra, Lucy, Bridget, River and Natalie are reluctant partners of a club that no one wants to join. They are all being stalked by potentially dangerous stalkers. They find safety and companionship within this group where they can discuss their problems and check up on each other. But when one of them is murdered, their worst fears are realized. Added to the tragic murder of their friend, the group receives an ominous threat bringing more terror to their already complicated lives. The group decides to take action instead of waiting to be victimized. What could happen if they all started stalking their stalkers? This story is intense and really scary, this could happen to anyone! Please read the Author’s Note, at the end, where she reveals her own terrifying inspiration for this novel. Thank you Netgalley, Avon Books UK, and the author for this eARC in exchange for my honest review. This book will be available for purchase on March 28, 2024

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Every move you make was quite a hard book to sum up. On the one hand, I wasn't quite sure about the theme - four stalker victims who get together and join a "whatsapp" stalking group chat who call themselves the FYST ("F*** YOU STALKER TW*TS"). Why would they call themselves that? 4 very different characters Lucy, Alex Bridget and River who met at the funeral of a fellow friend and victim and receive a threat that one of them will die in 10 days. who will die? Who will survive? On the other hand I enjoyed the ending and found it quite addictive after a slowish start.

They decide to take it upon themselves to try and track down their stalkers (kind of stalking them a bit) and the book is written from each of their points of view.

The characters were very different although interesting to have a male victim amongst them, some slightly annoying traits and why would they be constantly on whatsapp.? I'm not sure I fully engaged with them until about 75% in where the book really pulled me in and I was very keen to find out what happens next with some interesting surprises.

Was pleased I made it to the end, but having now read six books by this author, this wasn't my favourite CL Taylor. That said she is a great author and I look forward to her next book.

A big thanks to Avon Books UK, Avon for the advance review copy 3.5 stars rounded up to 4 for a good ending and interesting end note from the author who has herself suffered from a stalking incident and survived it.

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Alex, Lucy, Bridget and River all have something in common: they are being stalked. Coming together at the funeral of one of their friends from the support group they set up, they are shocked when a wreath arrives stating that one of them only has ten days before they die. Without knowing which of them is the target, they decided to turn the tables and keep tabs on each others’ stalkers. In what becomes a race against time, can they prevent another death?

One of the things I like most about C. L. Taylor’s books is that she writes about a range of subjects that make you think about what you are reading. In Every Move You Make, she paints a very vivid picture of what it is like to have your every move monitored and how it takes over every moment of your life. It is clear after reading the author’s words at the end of the book that she has personal experience of being stalked and this is definitely reflected in the way this is portrayed in the book.

The author has created a very claustrophobic atmosphere where, due to what is happening to them, the main characters start to mistrust the people they thought they could trust the most: each other. This creates a similar effect for the reader as we start to wonder if one of them is actually responsible for the death threat, suspicion being cast on each one of them at different times in the book.

This is another enjoyable book from C L Taylor with a subject matter that will remain in my head for a long time to come.

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I find myself torn about this book. On one hand, it's incredibly entertaining and had me hooked from start to finish. Despite its hefty four-hundred-plus pages, I breezed through it in just a couple of sittings. However, there were moments where the plot felt a bit too convenient and implausible, with some rather glaring coincidences. But what really made me roll my eyes was the cliché use of the "no phones allowed" or "no cell service" trope in thrillers. In my over twenty years of owning a cell phone, I've never encountered such situations, making it feel like a lazy narrative device.

Despite these gripes, I have to admit that the book kept me guessing until the end. With a plethora of characters, there were plenty of red herrings and potential suspects, leading to an engaging game of cat and mouse. Even though I found most of the characters unlikeable, including those being stalked, I appreciated the inclusion of a male victim of stalking.

What truly sets this book apart is its unique premise, which immediately draws the reader in. The pacing is relentless, with non-stop action throughout, culminating in an intense, if somewhat unbelievable, finale. It's easy to see why it has garnered high ratings and widespread appeal. Despite its occasional leaps of logic and the over-the-top ending, the journey to get there is undeniably entertaining.

I highly recommend reading the author's note at the end. It's incredibly raw and personal, adding an extra layer of depth to the narrative.

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I was a bit disappointed with this after reading earlier books from this author. I found it hard to get into the storyline and couldn't keep up with the characters.

Overall it was an okay read for me but wasn't an edge of seater unfortunately.

Thank you to Netgalley and Avon Books UK for this ARC.

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A very good book! An unlikely group of five come together to form an online group. They have something huge in common: each person is the current victim of a stalker. This is a good story and at times is quite raw and unnerving. Recommended!

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