Member Reviews

C. L. Taylor is an auto-buy author for me and her books always jump straight to the top of my TBR pile!

Whilst her books always deliver, I will go so far as to say this is her best work yet.

The story is so unique and original that it gripped me from the beginning. The idea of stalkers is such an unsettling concept that drove the book towards many thrilling reveals. I couldn't wait to keep reading this but I have to say I was relieved once it was over and I didn't have to feel scared anymore!! Brilliant characters, original plot, great pace. What more could you ask for?

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Every Move You Make by C. L Taylor

I'll be watching you !

A brilliant story by this great author , every title they write you are guaranteed a great book full of twists and turns with fabulous characters . The plot is at times chilling and yet I couldn't put it down , a real marker of a great author.

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Would recommend if you want a quick fast-paced read. It is very fast-moving and suspenseful but I found it to be about 100 pages too long and I found the ending to be overly cinematic.

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I am a huge fan of C.L. Taylor, every book is always different and unique that always draws me in and leaves me speechless, you've done it again.

Every Move You Make introduces five strangers that are in a whatsapp group as they are all victims of being stalked and fear for their lives. Always letting each other know their whereabouts and if they are safe, one member doesn't check in with the others and tragedy ensues, a life has been taken by said stalker.

At the day of Natalie's funeral, we meet the four remaining members when they are given a wreath that has a countdown, the day of the countdown all means something to the members and panic ensues on who is going to be next.

They group consists of four, Bridget, River, Lucy and Alex. Each has their own stalkers and we learn through their povs how the stalkers are affecting them in their everyday life and relationships. Some i really felt for and i was rooting for them to turn the tables on the stalkers and win back against them. Each character was well developed and was humanized making the readers root for them and sometimes question the actions they take.

I loved this book, it was thrilling and suspenseful. Near the ending i was shocked by the twist and once i thought i knew what was going on, another twists was thrown in. Intense and terrifying, everything about this book is amazing and i would recommend 100% to other readers. I will be looking forward to reading more of C.L. Taylor books in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publishers and Avon, Avon Books UK for the copy of this arc in exchange of my full honest review.

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Alex, Lucy, River and Bridget.

Four people who find each other when they join an online support group for Victims of Stalking. They dub themselves “FYST” which stands for F*** You Stalker Tw*ts”-a name that immediately clued me in that I might struggle with this book.

They keep in touch on WhatsApp-often making sure that another member makes it home safely-as this group of four used to be five until Natalie was followed home by her stalker for the LAST time.

At Nat’s funeral, they are handed a wreath whose attached card reads “ RIP” and promises that one of them will be killed in ten days.

With the Police doing little to ensure their safety, they devise a plan of their own-the only way to STOP a stalker is to become one yourself-trading stalkers in order to keep them under surveillance.

The story unfolds through their four alternating POV’s and their WhatsApp group texts as we count down the days until someone dies….

Unfortunately, although I was able to keep track of who our four group members were, I often found myself confused about the back stories of each and about “WHO was WHO” in our supporting cast of characters.

In addition it’s a book which became extremely OTT, even for a stalker story with AT LEAST one twist too many.

DO read the author’s note at the conclusion of the book. She was unfortunately a Victim of Stalking fifteen years ago, and I applaud her for sharing her experience and the sobering statistics of Stalking in the UK. and for providing tips and resources for those who may be experiencing stalking now.

Expected publication date: March 28, 2024

Thank You to Avon Books for the gifted ARC provided through NetGalley.

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My thanks to Avon Books and NetGalley for a copy of “ Every Move You Make “ for an honest review.

I’ve loved all of C L Taylor’s previous books and this latest is no exception!
I love her style of writing and the story was full of suspense. A group of people who are being stalked come together to try and support each other, but is everyone telling the truth ?
I found myself feeling very tense while reading this book and became very invested in the characters outcomes.
A definite recommendation from me

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Outlier opinion ahead….

Five people are being stalked and they are trying to survive. Then there is a murder, a countdown, and setting a trap. The ones being stalked make a plan.

It started out pretty good, but became muddled pretty quickly. I lost interest and all the characters started to sound the same. I had a hard time staying focused and kept putting it down.

This is only my second by the author, I also gave The Guilty Couple a try, but ended up dnfing at 15%. This author may not be a good fit for me, although I do have Strangers on my tbr and will give it a chance!

Check out other reviews, many have rated this one a winner.

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This is a stunning and equally sinister read! More than once I had to re-read a page, as I couldn’t believe what I’d read! This novel has a way of getting under your skin but you have to keep reading! CL Taylor is a master at what she does!

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C.L. Taylor is the author I aspire to be. From the first page, this book had me hooked. I could not put it down - my heart raced, my hairs stood on end and I couldn’t wait to reach the climax for each of these characters stories.

The book follows a group of people who met through a stalking website. They have formed a support group and help to keep each other safe. Now the beauty of this book is that, if you like a stalker book, you don’t get just one stalker… you get an abundance of them. Every member of the stalking support group brings their own story, their own reasons for why they might not want to call the police, and their own bad guy!

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I LOVE CL Taylor's books and they're an auto buy author for me so I was super excited to receive Every Move You Make.

It's a haunting tale of stalking and the perception of this from others. Great twists and turns and I think I thought it could have been anyone of the main characters at some point or another in the story. Page turning writing.

Thanks to netgalley and Avon for the chance to read this brilliant book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for providing this book, with my honest review below.

Every Move You Make by C.L. Taylor starts out with the heartbreaking murder of Natalie, who is being stalked, and then quickly descends into a mystery for the others in her stalker support WhatsApp, River, Alex, Lucy, and Bridget. With a tense beginning and a sensational ending, I did feel the first half was a little slower after the intense start, but found myself engrossed in the book and having enjoyed it greatly through the second half and ending.

The group, whom one of (they don’t know which one exactly) is threatened at Natalie’s funeral works against a ten day countdown to figure out which one of them is targeted. Taking the offence, C.L. Taylor leans on her past experiences being stalked to write a story of control given to victims. I appreciated the empowerment, and the story’s last stretch went from twist to twist, building perfect tension.

Highly recommended for the vivid characters and excellent mystery, if you’re on the fence I’d encourage to pick this up!

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I really enjoyed this book! I look forward to reading other books by this author. There were so many twists in this book I didn’t see coming. But then again I rarely can figure books out. I would definitely recommend this book!

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As an established fan of C L Taylor’s works I was excited to read this.
It exceeded my expectations.
Clever, fast and edge of the seat stuff.
Really good character building, I was invested in them all.
The stalker theme is terrifying as a rule throw in 5 stalkers and a twist- wow.
Loved this and will be recommending

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This book was fabulous.
When the action was there it was there tenfold.
I found myself reading the fastest I have ever done. Racing to find out what happens.
Intense and captive.

I found my self thinking it went on a bit around two thirds of the way through and wanting more. But after that it flew.
Things were happening here there and everywhere and I couldn’t get enough.
It started coming together and there were twists and turns I didn’t guess.

A great book that I certainly recommend.

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This was a real page turner about a group of friends who are being stalked by a killer. I really e joyed reading this as lots of suspense in the storyline.

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Alex, Lucy, River and Bridget all have something in common - they each have a stalker that just won't stop. But the group of four used to be five, that is before Nat was killed by her stalker. Then at her funeral they receive a wreath that predicts another death in ten days' time. One of them will die but they just don't know who.

This was another wild and intense novel by the author. I do love a stalker novel and while I did guess a small part, it had some solid twists that surprised me. Terrifyingly realistic and emotional and I can now see why from the author's note. As always, I look forward to more by this author. Thanks to NetGalley and Avon Books for this gifted review copy.

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Rating: 4.0/5

Whenever I pick up a new book by Cally Taylor, I am confident that I am going to enjoy it. Yes, there are novels of hers that impress me more than others, but I have yet to read one that I would be tempted to describe as poor. Her latest offering, "Every Move You Make" is yet another highly satisfying read.

It may well be that not everyone will be at ease with the subject matter. Given that it is clearly referenced in the accompanying synopsis, it will be no spoiler to point out that this story revolves around stalking, which could potentially be triggering for some readers. Five individuals have formed an online support group and the thing that they all have in common is that they have been stalked. Then, one of the five becomes a fatal victim of her stalker and whilst attending her funeral the remaining members receive a threat saying that one of them will also die in ten days' time. So, rather than stand idly by waiting for it to happen, the four formulate a plan to go on the offensive and become the hunters rather than the hunted.

This initial set-up to the plot does require the reader to grant the author a degree of artistic licence. Whilst not straying into the realms of ridiculous implausibility, it does tend heavily towards the improbable end of the scale. However, providing you are prepared to allow the writer some leeway, you will be rewarded with some impressive storytelling that is packed full of drama, no little tension and numerous scenes that will set your heart racing.

It wasn't until I read the "Author's Note" at the end of the book that I realised that Cally Taylor herself had been a victim of stalking several years ago. That undoubtedly has played a part in allowing her to create certain aspects of this novel with such authenticity. However, even though it may often be said that an author should "write what they know", I can imagine that drawing on her personal experience must have been quite traumatic and the manner in which she has been able to craft such an effective piece of fictional work from it is worthy of admiration.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for supplying an ARC in return for an honest review.

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What a page turner about Stalkers, I could not put it down. The book is engaging from the first page.

I loved the short chapters which just made me race through to the end

I am a big fan and read and loved all of C L Taylors work!

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Stalking is a serious subject and I am glad books exist to highlight the dangers of it. I have devoured this one; however, some parts were over descriptive and at some point I got lost with so many names. Overall, I enjoyed it!

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What are all the ⭐️ about?

This started out promising. However, I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone and stuck in an episode of Criminal Minds but on repeat. Then it turned into a Lifetime movie. What a nightmare. I would compare it to the movie Fear with Mark Wahlberg, but with a bunch of different stalkers.

If it hadn’t gotten somewhat ridiculous, I probably would have enjoyed it better. Please read the other reviews, I’m on outlier island here.

Thank you Avon books, NetGalley, and the author for an ARC. All opinions are my own.

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