Member Reviews

A good read that had a unique concept. Some great characters. The story seemed a little far fetched at times.

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Make every move to grab 2024’s biggest gripper!

It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of C.L. Taylor’s psychological thrillers and I genuinely mean it when I say that each new release gets better and better! EVERY MOVE YOU MAKE is PHENOMENAL, with every element present to make this a truly gripping read. Taylor always blends character and plot to perfection and this book had me racing through the pages due to the rip-roaring pace of the plot, the incredible twists and shocking reveals, but also because of the connections I felt to the characters. Taylor manages to invite her readers so deeply into the world and minds of her characters that I completely lose myself in them. The cast of leading characters in this book are all fascinating. They are all distinctly human: flawed, likeable, dislikable, brave, irrational, and complex. I loved how each of them had elements to their character or past that made me suspicious of them at various points. I wanted to like them all, but found that they just seemed slightly shady - there’s definitely secrets to unearth! This made for a really tense and exciting read, as I tried to piece together exactly who I should trust and what hidden agendas may be at play. Alex, Lucy, River and Bridget are an exceptional cast and I loved how their stories interwove and how Taylor explores the dynamics between this group of stalker survivors. Taylor layers so many hints, clues and red herrings along the way, so I didn’t see the final twist coming, although enjoyed picking up on things that Taylor wanted me to, ahead of the characters. This increased the suspense whilst reading and had me on the edge of my seat right to the end! I can totally see this novel adapted for the screen as it would translate so well, with bursts of heart racing action, moments of razor sharp tension, and a cast of villains that will enrage an audience. Here’s hoping Netflix calls imminently!

The other aspect of this novel that is brilliantly executed is the psychological impact that the stalking has on each character. Taylor really brings out the raw emotion, exploring how each of the characters manages their fear, anxiety and day to day living with a stalker. Each character’s situation is different. Some know who their stalker is, others don’t. Some are being stalked by a former partner, others are not. Taylor looks at stalking from multiple angles, which not only helps flesh out the thrilling narrative, but also provides an opportunity to really thrust readers into the sheer horror of what it feels like. I was shocked to read the Author’s Note at the end of the novel, where Cally explains her own experiences and it’s clear that these have influenced her writing. This novel is imbued with a sense of reality. It’s deeply unsettling in places, whilst also being a hugely kick-ass retaliation to stalkers out there. I defy you not to be gripped by this plot and wholeheartedly behind characters in this book. Taylor strikes again with another absolute belter of a book!

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I’ve read other books written by CL Taylor, but I have to say this is one of her best. A chilling story about stalkers that kept me hooked from the first chapter. A mix of unique and different characters that have one thing in common: a stalker that haunt their lives. After they receive a death threat they decide that their best option is to work together, The story is creepy, but addictive and I would definitely recommend this book.

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Every Move You Make by C. L. Taylor was a fantastic psychological thriller that had me anxious for the characters from start to finish. Even when it seems apparent where the storyline is going and who is responsible for each set of events at hand, there are still questions on something else happens to throw things back into turmoil and it left me guessing and biting my nails constantly.

The creepy psychological atmosphere was perfection in Every Move You Make. With each of the characters having their own stalkers to deal with the paranoia seeped into the story itself and had me looking over my shoulder expecting to be watched. It made the story very immersive which was fantastic for atmosphere and had me wanting more. The different points of view were also well done as you get to see each of their horrifying experiences either a stalker and experience each of their terror as they are threatened and picked off one by one. It adds to each of their terror as they are all part of a stalker support group and therefore are part of each others lives and are left with the fear of who will be targeted next and the horror of losing these people they know and care about.

On top of all of this there is a countdown of days until someone dies which just amps up the tension and has me nervous as the characters scrambled to prevent anything from happening. The way the book had me questioning who I could trust, even amongst the victims was exactly why this book was a fantastic psychological thriller. It messed with my head and had me questioning every one and every thing. I honestly kept going back and forth being suspicious even of the stalker victims and reading was so tense from start to finish between not trusting anyone and with the constant danger the victims were in from their stalkers.

I really enjoyed Every Move You Make. I kept wanting to come back to reading it whenever I stopped and it was my top book choice hands down. It had me hooked, had me feeling the paranoia and anxiety of the characters, and best of all kept me guessing as to who was really behind everything happening, whether it was multiple people or if there was one mastermind behind it all, as well as what was really going on to cause these stalkers to target the victims. It was hard to tell at times whether the narrators were trustworthy and I loved that this was the case because I like being kept guessing and uncertain about everything like this book accomplished. Not to mention not knowing if the characters would come out of their encounters alive every time they found themselves in a dangerous situation trying to get to the bottom of everything themselves.

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Well that was quite a ride from start to finish, very twisty and turny and kept me guessing right until the end, another great C. L Taylor read

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I really enjoyed this book right from the start. A gripping storyline about stalkers and the real effect it can have on the people involved. Such a believable story and the twist at the end I wasn’t expecting i recommend this book and author

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Every Move You Make tells the story of 5 friends: Nat, Alex, Lucy, Bridget and River who are brought together by a shared nightmare. All are victims of stalking and united in their WhatsApp group - FYST. Here they are a lifeline to one another, providing much needed support. Unfortunately Nat is murdered by her stalker which sets in motion a turn of events - a wreath delivered at the funeral holds a significant date. One more of the FYST will be murdered. But who and can they stop it?

I thought the topic of stalkers throughout the book was handled very sensitively and not sensationalised at all. The Authors Note at the end explained this as the author herself has been a victim to this. It was sad to hear but really shows through when reflecting on the contents of the book and how important the friends are to one another. Really well done.

Thank you Avon Books, C.L. Taylor and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Bridget, River, Lucy and Alex are all being stalked – and it’s significantly altered their lives. Having found each other through a support group, the quartet – which used to be a five-piece – are handed a wreath saying RIP at a funeral. Perhaps not too odd, but it’s addressed to them and the card is dated for 10 days’ time. For the foursome, the obvious is clear: in just over a week, one of them is going to die, though they do not know how or who is responsible. Between them, they decide that the only way to stop a killer is to get closer to them, leading the four to each look into their friends’ backgrounds to see who really has them in their sights. It’s chilling, much more so than you’d expect – you feel as if there in the background, watching the quartet watching the stalkers. It sounds grim but it’s very readable.

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She's only gone and done it again! I absolutely loved this book and finished it in one sitting. In this book Taylor takes a look at a group of people united by one thing they have in common - they've all got stalkers. After one of their number is murdered - in the very first chapter - the remaining four friends are led to believe that one of them could be next, but they don't want that to happen. I really liked the way this book got straight into the action with Natalie's death. It also looked at serious social issues like male violence against women, the lack of protection for people who are being stalked and the ethics of tracking devices and spyware. In CL Taylor style, it's delightfully twisty Some more obvious than others. I did actually see the big twist coming, but this absolutely didn't detract from my enjoyment of the book. Recommend.

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This book will have you hooked from the very first page.
I loved the premise of the book and their support group. There are plenty of twists and turns along the way and I highly recommend. I particularly liked that this has come from a lived experience and you can feel its authenticity.

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Lucy, River, Alex, and Bridget, all victims of their own stalkers, are 4 survivors of a five person group chat. The 5th member, Natalie, was recently murdered by her stalker. At Natalie's funeral, the group of 4 is given an anonymous message suggesting one of them will die in ten days. Who's stalker sent it? Can they figure it out before the threat becomes reality?

This book kind of went in waves for me. I loved the beginning and how the opening scene really pulls you in. After a few chapters, I was a bit lost keeping all of the characters and their respective stalkers straight, and I thought there were many scenes drawn out a bit too much. Once the action really started again around the halfway mark, it didn't really stop, and the twists and turns kept coming. I loved not knowing who to trust and how multiple stalkers meant multiple 'bad guys' and revelations. The author was very good at creating tension and after reading the author's note, it's understandable why and even more eerie.


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- Natalie, River, Lucy, Alexandra, and Bridgett are members of a WhatsApp group that serves as a stalker victim support group. In the first few pages, Natalie’s stalker kills her, and the group shrinks from 5 people to 4 people.
- While the group attends Natalie’s funeral, they are given a wreath with a message indicating that one of them will die next in 10 days. The survivors are on edge, and the book follows their paths as they try to work together to stop from being killed.
- For ease:
- River’s stalker: Vanessa
- Lucy’s stalker: Marcus
- Bridgett’s stalker: Charlotte
- Alexandra’s stalker: Unknown

- This author, C.L. Taylor, has been on my radar for a minute, and I have several books on my TBR by Taylor. This, however, is the first I’ve read.
- The writing is good, and it is strategically plotted. The author does an excellent job depict how stressful life is with a stalker and showing the main characters living in fear.
- There are a few things that happen throughout the book that are unbelievable. Also, for readers of the genre, the twists are predictable. Despite this, I still thoroughly enjoyed it.
- The characters are all morally gray, and the author does a nice job of humanizing them & making them not all bad and not all good.
- My only complaint is how the author presents the origin story of Lucy & Marcus. I am knocking it down to four stars for this reason. Without getting into spoilers, I felt like the author jumped through so many hoops to try to justify this relationship, and I was not on board. The author even has another character confirm “you did nothing wrong”, and it felt like the author really wanted readers to feel that way. Besides this one area, I enjoyed the book.
- Satisfying ending. Fast paced. I felt the tension throughout. It is told from multiple POVs of the people in the group, as well as snippets of the messages among the group.

TL;DR: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️suspense about stalkers. for readers of genre, twists are predictable, but overall, it is a great, fast-paced read.

Thanks to Avon Books UK and Netgalley for this digital ARC in exchange for an honest review. It will be published on March 28, 2024.

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Wow! What a ride this book was! I loved the short chapters and the different points of view. It was very well written, it doesn’t miss a beat and it keeps you guessing until the very end. It also wraps it all up very well managing closure for every character and even a bit of a happy ending. Absolutely could not put it down!

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This one starts off running and doesn’t slow down. A crazy twisting plot weaves a unique tale of fear and uncertainty. This keeps you guessing until the end.
A real life situation for many is highlighted in this book, stalking and terror of both men and women. Harassment and threats that are realistic to what many people face. This is taken and turned into a believable realistic story line that makes you question who you can trust. Who is not who they say they are. And the ending… is explosive!

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Alexandra has a WhatsApp group for victims of stalkers. One of the group is murdered by her ex-boyfriend. Flowers are delivered to the remaining group members at her funeral threatening to kill another person within the next month.
The group tries to find ways to protect themselves from their stalkers while trying to work out where the threat is coming from. I didn't really care for any if the characters and found the revelation a bit implausible. OK for the beach.

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I love C L Taylor's writing so was very keen to read her new novel and I'm so pleased to say that it exceeded all my (very high) expectations! This novel follows four people who have all been victims of stalking and they have formed a support group. The novel opens with a very intense scene as one of the group members, Nat, is making her way home from work sure that her stalker is following her. Days later the group gather at a funeral and a threat is made against one of them but they're not sure who the threat is aimed at. The novel then follows them as they try to work out whose life is in danger and they try to protect each other. We get to hear more about them and there are things about some people's stories that seem a little odd but nothing that you can put your finger on as to why. I was torn between my absolute sympathy but also little niggles of suspicion throughout the novel but I was kept on my toes. I did work out part of the reveal but not all of it and the end when it comes is a shock! This book really shows what it's like to be a victim of stalking but it's also a very fast-paced and gripping read. I loved it and highly recommend it!

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Thanks must first go to Netgalley, the publishers and C.L. Taylor for the proof copy of Every Move You Make.

Having hear Cally discuss this book at Capital Crime and as an avid fan, I was very excited to get this ARC, and couldn’t think of a better book to kick the new year off with.

This book is full of twists, turns and a complete 360. It’s definitely not the ending I expected, and shade is cast on the majority of the characters throughout the novel. The way it’s written thrusts you into the mindset of a stalking victim, and I felt completely immersed. Reading the author note at the end I was totally shocked.

Would highly recommend this book and will likely read it again.

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Every book this author publishes is brilliant this one is no different. An excellent read and would recommend.

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This was a very unique book so I enjoyed reading about a topic that has not been covered much in a psychological thriller format. It was a bit of a slow-burn as it got repeatitive towards the middle of the book (but I guess that relates to the subject matter). The twist at the end was a bit unbelievable but still entertaining.

ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A book about stalking. Five people who are being stalked set up an online support group. After one of the members is killed by their stalker, the group try to help each other so that it doesn't happen to them. A slow burning thriller that keeps you hooked from the start. The characters are so well written that you can feel their terror. A really exciting read.

Thank you to Net Galley and the publishers for an advanced copy.

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