Member Reviews

Couldn't put this down! Extremely gripping from the first page and keeps the reader hooked. I loved the premise of the story and the way it is written.

It has multiple characters and perspectives, yet my attention never wavered for a second with the twists, action packed storyline and narrative. The concept is really good and something that feels real in the way the characters are built. Must read!

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for this e-arc in exchange of my unbiased review.

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Wow what a fast paced gripping story. It sent shivers down my spine and I just didn’t know what was going to happen next.

It’s all about a group of people connected by the fact they are being stalked so they form a WhatsApp group . Each character has its own unique story and is told in great detail. The ending was fantastic and I couldn’t put this book down.

Thanks to Netgalley, Avon books and C.L Taylor for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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I've read a lot of this author's books, and I do like a good thriller, which she is known to write. The book begins with Natalie and her experience with her stalker. Tragically this doesn't end well, and we find that Natalie was in an online support group for people who are being stalked, along with Alex, River, Bridget and Lucy. They are also experiencing stalking in different forms and from different people, but when they receive a wreath saying one of them will die in 10 days time, they meet up to try and work out which one of their stalkers is involved.

This was a chiller of a read. Surely there is nothing worse than the feeling of being watched or followed, and this book had five experiences of it to keep you looking over your shoulder as you read! The chapters alternate between Alex, River, Bridget and Lucy's individual stories and who is stalking them. Alex's stalker is unknown to her, River's is an ex-girlfriend, Bridget's is someone who she used to work with and Lucy's is an ex-boyfriend. Their experiences are all scary and certainly unsettles your nerves, but I have to admit to initially struggling to connect with any of them as there seemed to be a lot of untold secrets between them.

The book built up the suspense and tension slowly, with it rising to a crescendo at the half way mark! There are a lot of characters and it does take a bit of concentrating at first to get the right character with the right stalker, but this obviously gets easier as the story moves on. It's really well written with lots of emotion, and if you read the author's note at the end, you will realise how personal this book was for her. A gripping book which I would recommend.

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I had high hopes for this book after seeing some great reviews. However, I was so disappointed- there were so many characters to get my head around and the chapters jumped around so much that I couldn’t remember who was who and what their individual stories were. I guess it just wasn’t my style.

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Thank you to C. L. Taylor and Avon Books UK for approving my request on NetGalley to receive this book in exchange for an honest review.

Previous books have crowned C. L. Taylor the Queen of Thrills, in my opinion, and Every Move You Make was no exception to this. I read this book in a few sittings (parent life!), but I could have easily sat and read in one sitting if I had the chance, I resisted putting it down as much as I could and couldn't wait to get back to the gang.

We follow Alex, River, Bridget and Lucy through what can only be described as their harrowing experiences with stalkers. They've formed a WhatsApp support group, check in on each other and have become close friends, especially after their fifth member, Natalie, was killed by her stalker. At her funeral they are given a wreath; someone has only ten days until they die too. To stop their stalkers they have to get close to them.

I did find some parts of this a tough read due the nature of the storyline (even in a fictional state), sadly in today's world it is something we hear more about and it isn't too far from home for a lot of readers. However, I couldn't help but keep reading (it obviously didn't put me off!), and I feel like C. L. Taylor wrote about this in a way that grabbed me and demanded my attention. Every Move You Make has everything you would expect from this author; thrills, exceptional tension, huge spectacular reveals and gasp inducing moments. Written from a dual perspective you think you have a front row seat to the inside of every characters mind, but not everything is as it seems in this nail biting book.

A hugely anticipated read that did not disappoint, kept me awake late into the night wanting more, and is one of my favourite books of C. L. Taylor's. A must read.

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From the moment I started this book I loved it! CL Taylor is on top form with her writing knocking out top reads after top reads and this is no exception.

Told from multiple perspectives whilst also ‘living out’ each characters own horrifying situation this book really uncovers the torture of being stalked. Whether your stalker is known to you or not, no matter your gender the affects on your quality of life and mental health are absolute.

I particularly liked how this group chose to take back control and in an almost ‘strangers on a train’ style, stalked their stalkers to out an end to their torment.

Brilliantly written, tense and with an excellent twist this book is going to go far!

Thanks to NetGalley for my advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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A heart pounding thriller! With a premise that is both chilling and irresistible, Taylor weaves a tale of relentless suspense that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

The story introduces us to four characters – Alex, Lucy, River, and Bridget – all of whom share a common and terrifying experience: they are being stalked. Taylor skillfully delves into the psychological torment that comes with living under the constant threat of an unseen and relentless pursuer. The tension is palpable, and the sense of paranoia is masterfully conveyed, making it impossible to put the book down.

The narrative takes a sinister turn when the group comes together for their friend Nat's funeral, only to receive a wreath with a chilling message. In ten days, one of them will die, and the only way to stop the killer is to get closer to their stalkers, the very individuals who want them dead. This premise sets the stage for a high-stakes and suspenseful race against time.

C.L. Taylor's writing is taut and propulsive, and she excels at building an atmosphere of dread and uncertainty. The characters are well-developed, and their fear and desperation are palpable. As the story unfolds, secrets are unveiled, and the group's dynamic evolves in unexpected ways, adding layers of complexity to the plot.

"Every Move You Make" explores themes of obsession, fear, and the lengths people will go to protect themselves and their loved ones. It keeps you guessing with its twists and turns, and just when you think you have it all figured out, Taylor throws in another curveball that leaves you reeling.

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I must admit that it took me quite a long time to finish reading this book.
Every time I put it down after a few chapters.
I thought the concept of this book was very well thought out. A WhatsApp group with victims of stalkers. it took me a while to figure out who was who and who was stalking that person.

The moments when something actually happened and someone was in danger were good! the moments in between sometimes lasted a little too long for me. Those were the chapters that made me put the book down again.

But I don't regret reading on! The ending was really intense and I wondered several times who was going to die.

I am grateful to Bridget for her action with the van and Marcus 😏.

what to expect:
🔪who can you trust
🔪victim WhatsApp group
🔪protecting each other

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A tense and twisty thriller, I raced through this and loved trying to work out who was stalking who! My favourite Cally Taylor yet, thank you Netgalley and Avon Books for this ARC.

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Another thriller story from CL Taylor.
This book took me awhile to get into but once I did it was captivating! I thought I knew where it was going but then another twist came around! As always CL Taylor tells a thrilling story of stalkers, and how a group of victims found a haven in a support group, but when one of them is murdered by their stalker, the rest of the groups is in mourning. What follows is a very intricately woven story about fear, friendship and just how far you would go to get rid of your stalker.
Thanks to netgalley and Avon books for the arc.

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Thank you NetGalley for a free e-galley of this book in exchange for an honest review.

C.L. Taylor's "Every Move You Make" is a gripping and intense psychological thriller that delves deep into the unnerving world of stalking. Taylor crafts a narrative that is both chilling and suspenseful, as it follows the lives of four individuals, Alex, Lucy, River, and Bridget, who are united by the harrowing experience of being stalked. This common thread of persistent terror and paranoia is further compounded by the traumatic event of their friend Nat's death, believed to be caused by her stalker.

Taylor's skill in building tension is evident from the outset. The eerie and unsettling atmosphere is established with the delivery of a wreath with a menacing message, setting a ten-day countdown to a predicted death among the group. This clever plot device not only heightens the suspense but also propels the narrative forward at a relentless pace. The story unfolds in a way that keeps the reader guessing, constantly on edge about who the next target might be and who is behind the stalking.

The characters are well-developed, each with a distinct personality and backstory that add layers to the novel. Taylor's portrayal of their psychological states is particularly noteworthy, capturing the pervasive fear and vulnerability that come with being stalked. The book also delves into the complexities of their relationships, adding an emotional depth to the narrative.

However, the novel does navigate some familiar territory within the thriller genre, and at times, the plot relies on certain genre tropes. While these elements do not detract significantly from the story's overall impact, they may be recognizable to seasoned readers of psychological thrillers.

"Every Move You Make" is a masterclass in suspense, offering a twisty and unnerving exploration of the psychological impact of stalking. Taylor's narrative is both compelling and haunting, making this book a standout in its genre. The novel will undoubtedly appeal to fans of psychological thrillers, particularly those who enjoy a story that expertly balances emotional depth with edge-of-your-seat tension.

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I have absolutely loved most of the author's previous novels and was really drawn to the synopsis of Every Move You Make. Being stalked is such a terrifying prospect and the author really captures the experience of being constantly scared, hypervigilant and powerless. This is made all the more powerful by the author's personal note describing her own experience of being stalked. The novel started off powerfully with the shocking experience of Nat and I was immediately drawn into it. However as the novel progressed I found it less compelling, this was partly due to the group of characters ; I found it hard to become involved in their stories, it wasn't that I didn't like them but I found the portrayal of each character lacked depth. I also found that the plot became less credible as the narrative moved on.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this digital ARC.
3,5 stars

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The only way to stop a stalker, is to become one yourself. In this novel, four friends are united by the fact they are all victims of stalking. Their days are filled with terror, watching and waiting for something to happen. But this foursome used to be five. At the funeral of their friend Nat, they are handed a wreath, but it’s not for her, it’s for one of them and the message is clear. One of them will die. A gripping thriller that will have you hooked to the end. Thank you to NetGalley, Avon Books UK and the author for the chance to review.

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This book had so many twists and turns that guessing the ending was difficult. This talented author has written a page turner. The theme of stalking kept me on the edge of my seat. Who were the stalkers? Red herrings made answering that question difficult . Realistic characters kept this story on target and moving quickly. I liked this book, and I really like this author. Curl up in a comfy chair and enjoy thanks Netgalley.

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3.75 stars
This is the third book that I've read by C.L. Taylor and unfortunately it was probably my least favourite of the three.
I did like the insight that it gave into what it is like to be stalked and the opening was particularly strong.
There were plenty of red herrings, as to who could be behind the message on the funeral wreath and rock that was thrown at them. But for some reason this didn't connect with me the way that I hoped it would.
At points it felt like too much was going at once and having all of the 'stalkers' being so brazen and active at the same time felt a little bit unrealistic.
The twist at the end was pretty successful but I just couldn't connect with the four main characters.
It was fast paced, however and had me wanting to keep reading to see what happened next.
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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One dead girl; four stalked survivors. Who summit, and who will be the final girl(s)?
C.L. Taylor always delivers but this is an exceptional effort- she is back as a superstar of the genre! Five twisty stars.

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Four people who are being stalked are in a support group.
One other member has been murdered and they are now in fear of being the next victim.
This is a chilling story about stalkers and the people they terrorise.
Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

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An unlikely group come together with only one thing in common- they're all being stalked. By friends, ex's and others, the group have created a stalking support group and communicate via Whatsapp. When one of their members is murdered by their killer they receive a warning that someone else is next. This book is so gripping and unpredictable, I sped through it in a couple of days as I usually do with CL Taylor's books, loved it.

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I read this book in less than 48 hours and the writing style and concept makes this a five star book for me. Everyone is in for a treat in March when this book is released.

The chapters in this book are each character and I found myself going oh I need to know more about them and then not being able to put the book down. I also love the WhatsApp messages as they made this book come to life. I am now terrified of having a stalker as the lengths they had to go to for survival are maddening. No surprise the police didn’t play a big role in this book - as I can imagine it’s near enough impossible to prove you have a stalker. The way this is written makes the story flow so well and as usual CL Taylor has made this seem so realistic you feel as though you are part of the storyline and it’s happening to you.

Four friends (through their connection of having a stalker) meet at another stalked friend’s funeral who was murdered by her stalked. In those first few chapters I should have seen the murder coming from the blurb but my jaw hit the floor and I was sad as I like Natalie as a character.

The character development in this book is great as you see them growing and also leaning on each other more and starting to trust other humans after their awful experiences.

Alex is an actress and is stalked by an anonymous fan who sends her photos when she’s out and about and very abusive text messages. Fame doesn’t seem like a good idea if this is the level of stalking you have to put up with.

Lucy is stalked by her ex-boyfriend Marcus and they have an interesting history…

River says he’s stalked by his ex-girlfriend Vanessa but she also claims he was controlling and she’s protecting future girlfriends from the pain she suffered.

Finally, Bridget is stalked by her ex-colleague Charlotte who she worked in the flower shop with.

The way these four have had to change phones, houses and even jobs is terrifying and brings this creepy story to life even more. Also the authors note at the end of the book had me shocked!

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A compelling novel that takes the disturbing theme of stalking and constructs a complex plot with several major twists. It starts with a death and sees four people come together with a common bond - all have been stalked. But when they are told one of them will die in ten days time, the situation rises to a new level.

This is an involved tale, with four main characters, all of whom have complex back stories. Their struggles are woven together compellingly, and the use of multiple points of view is used skillfully to allow the reader to get to know the characters. DIffering impressions of each other are formed and we are left wondering whether all are telling the truth to the group ....

Every Move You Make (love The Police reference) isn't always an easy read but it is very engaging and fast paced. Overall, an excellent read with an explosive ending.

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