Member Reviews

Though I own a few of C.L. Taylor's books, this was my first time actually reading one and I enjoyed it so much that I'll be bumping the rest of the books up my TBR!

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What a bloody fantastic read.

C L Taylor has created the perfect mix of characters whose every step I eagerly followed,

I loved how she made me view everyone with suspicion, whilst at the same time my heart twisted with emotion for what they were going through.

A perfect highly charged storyline which held the tension throughout.

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When stalking victims become stalkers in order to survive. I’ve read a lot of CL Taylor books and enjoyed them all, including this one. Centres around a group of people who have met because the are all victims of stalling. When one of them is killed by their stalker the group decide to take big risky steps to ensure nobody else meets the same fate.

The characters were well enough developed and all caused suspicion at one time or another and none were perfect in any way. Plenty of twists that came out of the blue and plenty to keep you thinking.

I would recommend this book and other books by this author

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I have read all of CL Taylors books they have all been great. This one did not disappoint it was gripping, fabulously written and terrifying. Loved it.

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This was a gripping read, I thought the characters were intriguing and I'm going to keep an eye out for more from this author.

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WOW, Phew this was one gripping read, i felt my heart pounding throughout C.L Taylor has this way of pulling the reader right in to the action. The plot twists, the reveals that you just don't see coming. I love a character driven story and i like to feel what those characters feel to connect with them and you definitely feel connected with these ones. There was a great mixture of characters in this one some you like and really connect with, they are flawed which makes them human.

Each character at some stage you doubted them, you were suspicious about whether they were being truthful which just added to the tension. The pace is fast barely giving the reader a chance to take a breath.

The characters Alex, Lucy, River, and Bridget are great their stories as stalker survivors interwoved perfectly. I couldn't work out where the story was going to go despite plenty of clues and red herrings some in hindsight i should have put together but didn't. The final twist just completely floored me i just didn't see it coming.

I felt the way the characters emotions, fears, and anxiety were shown. Living with a stalker, not knowing who is stalking you, a former partner stalking. Each of the characters experience a different kind of stalker but all are equally afraid, the writing makes the whole situation feel so real. At times you were holding your breath, biting your nails not knowing what was going to happen. But this is a very satisfying read where all the ends are tied up perfectly. Another superb Psychological thriller from C.L. Taylor. If you like character driven reads with lots of twists and turns to keep you guessing then this is perfect.

I would like to thank netgalley and the publishers for an eARC of this book in order for me to give an honest, fair review all opinions are my own and not influenced in any way.

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I received a complimentary copy from the publisher and all opinions expressed are mine.

The book had me in so many feels. It follows Alex, Lucy, River and Bridget. These girls are survivors of stalking and they all share a common grief-their friend Nat was killed by her stalker. There is power in not being a victim right? The stalked become stalkers for survival. It has an interesting premise and I would urge one to read if they are not in a similar situation.

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WOW the suspense in this book is gripping. Four strangers drawn together to help each other to deal with their stalkers. All completely different but handling the fear on a daily basis.
The book opens with a murder, a stalker who wins, and a real threat that someone else will die in 10 days…. Who will it be ? Can the victim escape ? How can they protect themselves and their loved ones ? Great storyline that keeps the reader enthralled, with a twist at the end that wasn’t expected.

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Natalie was murdered by her ex, Jamie, who has just released from prison. Natalie was part of a group that has been experiencing abuse and being stalked.
At Nat's funeral, the group received a wreath, but the card showed that the date is not today of the 11th October but it's a later date of 20th and they know it's a threat that someone will die on the 20th. One of them would die, like Natalie did.

Multiple POV for each chapter by those in The Stalking Survival Group, Bridget, Lucy, River, Alexandra. Each has their own stalker. Each feels fear, helpless, but this quartet decided to make a move to catch their stalkers.
A psychological thriller with exceptional tense and fantastic reveals at the end.

Don't miss out the Author's note to get to know the inspiration of this book.

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I loved this book, from start to finish it had me on the edge of my seat.
I have always loved Callys books ever since the very first one.
I loved it so much I bought two copies ! One to read and a signed one for my special shelf.

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I love books by CL Taylor. This one seems different to her previous books. Equally good but just a different style of writing. Well worth a read.
Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this ARC

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Alex, Lucy, River and Bridget are all being stalked and are part of a group to help support each other. While together they receive a wreath with a date and a clear message that in ten days time one of them will die. Will they risk getting closer to their stalkers to stop a killer?

I always know I am in for a treat with a C.L. Taylor novel and that’s what I got with Every Move You Make. It took me a short amount of time to get into the story but once I did I was hooked. The storyline was original and clever, with an atmosphere that fills you with terror. The story is told in the voices of the four main characters and each is done superbly. You really feel a connection with each one and they all feel individual. Just when I thought I had it all figured out a twist came along to pull the rug out from underneath me. I also enjoyed the authors note at the end, which gave a good insight for the reasons for writing this. Overall a crazy, chilling thriller that I will recommend.

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Every Move You Make had me hooked from the description alone. I was gripped from beginning to end and just could not stop turning the pages - I needed to know what was going to happen next. It kept me guessing all the way through and I highly recommend it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for my ARC.

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This contemporary psychological suspense is claustrophobic and compelling. It explores a group, all victims of stalking, who fear for their lives as they try to thwart their merciless stalkers. The suspense builds with every chapter as one of the protagonist's death looms. The immersive style invests the reader in the complex characters and relationship dynamics. It captures the fears and isolation of the victims of stalking. I like the unreliable narration of the protagonists, the menacing ethos and the twists that keep you reading.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

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A gripping novel from start to finish. There are many characters, so sometimes it was a little difficult to keep track, but ultimately, it didn't matter. Cally Taylor always delivers a roller coaster of a plot. Does it get a little bit far-fetched sometimes? Yes, because it's fiction! The role of fiction is to get you to engage with a story. Having been the target of a serial stalker (briefly thankfully) and having a friend who endured nearly a decade of being stalked by an ex, the weird thing we agreed on is the mundaneness of it all. It's really bloody scary at times, but a real grind as well. A good novel isn't made from this. So writers put on the fast forward, get extreme quickly. We engage with the subject. If you want reality, read non-fiction. This is a bloody good story. End of.

I'll admit I'm quite easy to please, but I recently have fallen out of love with reading. This may have just sparked the flame again.

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A superb twisty thriller in which C L Taylor handles very well. Full of good characters. Keeps you guessing till the end , though you might change your mind a few times. Thanks to Avon books UK and Netgalley for this review copy.

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Thanks to NG for the ARC in exchange for a review.

REALLY enjoyed this one - such a satisfying read. Full of twists and turns and lots of questions throughout. A terrifying premise of being stalked, handled superbly by the author, and making you doubt and suspect every character you meet.

Might not be for everyone, but I would highly recommend.

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I really wanted to love this book as the plot seemed unusual, and I'm usually a big fan of this author. It failed to deliver for me Too many characters I just found it hard to keep up with what was going on. I struggled to finish it.
Thanks to Net Galley for an ARC.

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This story is so tense and scary, I found myself desperate to finish and know the outcome. It describes the awful situation of being stalked. There’s not a moment when the tension doesn’t grab the reader. The writer very skilfully merges four stories of individuals who are being stalked; the four of them share a WhatsApp support group and set about trying to outwit the stalkers.

My thanks to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for the advanced copy to read and review.

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'Every Move You Make' is a gripping thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. The characters are well-developed and relatable, and the plot twists kept me guessing until the very end. The writing style is captivating, drawing you in with every page turn. This is definitely a five-star read for anyone who loves a suspenseful, fast-paced story. #Netgalley

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