Member Reviews

This takes stalking to a whole other level. It's obsessive, dark and absolutely terrifying as it can easily happen to anyone!

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A gripping thriller that keeps you guessing, you won't want to put this book down.

Another great book by C L Taylor, this won't disappoint.

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Whenever I pick up a C.L. Taylor book I am prepared for feeling very unsettled through most of the chapters. She brings the peril she places her characters in to life with such realism I feel some of their terror and nervousness myself.
This book was slightly more so than ever for me, perhaps due to the authors personal experiences with a stalker, perhaps due to my own past with a violent controlling partner. Whatever the reason, this book evoked many very real feelings and emotions and the peril the characters were facing from many sides was all too evident.
This was an excellent imagining of what might happen if some victims got together and tried to turn the tables on their persecutors. Even with being mildly triggered through much of this book, I found it an incredible read as I do with all of this authors works, they always hold so close to the truth of the situations in which her characters find themselves.
I found this to be quite a quick read, the pacing made me just want to keep going to find out who why and how this would all end and end for whom!

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Another great twisty triller from C.L. Taylor, I wasn't expecting anything else from this fantastic author.
Thanks to NetGalley, the editor and the author for the opportunity to access this copy.

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Another brilliant, but this time quite different novel from C.L. Taylor, who has drawn upon her own experiences of being stalked by an ex boyfriend.

Alex, Lucy, River, Bridget and Nat are members of a club that no one wants to be part of, an online support group for victims of stalkers. They each look out for each other, and are supporting Nat getting home from work when the unthinkable happens.

Her ex finds her and murders her on her own doorstep.

At Nat's funeral, they come together in person for the first time, more determined than ever to take a stand against their stalkers. Amongst the congregation of mourners one of them is handed a wreath, with a hand written note, 'ten days to live'.

But it's not addressed to any one of them, so who is danger? Maybe they all are?

Determined not to let their stalkers win, River devises a plan that will see the tables turned and their stalkers becoming the victims. Because if they can keep tabs on them, then surely they will all be able to keep themselves safe?

If only it were that simple.

Stalkers are clever, manipulative and inventive. They will leave no stone unturned in their quest, no matter the consequences..

Every Move You Make is a brilliantly written thriller, which will have you second guessing all the way through. Highly recommended.

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Goodness gracious me. At times absolutely harrowing, this book is a grim reminder of the reality of being stalked, as the author herself was (you can read about it at the end of the book). Truly terrifying. I did have my doubts about how this was handled, the swapping of stalkers, the trackers etc. I'm not sure how realistic that is, although I can certainly imagine grasping at straws when you are at your wit's end. A bit OTT for me, I'm afraid.

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Wow! This superb writer just gets better and better. This fascinating novel deals with the all-too-prevalent topic of stalkers, and it is written with personal insight. A group of people who are the victims of stalking form their own What'sApp group and strive to protect each other. However, not all of the members of the group are what they seem and this tremendously tense novel keeps you gripped to the very end.

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I was very excited to hear C.L. Taylor had a new book let a lone get my hands on a copy. Every Move You Make is dark and worrisome and covers some strong subject matter, when stalkers take control of peoples lives. With lots of characters introduced quickly it did take me a bit to get my head around them all. While it was quite a slow burn over the first half and I was still trying to tie the correct back story to each person and needed to constantly remind myself who was who.
The second half moved much faster and I found I had settled into the characters and enjoyed the story much more. With lots of twists and turns I had no idea how it was going to play out and was generally surprised at the conclusion.
Thank you to Avon and NetGalley for this early reading copy it was one I enjoyed.

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In "Every Move You Make," buckle up for a wild ride into the eerie realm of stalking. This book by C.L Taylor throws you smack dab into a WhatsApp group filled with people battling their own personal stalkers. But when one of them meets a grisly fate at the hands of their tormentor, things take a sharp turn.

The story keeps you guessing with twists, turns, and more red herrings than most detective novels. As the group receives a chilling message predicting another member's death in 10 days time, the urgency kicks into high gear. It's a rollercoaster of paranoia, suspense, and camaraderie as they scramble to protect themselves before the deadly deadline.

Through relatable characters and a nail-biting plot Taylor delves deep into the psychological toll of being watched and hunted. But it's not just a thriller; it's a wake-up call to the dangers of our hyperconnected world. With every page turn, you'll be on the edge of your seat, wondering who's next and who's pulling the strings.

"Every Move You Make" is a gripping read that'll make you double-check your locks and think twice about every notification on your phone.

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A psychological thriller about stalking, this whodunnit focuses on a self-help group of stalking victims who are receiving targeted threats from one of their stalkers. They initially work together to try and identify the perpetrator but then they start to distrust each other as they get closer to the truth. A compelling, tense and suspenseful story which starts strongly but loses its pace around the half-way mark before reaching a gloriously twisty climax.

With thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review an advance copy.

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This book was enthralling and I was gripped from the first page to the last. I lost count of the number of times my heart was in my mouth and my pulse was racing. Also, I changed my mind about the characters on numerous occasions trying to work out who was behind it all.

Is there anything more scary than having a stalker? Someone who is there at every turn you make and even when they are not you can’t be certain of this. These days the threat posed by a stalker is so much worse than in the past, even in the safety of your own home you can’t escape them as they can stalk your social media profiles, infiltrate your emails or sign up to sites etc. claiming to be you. There is no escape.

It is little wonder therefore that the characters in this book all joined a network online of like minded people and after they had bonded, branched off and started to their own WhatsApp group: They thought they might be able to keep one another safe, or at least sane, but when one of their group (Natalie) is followed home and murdered on her own doorstep, they know that trying to escape is futile. That’s when they decide that just maybe they could turn the tables and instead of being stalked they could become the stalker. They are so desperate that they do not stop to think about the potential consequences and flaws with this plan.

This was an extremely well-written story and one I particularly enjoyed despite the creepiness of the subject. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced read copy of this book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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4.4 ⭐️

A slow and steady burn of suspense.

“Nat went to the police; she testified in court; she did everything right and he still killed her.”

⚰️ A support group (via WhatsApp) for victims of stalkers meets in person for the first time - at the funeral of one of their group members. When they receive a mysterious death threat that one of them will die in 10 days, panic sets in and the clock starts ticking.

⏰ The chapters count down how many days until someone dies, which keeps the thrill level on edge. The WhatsApp group chats give an added touch of current times. And each of the group member’s personal stalker is…well, let’s go with the authors words “psychic fuckwittery.”

🔪 Which one of them is the target of a murder threat? They can’t be sure, so they band together to watch out for one another other. And what better way than to put tracking devices on each other’s stalker.

“She gave him everything and, in return, he took her self-confidence, her self-belief and her self-worth. He broke her down into smaller and smaller pieces until she didn’t know who she was any more.”

😱 I really felt like the author did a great job of depicting the level of fear that victims deal with, and the way it shapes and consumes their lives. The way that it breaks even the strongest of people down over time. My heart goes out to everyone who has lived and is living this reality.

🥴 It does get a little confusing jumping around between so many characters and their back-stories, it may have helped distinguish if the memories were italicized. But I did enjoy reading the back-stories. I just had to slow down a little to digest it all. I could really see this being a movie.

🕵🏻‍♀️ Ok, so how solvable was it? I was 99% correct with one minor detail off. But I don’t think most people would peg it. And the story itself is enthralling either way.

♣️ The author’s personal stalker story at the end, along with the horrifying stats of stalking victims, really capped things off nicely for me. I could tell the story was written from a place of experience, and not just imagination. There is also a bonus Book Club Questions.

Thanks to NetGalley, Avon Books, and CL Taylor for providing me with a complimentary ARC to review!

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This book literally had me holding my breath and set my heart racing. I almost gave up on it at one point as it was so intense. Each chapter looked at one individual character and their experience of being stalked. This made me want to plow through it to find out what was happening in the next chapter. I'm so glad I continued with the book. It was brilliant

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It delivers a twisty thriller experience, plunging readers into a gripping tale of individuals stalked and threatened with death.

The narrative revolves around a group of individuals united by their shared experience of being stalked, providing each other with support and vigilance. However, when they convene for an event, a chilling wreath delivery hints at the heightened peril one among them faces. Each character grapples with genuine danger, their nerves frayed by the ever-present threat of their relentless pursuer.

The author adeptly sustains tension throughout, culminating in a satisfying twist that scrutinizes the relationships of key protagonists.

While the story boasts a substantial cast, with four central figures, each harboring a distinct backstory and stalker, the author ensures clarity from the outset. However, the relentless pace, while initially exhilarating, may have benefited from occasional interludes of backstory to provide respite.

Despite a few plot points stretching credulity, they seamlessly integrate into the narrative. I do however thing this mix of so many characters and the length of the book made it feel a bit of a slog. I did find myself loosing interest in parts.

Whilst I loved the premise and thought it was really clever, something didn’t work for me as well with this one.

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A compulsive, intense and emotional read.
Natalie, Alexandra, Bridget, Lucy & River are all part of a closed forum for survivors of stalking and have created an offline WhatsApp group, as they all live in London.
But when Natalie is murderer by her ex boyfriend/stalker, Jamie, who has recently been released from prison, they are all in a blind panic as at the funeral they receive a chilling message - “10 days till someone dies”
They make a plan to track their stalkers until they can work out who the perpetrator is.
It’s so well written, with so many creepy characters and so many theories, you end up suspecting everyone.
Gives you an unique taste of what it must be like to be stalked and how exhausting you must feel 24/7, constantly scared, terrified, violated and vulnerable. “Having to change your name, telephone number, move house and get a new job”
Loved the network the victims had formed, in spite of the awful circumstances that had brought them together, they’ed found strength and resilience to take things into their own hands and get control back.
A twisty, gripping, claustrophobic thriller, that gives you goosebumps, making you want to scream and shout on behalf of all victims of stalking.
Thanks @cltaylorauthor, @avonbooksuk & @netgalley for the emotional read

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I was a little disappointed with Every Move you Make, I found it difficult to feel invested in. I read it but it took me a while as I kept stopping and starting. I didn’t particularly like the main characters, but it was scary to think about what people go through every day, and the feeling of powerlessness as all parts of your life are impacted.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for gifting me a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

3 Stars!

This story starts off with a group of people who go to a support group for a stalker. I was immediately hooked with the eerie vibes and it even made me feel anxious. What I liked about this story, was the countdown leading up to the murder. It helped me keep the timeline in my head and even added the desperation to figure out the mystery. What I didn't like was how the story felt dragged out. It also became a little muddy when the characters stories were being intertwined. The twists near the ending were good, but from the middle being so long it just didn't have that oomph effect for me. If the middle had been cut back a bit, I think I would've liked it a lot more.

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Natalie, River, Alexandra, Lucy and Bridget are a group of friends who have met because they all have stalkers and formed a whatsapp chat group for support. However, Natalie is attacked and killed by hers which leads to a lot of insecurities amongst the friends who take some desperate measures to protect themselves.
Lots of twists and turns, a real page turner!

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Synopsis —-Alexandra, Lucy, Bridget, River and Natalie. Five friends who wish they’d never met. Because the one thing they have in common is the worst thing in their lives: they are all being stalked.
When one of their group is murdered, days after their stalker is released from prison, time stands still for them all. They know their lives could end just as brutally at any moment – all it takes is for the people they fear the most to catch up with them.
When the group receive a threat that one of them will die in ten days’ time, the terror that stalks their daily lives becomes all-consuming. But they know they don’t want to be victims anymore – it’s time to turn the tables and finally get their revenge.
Because the only way to stop a stalker is to become one yourself…

My thoughts—-

harass or persecute (someone) with unwanted and obsessive attention.

C.L Taylor explains in her authors notes that she has sadly had experience of stalking and harassment.

Five become four !
Excellent plot , the group of friends all have one thing in common they have all been stalked they gravitate together to help each other.
Without any spoilers the novel was full of suspense and intrigue the characters and their voices were brilliantly jumping from the page. I was suspicious about one character but the ending was a twist and the conclusion and ending brilliantly sewn up!

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Firstly I want to commend c.l.taylor.for.being brave enough to tell this story. Especially as events similar to this happened to her. I really did enjoy this book. However I did find it a little predictable. Around the half way point in the book I suspicions which proved to be true. But it was still a good book. Well plotted, well written and engrossing.

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