Member Reviews

Five victims of stalkers form a tight knit 'WhatsApp' group. They check in with each other making sure they are safe- until one night Natalie is found dead on her doorstep. At her funeral, Alexandra, Lucy, Bridget & River are given a wreath, but it is not really for Natalie, it is a warning that in ten days, one of them will die.

The author's personal experience of being stalked must have influenced this story & I think she is very brave to have gone along that route. It saddens me that I didn't enjoy this book as much as her other books. I don't think I really bonded with the characters. Thanks to Netgalley & the publisher for letting me read & review this book.

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I enjoyed this book but it wasnt my favourite by this author. Excellent twists that surprised me wasn’t what I expected & all goes up nicely at the end.

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I’ve read a few books by this author and I’ve always really enjoyed them. However, I think this one is my favourite so far. It had me gripped from the very beginning and I couldn’t put it down.

We follow a group who have set up their own support network as they are all victims of stalking. There were a number of characters I really didn’t trust and I was suspicious of almost everyone!

I love the way the author made it all so suspenseful and creepy. I was so freaked out a few times. The twist was a total shock I was so surprised. Everything all tied up well at the end too.

The authors note at the end included an important message about her own personal experience with stalking. After reading you can see that the subject is one that is important to her.

Highly recommend reading this one, an easy 5 stars from me.

Thank you to Avon Books and Netgalley for my ebook copy.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and of course Cally for providing me with an ARC.

I really loved this book. It dealt with a very distressing topic in a way that made me as a reader feel it was happening to me.

There were a lot of characters but the format made it possible to keep up with each story line.

The idea of the victims taking matters into their own hands and fighting back was a nice twist on the usual psychological thriller books I've read.

Definitely one to add to your wish list if you haven't already!

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Natalie, Alexandra, Lucy, River and Bridget all have one thing in common; they are all victims of stalking and when they join a support group they all become friends. Just days after one of the stalkers is released from prison, one of the group is brutally murdered, then at the funeral they receive an anonymous threat that someone will die on 20th October, just ten days time and they know that they can't just sit around waiting for that day to arrive, they must take action and get their lives back...

This latest thriller by Taylor is told from the perspectives of all the main characters and in a countdown to the day they are all in fear of, it's a fast paced read which kept me on the edge of my seat throughout, constantly second guessing what path it would take and if the group would overcome their fears and reclaim their lives, they knew that danger was always close by but none of them really knew how close. I loved how, even though they were all victims, they were portrayed as strong characters and I was hopeful that they'd win in the end, it was good to get an understanding of their backgrounds too, revealing how they came to be stalked in the first place. Another fabulously, tense story by this author which I highly recommend. The facts about stalking statistics in the UK alone in the authors note at the end are shocking to read about and, that it happened to her personally, shone through in the writing of this harrowing tale.

I'd like to thank Avon Books and Netgalley for the approval, I will post my review on Amazon and Goodreads.

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I’m usually a big fan of this authors work but struggled with this book. I found it quite confusing and got the characters muddled. I couldn’t remember who was being stalked by who and what each persons backstory was. I can normally follow books pretty easily but found this one difficult for some reason and it spoiled my enjoyment of the storyline.

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Thanks to #netgalley and #avonbooksuk for this ADC in exchange for an honest review!

𝑴𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔:
I read it with a bunch of friends and really enjoyed it. At one point, we all agreed that the stalking our main characters experienced was very well depicted. I felt the same frustration with the police and the same helplessness they experienced while reading it. Imagine having to change your job, phone number or place of residence because of a stalker. Unthinkable!😢 Loved how well this was described, it felt very authentic. I then started to suspect that maybe one of the victims might not be who they were pretending to be! But was I right? To find out, you’ll have to read it!

This was such a great guessing game that had me flipping eagerly through the pages. The ending had me gasping!

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I am a huge fan of Cally Taylor’s books, but this one did not do it for me. There are too many characters - those being stalked, their partners and their stalkers. Later on, there are even family members of the stalkers! The plot is slow moving in parts, but then so much going on at other times that it’s difficult to keep track of what’s going on. I will still read Cally’s next book because they are normally excellent.

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I always love reading Cally’s books and look forward to the new one each year (I missed not having one last year!). They are always well written and plotted. The theme of stalking for this one was a bit different to other crime books and I loved the idea of vicitms of stalking coming together in a support group and then deciding to take matters into their own hands. The characters are all well rounded and relatable (even if some are more likeable than others) and I loved learning about their own individual stories of their stalking and the inclusion of a male being stalked by his ex girlfriend was also an interesting touch. The suspense is kept up throughout the whole novel and then there is the big reveal which I didn’t guess and loved the surprise.
I am already eagerly awaiting Cally’s next book.

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Five friends become four when the unthinkable happens – one of them is murdered by their stalker.  The remaining four that make up the stalker support group wonder how things can get worse, that is until at their friend’s funeral they receive a chilling message: one of them will die in 10 days’ time.  The threat becomes all consuming as they seek to hatch a plan to stop their stalkers once and for all.
Phew, that was a ride. It’s a compulsive and intense read, with short chapters that keep you reading.  I devoured 50% in one sitting.
Like any good thriller, I was jumping between theories in my head.  At one point or another I suspected pretty much everyone and looked for alternative meanings to their words.  The distrust had me questioning their motives and actions, and I was constantly trying to figure it all out.
I can’t even begin to imagine how exhausting it must be to feel that way 24/7; to be constantly on edge and suspicious of everyone.  Definitely read the author’s note.
Taylor has created relatable characters, even when I didn’t think their actions were right, I understood them.  There was some light in the support and friendship these people had found in each other, in spite of the darkness that brought them together.  Their strength and resilience in the face of relentless terror was borne from that group. 

Although there were quite a few characters introduced early on, (for once) I had no trouble keeping track of who was who.

If you fancy a tense and twisty thriller filled with menace – I’d recommend picking this one up!

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3.5 stars rounded up to 4 as I love Cally Taylor as an author in general. This book didn't quite hit the mark for me,

It starts with a group of five people who've formed a support group. Of the five, one is male - River who is being stalked by Vanessa which is making his current girlfriend, Meg, unhappy with their relationship. Alexandra, a well-known actress and soap opera star, is being stalked by someone but she isn't sure who but is convinced it is linked to Colin Sutherland who had destroyed her family in the past. Her boyfriend, Sam, is around but not overly supportive. Then we have Bridget, a florist, who is dealing with Charlotte while trying to keep Gary happy. Lucy is being stalked by Marcus but will not report any of his stalking to the police as she is hiding something. Finally Natalie who is being stalked by James.

Then one of the five is murdered and the remaining four decide to take action themselves by tracking each others' stalkers. Confused? Yes, so was I. There were simply too many people with those being stalked, significant others, the stalkers and keeping track of who was going to track who else. I was feeling exhausted trying to keep up even though I did want to know how it ended. I ended up making notes just to try and follow but I found the plot quite dragging and repetitive in places with everyone seeming to doubt everyone else and regurgitating who knew what to try and work out who is real and who is fake.

Not my favourite book by Cally Taylor. With thanks to NetGalley and AvonBooksUK for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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A cleverly written, gripping read from C.L.Taylor.
Some very unsettling moments when you realise that stalking is happening and so little seems to be done about it.
A group of people who started a Whatsapp Support Group have their lives turned upside down when one of them is killed by their stalker. The remaining 4 members of the group start trying to protect themselves and take matters into their own hands when their stalkers are continuing to harass them and they can't find a way to stop them and the police are not interested in helping them.
All is not what is seems when one of the remaining 4 start to behave oddly and their story just doesn't add up....

Thank you to Avon Books, Netgalley and C.L.Taylor for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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This was another gripping read from CL Taylor, I'm such a fan of her books. They are always so well written, easy to devour and have great twisty plots! This story comes from the heart too, as Cally shares in her author notes about her own frightening experience with a stalker. It really must be terrifying and I commend her for being able to write this novel when it hits so close to home.

The characters in the story are well written, although we are introduced to many so our lovely group of buddy readers were great at reminding who was who.

This was certainly a tense and creepy thriller. Short chapters made it fast paced. There was a lot going on with so many characters and stalkers and I wanted to flip the pages to find out what was next.

I highly recommend this thriller which is published today!

Have you read a CL Taylor novel? If you're a thriller fan I'd say this author is a must read!

Thanks again to netgally, Avon books and CL Taylor for my advanced readers copy.

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C.L. Taylor's "Every Move You Make" is a gripping thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. As a fan of Taylor's previous works, I was eagerly anticipating this release, and I was not disappointed.

The premise of the book is both intriguing and chillingly realistic. Four individuals, Alexandra, Lucy, River, and Bridget, find themselves connected by a shared experience of being stalked. Despite never having met in person, they form a bond born out of fear and desperation. When they receive a threatening message indicating that one of them will die within a week, they band together to confront their stalkers head-on.

Taylor masterfully weaves together the perspectives of these four characters, allowing readers to delve deep into their lives, fears, and the sinister presence of their stalkers. Each character is distinct and well-developed, though it may take a moment to fully grasp their individual narratives amidst the flurry of information presented at the outset.

What sets this book apart is its exploration of the psychological toll of stalking, not only on the victims but also on their loved ones. Taylor delves into the fear, helplessness, and frustration experienced by those targeted, while also highlighting the limitations of law enforcement in dealing with such cases.

The pacing of the story is relentless, with the majority of the events unfolding within a tense ten-day period. Despite my early suspicions about the eventual reveal, Taylor skillfully peppers the narrative with red herrings that kept me guessing until the end. Even when my suspicions were confirmed, the execution was so well-done that it did not detract from my overall enjoyment of the book.

In conclusion, "Every Move You Make" is a must-read for fans of psychological thrillers. With its intricate plot, well-drawn characters, and thought-provoking themes, it's a book that will stay with you long after you've turned the final page. My sincere thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for providing me with the opportunity to read and review this captivating novel.

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A group of stalker victims are concerned when one of their members goes quiet days after her stalker is released from prison. When their worst fears are confirmed, they gather together at the funeral, but when a threat is received, they realise the clock is ticking for them to get their lives back.

There are many characters in this story, but the format did well to keep track of them without getting confused. I enjoyed the fast-pace, tense tale and the authors personal experience shines through.

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I have read several books by this author, but this was my least favourite by far. I found the story was far-fetched and quite unbelievable in places, although I was very sorry to read that the plot is based on personal experiences.

The countdown is apparently on when four stalker victims receive a wreath at a friend’s funeral, detailing a supposed death date. Each character is convinced they will be murdered by their stalker and will do anything to survive. Except, it would seem, involve the police. And this is the theme for most of the story: all of the characters complete rather extreme, over the top actions, without any consideration of the law. The logic is that the police will offer no support and the stalker will continue to haunt their lives – prison will only provide a hiatus until this stops. Of course, the only way to overcome this is to trap the stalker and murder them. Of course!

I really struggled with the lack of belief in the police. I could understand the desperation that the characters felt but believe this was mis-placed. Whilst it is revealed that the author has been on the receiving end of such hateful watching, I wished the characters had been more likeable and less rash in their actions. For example, Lucy’s time in Dartmoor seemed incredibly unrealistic and I could not understand how so much goes unnoticed by any sort of authority organisation.

The novel switches between the four victims and I eventually struggled to keep their identities separate in my mind. In my opinion, they were too similar, resulting in the names getting blended. This was especially difficult when the characters start to get involved with the other stalkers in a bid to plant a tracking device for the victim’s peace of mind. Some are identified, some trackers are found and I found this part of the plot difficult to swallow – how could such a device never be found and how could the victims readily believe them?

This was a difficult book to read because I know this is a topic that is sadly relevant to too many people. Perhaps my inability to empathise with this crime made the story more difficult to believe but, I do find it frustrating when the police are just portrayed as inept and not willing to investigate crimes reported. On the other hand, maybe my personal perception is too rose-tinted in a budget-stricken society…

Overall, I did not enjoy this story as much as I was hoping for. Indeed, whilst I could not foresee how the story would conclude, it took too long to get there. There were too many unrealistic actions along the way that, by the time I had reached the conclusion, I did not care too much about what happened to the characters.

With thanks to Avon books and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I’m a fan of the author and really enjoyed Every Move You Make. The author’s is brilliant at writing thriller’s, the kind I love, dark, twisty and creepy. I loved the premise of the book, very original. I also loved the way the author progressed the story. This is an intense, gripping read. I never knew where the story was going to go and what twist would happen next. This is the kind of thriller you can’t stop reading once you start. I thought it was terrific and would recommend it.

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I've always been a big fan of CL Taylor's thriller so I always look forward to a new release by her, and Every Move You Make is another fast-paced thriller that's easy to enjoy.

Taylor always writes strong and memorable characters, which is what makes her story so readable. I especially appreciate Taylor sharing her experience of stalking in her Author's Notes, and you can tell she has a lot of insight to share as Every Move You Make explores many different kinds and levels of stalking and describes the sense of terror it can instil very well. Her characters, therefore, feel very authentic, and I found it really interesting to see the different kinds of reactions from each of their perspectives.

I've seen a few reviews saying that they easily predicted which way the story was heading, and I think it is easy to make some assumptions, but there's still a lot that will take you by surprise too. It certainly kept me guessing and engaged throughout, anyway, so I found this to be a very enjoyable and thought-provoking read with a dark enough twist for the suspense to keep you reading well into the night.

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C.L. Taylor never disappoints, and Every Move You Make is no exception.
The writing was sharp and at a perfect pace that kept me interested.
The plot was twisty and unpredictable. Taylor deftly weaves an engaging storyline.
A page turner of a suspense novel that will suck you in quickly so sit down read, and enjoy the ride.

Thank You NetGalley and Avon for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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How unsettling to have a stalker, someone who makes you feel uncomfortable and unsafe at every moment of the day. That is what Natalie, Alexandra, Lucy, Bridget & River discuss during their stalking support group. When Natalie is murdered, the group is reeling. Natalie's murder is a frightening reminder of just how serious stalking can be and how much danger they are in. To make matters worse, when they receive a message that one of them will be dead in ten days’ time, their anxiety goes through the roof!

I loved how the author gave readers a countdown during the book i.e. 5 days to murder. This was a nice touch. Readers are also given the POV’s and WhatsApp messages of the group members. We also get to know the characters through their backstories. This book started strongly, and I was instantly engrossed in the story, feeling for the characters. Along the line, this book began to feel unnecessarily long and lost some of its mojo for me. Plus, there are quite a few characters and their stalkers which took this reader some time to wrap my head around who is stalking who.

This book was dramatic and did evoke emotion. How do you not feel for someone who is living in fear? I also wanted to yell "Just go to the police” many times throughout the book. While the middle of the book felt long to me, I did enjoy the twists and turns which occurred at warp speed toward the end of the book.

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