Member Reviews

Loved this follow up to Heir to Thorn and Flame. A nicely paced, high stakes adventure - so many heart-stopping moments - loveable characters, and at the heart of it, a great love story. Another amazing story from Ben - but gosh that ending…

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.

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I love Ben Alderson his writing, and this didn't leave anything behind. It's not a standalone, but book two in a trilogy, so definitely read up on the first one! Very creative fantasy, and so refreshing to see a MM in a romantasy! Ben Alderson does not disappoint!!

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Oomph! This book did a number on my already frayed nerves, scratching relentlessly at my book-angst-resilience like a feral cat.

Definitely NOT A STANDALONE, Heir to Frost and Storm is the second book in Alderson’s very intense, very compelling high-fantasy M/M series, Court of Broken Bonds.

Our protagonist, Maximus Oaken, has been through a world of loss and trauma already in his young life, burdened (or gifted) with newly discovered magic beyond the likes of the already formidable mages he now trains amongst in his new sanctuary at Saylam Academy, in the city of Wycombe.

He’s keeping secrets, and for good reason, because beyond the support of his mother and his dearest friend (and love interest), Simion Hawthorne, Max finds himself facing phantoms from his past and insurmountable scrutiny from the leaders and people of the very place he’s meant to call his new home.

Max has a hell of a lot to contend with, what with the secret weight of his legacy, the rebels plotting against Wycombe (the North) at every turn, a magic-devastating plague threatening to cause a pandemic, and his upcoming life-or-death trial to find a dragon egg during the barbaric Claim (think the Hunger Games and Threshing combined).

It’s a lot for anyone to deal with. But Max is also just a boy, longing for another boy—in the form of sweetheart protector and healer, Simion—and, good lord, do these two go through it just trying to find a way to be together that won’t literally kill Max because of a pesky unwanted magic-bond (from book one) that won’t let off and let them be.

This story was very long, nearing 500 pages, and I’ll admit I felt it during the first half of the story, which was slower in pace and perhaps broader in telling than it needed to be. But, damn, the second half more than made up for it, locking into full gear around the time Max entered The Claim and not letting up in pace, excitement, trauma and reveals until the final page.

My heart was in my throat a handful of times and I definitely let out a gasp or two over a few of the losses Max (once again) experienced in his ongoing, emotionally-fraught journey to come into his own power and hopefully save and unite a kingdom in the process (no biggie).

Thankfully, the sweet, tender scenes shared between Max and Simion—scattered throughout the story as expertly placed intervals—really went a long way in calming my anxiety and warming my heart in all the right ways. At this point, I may be fairly smitten with Simion Hawthorne and his utter adoration and awe of Max, eating up their quieter moments with gusto and delight.

I can safely say I’m hooked at this point, fairly ravenous (and stressed-out) to find out what lies in store for Max and Simion in the final instalment of this grandiose fantasy romance trilogy.

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I seem to have a love/hate relationship with Ben Alderson's work. Some of it I love. Some of it just seems to be okay. This instalment in the trilogy fell a bit flat for me and I'm not sure I'll be picking up the final book as I'm not sure I care about the characters enough to want to see how their journey comes to an end.

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While I did not read the first book in the series, "Heir to Frost and Storm" by Ben Alderson still managed to capture my attention with its intriguing premise and captivating characters. The steamy MM fantasy romance between Max and Simion was intense and passionate, keeping me invested in their relationship throughout the story.
The magical world of Saylam Academy was richly detailed and full of danger, with Max facing enemies at every turn. The addition of elemental monsters and a powerful dragon added an exciting element to the plot, keeping me on the edge of my seat as Max fought for survival.
However, I found that the plot became a bit overwhelming at times, with numerous twists and secrets revealed that left me feeling slightly confused. I also wished that more background information was provided for readers who, like me, did not read the first book in the series, as I felt a bit lost in the world-building. but again this could be completely my fault not not reading Book 1.
Overall, "Heir to Frost and Storm" was a fast-paced and gripping read that kept me entertained from beginning to end. Fans of M/M fantasy romance will likely enjoy this book, but I would recommend starting with the first book in the series to fully understand the story.
3.5/5 STARS

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Excellent and exciting creative fantasy. A whirlwind wild passionate romance between a handsome young magic welder and a healer , filled with clever dialogue, an ice breathing dragon, and a wicked prince. I wish I had read the first one before this but I found this volume of the trilogy to be greatly enjoyable, fast paced and full of lots of excitement and rich detail.

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I genuinely loved this book just as much as the first one. I love the relationship and need more of it.

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I am LOVING this series! Ben Alderson is and always will be an autobuy author when it comes to books that are equal parts fantasy and spice, and all kinds of gay!

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I am in such AWE of Ben Alderson! Just when I think he can not top his LAST masterpiece, he pulls ANOTHER out of his hat like it is the EASIEST thing in the world for him. Twist after twist, magic systems that are goes on and on. Just amazing!

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC.

3,5/5 stars. Had a great time but noticed I cared way more about the relationship than the plot.

I liked this book for the romance part, I really did. Maybe it was because I did not read the first book in advance but I noticed myself not really following the political plot as I simply wanted our MC to get back to his love interest.

Which does not have to be a bad thing. The romance and the yearning were great! Reading it for this alone was worth while. Seeing the plot as rather bonus was my perspective.

I am not sure if i will continue this series but I definitely liked this installment

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This was a strong addition to the Court of Broken Bonds series! I do feel bad for Max because honestly the poor guy knows nothing and keeps getting blindsided! Even till the very end of this book. For me, I struggled with the pacing of the story along with the instant love! I just wanted more to the love story!! Truly tell me why more than NEED do they want to be together! I really Leska as the additional side character! For most of the story she was far more intriguing than everyone else! Also I know bad things are suppose to happen the main character.... but this just seem excessive especially when you combine both of the books! Overall I will be tuning in to see how the story wraps up!

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I received this book for netgalley in exchange for a review.
"Maximus Oaken for you i would rick it all."
I mean this story just kept on giving and giving i loved the writing style and the moments between the mains. I laughed and cried and oh my god beautiful. I cried at the end. I need to read more of this series very excited to read more. Also excited to reread this again already looking forward to it.

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Ben Alderson has done it again.

I love everything Ben Alderson has written, and this is absolutely no different. It’s action packed, his writing just gets better and better with each book I read, and I love the characters in this. I can’t wait for book 3!

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The second installment of Ben Anderson’s Court of Broken Bonds series did not disappoint. There was tension and spice and action that had so many unanticipated twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat. I cannot wait for the next book and the continuation of Max’s story. If Ben writes it I am ready to read it and this book fulfilled my expectations in every way.

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I won’t say too much about the plot as I don’t want to give anything away from either this book or the first book in the series: Heir to Thorn and Flame. What I will say is though is that my biggest frustration with the first book was how passive Max was. He allowed everyone to take advantage and use him, just going with the flow and being protected by everyone.

I am THRILLED to say that in the pages of Heir to Frost and Storm, Max has found his backbone and is learning to protect himself and take control of his own destiny. Him and Simion have come such a long way and I love them both as characters and am desperate for them to get their happy ending.

Book one draw me in and made me care enough to want to read more, but Heir to Frost and Storm has kept me reading page after page long after I should be asleep at night. There is tension, drama and it’s a book that keeps you guessing where nothing is predictable. And lets just say the dragons….wow!!

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‘Maximus Oaken. For you, I would risk it all.’

I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this book, but one thing is for certain - I was not ready for the tears that came with the ending. I was doing so good, I think I teared up once during an earlier scene, but that ending one really got me.

Something that continued from the first book is Maximus's everlasting suffering. THEY JUST WON'T LET HIM BE!!! Everyone wants to use him for their own gain, just when you think things might be looking up - WRONG, they're not.

There was a lot that happened here, from Maximus training, to the Claim, old & new enemies, his evolving relationship with Simion and some old family secrets coming to light. It's definitely just as twisty as Heir to Thorn and Flame.

However, it was a bit slow in parts, and I think that was my main problem with it. I was aiming to finish it much earlier, but didn't manage to because I was travelling, and partially because of the slowness.

Despite me loving the world and the characters, I found myself being less excited to continue reading each time I picked it up, compared to book one. It could just be second book syndrome though, so hopefully book three will pick right back up again.

I also am still not fully feeling the romance with Simion. We did get more of it this time around, and we got some steam too (for all of you that have been waiting for it), but I wanted more development. Or rather more development from Simion, because compared to Maximus he's kind of underdeveloped.

I am really looking forward to seeing how the plot will go from here, we had a lot of build up in this one and it seems like the final battle will be epic (and will hopefully include dragons!! I'm manifesting).

And I know there probably won't be much time to expand the magic system further, but I'd still like some more explanations. Max seems to be the most powerful when he suffers a loss, but I'd like to see him do amazing things outside of that.


*Thank you to the publishers and Netgalley for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review*

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I am thoroughly enjoying this series and book two is another brilliant addition. The story continues with Max still fighting to survive in a dangerous situation. Let’s just say that there were plenty of twists and turns that kept me on my toes. I do think it would probably be best to start with book one. The plot itself moves at a good pace and in particular picking up in speed halfway through. There is a little bit of everything from danger to romance with some steamy moments too. The magic and twists made this book the best escape. Oh and did I mention dragons!

Heir to Frost and Storm was a lively, engaging fantasy from start to finish. The characters came to life and I’m eager to continue reading to see how everything will play out for them. The romance was sizzling but with tender moments that made everything more heartfelt. The world building is great especially as along the way the characters discover secrets and lies that change everything. All that’s left to say is, I need book three!

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An amazing sequel!

What a sequel that was! The first book was really good and exciting but this one blew it through the roof. It was absolutely brilliant! Give me gay mages and dragons and I'm SOLD! I loved everything: the magic, the plot, the romance, the spice, the danger, the action... Everything I love in a fantasy romance was there for me to enjoy. The writing was also very addictive and the pace was intense and gripping as well. Some of the plot twists and reveals really blew my mind and I can't wait to see what else the author has in store for us. This series is just amazing and if it gets better with each book like it did with this one, I can't wait to see what the next one will be like because wow!

I highl recommend this amazing romantasy series!

"There is nothing more dangerous than someone with nothing to lose."

TW: violence, death, blood, war, abuse, assault, sexual content

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Ben Alderson never fails to deliver a completely consuming and addictive fantasy romance. This series is filled with dynamic characters and relationships and I will be patiently awaiting the next installment.

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