Member Reviews

A great continuation from where we left Maximus!

Learning about his new life away from the South and how he’s surviving in this new world. Still find the magic fascinating to read! New friendships and alliances are forged and some end in the best of ways.

The relationships and love in this book makes my heart warm! And the cliff-hanger…Ben knows how to make you want more. Very enjoyable read once again

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Yes! - 🌶️

Heir to Frost and Storm is MM fantasy romance and the sequel to Heir of Thorn and Flame.

This book was the perfect sequel! I absolutely love Max and I would give anything for him to just have a single moment of peace 🤣

Just like the first one there are so many twists and turns. It always kept me guessing and I did not trust anyone!

The romance in this series is so good! It's hard to talk about without spoilers but let's just says it ripped out my heart 😅

Definitely pick it up if you've read Heir of Thorn and Flame and if you haven't what are you doing?

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Here we are again, review for Ben Alderson's book and I am here like *insert keyboard smash 😂*. There was so many things happening! Why and I repeat WHY do they have to suffer almost nonstop throughout the whole story 🥹. If I had to survive just one of the things Max had to go through I just wouldn't 😂...
Now on more serious note. Wow! There are many second in trilogy books that are just not it. But this one was different. There's nonstop action, you don't have even the slightest chance to get bored while reading. With the action you get to see world building, more dragons 🐉, some new characters and more of Maximus' relationships 🥰.
The only thing I would like to say about characters - you just Can't trust anyone in this book, believe me 😂... I was extremely paranoid the last 150 or so pages. I was so sure everyone had ulterior motives.
And now Simion... Oh how I love Simion 🥹❤️. I loved to see them together and happy (at least sometimes) and what more can I say? He is a catch ✨.

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I really enjoyed reading this book.

That said- going into this I stupidly thought I could read it without reading the first book. I was slightly wrong.

The thing was- I read the description- got excited and then jumped in. However- I went onto Goodreads and quickly read some reviews of the first book and that was adequate enough to get me through this book.

It was a wonderful blend of a lot of things I love in a romance, fantasy novel.

I will say that the ending made me really excited for book 3. This is a trilogy. And I want the third book yesterday.

There were so many twists and turns to this story. I recommend it 100%. I also recommend reading book 1 first (don't be stupid like me!)

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I'm upset, I'm furious!
This turned out to be totally unexpected. Not even in my wildest imaginations could I have diluted how the story unfolds, and the ending... I wasn't prepared for that ending 🤯😖

This is the second book in the Broken Bonds trilogy and picks up shortly after where the first one ends. We see how Max is trying to make Wycombe his home and all the bumps he finds along the way.

Leia and the city council keep a very close watch on his every move and while he is not theoretically a captive, wherever he goes, someone is watching him.

Max is surrounded by hostility, forgive those who blame him for things he didn't do or had no control over and not even in his dreams can he find peace as wiei are plagued by nightmares, nightmares that we later discover are visions, a warning of what is to come.

Blood, death and destruction is what the future holds.

We learn that the South is riddled with Phoenix-possessed people and soon after Wycombe starts to be attacked by these people, and of course, everyone blames Max for everything that is happening.

Just like in the previous book, in this one everyone lies or tells half-truths or keeps vital information hidden and stays that way until the very end and that, among other things, was driving me crazy 😅😖

But of course, that mystery is what makes you can't put the book down.

The book is a roller coaster of emotions, which in my case were frustration and anger against all the characters, but I have always said that the success of a book and its author lies in the fact that what has been written can provoke strong emotions in the reader and believe me that Ben Alderson has masterfully achieved it with this book.

I think the third and final part of this trilogy comes out sometime in 2024, but I'm not sure if I'll read it.

Why? Well, first I must get over the death of my favorite character and find in my heart the will to forgive the author for killing him 😭😭😭

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We return to Aldion in the second book of Ben Alderson's Court of Broken Bonds saga, a world filled with magic, dragons, dryads, nymphs and phoenixes. Max is honing his magical skills at the prestigious Saylam Academy, while trying to find his place in a society that views him as the Traitor Mage. In a bid to gain recognition, he puts his name forward to participate in the Claim, a dangerous contest held in the wild mountains north of Wycombe to earn a bond to an ice-breathing dragon. High up on the Avarian Crest, Max faces elemental monsters, fierce rivals, and his own fears.
But when he returns to Wycombe, the town has been consumed by rebellion and the phoenix-infected are attacking the city from within. Max must decide whom he can trust, and how much he is willing to sacrifice to survive.

I knew I'd pick up Heir to Frost and Storm as soon as possible and the book delivered on everything I had hoped for from this second installment: there are more dragons, the relationship with Simion gets full attention, and Max really comes into his own. I loved how the surprise twist from the ending of book one, the link to Camron through the handfasting mark, was further explored.
There are so many great characters and there's a strong found family vibe. I loved Simion and Max challenging Elder Leia, navigating court politics, and 'making an entire room of people highly uncomfortable' at the Ball. Ben was killing well-loved characters off ruthlessly and had me raging at the story – I was definitely emotionally invested! The novel ends on another cliffhanger, and I'll be picking the sequel up as soon as possible since I'm desperate to find out how the story plays out!

4.5 stars, rounded up to 5. Thanks to NetGalley, Second Sky Books and Ben Alderson for the eARC. I'm delighted to be part of the book tour, and will be posting to my Instagram on my assigned date.

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Unfortunately, my issues from the first entry in this series still stand ( I hoped this book would build out Max's character, have some moments between Simion and Max to show what they actually like about each other, Max's relationship with his mom...
I don't feel connected to any of the characters outside of pity for them, which is a stopping point for me here.

I do enjoy the general world-building and writing style, so I may give the author another try in the future.

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I liked the first book in this as there's plenty of emotions and a complex world building and character development.
This one is even better as there's a lot of character development and world building. There's also a lot of emotionally charged moments and I was moved and hoping for the best.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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“That was never Home. He was. Simion. He was my home.”

This is the second book of the saga Court of Broken Bonds. We find again Maximus battling with secrets, obstacles, dangers and strong feelings, with love and deceit behind the corner.

Alderson describes the world, its written and unwritten rules and its inhabitants so clearly that you feel like you belong there too.

Every character is multi-faceted and has strong, believable motivation behind its actions. Max is special but also human and vulnerable. He fights for love: not only the one he feels for his soulmate but also the deep affection mixed with sense of guilt toward one person and the one for his family. His story is not over yet and I can’t wait for the next book already: I read it in two days, the tension is so much that I just couldn’t put it down!

This book is ideal for fantasy lovers who adore elegant smut connected to the plot and strong emotions in a world where anything can happen.

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I was immediately drawn to the book by the amazing art of the cover. I know, do not judge the book by its cover right? Yet for this case, I couldn’t help my self. The story, and the cover are a 10/10. It’s the first book in this series and already has me in a choke hold. It's superb.
I was able to request an advance reader copy from Netgalley.

Max holds a special place in my heart. His emotions. The way he feels, his guilt, the grief, the love, the anger… you could feel it on your skin. The writing flows like water.
(Crying my eyes out now, I just wanna give him some love)

I’m a sucker for found family vibes and yeah.. I’m crying my eyes out. The world building is good, not over bearing and easy to get along with. I very recommend this book. Can’t wait for the next one.

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The first book in this series drew me in - this one has me in a choke hold. It's fantastic.

I got an ARC of this book on Netgalley. After reading the first book, I applied for this one as soon as possible.

Max grows so much in this book. He's still going through an absolute horror show, but he's strong, and his feelings of guilt, and grief, and love, and anger are all so real, I just want to hug him. There's a lot of pain in this book, but it's beautifully written.

Simion is stunning as a love interest, the found family vibes are heartbreakingly good. THERE ARE SO MANY MORE DRAGONS. The worldbuilding becomes deeper and more complex without ever feeling info-dumpy, and the ever twisty shifting sands of who you can trust kept me glued to my kindle while I inhaled this book.

I'm already looking forward to the next one!!

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The way in which Ben writes brings decadence and destruction from just words on a page to a tangible element, evoking strong emotional responses from the reader. I’m pretty sure this book evoked every emotion known to humankind! I laughed, cried, and anguished with the characters. It tore my heart heart out, put it back in, then ripped it right back out and I was a willing participant.
The drama starts from page one with suspense and political intrigue and never really slows down! Every time you think you know what is going on there is a twist and everything is tuned upside down.
Ben has mastered the art of written action sequences, they are immersive and vivid, taking the reader on quite the journey!
I was on the edge of my seat the entire time! I can’t wait to see what book three holds for us, it’s sure to be a hell of a ride!
Rating - 5 ⭐️
Spice - 2 🌶️

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Thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

After the disaster that struck Wycombe and killed his father made Maximus' life even more complicated, he searches for ways to find his place in the society he entered. Maximus decides to enter the fierce competition that decides whether or not a Mage is fit to bond with a Dragon. But when a fiery plague spreads through Wycombe, it's the last thing on his mind. Suddenly, Maximus is even less welcome and his most beloved people are in danger. And most worrisome, Maximus isn't sure his deceased husband is as dead as everyone says he is...

This continuation of the Court of Broken Bonds Series picked up shortly after the end of Heir to Thorn and Flame. It started out action packed and it DID NOT STOP. I literally felt like screaming when I finished it. Like most of Alderson's books, this installment in his new series was captivating and thrilling, surprising me over and over again. The romance was to swoon over. The forbidden aspect with the you're-all-that's-keeping-me-sane thing. *dying*
It was also hella twisty. Maybe I'm dumb (if I am, in this case it's a virtue), but I did not see either of the major twists coming. Also, Anderson has once again ripped out my heart and stomped on it (Thank you)

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I immensely enjoyed the first book Heir to Thorn and Flame so I was really excited to start this one, and it didn’t disappoint.

Heir to Frost and Storm picks up shortly after where book 1 left off and has so many twists and turns (similarly to book 1) but has amazing development of the world, the characters and the magic.

The main character Max is now in the north and attending a magic academy to help him with his magical abilities. All the while dealing with hostility from almost everyone, the remnants of what happened with Cameron from book 1, his complicated relationships with the side characters and his new (slow burn) relationship with Simion.

So if you love magic, deadly contests, dragons, slow burn romances, ancient evils and sacrifice, then you’ll love this book!

Thank you NetGalley, Second Sky Books and Ben Alderson for the early copy!

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First I would like to start of by thanking Ben Alderson and Netgalley for providing this early copy.
After reading Heir to Thorn and Flame, I was beyond ecstatic to have been granted this opportunity to review the sequel!

Heir to Frost and Storm by Ben Alderson is a wild ride! Max, our main character, is back in action, facing more betrayal and tough choices. Honestly, he has earnt himself at least a spa day with a bath big enough for two!
Maximus, now in the north, gets to attend Saylam Academy to hone his magical abilities. Little does he know, this will cost him a few broken noses and plenty of trips to the infirmary. Alongside juggling the magical bond, still unbroken, between himself and Camron, Max has to deal with the ever-growing romantic emotions for Simion. These come with a promise of earth-shattering pain.

The characters not only become more complex but are also so well-developed that they practically jump off the page. Alderson's way with words brings out a rainbow of emotions that'll keep you hooked, not to mention the multitude of plot twists that left me with heart palpitations! From incredible battles with deadly consequences to moments of pure romance, this sequel has it all!

The only feedback I can think of is that, as impressive as the world-building is, it left me slightly confused at times. However, I managed to get my head around it eventually, and it's definitely not a deal-breaker. Perhaps a glossary of sorts towards the end of the book would help.".

Oh, did I also mention the deadly contest Max must partake in and the ancient evil lurking in the distance? Well, what are you waiting for? Get reading!

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There's a quote in this book that stuck with me the moment I read it "Hope was a strange thing. It was a double edged blade. Hope either gave someone something to fight for or reminded them they had something to lose".

My goodness a truer statement has never been written. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The relationships between the characters and the conflicts. This war will not be easily won. This is not over. I personally can't wait for the next book. Thank you to Ben Alderson and Netgallery for allowing me to read this book.

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A brilliant fantasy novel filled with magic, dragons, love, and sacrifice. Plenty of twists and turns to keep you on edge.
I adore Max and Simion. Their chemistry was so addicting, and the spicy scene had me blushing. If this book has anything, it’s a never-ending whiplash experience. Along with the sweet romance comes heartbreaking loss. The trial itself had me on the edge of my seat, and I felt the tension rise and my heart plunge with each character lost. Alderson is brilliant at writing charming side characters, unexpected betrayals, and heartwarming reunions.
If you are a fan of high stakes fantasy sprinkled with a sweet and spicy romance, I highly recommend picking this book up, along with its prequel Heir to Thorn and Flame. This is a series you cannot miss!

Thank you to Netgalley and Second Sky for this ARC.

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This is one of those series where I enjoyed the second book more than the first! The pining between Max and Simion jumped off of the page and I just wanted them to be able to catch a break! I found myself cheering for characters that I previously hated and wanting other characters to get the justice they deserve. I really hope there is another book planned.

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Before I begin i would like to thank NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me to review this arc.

This wasn't the type of book I would normally read but i actually quite enjoyed it. The characters were fleshed out brilliantly, I enjoyed the setting too but it was the plot and pacing that was the downfall for me. The characters were enrapturing but often the pacing felt off and I felt like the book could have been shorter. I just want to say, if you enjoy a slow burn romance with a leisurely paced plot, then this is perfect for you. Unfortunately, this exact combination of characters and storytelling just did not speak to me.

Nonetheless, the book is objectively well-written and I did enjoy it, simply wasn't to my taste.

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First off thank you Netgalley and to the publisher for granting me this ARC, I literally squealed with excitement! I couldn’t wait to dive into this book and it DID NOT DISAPPOINT!!!!

Ben has written another intoxicatingly addictive book in this series. You can’t trust anyone! You can’t begin to predict what’s going to happen, you don’t know ANYONE! This book twists and turns, it tugs your heartstrings and heats up the spice! Expect the unexpected and you’re in for a wild ride with this book! Don’t skip this series or you’ll be missing out. Move over Acotar, Ben is taking over the fantasy realm and it won’t know what hit it!

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