Member Reviews

To Bind a Dark Heart is an Arthurian romantasy set in the world of Avalon, full of plot, world-building, and a love burning between a morally grey prince and a naive young woman struggling to choose between what she believes is right and the man she loves. This is book two in the Iron Crystal series and picks up right after the cliffhanger in book one. Following the destruction of the iron crystal, a war between the elementals and Mordred is brewing. With Gwendolyn unsure of who to trust, she goes on the run from Mordred in order to decide what she wants to do now that the world is as it should be. However, along her journey, she discovers her situation may not be as black and white as she previously thought. As the truth comes out and secrets are revealed, she is quick to realize just how stuck in the middle of a bad situation she is.

I have to say I enjoyed To Bind a Dark Heart more than the first book for a few different reasons. First off, the multi POV was very refreshing. I loved switching between multiple characters and getting a feel of what they were thinking in the midst of all that was happening in the world of Avalon. The added POVs of characters outside of Gwen and Mordred was a very nice touch and kept in well with the pacing of the plot. I also loved that Gwen and Mordred were apart for most of the book, I think it was necessary to see them when they were separate and their own entities. It was a nice change from the previous book where they were together the whole time. Now, I will say I was expecting more character development on Gwen's part, I was hoping she would have grown from her betrayal of Mordred at the end of the previous book and being forced out on her own into a world full of dangerous magic. However, I struggled to see her strengths throughout the book, I found her very wishy washy and would have loved for her to take back some control in her life. This ends on a cliffhanger even bigger than book one, I absolutely can't wait to get back to the world of Avalon and see where Gwen and Mordred will stand now that all the secrets are out in the open!

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"To Bind a Dark Heart" by @kathrynannkingsley
4/5 ๐Ÿ“–

Thank you @netgalley and @secondskybooks for an ARC of this book!

Back at it again to see what happened between Gwen and Mordred after that crazy cliffhanger from book 1! Gwen finds out who the cat really is, and now she has to decide: will she stay in Avalon or go back home? Will she stay and beg Mordred to forgive her, or will she leave him behind?

I enjoyed the multi POV because there were a lot of things happening behind the scenes with side characters. Being able to read what they were up to helped understand how everything connected together in the big event and helped understand why the book ends how it does.

I can't wait for book 3 because I need to know what will happen now that all the truths are out in the open?

๐Ÿ“š Ongoing Series
๐Ÿ“š Slowburn Romance
๐Ÿ“š Enemies to Lovers
๐Ÿ“š Multi POV
๐Ÿ“š Arthurian Reimagining
๐Ÿ“š Morally Grey MMC
๐Ÿ“š Dark Fantasy Romance

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It took me a while to start this book because I really wanted to read the first book, now that Iโ€™m finished Iโ€™m about to give a full and honest review! I loved Gwen and Mordreds relationship, I was so nervous to see how he would react when he saw her again! There was a lot of moments where I didnโ€™t agree with either characters choices but I loved that because the story wasnโ€™t predictable to me and it always had me feel different emotions, which I love when reading books.

The story was slow paced, and I would say I liked the first book more. One thing that annoyed me was the miscommunication between the 2 main characters. It was pretty irritating at times, but then I understood the arguments that were being taken place.

I will read the next book to see what happens, especially to see how Gwen and Mordreds relationship persist.

Thank you to NetGalley , Second Sky and Kathryn Ann Kingsley for sending this ARC for an honest review!

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To Bind a Dark Heart is book 2 of The Iron Crystal series, following To Charm a Dark Prince. With the crystal now shattered and the elementals all free, war is inevitably coming. Mordred cast Gwen out for her betrayal, and she now is left to find her way. The demon cat who brought her here quickly finding her. Only, it turns out he may be an evil worse than she could have guessed, and every urge has her wanting to return to Mordred. When they come across others who are set against Mordred, she winds up stuck between the forces of Avalon. Loving a man she doesnโ€™t agree with, stuck with another she hates, and fallen in with those who would try to kill the man she loves.

Gwen is stuck in an impossible position. She has no idea what she wants. She wants Mordred, but also doesnโ€™t agree with his plans. She thinks heโ€™ll lock her up or kill her over forgiving her. She wants to no longer be stuck connected to the demon, but doing so will see her lose her new powers. Sheโ€™s in limbo essentially. My frustration with her character is partially this indecision, and partially that sheโ€™s quite passive in events here. She kind of drifts along with everyone else, even when she doesnโ€™t like their plans. There are times she steps forward and does something, but theyโ€™re much less often.

Mordred can be equally frustrating, in that he refuses to bend an inch. He is determined to save Avalon from itself, but doesnโ€™t see how it destroys Avalon in the process. I can see how he thinks what he does. The elementals are dangerous and often hurt others. But stillโ€ฆWhat is the point, if people lack free will? If the realm is leeched of all color and life and beauty? He also wants to get Gwen back, regretting having sent her away. But he intends to keep her a prisoner. Wanting a romantic relationship with your prisoner is, of course, a complete mess. But these two are frankly a chaotic mess regardless!

For all my frustrations with them, I still really like their characters! The frustration comes from that. Theyโ€™re well done and have layers to them that make me get frustrated when I see them standing in their own way. They could have a good life together, if only they could put aside some things. If only war wasnโ€™t coming. But it is. Lancelot, now free of the crystal, wonโ€™t rest until Mordred is destroyed. The elementals are all out now, and he has plenty of people to go try to rally against Mordred. Thereโ€™s not a ton of action here, it definitely focuses more on the relationships, but it hit it where it was important. Certain showdowns are inevitable and theyโ€™re given their due.

But the story is far from over after this installment. Iโ€™m looking forward to where it goes from here. The ending surprised me. I didnโ€™t see how certain things would turn out. But it leaves it open for a lot of possibilities. Gwenโ€™s circumstances are changed, and Mordred is now singularly focused on one thing. I hope thereโ€™s a way forward for these two!

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Book 2 picks up right from To Charm a Dark Prince, Book 1, where Gwen betrays Mordred. She shatters the crystal and all the elementals are free. War in on the way.

The background story of the Ash King, Grinn is amazing and really kicks of the book off right. The relationship with Mordred and Gwen is passionate and intense and really pulls the reader into the story. We continue the struggle with our morally grey characters and how they much clean up the complete mess that Gwen started... I love the world building that occurs after the crystal is destroyed and how Avalon truly shines.

Again, this book is left with me wanting the next book immediately! I thought I was predicting the ending but was surprised. Kathryn Ann Kingsley has a wonderful way to writing a story that leaves the readers wanting more!

- King Arthur Retelling
- Morally Grey
- Slow burn
- Hidden secrets
- Enemies to lovers
- Multi POV
- Romantasy

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"To Bind a Dark Heart" delivers a spellbinding narrative where love and magic collide in unexpected ways. Gwen's struggle with her emotions and the morally ambiguous allure of Mordred, the Prince in Iron, form the heart of this enthralling story.

Building on the success of "To Charm a Dark Prince," this sequel proves to be a great follow-up. The complex characters, especially the morally grey love interest Mordred, draw readers into a world where passion, betrayal, and enchantment intertwine seamlessly. The book's exploration of love's intricate shades of gray creates a mesmerizing experience, leaving readers eagerly anticipating the next magical twist. I cannot wait for the next book to come out, as I could not put the first two down!

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Gwen thought that smashing the crystal which contained the trapped Elementals would be the end of her problems but they just multiplied exponentially! Now her former captor, lover, friend Mordred has cast her out after her betrayal and she is on her own. But not for long - now she is in tow with her former cat now revealed to be something a bit more...devilish, Lancelot - Mordred's former friend and ally, and a rag tag bunch of adventurers. Can she somehow settle the enmity between Mordred and his former prisoners or has she just escalated and furthered the war between them?

Gwen really is stuck between a rock and hard place. One hand her former lover may now want her head on a stick for betrayal. On the other hand she has some fancy new powers that whilst she didn't want them may come in handy. She fears helping both sides in this war and in the end kind of ends up being kind of passive in this book. She still gets herself into trouble but she tends to have stuff done to her, than be the one causing the trouble.

It was nice to see more of Avalon and its inhabitants. There are some genuine marvels to be found there that's for sure. New allies and enemies. New frustrations and problems to be solved. It was nice to see that some of my favourite characters from book 1 again (Maewenn, Eod) and discover some new wacky characters like Doc.

Mordred can be equally pig-headed. He wants things back the way they were, whilst saying that maybe he'll try things differently this time. He hates Gwen's betrayal but still wants her to safe. They are all kinds of complicated!

Expect some showdowns, a surprise or two and a little cliffhanger!

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Slow start but definitely parallels in greatness to the first book! I encourage readers who like romance, quirky characters, and out-there fantasy to check out this series.

Looking forward to book three!

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Following on from the first book, we continue on our adventure in Avalon with Gwen and Mordred, along with Lancelot and some new faces.

'He was Mordred, the Prince in Iron. And the Iron Crystal would reign again. Run, Gwendolyn Wright, run as far and as hard as you can'.

After Gwen's betrayal of Mordred in the first book, we venture across Avalon where Lancelot and other elementals seek to raise an army against Mordred. But Gwen's heart still calls for him.

Caught in the middle, where another betrayal of Mordred might force his hand to kill her, Gwen has to decide what side she will stand - with the elementals who have been held captive in the Iron Crystal for hundreds of years, or with Mordred, who has her heart.

A great second book in the series, featuring a lot of angst between Gwen and Mordred, adventures to find elementals who will rise up, and Gwen's pain of a 'cat'.

I sped through this in one sitting, I was very much looking forward to Gwen and Mordred reuniting again - you can see how tender Mordred's feelings are toward Gwen, and Gwen stuck in the middle of being with the man she loves, or betraying him for a second time.

'A way forward as your prisoner?' 'Yes. But the chains that will bind you are nothing compared to those that bind me to you'.

I can't wait for the third book in the series to see how this will all play out.

Thank you to NetGalley and Second Sky for this copy. This review is voluntary.

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Can the next book in this series come out now? Please?

In all seriousness, I loved this book so much. It was a great continuation of the story laid out in To Charm A Dark Prince, with a fun cast of characters (including an adorable doggo companion), great banter, and so much pining. The spice was good and the romance was adorable, but our protagonists still have a lot of angst to work through.

The events of the last book mean that this Avalon is completely different than the Avalon introduced in the first book, and it was fun to see how the new role of magic has changed things for Gwen and her companions, especially her relationship with Mordred. I still don't know how those crazy kids are going to work things out, but I can't wait to see it.

It wouldn't be a Kathryn Ann Kingsley novel if I didn't end up having some sympathy for the villain, and there was a lot of interesting character development on that front. It'll be interesting to see what she does with it. But, more than anything, I'm hoping that future installments in the series will bring us more Gwen-and-Mordred action, some more time with a certain chaotic wizard who probably isn't Merlin, and (fingers crossed) happy endings for at least some of the knights of the Round Table.

I would recommend this book (and, of course, the first in the series) to anyone who loves a morally gray hero, portal romance, or Arthurian legend.

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Thank you to Second Sky and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in return for an honest review.

As a devoted fan of Kathryn Ann Kingsley's work, I couldn't have been more excited to dive into "To Bind a Dark Heart," the second book in The Iron Crystal series. Having adored the intricate villains she has masterfully crafted in the past, my expectations were high. Unfortunately, this particular installment in her latest fantasy series left me with a sense of disappointment.

The story picks up seamlessly from where the first book left off, and we find Gwen navigating a treacherous path after her betrayal of Mordred. The premise held promise, but I found Gwen's character development deeply lacking. For someone with immense elemental powers, she remained frustratingly weak, serving as a pushover to practically every other character in the story. Her lack of agency, common sense, and survival instinct was, frankly, disheartening.

What frustrated me even more was the stilted and ineffective communication between Gwen and Mordred, two central characters who seemed incapable of having an adult conversation. This added unnecessary complexity to the plot, and not in a good way. The ending, too, was a significant letdown, leaving me unsatisfied and pondering my commitment to the series.

Regrettably, I'm uncertain whether I will continue with The Iron Crystal series. Despite my disappointment, I remain a staunch admirer of Kathryn's and I'll eagerly await her next work in the hope of a more satisfying experience.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I am LOVING Gwen and Mordred so much!! I am dying for the next week. This was a strong sequel and I loved the introduction of new characters and the sections from Lancelotโ€™s point of view as it really added to the story. I am loving Avalon and am so excited to see where this story goes. I really hope Gwen and Mordred get a happy ending together.

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4 stars!

Some spoilers for book 1


I loved this sequel to To Charm a Dark Prince.

After Gwen's betrayal and the subsequent shattering of the iron crystal by Mordred, Gwen flees his castle and makes an attempt to survive the world of Avalon with the elementals loose again.

We learn so much about Gwen and Mordred's feelings for each other in this book; and the adventure they go on as they try to keep the other person in their lives without comprising their moral values is so entertaining. Kathryn Ann Kingsley works wonders with her humorous dialogue and intentional banter between characters.

In addition, her world building is very well done and immersive. I can't wait to see how things will progress.

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Gwen and Mordred's Journey: Love, Growth, and Elemental Intrigue

First of all, Iโ€™d like to express my sincere gratitude to Netgalley, to the publisher, Second Sky and the author, Kathryn Ann Kingsley, for generously providing me with a free advanced reader copy. This review is entirely voluntarily, and I want to emphasize that it truly reflects my genuine emotions and thoughts about the story.

Star rating โญโญโญโญ Spice rating ๐ŸŒถ๏ธ๐ŸŒถ๏ธ

As I got lost in the pages of โ€œTo Bind A Dark Heart'', the second thrilling adventure in the Iron Crystal series, I couldn't help but revel in the fact that I got to experience it before its official release. Gwendolyn and Mordred's journey in the enchanting world of Avalon kept me utterly captivated.

While Gwen occasionally displayed signs of immaturity and naivety, I must admit that she truly grew on me throughout this book. Watching her character evolve was not only a substantial transformation but also an immensely enjoyable experience. The same can be said for Mordred, who undergoes significant growth and adeptly portrays the complexities of a morally gray character.

However, the romantic tension between Mordred and Gwen, while promising, seemed to be waiting for that extra spark to ignite. I found myself eagerly yearning for a deeper connection to their love story, hoping that future installments will explore this with the intensity it deserves. Nevertheless, I remain captivated by the idea of them as a couple.

One aspect that truly elevated the story was the introduction of a plethora of new elemental characters. These fresh additions breathed life into Avalon, enriching the narrative with vibrant colors and details. They added a layer of depth and complexity that left me thoroughly impressed.

I'm seriously counting down the days for the next book in the series. I can't wait to see what's in store for Mordred and Gwen. And I've got my fingers crossed for the chance to snag an advanced reader copy. This series has woven its magic, leaving me eager to discover what lies ahead.

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โ€œ๐‘๐ฎ๐ง ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ก๐ข๐๐ž, ๐†๐ฐ๐ž๐ง๐๐จ๐ฅ๐ฒ๐ง. ๐‘๐ฎ๐ง ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ฒ ๐ก๐ข๐๐๐ž๐ง ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐š๐ฌ ๐ฅ๐จ๐ง๐  ๐š๐ฌ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐œ๐š๐ง. ๐๐ž๐œ๐š๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ž ๐ฐ๐ก๐ž๐ง ๐ˆ ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ, ๐ˆ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ง๐ž๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ ๐ฅ๐ž๐ญ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ž๐ฌ๐œ๐š๐ฉ๐ž.โ€

To Bind A Dark Heart is book 2 of the Iron Crystal Series and picks up in the aftermath of Gwenโ€™s betrayal of Mordred. I absolutely adored getting to know more of Grinnโ€™s backstory and all the many new characters that were introduced. Gwen and Mordredโ€™s romance took a bit of a back seat in this book, and the pacing seemed a bit off in some, but overall I really enjoyed this one and canโ€™t wait to see where the story goes from here! 3.75โญ๏ธ

๐•Ž๐•™๐•’๐•ฅ ๐•‹๐•  ๐”ผ๐•ฉ๐•ก๐•–๐•”๐•ฅ:
๐Ÿ—ก๏ธArthurian legend
๐Ÿ”ฅSlow burn
๐Ÿ—ก๏ธHidden secrets
๐Ÿ”ฅEnemies to lovers
๐Ÿ—ก๏ธMulti POV

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The change of POV from the main character Gwen was refreshing and a nice change of pace. It allowed the chance for the world to be explored more. The elementals are now free and the varieties in them were great. I LOVE the idea of each being, being something of nature.

Dream visits were introduced which was a great way to keep the romance going. Loved the steamy kiss and confusion of โ€œis this reality or notโ€. The romance in general was pretty spicy too! 10/10 for the interrogation scene at the war map table.

I genuinely didnโ€™t expect the ending to turn out how it did and Iโ€™m not made. Death of specific people had me SHOOK. And the end result of the fighting left a great opening for the next book.

This book left me anticipating the next one, I honestly cannot wait for it!

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โ€œRun and hide, Gwendolyn. Run and stay hidden for as long as you can. Because when I find you, I will never let you escape.โ€

Gwen is on the run from her dark prince, Mordred after betraying him.
Mordred will to everything in his power to hunt her down even if he has use her dreams to haunt her.

Now that the Iron Crystal has shattered the magic of Avalon has returned, as well as the elementals but they seek revenge of the Iron Prince.

โ€œWe are going to win. Mordred is going to die.โ€

War is coming, Gwen must now choose, protect the man she loves or to betray him a second time?

To Bind a Dark Prince is the second installment in The Iron Crystal series by Kathryn Ann Kingsley, packed with romance, villains, magic, betrayal, and heart-stopping twist. To Bind a Dark Prince will leave you craving to know what happens next!

I really enjoyed the first novel and stayed up all night reading it and the romance between the characters but for the second it was hard to get into due to the slow paced parts but the very ending was where it really got to me and had me flipping the pages quickly to know what happened next!

I look forward to the third novel and canโ€™t wait to see whatโ€™s to come between our characters!

Thank you to NetGalley, Kathryn Ann Kingsley, and Second Sky for giving me the opportunity to read the second novel in The Iron Crystal series โ€œTo Bind a Dark Princeโ€ in exchange for my honest review! ๐Ÿ’œ

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Love love love the cover on this one! Mordred and Gwenโ€™s quest carries on in part two. The story fleshes out and we get Grinnโ€™s back story along with more elementals than you can shake a stick at!

What did I like? You can really feel the relationship between Gwen and Mordred in this one. Such a tumultuous relationship and I really felt like it sucks you in.

Would I recommend or buy? Iโ€™d buy for the pretty covers alone. They are simply gorgeous! This series is written by one of my favorite authors and if youโ€™re a fan youโ€™ll love it too!

I received a complimentary copy to read and this is my honest opinion! Five stars!

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Just like the first, this is a fun and easy fantasy read. A lot of times with fantasy romance, the love interests feel copy and paste from other fantasies or just so unrealistic. I kept worrying that the dynamic between the characters would 't work but it does. I love seeing the them struggle to figure out their feelings while the plot unfolds. The new characters in this book are fun too. I'm so excited for the next book to come out!

4.25 stars

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It continues, queue in the misadventures of Gwen in this twisted alternative Arthurian mythology of Avalon with a mashup of Alice in Wonderland and Fae Fantasy. Dark, brooding Fae Prince has little choice but to push on while Gwen loses in the most spectacular way.

The story is a blazing fire of action, emotion, violence, and sensuality that is smothered in betrayal and the dreaded silence of a cliffhanger. The ending left me sulking and a little bitter. Come on.
My advice is to wait until you can get the entire story. Other than that, the worldbuilding, voice, and characters are interesting, and the pace keeps you on a knifeโ€™s edge. This is a violent, sensual Fae world, so be aware before picking it up.

This was a sponsored ARC through NetGalley for an honest review

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