Member Reviews

This was given to me by the publisher and NetGalley for an honest review!

I give it 4.5 ⭐️’s

Blood of Wolves

Imagine you have a destination for your life at the end to just chill and relax, but the parties to be on one side(Men) have a whole different plan for her and the parties to be on other side (Gods )have different plan and then you got the rest of the people I just wanna kill you. What are you do?

The author concluded this trilogy brilliantly , you had your battles, your political jarring and love that is nestled in the ending!

As for historical inspired fantasy; G.N. Gudgion had woven his niche is the fantasy world, you can strip the magic, and you still have a great book ….at times at Adelaise is misunderstood, proving guilty before innocent, due to superstition and religious gossiping!

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Thank you to the author and publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC, unfortunately, I couldn’t get into it.

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Adelais has returned to her homeland. She longs for a simple life, one where she is free to love and be loved, one where she can be herself, just a woman, and not the supposed savior of her people. But it is not to be. Even in Duke Ragenar’s court, people clamor to see her and hail her as the örlaga vefari, the fate weaver foretold by prophecy. And even in Duke Ragenar’s court, the arm of those who want to kill her reaches out.

The runes cast to foretell Adelais’ possible future speak of betrayal and victory at great cost. She may not want to be the chosen one, but war is coming, and want it or not, Adelais finds herself at the center of it. And so begins a battle not only between opposing countries, but a battle between the old gods of Vriesland the the new god of Ischyros. One side led by the she-wolf in cloth of gold, the other led by a most holy relic shrouded in gold.

As always, G. N. Gudgion does a marvelous job with his characters. Familiar characters appear in the story, with no certainty as to which of them will survive until the end. New characters are added, and Hjalmar, son of the northern lord Jarl Magnus and friend of Adelais, in particular won my heart. Revna, Magnus’ seidkhona, also quickly became a favorite.

Rune magic played a more prominent part in this book, as Gudgion gives us more of the underlying mythology. Magic plays an important role at several key points in the story, and it’s just fascinating to read about. The Nornir, Norse goddesses of fate, play a part in the story, and we again see the she-wolf shadowing Adelais, bound by love and magic. Gudgion does a fantastic job giving us the wolf’s viewpoint, and I found that added a lot to my enjoyment of the story.

And the runes did not lie. We see twists and turns as fate weaves, plots laid and alliances broken. You think you know where something is going, and then bam! It isn’t at all what you think. The politics of religion is again a crucial part of the tale, and the forces of Ischyros heading off to battle call to mind the Knights Templar and the Crusades.

With Blood of Wolves, G. N. Gudgion gives us a thrilling read, a fitting send-off to a tale told well. This is some of the best new fantasy I’ve read, and since I can’t pick just one of them, the entire series will be in the running for my best books of 2023.

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The finale to the trilogy is here at last!
With more world building, prophecies and rune magic to blast.
But Adelais would rather heal than destroy
But who can she trust not to be using her as a ploy?

The power struggle continues, with danger around
And armies battle, leaving dying on the ground.
With whom should she side? Who can she trust?
Into more journeys and battles she again is thrust.

An epic fantasy with so much action portrayed
As yet more battle plans are laid.
A thrilling finale to this epic trilogy concludes
But will Adelais and the world win or lose?

For my complementary copy of this book, I say thank you -
As I share with you my honest review.

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I am very sad: this series has now ended. Having said that, the books that make up this trilogy are a total delight. The story-telling, the actual language, the intermixing with all sorts of things from real worlds both past and present is so good that I cannot help but fail to do Mr G's work justice with my review and so I rate the series with 6 Stars.

You really do need to read this series for yourself and please give yourself the most pleasure and enjoyment by starting with Hammer of Fate.

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The power G N Gudgion has to glue me to the edge of my seat after each novel is just astounding.
Reading the first book I could not get enough of Adelais and her newly-found talents.
The second book came and knocked the socks off me.
Blood of Wolves - It's lyrical, beautiful and suspenseful from start to finish.
The ending had me close to tears. I loved the building of friendships in the story, how friend remains friend and never crosses the boundary to foe. How foe becomes devotee.
This book was beautifully put together and definitely should receive all the praise!

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How to review the third book in a trilogy without spoilers? Let me consult the runes.

Dagaz for day or dawn. It's a new dawn for the kingdom of Vriesland. Will Adelais be proclaimed the fate-weaver?

Ehwaz the rune for horse and twin forces. Adelais has a powerful connection with her steed Allier. Is she the one to unite the North and the ways of the Old Gods against Galmandie in the South with their Ischyron priests, guardian knights and holy relics?

Peorth for feminine energy. The main character Adelais has the magic of the runes, the power of rune song, but can it be controlled? Her friend the lady Agnes in Galmandie uses feminine wiles to exert power over the men around her. A wolf watches over Adelais, inhabited by the spirit of her grandmother. Strong female characters with interesting and surprising story arcs.

Kaunan for fire & death. There will be battles, bloodshed, cunning plans & treachery, assassination attempts and raging fire both in dreams and on the battlefield. The Hand of Salazar, the holiest of relics, misused in a secular war.

Ansuz for inspiration and wisdom. The rune of Odin or Odhinn. The stunning, epic conclusion to the Rune Song trilogy will enthral and excite. Inspiration has been taken from viking and norse traditions, the age of chivalry & the Knights Templar. An historical fantasy setting that is as awesome as it sounds. A fantasy trilogy of battles and magic. The wolves are howling. There will be blood.

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I really enjoyed this series. Adelais is pulled in multiple directions, even if she sometimes wishes she could move to a farm and have a husband and babies. But she is willing to sacrifice for what she sees as the good. I also find her relationship with Agnes fascinating, especially as Agnes pushes her way into male dominated roles. The magic system is interesting and there is of course a lot of politicking and back room deals. I’m hoping to find additional books by this author now or in the future.

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Blood of Wolves is the final book in the historical fantasy series The Rune Song Trilogy, written by G.N. Gudgion and published by Second Sky Books. A great close novel to Adelais' story, which still continues expanding the world, delving deep into Vriesland's mythology and religion, while wrapping up many of the arcs opened in the previous books.

Despite Adelais having reached her land, Vriesland, she is not allowed to have that calm life she wished for. Nobility wishes to use her for their own objectives, using her as the symbol to unite Vriesland's armies to start the war with Galmandie; the figure of the fate weaver is inspiring many berserkers and jarls to join the cause.
Adelais is troubled; she's not only being used, but also she still has a lot to learn about runes. To add more salt to the wound, it seems she's the target of an assassination conspiracy, making difficult to trust in anybody.

After the king's death, Galmadie is at the border of a civil war. The revelation of the blessed hand of Salazar, however, will play a key role in gathering an answer to Vriesland's threat; Agnes de Fontenay is the brain behind this new plan. Adelais and she will be on opposite sides of the battlefield, fighting for different causes.

Despite this being the final book in the trilogy, Gudgion manages to explore some aspects that were neglected in the previous books, especially regarding Vriesland, and the religious aspects. Inspired by Norse culture and myths, they have a complex political system, as they are divided by those following Ischyran religion and those that are guided by the Old Customs. These religious differences will be a point of friction once the holy relic of Salazar appeared.

With this book, the trilogy reaches its climax, accompanied by plenty of thrilling and epic moments, immersing ourselves into a holy clash. It's interesting to see how Adelais' and Agnes' roles evolved in this book, from simple pieces on the board to practically being angular in the conflicts; the pressure put on them will crush their surface, revealing the gems behind.

Blood of Wolves is the perfect ending to a trilogy that will be loved for those looking for historical inspired fantasy; G.N. Gudgion kept the best for the end, and I enjoyed each single page of it.

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This is the thrilling conclusion to the Rune Song Trilogy. Set in a world much like Medieval Europe, warring religions are tearing countries, people and families apart. One young woman has been plunged into the middle of this war and may be the sole person who can save her people.

Adelais may have made it safely to Vriesland but her worries are not yet over. She's essentially under house arrest by her host. It may be for her safety but it still rankles. But a quick shopping mission goes wrong and Adelais sees that her celebrity status is both a blessing and a curse in her homeland. Then there's the creepy Duke who has his eyes on more than Adelais' celebrity!

Galmandie and Vriesland are gearing up for war but Adelais is not completely without friends or resources. She has some new allies to assist her and some long standing friends have not yet abandoned her. She also has an assassin on her tail - one who is very determined not to fail.

Adelais and Agnès may be on opposite sides of the coming wat but these friends have not given hope of ending the war before it starts! I really got caught up in all the intrigue, court politics and subterfuge. It was great seeing Adelais finally settle her fate and accept her power. She may not want it but she'll use it to save as many of her people as she can.

There were some epic battle scenes and I feel that the outcome was as favourable as it could be. There was still a lot of blood shed and as in all wars, not only the soldiers were caught up in the fighting. There is even the hint of a HEA for Adelais - she may yet get to have that sought after home and family she once dreamt of having.

Action, adventure, religious zealotry and fervour, and fractured friendships are woven together so well. I really enjoyed this adventure with Adelais and I'm sad to leave her behind.

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Finally, the third installment in The Rune Song trilogy by G. N. Gudgion is here! Oh, you will ENJOY Adelais’ adventures. She had a long, long journey, but the end is near. I won’t spoil it, you’ll have to read it to find out. I will only say that I’ve absolutely ENJOYED her adventures, from Hammer of Fate where her story begins, to Runes of Battle to Blood of Wolves. I’ve cried, I was afraid for her and her companions, but it was WORTH it.
THANK YOU for giving me the chance to be a part of this amazing series.

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I am always sad when I have to say goodbye to characters I loved and was sad to read the last page of the Rune Song Trilogy
The character arc of Adelais, from runaway prisoner to the be the Chosen, is astonishing. I loved her and loved how she craved to be loved and lived a simple life instead of being in the middle of battles, political intrigues, and epical changes.
There’s a lot of character development in this series and it makes it very interesting keeps you reading as you want to know what will happen to them.
The magical system is fascinating as it’s based on the runes, and I liked how the author did his homework and used the right meaning for each rune and the complex archetypal meaning behind them.
This is a good historical fantasy, one that talks about cultural and religious clash.
It would be great to read what will happen to the heir of these characters as I think there’s still a lot I want to know about this world.
You will surely love this series if you love Gemmell or Gavriel Kay. As they are amongst my favorite fantasy writers consider it a sort of 10/5 * review
Many thanks to Second Sky for this digital copy, all opinions are mine

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Takes the reader on a page-turning thrill ride. Buckle up and hang on! A story that keeps you glued to it no matter what time of day or night it is.

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"Blood of Wolves" brings to an end what is possibly one of my favourite trilogies of all time. Plot, characters, setting, and not least of all the writing, have made this trilogy a stand-out series. I'm a little bereft now the end has come, but I can always reread the series (and I'm sure G.N. Gudgion has plenty more magic to offer readers!).

My thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley. This review was written voluntarily and is entirely my own, unbiased, opinion.

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I am absolutely gutted to have read the final book in this trilogy. I have adored these books a huge amount. From her humble beginnings, she has been on the run, evading those who believe in a new religion, Adelais is one who believes in the power of Runes, in the old Gods, in tradition, magic and superstition.

This final book continues on from the first two books as Adelais is trying to make her way to her homeland, she is caught up in politics, rivalries, religion, battles, war, skirmishes, ambushes, and so much more on her journey. As with each of the previous books, the runes are a central point and the links with ancient folklore are great. Mention of Odin, Thor, Feja, Valhalla and other Nordic and Icelandic Viking histories.

With this final book, there did seem to be more emphasis on the runes and I adored this a lot, it meant there was magic to this fantasy book that made it all the more special. Pitting this against the newer religion with hints and rumours of Christianity and the knight's templar just added to the action and adventure. Throughout the book there are those who believe that Adelais is a chosen one, someone special, she does have gifts but has not had training to use them.

This is a woman who wants a simple life, to settle down have a family and live her days loving and being loved. Instead, she has people surrounding her to protect her from death and she is also responsible for death as these two sides vie for the upper hand.

There are characters that are mentioned from the first book that are still around, although there will be some that will not make it to the end. The way the author deals with his characters is great and I was not able to guess which ones would get what they deserved. Keeping the reader on edge throughout made the story and characters just flow at a great pace. Another thing that I really liked was the flitting between characters' points of view, this meant that you could keep up with different sides of battles, negotiations and treasonous activities.

This has been a fabulous trilogy and one that I have adored. The way the author has brought together old traditions and folklore and weaved his characters and their lives has been a full-on adventure. I have loved each book and it has been a wonderful journey through this author's world and with his characters. Ideal for fans who are looking for a fast-paced, action-packed story that is well and truly in a medieval setting. It is one I would definitely recommend.

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Blood of Wolves is the epic conclusion of The Rune Song trilogy by G.N. Gudgion. This book is the culmination of the three book series, leading up to a war between the gods. Adelais, the main character of this series is a young woman who found herself thrust into a role which made her the figurehead of the northern army, determined to regain and protect their way of life, religion, and independence. They called her the prophecies “weaver of fates.” At the beginning of this journey, Adelais’ role in book 1 was a novice in the equivalent of a convent, where she had been sent by her father as punishment for intimacy with a priest in training. She was far from home in a land where worship of the “old gods” would label a person a heretic and result in burning at the stake. Circumstances found her having to fight for her life and that of her companions on many occasions using any weapon she had in her arsenal, including rune magic. When she finally reached safety at the end of book 2, she sought refuge with a Duke in her homeland. He was determined to use her to rally others to his banner to fight to defend their country from further invasion by the Ischyrians. Even though all Adelais really wanted was to find a man, get married and have some babies, she was tasked with rallying others to the Duke’s side to defend their country. Whether or not she wanted it, Adelais was destined for greatness and the whole world was watching as the “One God” of the Ischyrians, similar to a Christianity in many ways including the name, and the “Old Gods,” those from Viking mythology, move inexorably toward a battle that could destroy them all. I recommend this book for lovers of fantasy and fantasy romance novels. It was exhilarating to read this well written novel about a strong, resourceful, and powerful young woman with such a huge heart, despite the numerous hardships she experienced along this journey. I loved it and you will too. I am voluntarily writing this honest review after reading an advanced complementary copy of this book thanks to Netgalley and Second Sky Books.

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Blood of Wolves is the third book and conclusion of GN Gudgion’s Rune Song trilogy.

The aspect I love the most about this story is the character development. Adelaide is reluctant to learn if she is genuinely the örlaga vefari or the chosen one spoken of by prophecy. Her family, friends, and supporters insist that she is that long-awaited leader who can deliver victory. But she struggles with being swept along in the tide of battles for power between the medieval monarchies, the corrupt clergy, and the northern tribes of the land. I could empathize with her desire to live a simple village life rather than take on the responsibility of being the hero. Her decision between being a maiden or becoming the örlaga vefari drives the story and held my attention with its pacing and tension.

I love the magic in this story. Adelaide draws her power from rune magic, which originates from Norse-style gods, and uses the scrying of runes to call the powers of nature and emotions. The runes are treated similarly to astrology, where the runes can have varying interpretations and effects on the past, present, and future.

The themes of family and friends shape the plot and drive the tension between good and evil. Gudgion’s characters embody not only the traditional saints and devil archetypes we love in the fantasy genre, but he is also a master of those who fall into the spaces between. The women are strong and courageous. The men are thoughtful and contemplative.

This is a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy.

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Blood of Wolves is the epic conclusion of the Rune Song Trilogy and was every bit as good as the previous two volumes.
Adelais has finally managed to reach her homeland but instead of finding the refuge that she craved, she finds that she is still the focal point for both sides of the conflict. The Vrieslanders see her as an instrument of the gods who will help them reclaim their lands while the Galman Lords see her as a threat to their religion and are determined to deal with her at any cost. Adelais is living in the castle for her own safety, not a prisoner but not allowed out either. When she does manage to leave the confines of her tower room, an assassination attempt on her takes place proving that she is not safe even here.
The world building in this final book is just as good as in the earlier ones. Now we travel to the far north where the country is wilder. The influence of Norse mythology and the Vikings is very strong in this story and we are a long way from the court and the organised religion that we saw so much of in Book 2. Adelais is travelling to the home of Rune magic in hope that she can find some answers about her destiny. She goes in the company of Jarl Magnus and his son Hjalmar
The story is told through several points of view. At first we get to see through Adelais’ eyes and also those of Gauthier Ferrau, an assassin who has been hired to get rid of Adelais. I enjoyed seeing the action through his eyes as it’s always fun seeing how the bad guy looks at things. As the book progresses, we get to see events at court through the eyes of the priest Taillefer. We also get some chapters from the view of Fylgia, the spirit who is looking after Adelais. I loved these chapters with their hints of the gods’ involvement.
Adelais is still the centre of the story and I loved her character every bit as much as before. She is still young and feels her own inexperience especially with regard to her own magic. However, she has already met with a lot of tragedy and violence and that affects her judgement and decisions in this book. There is a big emphasis on whether or not she is the foretold who will unite the people of Vriesland but she is very reluctant to play the part that those in power want her to. Adelais wants to be able to use her power to heal rather than kill but that vision seems as though it will be impossible to fulfil. She is also reluctant to allow any one else to get close to her after losing nearly all of the people that she loved.
The book contains battles and fights aplenty together with political intrigue and betrayals. It builds to a dramatic climax which I hadn’t anticipated and ends with a conclusion that I felt really worked
This is a fantastic epic fantasy series and I thoroughly recommend that you read the previous two volumes and then finish with this glorious conclusion to the trilogy.
Many thanks to Net Galley and the publishers, Second Sky, for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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The Last book in this epic and omg what a read. Another real page turner, action packed bloody battles. Great storytelling and great characters who I feel I really know. Intrigue at court and beyond is only the beginning to the climax of this fantastic series. Highly, highly recommended.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the Arc in return for an honest review.

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This has been an amazing trilogy. I have been captivated and completely absorbed the whole way through. An amazing cast of characters who all seemed so real. The conclusion felt like a tribute to two very strong women in a world of men.

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