Member Reviews

I feel terrible for not being able to give good feedback to this book, however, I could not for the life of me avoid dnf this book. I was expecting to quite enjoy it, but the writing fell a bit flat for me and I found the character extremely annoying and unlikeable - and maybe the author did this on purpose, but it wasn't for me.
I hate not finishing a book, especially given the fact that I have to review it afterwards, but I didn't find the book compelling, or peharps it's a case of right book, wrong reader.
It touches such important subjects and it seemed to have the perfect ingredients to make me fall in love with it, and I might consider picking it up at some other time, but right now I don't feel like this is the book for me.

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While I think the message of this book was extremely important, I wasn't the biggest fan of the execution. My biggest problem is that there wasn't a whole lot that happened plotwise. And with it being told from 4 POV's, I felt like we skipped over some things a bit too quickly.

The key point of this book is how people's words and actions can affect a person's mental wellbeing, but that didn't feel like enough to hold up an entire book. I wish there was something more that went into the plot that supported what is arguably a really important message.

I also felt like the characters weren't strong enough to draw me in immediately. I didn't like any of them for the first almost half of the book. While the character arc for Alfie and Vanessa brought me around to them by the end, it was a bit rushed for them going from horrible to likeable. I would have liked to spend more time seeing them form into the strong family unit that they ended up being by the end.

The narrative also started to feel a bit repetitive. It was the same worries and thoughts for the majority of the book. Again, I think had there been another major storyline, it would have felt a bit more balanced and interesting.

Overall, I think this was a big insight into how words and actions can affect someone, especially knowing that this was a reflection of the authors personal experience. I just think I was expecting something different to what this ended up being. It was a super quick read though and although it wasn't my favourite, I don't regret reading it.

Thank you to Netgalley and Hera Books for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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In "Finding Our Family," I had the privilege of receiving an ARC from NetGalley, allowing me to delve into a story that explores themes of family, acceptance, and the challenges faced by a blended family in a small countryside community. Written from the alternating perspectives of the four family members, it was intriguing to experience their unique viewpoints. However, this approach sometimes limited the opportunity to explore events beyond the home, such as Vanessa's relationship and the play.

Despite this, the book effectively conveys the emotional impact of small but hurtful comments on one's identity and the pressure to conform to societal expectations. It reminds us of the damaging effects of homophobia and stereotypes and emphasizes the importance of acceptance and inclusivity.

The characters in the story felt remarkably genuine and engaging, making it easy to connect with their experiences and emotions. The challenges faced by Jim, Marc, Vanessa, and Alfie in their blended family resonate with anyone who has experienced the complexities of such relationships. As someone who appreciates stories about different ways people build families, "Finding Our Family" was a delightful read that I thoroughly enjoyed.

This book serves as a reminder that while progress has been made in accepting diverse identities, homophobia still exists, and there is much work to be done. The story ultimately conveys a message of hope and a changing world with increasing acceptance and understanding.

Charlie Lyndhurst's portrayal of the struggles and triumphs of this blended family is heartwarming and uplifting. As a stepmother myself, I could relate to their journey and appreciated the authenticity with which the author portrayed the challenges and rewards of blended families.

In conclusion, "Finding Our Family" is a beautifully written narrative that addresses important themes of acceptance and the complexities of family dynamics. It sheds light on the ongoing battle against homophobia while delivering a heartwarming story of love and unity within a blended family. My gratitude to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC of this remarkable book. Five stars for this compelling story that speaks to the heart.

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Absolutely loved this book!

The authors writing style is amazing!

I look forward to reading more from them!

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Thanks to @netgalley for the opportunity to read this.

Happily married Marc & Jim move to the small village of Cloverleaf Green ready to start a new life. Will they be accepted by the locals & will Marc's daughter Vanessa settle in?

To add to the struggle Jim's son Alfie has to move in & with Alfie & Vanessa disliking each other things won't be easy.

This was a cute read about family dynamics & opinionated neighbours.


#ad #arc #books #bookstagram #netgalley

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This is definitely a book we shall be shouting about. The voice was strong and writing compelling and original.

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"Finding Our Family" by Charlie Lyndhurst is a touching exploration of the power of kinship, resilience, and the unbreakable bonds that unite us. Lyndhurst's narrative introduces readers to a diverse cast of characters, each grappling with their own family dynamics and personal challenges. As they embark on a journey of self-discovery, their paths unexpectedly converge, and a unique family emerges. The author's keen insight into human nature and relationships lends depth and authenticity to the story.

Lyndhurst's writing is marked by its emotional depth and a vivid sense of place, transporting readers to the heart of the characters' struggles and triumphs. "Finding Our Family" is a compelling tale that underscores the importance of connection and understanding in a complex world. This heartwarming novel serves as a reminder that family can be found not only in blood but in the shared experiences that bind us all.

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Searching for a fresh start after getting married, Marc and Jim, along with Marcโ€™s daughter, Vanessa, move from London to a new development in a small countryside community. The community isnโ€™t readily taking to the new residents, and theyโ€™re especially cold to Marc and Jim, offended that the couple is supposedly ruining the โ€œtraditionalโ€ ideals they have for the area. Plus, Jimโ€™s adult son, Alfie, ends up having to move in and immediately butts heads with Vanessa. Working out the logistics of this new blended family, while facing disapproval from the community, the household has to come together to support each other and make a true home for themselves.

Written in alternating POVs from each of the four family members, I enjoyed getting to read everyoneโ€™s different perspectives. However, I felt this also meant that I missed out on a lot of the events that didnโ€™t happen in the home, for the most part. For example, Vanessaโ€™s relationship and the play. It sometimes felt repetitive since it was more confined, and I think I wouldโ€™ve appreciated more time dedicated to the unique experiences of each family member. Or just more time letting the familial relationships naturally develop, if we were just going to focus on the family as a unit. I do think this book did a good job of showing how damaging even the smallest comments can be when they criticize who you are at your core. And how conforming and trying to fit into the small box others allow you makes you lose yourself entirely.

Thank you to Hera Books and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a very enjoyable read, that combined a feel good vibe with some depth and seriousness too.

I found the character development of Marc and Alfie to be the most effective. For Marc, I loved how it showed the pains and perils, but also the rewards of being yourself, when yourself can be in itself an overt political position. His depression and attempts at limiting himself were thoughtfully and carefully drawn and I was constantly drawn to and caring for him. In comparison Lyndhurst did a great job in taking Alfie, a character who appeared thoroughly unpleasant at first, and giving him depth and range, whilst maintaining the realism of his characterisation.

The ending possibly edged just a little too into the unfeasible side of optimism for my cynical soul, but I also understand the desire for a HEA that involves the whole community, so I did my best to swallowed my cynic.

A book full of heart!

*Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free ARC*

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Solid book about blended families and the challenges facing those who may be considered outsiders in small towns.

For me, the multiple POVS were a little confusing at times, but that is a me thing I suspect. I prefer to have a story from only one or two perspectives.

Good story.

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Newlyweds, Marc and Jim, along with Marc,'s 18 year-old daughter, Vanessa are moving from London, to the small village of Cloverley Green. Unexpectedly, Jim's 23 year-old son, Alfie ends up having to move in too.

The new step-siblings clash; the village isn't completely accepting of their family. Was loving to Clovery Green all a mistake?

This contemporary novel is a great read for readers of the lgbt community and allies alike.

The small ways homophobia can show really resonated with me, sometimes it really is just small little comments, if they are well meaning.

They coming together of a blended family with adult children is not something we see in literature much.

Really solid, good character development with great growth.

Looking forward to reading more of Lyndhurst's work in the future.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this e-book. I loved seeing the family dynamic in the book. I really enjoyed the characters and watching them grow.

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Many queer individuals migrate to cities to live as who they want to be. Others don't. Or like the characters here, they take a chance and move away from the metropolis to see what the countryside, with its apparent lack of diversity, can offer. This, in a nutshell, is the gist of Charlie Lyndhurst's book.

It's a live issue, one that can affect people deeply, yet not enough, on its own, to drive a novel. I kept reading with thoughts that the same points, the same observations, could be made as the background to something else. A something else with more drama, more meat.

So, it's obviously not my kind of book. The general writing and dialogue are fluid and believable. On the other hand, there's little sense of place. Real or imagined, a reader should feel a live connection to wherever a story is set. It's even more important when there's not a huge amount going on. That didn't happen for me. Nor did I particularly care about the principal characters and their journeys. Again, maybe it's me.

If you're in search of a quiet, very English story where not much happens, this might be your thing. Or not.

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This book was delightful and life affirming. I am not surprised, as I loved Charlie Lyndhurst's previous book, "The Lonely Hearts Lido Club." Lyndhurst is good at writing characters you wished you could know in real life with pages that make you smile. Highly recommended. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Finding Our Family
by Charlie Lyndhurst
This is a perfect book for me,.,I Loved the family dynamics and how any family can be all they should.

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4* A nice tale, with 2 'kids' that I hadn't expected to be as decent as they were.

I wasn't sure what to expect from this book, not recognising the CL name as being Liam Livings, whose name I'm familiar with, but not his works. I liked the idea that it was set in the UK, and not in London, as most tend to be and I liked the idea that it might be something other than sex at the heart of it, which was the case.

It was a very ordinary tale, which I mean as a compliment, not a cuss. No major ups or downs, though there were times in the tale that there was what felt like reasonable drama and reactions to some quite unpleasant prejudices, but even those prejudices were done British-style, without the utter vitriol and Karen'ism that we see with so much stuff in US-based tales. It's the kind of book that drew me in because of its believability, because of the realness of its characters, and because I didn't know what to expect. It was in a way, a slice of village life, and it was a look at what counts outside of London. Having lived outside of London, though in a town, not a village, and having met racial prejudice disguised as curiosity and 'I don't really get it', I could empathise with Marc.

What I was taken aback by, was how much of a turnaround Alfie turned out to be, organically. At first, I didn't like him at all, with his cheeky chappie attitude, with how he treated his family, and with how little he seemed to do and yet always fell on his feet, but he grew on me. He had heart. Vanessa had heart. Jim had heart. Marc had huge heart, and even Jim's ex-wife and her husband had heart. Again, all of this was very British and understated (except for Marc who seemed to bear the brunt of what came their way from the locals) and believable. Vanessa wasn't the spoilt NA that I thought she'd end up be, and how she bit her tongue over the apples that seemed to fall into Alfie's lap with him often doing sweet FA, I don't know. Her growing and changing relationship with him, together with how Alfie changed, were a delight to read, and sorry for the overuse of the word, came across as believable and organic.

Some parts were a little unbelievable, like the utterly happy families episode at the end, but the tale was so satisfying - like a cup of tea after a day out, or on a rainy day with a biscuit or two - that I'd happily suspend disbelief for that. I didn't quite manage to do the same with the slight feel of wokeness that felt as if it had been inorganically dumped in, where the people who'd gossiped about Marc and his family were not only shown the error of their ways, but plans were put in place to prevent things such as this from happening again. The intentions were great, but this was pretty heavyhanded and didactic and detracted from what had felt like a very organic and believable tale so far. It felt like a lesson of sorts was being 'forced' on the reader. It was a tad unreasonable for there not to be some 'baddies' in this tale, as IRL, there are always shades of 'baddies'ness', and this is what lost it 1* for me. Had the tale not tried too hard to be a shade of woke here - I'm all for people being educated and doing the right thing and owning up to their mistake and learning from them - but it needs to be organic. Still, it was a solid 4* read, and not something built around the tropes of needing copious MM sex in a MM-orientated book to make it work.

Separately, I sent CL a tiny feedback about a small but important 'hole' in one tiny part of the tale, and he was gracious with his thanks, so that's a plus in my book, no pun intended.

ARC courtesy of NetGalley and Hera books, for my reading pleasure.

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Reading books about how people build families is a passion of mine. I love all the many ways that people can welcome children into their lives. Finding Our Family was an awesome example of the type of story that I devour. The writing was really good and the subject was spot on for my interests. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Five stars.

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I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this book because the characters were so real and so engaging.

Having grown up and been a young adult when homosexuality was still illegal, Iโ€™ve always been aware of and horrified by the traumas experienced by my gay friends, this book sadly reminds us that homophobia hasnโ€™t gone away but thankfully the overall message is of a changing world with far more people showing an inclusive acceptance and understanding which has to be the way forward.

I loved this blended family. As a step mother I totally understand the problems, challenges and rewards of blended families - so I loved the story of Jim, Marc, Vanessa and Alfie - who demonstrated the complex relationships and their effects on the family so touchingly.

Congratulations to Charlie Lyndhurst for writing such a heartwarming and uplifting story.

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I loved this story! Told from four POVs (Marc, his husband Jim, his daughter Vanessa and stepson Alfie). The family moves away from London to a small village, in the hope to find a community there but instead are faced with prejudices. Even though it is overall a lovely story with a happy end, it does get quite heavy in between because of how Marc suffers under the homophobia.
The family dynamics were wonderful, and it was nice to read a story about grown up queer characters and how they formed their family. The two kids at first are not happy to live together (Alfie is rather infuriating at the beginning) but a lot of character growth happens and in the different POVs you learn to love each character.

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I was really interested in this ARC as it seemed like it reflected a dynamic which isnโ€™t seen as often in media and I really enjoyed it.

The characterisation was really good and the tension as you move into a new village with a very specific social dynamic felt very real.

It did feel like there were unresolved questions around Colin and that otherwise everything tied itself up in a neat bow which didnโ€™t necessarily ring true with a realistic situation. Still a really enjoyable read and I would recommend.

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