Member Reviews

From the beginning this book had a sort of Midsomer Murders vibe to it – in a good way! I didn't think I was gonna like either Vanessa or Alfie, both being so absorbed by themselves... and yet..

The scene with the Facebook group gossiping and the next with Marc being in the shower almost made me cry. What a shitty world we live in, life is hard enough as it is... people being judgmental. An invisible hierarchy making us feel like we're not good enough. With 'us' I mean people in general, no matter what label you (voluntarily or involuntarily) identify with. How come it is so normal to be othering?!
So yeah, as you might have guessed, for me this book is not just about stereotypes and homophobia and deserves a place on my being-good-enough bookshelf on Goodreads.

I'm happy to have found this new-to-me author who hopefully will one day write about ableism or (as we're on the subject of stereotypes, nothing to do with being gay) knitting in the same gentle manner :)

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of the book.

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