Member Reviews

I really liked this one! This book had many twists and turns I wasn’t expecting. It all begins with Katelyn and Leah meeting through school as friends. Katelyn has a complicated mother and Leah and her family take her under their wing, and a true friendship is formed. Or so you think, fast forward to years later and it all begins to unravel. Katelyn throws herself a 36th Birthday party and that’s where things start to really heat up.
I found this to be a quick, hard to put down book, because I needed to know what was going to happen next.
Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC.

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I’m still not sure how i feel about this book. I was definitely reading in anticipation to see what happened BUT there were a lot of plot holes and the ending felt rushed and fell flat.

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I was really excited about this book. I loved the premise, but it fell a bit flat for me. I kept waiting for some huge twist that never came, and didn’t care for the ending. This is a great book for someone who is new to thrillers/suspense books! Thanks NetGalley for the ARC!

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Leah and Katelyn have been best friends since they were 6. Katelyn had a difficult childhood when she was taken care of by Leah’s parent and they basically became sisters. They went thru life together; marriage, divorce, infertility, depression … one always being there for the other. Cleaning up after Her 36th birthday party (not sure why the number is significant but it’s mentioned a few times throughout the book), Katelyn starts acting strangely. She is rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with TGA, Transient Global Amnesia, that can be brought on by stress. As she tries to unravel the mystery of what happened, secrets lies and betrayal come to light. Can anyone be trusted?

The premise was so intriguing to me, the cover inviting. Unfortunately I was disappointed in the execution. Told in 3rd person, with alternating Leah and Katelyn’s current, young and mid story. It was easy to keep track of and usually I would have enjoyed it, somehow this just didn’t work. It was slow moving and disjointed. I really couldn’t connect with any of the characters.

Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for this ARC. This is my honest opinion.

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So disappointed--honestly I quit at 55 %. Both females got on my nerves. There was such potential when they met as children but as adults it was just too much entitled jealous predicatable behavior that got on my nerves. the back and forth between the chapters was so impersonal at one point I forgot whether I was readign about Leah or Katelyn and then realized it kind of didn't even matter. I just did not even care to get to the end as I disliked both of them as well as the men in their life. The only person I felt bad for was the little girl. Even both of their moms were unlikeable when I am sure only one was suppoed to be that way. IDK

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #Bookouture for the ARC #TheDayAfterTheParty by #NicoleTrope. This thrilling book about drama, secrets and friendships is amazing and I couldn’t put it down. Loved it!

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I really liked the premise of the story - it had strong characters and set up the suspense pretty quickly! For some reason, then the action just...stopped. It dragged on quite a bit to the point I had to keep putting it down. Once I got to about the 3/4 point, then it picked back up and I couldn't stop reading! From that point, it was nonstop action, drama, and cliffhangers! I would have preferred to see more writing like that throughout the middle of the novel. Other than that, I thought Katelyn was a great main character and the story had a great twist at the end! This is my first read from Trope but certainly not my last!

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It’s Katelyn’s 36th birthday party and everything is going to be amazing. All Katelyn’s friends and family are coming, the food and drink stations are ready, the decorations are up and the whole family is dressed perfectly.

Katelyn then wakes up in the hospital and has lost her memory, and the doctors are saying she has TGA.

Katelyn’s husband Toby, and best friend since childhood, Leah, are telling her everything is fine and “nothing” is wrong, but things are not adding up and they aren’t telling her the truth. She always knows when her husband is lying…

What really happened at the party?

This was a fun read, it had scandals galore, toxic relationships and lots of secrets.

I’ve been quite busy and stressed with work while reading this book, and I had such a hard time differentiating between Katelyn and Leah with this being written in third person, and dual POV. This has never happened to me before, but I am blaming the stress and not the writing. It did feel quite repetitive at times too and other times I wanted to know more but I was cut short.

Thank you NetGalley, Nicole Trope and Bookouture for allowing me to read this book before it’s release 📚💫

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“The perfect birthday or the perfect nightmare?”

The Day After the Party by Nicole Trope is a fast paced page turner I couldn’t put down. It kept me guessing until the very end.
The way this story slowly unfolds was very well done. I am a big fan of Nicole Trope’s books for the way she always writes really twisted situations and characters that are very interesting and this book did not disappoint!
A fast paced read that had me turning the pages as the intensity built, The Day After the Party is fun, entertaining and thoroughly addictive that had me hooked from the very first page. What a crazy ride! Absolutely brilliant. Loved every moment of it. And that ending...chilling.
Nicole Trope skillfully keeps readers engaged and guessing until she unveils her signature twist towards the end of the story

I would like to thank NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date in return for my honest review.

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This was interesting from a family drama perspective and less so as a thriller. I was interested, but not enough to feel a need to keep picking it up. I didn't find anything particularly surprising from a twists angle, but I genuinely enjoyed reading it.

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Oh My Gosh!!! I loved this book and the author of course. This book was well written and the plot was spot on. I ready this book in one sitting, and I'm not a fast paced reader. I can't wait to read more from her. The characters were so very likeable and I didn't have an ick like I do with some books Nicole knows what she is doing and I am here for it. Again this was such a good book. I will hopefully get approved for more from her.

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I truly didn't know what to expect was coming next in this book. That said, it was also slow at points and I found it hard to really get into. When I was about 75% done with the book, it really picked up, and I found it hard to put down. This was an unpredictable thriller, that had so many turns and was a different format than I usually seek out.

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Book Review 📚
The Day After The Party by Nicole Trope - 4.5/5 ⭐

I was sold by the cover alone. I just knew this was going to be a thriller of sorts and I wasn't wrong. It was absolutely amazing. There was nothing that was predictable in the stort and it kept me guessing the whole way through.

I loved the dual timelines, it really opened up the book from a different perspective and was thoroughly enjoyable. It's the perfect kind of book you want to read in one sitting because you have this dire need to know what's happening and where it's going.

Trope has a brilliant written style and was able to keep me on my toes throughout the book and I loved the twists and turns that kept coming my way.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookoture for allowing me to read this ARC - this is an HONEST review from my own personal opinion.

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Katelyn celebrates her 36th birthday at a big birthday bash at her house but she wakes up in the hospital with no memory of the past 24 hours.

Told in alternating perspectives between Katelyn and her best friend and her husband. Someone is lying and something bad happened at the party but what is it?

I didn't love this novel. I thought it was a big predictable and the ending was a let down.

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An interesting slant on an old story. Lifelong friends, betrayals, post natal depression, job loss, marriage, divorce, jealousy etc etc. However this book’s usp is that one friend has an episode after her birthday party brought on by stress and can’t recall anything that happened at the party - and boy many things happened!
I liked that the chapters were written from different povs and different timelines. The relationship between the two girls evolved from age six for thirty years. However I felt the characters were a little two dimensional and some of the most traumatic moments were skimmed over. The tension at the end was well written and overall I enjoyed this book.

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Kateyln and Leah have been best friends for thirty years, but all might come to a head the day after Katelyn’s 36th birthday party when she finds herself lying in a hospital bed with no memory of the night before.

With alternating viewpoints and snapshots of Kateyln and Leah’s friendship through the years, we move forward in time and see how Katelyn, her husband, Toby, and Leah deal with the trauma of a surprise event that took place at the party, ultimately causing Kateyln’s memory loss.

This was a fun and fast-paced page turner that kept my attention, but I felt like the ending was a bit rushed. I do look forward to reading other books by this author.

Thank you to Nicole Trope, Bookouture and NetGalley for an advance e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This one was fast paced and kept me guessing! The action felt like it was nonstop from the start. There was all sorts of lies and secrets I never knew who to trust. The ending was intense and I was nervous how it would all conclude.

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Loved the cover, loved the twists, loved the characters, loved this book.
Highly highly recommend reading this book!

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I wanted to know what all the hype was re this book and it really didn't disappoint it was such an addictive domestic thriller which kept me entertained for an afternoon. At first I wasn't sure about the two different timelines but then they made complete sense and it worked so well. It didn't go where I thought but that was really good, I find it brilliant when books surprise me and just loved it.

I was given an advance copy by netgalley and bookouture but the review is entirely my own.

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Katelyn smiles around at her husband and friends, gathered to celebrate her thirty-sixth birthday in their beautiful home decorated with fairy lights. But the next day Katelyn wakes up shaken and terrified in a hospital bed. She doesn’t remember the party at all..........

Told in dual points of view, this is a gripping psychological thriller with enough twists and turns to keep you guessing throughout. This is one of those books that you just fly through because it has you on the edge of your seat as the tension builds. If you like your books to have secrets and lies, unreliable narrators and a unique plot then this is for you.

Highly recommend!

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