Member Reviews

Thankyou to NetGalley and Bolinda for a free e-arc in exchange of an honest review!

I loved this book... but i knew i would as it was a great continuation of the first book in the series which i also loved!

The atmosphere in this is great
Its easy reading
Interesting world and setting
Great characters
AND a nice mystery element that we are still trying to figure out

The audio book is done really well- the narration is strong and how i would imagine the characters.

Looking forward to the next!
4 stars

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I really enjoyed this YA fantasy sequel that was fast paced and full of mystery! I was so glad Winnie and her family are now excepted back in with the Wednesdays! I enjoyed Jay and Winnie’s chemistry and budding romance. I’m not sure if this is going to be a trilogy, but I feel like there are still things I hope get answered in the next book! The narrator was good and easy to listen to!

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Firstly, thank you to NetGalley and Bolinda Audio for letting me listen to the audio ARC of The Hunting Moon by Susan Dennard. The following review is my own opinion.

The Hunting Moon picks up right after the ending of The Luminaries, which was a nice transition, especially as I had just finished reading the first book, so for me it felt like I was reading an almost complete story. I do love when authors do this as it makes me as the reader feel more immersed into the world of the characters.

If you enjoyed the first book, the seconds are very similar, however, has a more in-depth look into the Forrest, the Nightmares, the Diana's, and the Luminaries. Which I loved. The first book had me asking way too many questions about the lore, so I'm grateful some of those were answered in the sequel.

However, the mystery the series tries to entice the readers with....predictable at every turn. One of them I even had figured out in the first book. The second in the first few chapters of this book. As someone who loves a good mystery that keeps me on the edge of my seat, this was a bit of a disappointment.

Nevertheless, the magic, mystical Nightmares, and the war between the Luminaries and Diana's continues to keep me intrigued and will make me want to continue the series more!

The narrator of the audiobook itself was fantastic as well. I have listened to both books as audio's, with the same narrator, and they just encapsulate the story so well. I do recommend sitting back, doing some hobby work, and listening away!

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I was lucky enough to be approved for both the eARC and the Audiobook which allowed me to be completely absorbed in this book all day.
I loved the first instalment in this series and The Hunting Moon drops us two weeks after where we left off at the end of The Luminaries.
I honestly felt like I’d never left Hemlock Falls. Winnie remains a brilliant and engaging protagonist as she has to deal with the fallouts from book one, the mysterious note from her father, PTSD from her trials, and Jay whatever that is. Not that she cares...
Dennard’s writing is atmospheric and the world of Hemlock Falls is so well built, so vivid I can almost smell it coming off the page, Sooz has a real gift for World building and characterisation. Jay, feels like a real teenage boy making idiot choices just as Winnie is consumed by her own problems and trying to navigate her own trauma- I love the way she's relearning friendships and the way her friends are adapting to the way the trials have affected her.
The twists and bombs are expertly plotted and detonated and the epilogue left me screaming into Susan's DM's when I was horrified to find l'd run out of pages and had to wait for the next book for the ever growing list of theories I need confirming.

The audiobook narration by Caitlin Davies is outstanding. Her voice is crisp and clear and I swiftly forgot I was listening to a narrator and became utterly absorbed as I completed my list of household chores. This for me is the best indicator of good audiobook narration that I'm not distracted or jarred by their voice!

Honestly this series is brilliant and if you want darkly magical forests, monsters, mystery, intrigue, slow burn romance, and incredible supportive friendship dynamics get on this amazing series.

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It is *so* hard to do a good middle book in a trilogy and give it a decent ending which doesn't feel forced, fake or disappointing, but Dennard has nailed it in this book. Spoiler alert - stop reading this now if you haven't read the book - but I'd known what Jay was since book one, so it was great to have that reveal finally happen in a natural way. Debatable whether or not Rachel should have survived, and the epilogue with the crow was excellent. I now have strong suspicions about Erica, and I cannot wait for the final installment. Loving this series so much.

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I'll start by saying I'm really glad I listened to the audio of The Hunting Moon, the narrator was great & when the pacing slowed, which it did on a couple of occasions, it didn't feel too long as the audio kept moving along.

The story picked up immediately following The Luminaries, which had left us with lots of questions, & it was good to be straight back into things. I think I was expecting to be left with answers, & we get some, but now I have even more questions & theories running around my head.

This is a solid read, an entertaining middle book & I'm looking forward to the final installment & having all my questions answered.

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The Hunting Moon is book 2 in the Luminaries serie. We still follow Winnie as she figures out her new status in the clans after her werewolf encounter in book 1.
As in he first book, we get some forest experiences full of monsters.
And Jay and Winnie have to work together, which... yes please!
As much as YA can be hit or miss fo me, this was very good!
The Audiobook narrator is very good and I enjoyed the experience.
*Thanks NetGalley and Bolinda Audio for access to this audiobook against an honest review.*

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I really enjoyed this. It was a quick, young YA listen, perfect for Autumn/Hallowe’en/Samhain, and the narrator, Caitlin Davies kept it clipping along at a lively pace. Susan Dennard certainly has talent for creating worlds – settings, inhabitants, magic systems, and sociology. So much so, that I was lost in the Luminaries’ world.

When I was granted the digital audiobook, I immediately went and bought the first novel on audiobook too, to savour the series so far. And I was glad that I did; Dennard’s continuity is seamless. In fact, I really think the two Luminaries novels should have been one book, because I did find the ending of the first novel quite abrupt.
I’d say to potential readers that, whilst it is possible to follow the story in this, the sequel, without having read the first book (Dennard does a good job of recapping), I definitely found it easier to settle into the world and its customs and conventions having had the introduction to Winnie Wednesday and the entire backstory of Hemlock Falls in Book One, ‘The Luminaries’. In fact, the detail level on the ‘Nightmares’ (a.k.a. monsters), the Dianas, and spell-work, in Book Two is quite dense, and involved, if you were coming to it fresh.

Winnie Wednesday is a marvellous example of character creation. Her voice is strong, robust, and I’m sure, will be super-charged in Book Three. Her internal struggles and the evolution of her emotional intelligence are written with sensitivity, and I felt invested in the development of her resilience as the story progressed.
I’m not sure about the success of [SPOILER ALERT] keeping Winnie’s character waiting so long to realise that Jay Friday is the werewolf. It was very obvious from early on in Book One. I wasn’t convinced that Winnie was as gullible or short-sighted as that made her seem, but I’ll think on this some more and see if I can tease out other ways in which Dennard might want Winnie to have so significant a lapse in ‘Hunter’ awareness (this also applies to the storyline of her father’s expulsion from the society, where she is similarly naïve.

The only other issue I experienced with the audiobook of ‘The Hunting Moon’ was the really dreadful glottal stop that Caitlin Davies demonstrates. I was sure I’d listened to her audiobook narrations before, and I’m aware she is highly lauded in her sphere, but this was so jarring at points that I was completely distracted from the story. There’s nothing wrong with a glottal stop, but Davies seems incapable of pronouncing the consonant t as a dental, even in words where I’ve never before heard the consonant t being replaced by a glottal stop. If you can look past (or listen beyond!) this, then the audiobook is fun and energetic.

My thanks to Bolinda Audio for the opportunity to listen to an advance digital copy of the audiobook prior to release.

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I'm sad to say I didn't enjoy the sequel as much as I loved The Luminaries. I think the main aspect I enjoyed in the first book was getting to know this world and all the dangerous nightmare creatures that inhabit the forest near Hemlock falls town. The scientific mind of Winnie Wednesday brought a fresh tone to the YA landscape and I enjoyed reading her POV in the Luminaries. The sequel however delves more into the inhabitants of Hemlock falls and their complicated ties rather than the nightmares. Winnie's mind is fully occupied with typical teenage issues and her thoughts were exhaustingly repetitive, which to be fair is probably also typical teenage behavior. There were times the plot felt dragged, but in contrast there were also times where I appreciated the forthright way the characters interacted with each other such as the scene where Winnie speaks to Jay about his "song" (won't go into specifics to avoid spoilers).

Also I disliked parts of the audiobook narration, such as when the characters imitate wolves howls as a mark of respect to Winnie, the howls could have been properly done instead of actually saying "aroo aroo"? Just a minor point but I'd have appreciated more realistic impression.

All in all I'd rate this 4 stars since the writing was good, issues were probably just my own nitpicks.

Special thanks to Bolinda Audio and Netgalley for providing me an advance copy of the audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book and the twists towards the end.
It did take me a bit to remind myself what happened in the last book so I could make the connections better in this one, but that’s totally on me ahah.
Loved the romance, the paranormal and teenage angst.

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A big shoutout to Netgalley for allowing me to review this book!

The Hunting Moon by Susan Dennard is the follow-up to her YA book The Luminaries. The story follows a group of people in America who are trained to hunt and kill the monsters that are spawned each night in the forest, before these monsters escape and kill innocents.

In book one we followed Winnie Wednesday who's family was cast out 4 years earlier because of her dad's actions, and it shows how she was attempting to get their family back into the good graces of the clan.

In book two we see some of her findings expanding even more, as some clues to her past are found and she realises that not everything is as she believes. And while she was busy dealing with her family's outcast position, her old friends also had their own struggles that they were going through.

Overall, the book was fun. It does suffer a little bit from 'middle book syndrome', since it's readying the plot for what happens next. But it was still an exploration and reminder of the fact that everyone has their own struggles. Winnie was so caught up in the fact that their family underwent a massive change and that none of her friends were there, that she didn't realise that they might also have their own problems.

To be honest, I would read anything that Susan Dennard writes, so I might be a little bit biased. But this was a good continuation of the plot, and it opened up a lot more questions that will hopefully be answered in the next book! Can't wait to read more!

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Thanks to NetGalley and publishers for the earc of The hunting moon by Susan Dennard.

I absolutely loved the first book and this, the second book didn’t disappoint. I’m hoping there’ will be a third book in the series. Team Winnie.

The narrator was perfect!

Thank you!

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Thank you publishers and NetGalley for this eARC I absolutely loved Luminaries, so I was hyped to read Hunting Moon and boy was I not disappointed.

I absolutely love the narrator on this series, she to me is the embodiment of Winnie Wednesday. Her mannerisms, sarcasm, and overall attitude is pegged down in this Author's tone.

I loved diving back into this world, I really like Winnie Wednesday and the way the book is written. It's still got that dry humour and the lavish world building, but the story takes an interesting turn, one that I thoroughly enjoyed. I wasn't expecting all the twists and turns and I really enjoyed reading them. I highly recommend this series to everyone.

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‘You either trust the forest or you don’t.’

An unputdownable sequel to ‘The Luminaries’ that is bound to have you hooked from the first page.

Winnie Wednesday has gotten everything she thought she wanted. She passed the deadly hunter trials, her family has been welcomed back into the Luminaries, and overnight, she has become a local celebrity. The Girl Who Jumped. The Girl Who Got Bitten. Unfortunately, it all feels wrong. For one, nobody will believe her about the new nightmare called the Whisperer that's killing hunters each night. Everyone blames the werewolf, even though Winnie is certain the wolf is innocent. On top of that, following her dad's convoluted clues about the Dianas, their magic, and what happened in Hemlock Falls four years ago is leaving her with more questions than answers. Then to complicate it all, there is still only one person who can help her: Jay Friday, the boy with plenty of problems all his own.

This book maintains an even pace, a quality I deeply appreciate. The mysteries introduced in the first instalment persist, weaving seamlessly into the narrative as Winnie embarks on a journey to discover her identity and her role in Hemlock Falls. The evolution of Winnie and Jay's relationship is expertly depicted as they grapple with their personal challenges, ultimately reuniting. Winnie's connection with the Wednesday clan, her circle of friends, reveals a new facet of her character and reinforces the idea that she isn't alone in life. Witnessing Winnie's growth throughout the book is truly remarkable. The concluding chapters had me at the edge of my seat, and I'm eagerly anticipating the future adventures in store for Winnie as this series continues to unfold.

‘The hunting moon’ is a masterful description of complex feelings after trauma. PTSD, disassociation, inability to enjoy what we previously loved and craved for. It is a story about creating friendships, trusting another even after we have been painfully let down many times before, allowing others to look after us and opening up to our friends. The lore and world building are incredible and the descriptions vivid and filled with emotion. Dare I say, I loved this one much more than the first novel and cannot wait to read the next instalment!

I thoroughly enjoyed the audiobook narration in this novel; it was a delightful experience that made the story come alive. The narrator's dynamic performance was not only engaging but also conveyed the emotional depth of the characters in a way that left me captivated. Each character's distinct voice and the narrator's ability to infuse the dialogue with genuine emotion added a layer of immersion that enhanced my connection to the story. Listening to this audiobook was not just a reading experience; it was a heartfelt journey that brought the narrative to life in a truly unforgettable way.

‘The hunting moon’ will be published on 7th November 2023

Tags: teens and YA, urban fantasy, magic, contemporary

Thank you NetGalley, Susan Dennard and Daphne Press for the ARC of ‘The hunting moon’.

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I’d like to thank NetGalley and Bolinda Audio for approving me for an ARC of this book. I read The Luminaries earlier this year, with my friend Bex, so we decided to audio this one together.

⭐We pick up where The Luminaries left off with Winnie Wednesday trying to piece together what happened at her last trial. I did find the pace at the start a little slower than I had hoped but I’m pleased to say it soon snowballed into a dramatic finale.

🐺Once again we are introduced to many monsters and creatures, all lurking within the forest. Winnie’s interactions with them were interesting, particularly the Willow of the Wisp. Whilst I had guessed the wolf’s identity I did enjoy the lead-up to the reveal and the events that followed.

📖During this book we learn more about the history of Hemlock Falls and the Diana’s. This gave me more questions and theories, particularly about the next book. Throughout the story, Winnie is clearly struggling with knowing what to do for the best. She’s conflicted in her loyalties and doesn’t know who she can really trust.

💗 This was another great addition to the series. I’m intrigued to see what happens next, especially after that final chapter!

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I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this book. It was an excellent page turner that I couldn’t put down. It’s full of twists and turns throughout that keel you on the edge of your seat. The characters were interesting, the plot was excellent, and the style of writing was perfect.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advance reader copy in audio format.
I have mixed feelings about this book. It is a nice easy read and I really like the concept behind the series with the trials and Nightmares. It has a fairytale crossed with horror vibe. This book was similar to the last in that nothing felt that resolved. It was just a little baby step forward but I think that is pretty typical of a YA trilogy as it can't be too overcomplicated.
I just struggle to like the MC a little bit. She has some 'I'm not like other girls' moments that I find very jarring. Also, not to be insensitive but Winnie really needs to get over the whole outcast thing. If I had a shot for every time she whined about how hard her life was and how unfair it was - I would need hospitalisation.
I enjoyed having an opportunity to listen to the book and it did bring the characters to life more but I can't say that I particularly wanted Winnie to be brought to life. The narrator did a great job though and I really enjoyed her audio.
All in all, I will be reading the next book to find out what happens but I can't say I'll be rushing to get to it that quickly.

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Book 2 of The Luminaries series does exactly what you would expect of the second book in a trilogy. It moves the story forward, adds depth to the characters, ties up one or two bits and pieces, and offers some lovely teasers for the next instalment.

The big reveal is probably not a massive surprise but helpful alongside Winnie’s changing perspective. I particularly appreciated the time taken to describe the nightmares and felt a bit disappointed that I didn’t get to see any of Winnie’s sketches (I received an advanced audiobook copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review) but thoroughly enjoyed revisiting her world and book 3 is defo on my watchlist.

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Thank you to NetGalley for this audio ARC.I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

I actually think this surpasses the Luminaries for me. It was so easy to jump back into this world, which made this so enjoyable. Winnie continues to grow as a character and a big theme throughout the book is her struggling with her identity, trying to navigate being a Wednesday and a Luminary. One thing that hasn't changed is her inability to take things at face value. Throughout this book the mystery continues to unfold and she refuses to accept that the werewolf that 'attacked her' is responsible. Going against the grain she it ultimately proven right in her conquest to find the truth. This is a testament to how strong Winnies moral compass is.

We get more of an insight into the mystery that is the Dianas. From their magic to the events that took place four years ago provided another layer to them and added to their intrigue. Dennard successfully weaves these aspects to create a brilliant suspenseful atmosphere.

I loved the expansion on the world building, I gave me as a reader a more enriching experience. The vividness in which Dennard describes the living forest combined the gothic atmosphere continues to be one of my favourite things about this series.

This was an entertaining instalment and I enjoyed the narration of this audiobook. I look forward to the next one.

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I absolutely loved listening to this audiobook!

I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this book, I enjoyed the luminaries but wasn’t sure where it was going to go next, I thought this was a duology but found at the end with the cliff hanger that is in fact not 😂

It was super fun to read and great for spooky season

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