Member Reviews

I think this is my favourite book in the series yet!
It's so fast paced, SO funny and ridiculous and I love reading these books!
I love all the characters and when someone almost dies, or does die its devastating because you feel like you know them.
And omg... Will and Zoey!!!! In the 2nd book I was like "Is there a thing there....? Is this just wishful thinking?" No- Now im like "Omg WHEN is this happening?!"
Im now holding my breath for the next one because I need to see them become a thing!

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 - Zoey is too Drunk for this Dystopia - Jason Pargin
This book is #3 in the Zoey Ashe series - I THINK it’s a trilogy but I am hoping there’s more to come. Each book could definitely be read as a stand-alone but I promise you, you will go back anyway because he’s a brilliant writer and you will want more (I want more).
The Zoey Ashe series follows Zoey as she takes finds herself inheriting her estranged father’s various businesses. To do so she has to move to Tabula Ra$a - the crime-fuelled city her father basically founded and got celebrity status from. This particular novel follows a two equally atrocious and corrupt men running for mayor; and Zoey and her people aiding one of them, whilst also doing their best to stop multiple other catastrophes.
The best way I can think of describing Pargin’s writing style is by referencing that TikTok trend that was like ‘NEVER LET THEM KNOW YOUR NEXT MOVE’. I also saw a review (can’t remember where) that called the series a mix between Margaret Atwood and Parks & Recreation and it’s SO true in a sense that the world-building is immaculate and terrifying and devastating, yet just plausible enough that you’re like 👀. And the Parks & Rec part because it’s just really really funny.
The Zoey Ashe universe is a beautifully crafted futuristic hellscape (haven for criminals) that I am obsessed with reading about but never EVER want to have to experience in real life (Pargin’s brain scares me).
All three books are out now!!! Please read them so I’m not just talking AT my bf about them!!

Tremendous fun and thoroughly enjoyable
So first, is this dystopia really in the future? It is set sometime after the current date and while there’s lots of eyewateringly murderous and creepy tech, who knows how far away that is? The main message hammered home with violence, humour, weird and wacky scams and Zoey herself, is that big money can do exactly what it wants so you’d best hope that rich people (like Zoey) are nice people too. Mostly, they aren’t.
Zoey is a wonderful character – ok it’s a little hard to believe she came from a mobile home background to horrifying riches and coped as well as she appears to (albeit with the help of a fair amount of alcohol and ‘the suits’; infamous and deeply suspect) – but nonetheless, it’s hard not to like her as she fields attempts on her life, astonishing attempts on her privacy, the wildly extreme and differing opinions of the public, several important and deeply unlikable public figures and her own small band of loyal employee/supporters; the aforementioned suits. Impressively, they also have characters and become increasingly likable as the plot, not so much thickens as ramifies, way beyond anything you might have imagined. Also impressive, the plot more or less resolves and not in an obvious way. Most of its ramifications are more or less tidied up.
This is one of those rare and wonderful books where I got to half a chapter or so and realised I was going to be happy reading it because there was nothing annoying and much to enjoy about the writing. And by then, I was going to finish it even if I hadn’t enjoyed the writing because I wanted to know what Zoey would do next.
Having finished it I’d really like to know what Zoey will do next – I’m going to look for a sequel.
I definitely recommend this and I’m grateful to NetGalley and Titan Books for the ARC. I will certainly be giving this book to other people for Christmas.

Lovely work and surprising plot.
Was expecting something slower paced. Delighted to have discovered this author and will read more from them

I’ve been seeing this book popping up a lot on my feed, so when I was given the chance to review it you can bet I jumped on it!
Zoey Is Too Drunk For This Dystopia is a fun read. I don’t know how else to describe it. But it feels almost wrong to enjoy what is essentially another commentary on the dangers and absurdity of social media culture as much as I did. It’s laugh out loud funny, almost too ridiculous to be believable, and still unbearably clever. You can read through the book just enjoying the story if you want - but you can also read through the story and realise that, like most dystopian narratives, this is a cartoonish reflection of our own society, just with all the flaws magnified into absurd proportions.
It’s everything a good modern dystopian story should be, but for me it doesn’t quite compare to the big hitters of the genre such as 1984. But for a fun, modern stab at the genre, the latest instalment in the Zoey Ashe series is a fun romp through a not-quite-apocalyptic-but-still-pretty-bad future.