Member Reviews

Whenever I'm in the mood from epic writing, great banter, and a swoon worthy male lead that will make me fall in love while simultaneously making me want to junk punch him - L.J. Shen is my go-to author.

Her witty take on pop culture, beautifully illustrative writing, and ability to make her characters jump off the page are the reasons she's one of my go to authors. This book is no different! It's a super fun take on the gold digger who is unapologetically herself and the secret billionaire who haplessly falls for her.

Throw in a fake engagement
An awful ex fiance
Loads of family drama
And secrets galore

How could I not love this one?! Highly recommended.

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LJ Shen really knows how to write an entertaining story.

I liked the premise of this book, but it didn’t deliver as well as I would’ve liked.

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I have read quite a few books by this author in the past, which I have all quite enjoyed. This book, however wasn’t my cup of tea. I find the main characters not very like able. And the implied cheating kind of ruined it for me.

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Cold Hearted Casanova touches on many genres - grumpy sunshine, fake marriage, age-gap.

Daphne (Duffy) Markham had a childhood in the UK that she does not like to dwell on; she was bullied throughout high school for her weight and because she did not dress in brands like most students. This caused her to watch what she eats and work hard to ensure she could buy the necessary brands. Now that she has finished college, she only wants to stay in the USA and marry someone rich. She thought she had those things covered with her wealthy boyfriend, BJ. However, he surprised her with his announcement; instead of a marriage proposal, he was going away for six months to be with the monks. This unexpected turn of events left Duffy reeling. Her work visa is also in jeopardy because her boss has found a new job and will not need her anymore.

Riggs Bates is a billionaire, a very handsome one at that, but looking at the way he dresses and the fact that he sleeps on his friend's couches, no one would ever think that. His belief that money is not the key to happiness guides his choices, and he lives life on his terms. He works as a travel photographer for Discover magazine. This allows him to see the world and take photos as he sees fit.

When Duffy catches her boss in a compromising situation with Riggs, she tries to blackmail them by proposing that Riggs marry her so that she can get her green card. Riggs only accepts this offer a few days later, and his boss wants him to take an assignment that he does not want because he is single. Now, Riggs wants to accept Duffy's plan.

The two move in together to learn about each other for interview purposes. They realise that their initial impressions of each other could be better. As they talk about their past, they each understand the other more. The attraction and chemistry they have for each other have also developed. Now, this fake marriage is starting to feel real. Can they move past the initial fakeness and show each other real love?

This story is very well written; the plot and characters flow so much it is a page-turner.

Reasons I enjoyed this book:
Easy-to-readEntertainingUnpredictableWonderful characters

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You can always and I do need always count on L.J.Shen to delivery the best spicy stories.

Oh Lord I adored this book, it has everything I look foward in a book: good spicy scenes; billionaire romance and morally grey mmcs.

This book nailed in everysingle trope and I found myself adored not only the fmc and the mmc but them as a couple and all the side characthers - Amazing to read.

I couldn't put it down and I found myself not sleeping just to finish the book!

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Cold Hearted Casanova is the third book in the Cruel Castaways series, but it can be read as a standalone.

Daphne “Duffy” needs to get married so she can get her green card and stay in the United States. She also wants to marry someone with money so she’ll never have to worry about finances.

Riggs Bates is a f*ckboy, never once having fallen in love, and mocking his friends for doing so. He’s also a billionaire, but he never mentions it; in fact, he pretends to not have money.

With an LJ Shen novel, I know I’m going to get angst, emotions, bada** characters, and characters that I slowly grow to love.

Duffy was dubbed a golddigger by Riggs, and sure, she did want to be with someone who had money. But that was because of her past. But she still had such a big heart, and especially for those she loved. She was tough and fierce too, because she didn’t just let people walk all over her.

Riggs was really cocky and rude in the beginning. But he was also a little broken and very guarded. And when he fell, he fell hard.

These two had so much chemistry, and they were so good for each other. They helped each other heal from their pasts and also get closure they never knew they needed.

There was a little twist that I honestly didn’t see coming. I just wasn’t expecting it. But it made sense for the storyline.

Anyway, this was another great book by LJ Shen. I haven’t read the previous books, so I’ll be going back to read them.

Dislike to Love
Marriage of Convenience
(Secret) Billionaire
Reformed Playboy
Forced Proximity

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This book was a delightful blend of laughter and heartache. The electric chemistry and witty banter between Riggs and Duffy made their journey towards love both hilarious and touching. This romance is a perfect mix of humor, emotion, and steamy chemistry, making it a must-read!

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The trope of fake fiance/husband is one of my favorites and I thought it was clever to use the expiring visa as the crux/problem of this novel. LJ Shen always writes a fantastic romance novel that's filled with the right amount of spice, sex, and sweetness to appeal to all.

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Cant go wrong with this author, never ever! This book is a sort of guilty pleasure. It follows Duffy, a young woman whose poverty-ridden childhood has left her determined to marry well at any cost, and Riggs, a billionaire rake whose life consists purely of pursuing adventure and who is determined never to be tied down. Life, of course, has other plans. Thrown together by circumstance, they enter a fake marriage. But it isn't long before they give in to their attraction and feelings soon follow. However, before they can have a future they must face their pasts and confront their demons. Duffy says from the start that she’s just a gold digger, not knowing that Riggs is secretly loaded. They go from completely hating each other to lovers trope with an age gap romance. I really enjoyed the book, surprisingly because I didn’t think that either would be redeemable.

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3.5 stars rounded up

This book is a contemporary Billionaire romance with marriage of convenience trope, it had the hate to love trope, from both the main characters. The writing was good, and I liked the pace and the plot of this story. The secret billionaire was a lot of fun and added a whole element to the story. The miscommunication that happened in this book was all over the place mostly because of secrets being kept which I got but after a while because of feelings development and the character relationship I was ready to move away from that especially since I don’t care for it most of the time in romance I read. Riggs did not grow on me while I was reading. At times he was ok, I understood some of his line of thinking, but he would open his mouth and say horrible, conceited, hateful things and it really came out juvenile at times. Finally, the ending was missing some elements for me that I really wanted to see especially for Duffy, and I was disappointed a little. Not to mention everything was wrapped up pretty quick.
I did have a pretty good time reading this for the plot and spicy which was about a three for me, but the relationship was just ok.
I received an ebook, via Netgalley. This review is my own honest opinion.

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I've read the Cruel Castaways series from Book 1 so I did not have a lot of expectations for Rigg's book - so I suppose you could say my expectations were exceeded. He was nice-ish once he got to know Daphne and overcame his hatred for her because she's a gold digger. And while Daphne does meet the definition of a gold-digger, I just feel like her character was rooted in the real world - she wanted to marry well so that her future was secure. She came from nothing, and wanted better for herself and her family- which is a perfectly valid reason to find someone rich to marry. Despite her need to secure her future, she agrees to marry Riggs - who she thinks is poor - which I thought showed her real character as opposed to what she kept saying about wanting a rich husband. All's well that ends well, I suppose.
Duffy and Rigg's story was surprisingly well done, and both characters had unexpected hidden depths that made them more likeable than one would expect.

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A lot of LJ Shen's romance novels have pulled me right in and I've binge read them in a day, but this one just didn't work for me. There were a few scenes that I felt like bordered on misogyny and weren't to my personal tastes, but I have high hopes for the next book. I do always love a marriage of convenience trope though.

Thank you so much to the publisher for allowing me to read an advanced copy of this book.

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Everything the LJ writes is pure gold. This entire series is *chefs kiss*. Loved Christian, then I loved Arsène, and now Riggs has stolen my heart.

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Title: Cold Hearted Casanova
Author: LJ Shen


✨★★★★☆ 4/5 Stars

"Cold Hearted Casanova" by L.J. Shen is a sizzling romance that masterfully blends humor, tension, and unlikely love. Known for her compelling characters and sharp, witty writing, Shen does not disappoint in this tale of a fake marriage that becomes all too real. The story hooks you from the get-go with its unique premise and keeps you eagerly flipping pages, thanks to Shen’s knack for creating dynamic and multifaceted characters.

Riggs Bates, the billionaire protagonist, is a complex figure who shuns commitment and hides his wealth. His approach to relationships is as transient as his meals—one for every occasion, never the same twice. This changes dramatically when he finds himself entangled with Daphne “Duffy” Markham. Caught in a compromising situation, Riggs is blackmailed into a fake engagement by Duffy, a woman with dreams of marrying well and staying in the United States amidst visa troubles and an AWOL almost-fiancé.

Duffy is an intriguing heroine with her own set of vulnerabilities and ambitions. Her decision to blackmail Riggs adds a layer of boldness to her character, making her stand out as someone not to be underestimated. Shen skillfully navigates Duffy’s mix of desperation and determination, transforming her into a relatable and root-worthy protagonist. The chemistry between Duffy and Riggs is palpable from their first meeting, and their journey from mutual disdain to reluctant respect and deeper feelings is deliciously entertaining.

Their "begrudging engagement" begins on a foundation of strict house rules and mutual distaste. However, it's not long before the spark they initially deny ignites into something intense and undeniable. Shen’s depiction of their growing connection is both steamy and heartfelt, offering readers plenty of moments to swoon over—while also maintaining a healthy dose of witty banter and conflict.

The evolving dynamics between Riggs and Duffy are central to the book’s charm. Shen beautifully portrays how their forced proximity and shared frustration give way to understanding and affection, making their romance feel incredibly organic despite its unusual beginnings. The secondary characters also add depth to the narrative, providing humor, wisdom, and additional layers to the main storyline.

"Cold Hearted Casanova" does, however, follow some familiar tropes of the romance genre, which may feel predictable to some seasoned readers. But Shen's strong character work and engaging prose breathe fresh life into these themes, ensuring the story remains captivating.

In conclusion, "Cold Hearted Casanova" is a witty, spicy, and thoroughly enjoyable read. L.J. Shen has crafted a romance that is as humorous as it is heartfelt, bringing together two seemingly incompatible characters in a way that feels both inevitable and exhilarating. If you're a fan of romance novels with strong characters, palpable chemistry, and a blend of humor and heart, this book is an excellent addition to your reading list. Prepare to be charmed by Riggs and Duffy as their fake marriage leads them to very real feelings.

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What you can expect going into this:
-fake relationships/real feelings
-marriage of convenience
-slow burn

The characters were lovable and I enjoyed seeing how they grew and changed throughout the book. Definitely have tissues handy because certain parts are tear-worthy.

5/5 stars

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L.J. Shen is an amazing author, that is a must-read if you love spice and angst. She is a staple on my shelf and I find that I'm always looking for her next book, no matter the story because she is just that amazing. This books is a great read and while it is part of a series, it is not a must to read the other ones before hand, but I highly suggest reading them because they are just that good! 4 stars!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free copy of Cold Hearted Casanova by L.J. Shen in exchange for my honest review.

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Major heart eyes for one of the most unlikely couples ever!
Daphne's work visa is about to expire. To avoid having to go back to England, her long term boyfriend is set to propose and get married so she can stay. Instead, the douchebag tells her he's going on a six month 'find myself' trip to Nepal. Super douchebag.
Crazy enough, the perfect (not at all perfect but it'll do) solution falls in her lap. Or she falls? There was falling. And blackmailing. Due to her crazy boss leaving her jobless, her dire finances, and her visa situation she has to do what a girl has to do: marry Riggs Bates, a nomad photgrapher that is never in the same place for more than a week and never in the same woman's bed for that long either.
Daphne is an uptight control freak set on marrying up and is a self proclaimed gold digger. Riggs is the last place to go for that but she is out of options and almost out of time.
Riggs is actually really sweet and thoughtful despite his manwhore ways and Daphne has a huge heart that wants to help everyone any way she can despite wanting to be a cold gold digger rich trophy wife.

I loved these two and I loved this book! I couldn't put it down!

(Thank you to NetGalley for a complimentary copy of this book.)

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I think that this is the first book by this author that I have given a DNF to and I can’t believe it. I think it was just the wrong time to read this book, I’ll have to come back at a later date to be sure. This was a DNF at 20% for me.

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Delightful, spicy, and humorous read!!!

Riggs is a billionaire bachelor and Duffy is a gold digger looking for a visa.
Brought together by circumstance, they decide to have a fake marriage. They finally give into their attraction and feelings for each other. But soon demons and truths will need to come out.

I flew through this book! I stayed up late reading it because I had to find out what happened next! I live L.J. Shen’s writing style. It was descriptive, and I didn’t feel like the book dragged on or had unnecessary writing. This was the third book in the series, and I can’t wait to go back and read the first two! I highly recommend this book!

📘: Cold Hearted Casanova by L.J. Shen
🗓️: April 9, 2024

Thank you to NetGalley, L.J. Shen, and Montlake for this ARC!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

*Reviewed on NetGalley, Amazon, and Goodreads.

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I didn't particularly like Duffy or Riggs at the beginning of this book. Duffy seemed too mercenary in her pursuit of wealth and a green card while Riggs was too much of a manwhore for my liking. However, as the two were forced to live together as part of their fake marriage they grew on each other and me too. Both characters mellowed nicely and their rough edges smoothed out as I learned about their backgrounds and insecurities. It became a lovely romance and I enjoyed reading it.

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