Member Reviews

Another great read wouldn’t expect anything less from this author.

Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

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I thought this was very good and I will have to add this to the shop shelves. Thank you for the chance for us to review.

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I absolutely love novels by this author and I enjoyed this one as well. I definitely will be on the lookout for more titles by this author.

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This book had a really clever premise. Amelia was found on the beach - - her heart had stopped and when she came back many of her memories were altered. Her sister, Lexi came home from the US to be with Amelia and her mother. Her goal was to help Amelia recover her memories. Imagine her shock when she discovers that Amelia thinks she's married when she isn't. It's only complicated further when she thinks she's married to someone who really exists in their small community - - the local vet, Sam. Someone who Lexi has met.

In an attempt to try to help her sister recover her memories, Lexi and Sam try to re-enact some of her sister's "unreal" memories and memorialize them in photos to help her have something since the husband she thinks she has never comes to see her. Eventually this leads to them falling for one another. And even more issues will come from it. But there are bigger issues at play both medically and emotionally for Amelia that still need to be addressed. And all they've done up to this point is "put a bandaid" on it.

I admit that there were times I trudged through this book. I think the re-enactments scenes seemed to drag for me - - which is odd since that is when Sam and Lexi were "falling for each other." I did like them together but those scenes just didn't work for me. I think it's because I never liked that move from the beginning. It never felt like the right thing to do and you always knew it would backfire in a big way.

Overall, the story itself is a lovely one about the love between mothers and daughters and sisters. It's also a sweet romance because Sam and Lexi are sweet together., It's a story about life and its brutality and beauty. You have to take the good when it's there because there can be so much that's hard.

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I've been putting this one off for a while because I'm very much hit or miss when it comes to Dani's books. Most of the time I enjoy Dani's books but I just could not get into this.

I'm not really sure what it was but I just didn't find myself wanting to continue this one and it's been months since I first picked it up.

I'll still continue to try Dani's book but this one just wasn't for me.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.
This was a wonderful book and I'll be purchasing it for the library!

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Amelia and Lexi,s story.
Amelia is found unconscious on a beach by two off duty medics. She suffers a cardiac arrest and is resuscitated. Lexi rushes from New York, back to the Uk to be with her. On wakening Amelia has had a brain injury which has invented a husband , Sam and a whole life with him.
A beautiful, well written book which stays with you.
This story has many twists and turns and the reader becomes emotionally involved.
Absolutely loved it and I would highly recommend
Thanks to Netgalley, Aria and Aries and Dani Atkins for letting me read this book in exchange for an honest review

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I enjoyed this book but it didn't grab me in the way I hoped it would. Seemed a little slow paced and at times just a bit too saccharine sweet. That said, the main story is lovely and will tug at your heartstrings.

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Thank you to Netgalley for my aec copy. I am a big fan of Dani Atkins and her books never disappoint so couldn't wait to read.
It started off sooooo good and couldn't put it down, loved the characters and really wanted to know where the story was going.
I did really enjoy this, however a few points for me that didn't quite hit the mark, it was a bit long and dragged in places and the story with her sister and Sam and how she tried to help her sister was really far fetched at times and was a bit unreal which did put me off a bit.
Overall an enjoyable read but not one of my favourites of hers.

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I loved this story based upon 2 sisters- 1 who has had an accident and it has impaired her memory making her believe she is married but her family have no idea what is going on. The sisters are twins from the same round of ivf several years apart which gives them a sheer instinct when one another needs them. A fabulous story of love for family and finding love with others

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A brilliant read and one I really enjoyed. The characters are loveable. The plot is one that is engaging and I found myself completely drawn into the story and enjoyed the writing style.

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I really enjoyed this book and in true Dani Atkins style it had some very emotional parts. I couldn’t put it down!

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It has been quite some time since a book reduced me to tears, and as I was on my morning commute on a crowded train, that wasn't fabulous, truth be told. You have been warned though, have tissues handy!

Lexi and Amelia have always been close, despite a large age gap. They look almost identical as well although they have different personalities and interests. When Amelia is found, close to death, on a deserted beach, Lexi dashes home from New York to be by her side.

Amelia starts babbling about events and people that her mum and Lexi have no idea about, and the Dr's say she has false memories. This is bad enough, but when Lexi meets a man who bears a striking resemblance to the man Amelia is supposedly married to, things get super weird.

There is a LOT to this story, but you do have to suspend belief. Everything isn't tied up in a neat little bow. These people have messy lives, like all of us.

All about family, the ties of sisterhood and the power of love.

4.5 stars from me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Aria.

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✨️💚✨️Book Review✨️💚✨️

Book: The Memory Of Us
Author: Dani Atkins
Rating: 5 stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

I loved this book, it absolutely destroyed me and I loved every minute of it.

This book is outside of the normal genres that I read, so I'm glad that I picked it up anyways.

It was emotionally destroying, from start to finish and it deals with some tough subjects.

There were some parts where I felt like it was really far fetched, but the author did an amazing job of explaining it and tying it all together.

I loved the characters, especially Nick's daughter, Holly and Tom (their neighbor). They were my favourite.

There's so much to unpack with this one, the relationship between sisters, understanding the true meaning of love, your home is with the people you love, and that life isn't always what it seems.

You get:
• Near Death Experience
• Family Relationships
• Fake Relationship
• Illness
• Grief
• Single Dad
• Live For Today

Just pick this one up. I promise you won't regret it!

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I've read and loved Dani Atkins books in the past and I will definitely read more of her books in the future but sadly this one just wasn't for me. I honestly believe that it is just a bad time in my life to be reading a book where the main character has collapsed and is then in hospital, and I just couldn't get on board with the way her sister is going along with the false memories. I may give this another go once my own life is more settled but for now I just can't finish this one. Thanks for approving me to read it.

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A good decent filler book, I enjoyed reading it and would recommend to a friend. I love the look of the cover.

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Dani Atkins is one of my favourite authors and this book didn't disappoint. Yet another book of hers that had me in tears several times.
Totally moving and as usual deals with heartbreaking medical issues.
Fantastic as always, I loved it!

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When Amelia is found unconscious and suffering from hypothermia on the mudflats near her Somerset cottage at 5am one freezing cold January morning, it’s touch and go if she will survive. Fortunately, her rescuers manage to revive her and she’s rushed to hospital.

Her younger sister, Lexi, who lives in New York, receives a phone call from their mum in the middle of the night and frantically books the next available flight and dashes to be by Amelia’s bedside.

Amelia comes round but is very dazed and confused – she’s behaving strangely and thinks she’s married to a man called Sam, but she’s actually single. She gets upset by her family’s insistence that he doesn’t exist and is just a false memory and draws a picture to show them what Sam looks like.

When Lexi meets a vet called Nick (and his Old English Sheepdog, Mabel) on the beach, she is shocked to realise that he matches her sister’s description and drawings of Sam but he has no idea who Amelia is and is definitely not her husband!

While Amelia is trying to recover, Lexi keeps up the pretence of Sam’s existence, against medical advice, and takes photos of herself and Nick recreating key moments that her sister has described, hoping that Amelia’s real memories will return. While going on these pretend ‘dates’ with Nick, the pair of them get close and it’s clear there’s a strong mutual attraction.

Amelia and Lexi share a special and unusual bond, despite being eight years apart in age, and are close with their mum, Esme. Their father, an angler, died in a tragic accident when Lexi was only eight years old.

The story is told from the point of view of Lexi and it was lovely to see her close relationship and strong connection with her sister. Their love for each other was clear, despite the traumas they were both experiencing. Lexi’s growing friendship with Nick was a joy to read too – their banter, witty remarks, in jokes and the ‘will they, won’t they’ aspect!

Amelia’s gruff neighbour, retired fisherman Tom, was a lovely character and I liked the part he played in the story and how he grew in confidence. Nick, the handsome vet, had me swooning as well and I was really hoping that there was going to be a happy ending for him and Lexi, despite the circumstances and everything that had gone on.

Overall, I really enjoyed The Memory of Us. I had to suspend disbelief at times but it was an emotional and entertaining read, and the pacing and reveals were well done. I felt real empathy for all the characters and was in tears at certain points! It was a gripping and engaging read and cleverly written as I had no idea how things were going to pan out. There were certainly some shocks and surprises along the way!

This was actually the first book by Dani Atkins that I’ve read but I realised that I’ve got several of them in paperback and on my Kindle and will be picking up another one soon!

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Dani Atkins is one of my favourite authors so I was delighted to get an invitation to join the blog tour for new noveI, The Memory of Us. Oh my word, this beautiful book broke me into a million pieces and I didn't simply cry, I sobbed through the second half of it. I had to put the book down on numerous occasions to dry my eyes or the book would've ended up in as soggy a mess as I was.

A phone call in the middle of the night is never good news and Lexi jumps on the first available plane home to visit her sister Amelia in hospital. Amelia is lucky to be alive but she's not the same girl as she was before her accident; Amelia thinks that she has a husband called Sam but her family know that Sam doesn't exist.

It's heartbreaking when Amelia looks to the door of her room every time she hears footsteps in the corridor but she is waiting for a man who will never appear. Upset and frustrated by her family's doubts about Sam's existence, Amelia draws a picture of him and in a strange twist of fate Lexi meets Nick, who looks just like Amelia's drawing.

This book is filled with so much love that it bursts out of the pages and I absorbed every drop of it into my heart. I cared about the characters so much that I couldn't contain my emotions and I was so riveted to the book that I kept trying to read even when my eyes were blurring with tears.

The Memory of Us is a beautiful and unforgettable multifaceted love story that is filled with emotion. I simply adored it and I plan to read it again, although I'm sure I will still cry my eyes out at the same points of the story. I really can't recommend it highly enough and make sure you have a box of tissues handy when you read it.

I received an ARC to read and review for the blog tour and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

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I really wanted to love this as I have really liked Dani's previous books but it was not meant to be. I found it a bit too far fetched and wishy washy with no real substance. I found myself not wanting to pick it up. Not for me unfortunately.

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