Member Reviews

When Amelia is found on a deserted English beach, it is a miracle that she survives. With doctors believing that her heart stopped if just briefly, her younger sister Lexi makes a mad dash from New York to be with her. When Amelia wakens, she believes herself married to a man called Sam. She has created a series of false memories, which stun both Lexi and her mother. Determined to help her sister, Lexi enlists the help of Nick, a local vet who bears a striking resemblance to Sam. Together, Lexi and Nick recreate and photograph Amelia's dream dates in the hopes of triggering her true memories. However, soon love begins to blossom between Lexi and Nick, and Lexi is uncertain how the relationship will continue if Amelia finds out.
This book had me hooked from the start. Amelia is so determined in her belief of Sam, that she retells every detail of their romance to Lexi. It was quite sweet to see Lexi and Nick fall in love, the same as Amelia believes herself to have. The relationships between the sisters, between the girls and their mother, and with Lexi and Nick, are so well delivered that finishing this book, meant that I could no longer be a part of their story. This story had me smiling and crying, making it one of my favourites for the year. This is a book to be savoured.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is a romance and an emotional roller coaster
Beautifully written and by the end you will be crying as you will be so involved with the two sisters and what happens next.
I have read all Dani Atkins books and they never let you down.

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I love this author's books, so I knew I was going to enjoy this one. The story is about two sisters, Amelia and Lexi. When Amelia is found unconscious, near death, on a remote beach, her sister Lexi flies over from America immediately. Lexi finds her sister alive, but due to the accident she is suffering from what appears to be false memories, believing herself to be married to a man called Sam, who none of the family have ever heard of.

I really enjoyed this book. The book begins with a mystery leaving me wondering how and why Amelia came to be unconscious on a beach. When Amelia then believes she is married to a man called Sam, another mystery arises making me think perhaps she was and her family didn't know this! There were lots of little twists throughout the book which really kept me on my toes, swapping and switching my ideas of what was actually going on.

The introduction of Nick's character was clever, bringing an element of romance into the storyline and I enjoyed his relationship with Lexi. The idea of Nick being Amelia's mystery husband certainly posed more questions and I wondered whether he really was and there was another element being added into their stories! All does become clear as the book moves on, and I have to admit to being completely hooked into their storylines very quickly.

I won't spoil the ending, but it was safe to say I definitely needed a supply of tissues to get me through it! The storyline took a twist I wasn't expecting, but was so cleverly done and so well written - thumbs up to the author! It's certainly a heart-breaking read but also one filled with love on all counts. Would definitely recommend.

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Dani Atkins gives us another thought provoking novel, packed full of emotion.
The book tells of Lexi and her older ‘twin’ Amelia. Following a near fatal accident, the story describes the strange twists of fate that bring Lexi and Nick together.
Similar to her other novels, there is a bit of fantasy built in, but this weaves well into the story.
I very much enjoyed this novel, looking forward to each chapter and I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys some escapism, mixed with romance.
A lovely and satisfying read

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The premise of this book was quite interesting and if it had been a bit shorter I would have really enjoyed it, however I could not grow to love the book because I could not connect to any of the characters in such a way that I found myself at times just skipping over the internal monologue of the main characters.
I also found interesting the relationship and strong connection between the sisters at the beginning, though I would have liked a bit more focus on that, rather than the accident.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Aria for a review copy of the book. I have read and enjoyed a few other Dani Atkins in the past and looked forward to reading this and I have to say I wasn’t disappointed. Initially as I read it I thought perhaps I might find the premise a bit too fantastical but it won me over almost immediately and I found myself completely absorbed in the storyline.

When Lexi hears her sister, Amelia has been snatched from the jaws of death after being revived on a remote beach in the middle of winter, she flees New York to Somerset to be by her side. Technically twins, but born eight years apart through IVF, she and her sister have a very special connection that borders on supernatural so Lexi would do anything for her. Even after her sister awakes and she possesses memories of people and incidents that are false, Lexi and her mother play along as the doctor advises. When Lexi bumps into a man, Nick, who is exactly like the husband her sister had described, but with a different name, Lexi will even go so far as to create photos depicting the incidents. But as the two get to know each other and Amelia slowly recovers Lexi realises she may have to choose between her own happiness and her sister’s.

A lovely book that can suck the reader in, full of many moving and even heart wrenching moments, so get the box of tissues out. This is a novel about family loyalty, sisterly devotion and the choices a person can be forced to make. Really enjoyable.

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Dani writes from the heart in such a tender and believable way. This novel had it all, smiles and tears. I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to all.

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Dani Atkins is a reliable author and if you love her books then this latest title will not disappoint that’s for sure

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Another superb, heartbreaking novel by Dani Atkins. Great characters, smaltzy love story, a family saga - what’s not to love?! Yes, the story was predictable but that doesn’t take away the enjoyment. Chic lit at it’s best.

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This book was so much more than I expected! It was heartbreaking, incredible, thoughtful, and so loving. The sister/twin bond is written beautifully and I loved the depth of the characters. The progress of the book is perfect and the twin empathy felt natural.

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This story centres around twins born several years apart. One is involved in an accident that almost kills her and leaves her with serious neurological issues afterwards, making up a whole other life full of false memories. Her sister flies back from America where she lives in order to help and embarks on a journey of her own. She tries to recreate her sister’s memories and ends up sending her own life on a different path.

This was definitely not what I expected and was quite an emotional book to read but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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"The Memory of Us" was written by Dani Atkins, and includes the "memory loss" trope, but with a twist. Late one night, Lexi receives a heartbreaking phone call telling her that her sister is in the hospital after being found unconscious on the beach. Lexi immediately flies overseas to her sister, only to discover that she is now awake, but has the strangest memories. Lexi's sister insists that she is married, and can describe exactly what her husband (and his dog) looks like. However, Lexi and her mother know this isn't true. But when Lexi runs in to a guy (and his dog) who looks just like how her sister has described, she convinces him to take pictures with her and recreate the memories that her sister has. Along the way, the two of them fall in love as Lexi is trying to navigate her sister's health crisis.

I thought this was a cute book, but I'm not sure how I feel about the way Lexi was trying to deceive her sister. However, I understand why she did it, and felt the love that she had for her sister. It made it a little difficult to root for Lexi and Nick, but I was glad to see how the storyline ended and enjoyed the originality of the book. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Wow what a spectacular read. I love this author and this is by far their best work, in my opinion. It was beautifully written and the characters were so likeable especially the main character Lexi. Her relationship with her sister especially portrayed love and devotion. One piece of advice is to have the tissues at the ready as I found myself in tears for much of the last quarter of the book. The book focuses on a lot of hard hitting subjects such as twin relationships, genetic diseases and heart problems as well as the unusual romance plot. I can’t recommend this one enough

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Thank you for the review copy - I loved this book, it’s absolutely heartbreaking though and I sobbed at the end!

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I had a hard time enjoying this author's writting style. There were some moments were it felt like the story was dragging. I did enjoy the dynamics of the characters.

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THE MEMORY OF US is one emotional, miraculous read that made me feel all the feelings. I was already hooked just by the premise, but so much more happens in this story, putting this book on a whole different level. I really loved how even in the most emotional moments, the author still founds ways to bring in humor which would just make me even more emotional when reading... that to me is creme de la creme when reading a book.

This is a beautiful story of the things we do for people we love who are in need, what desperate measures a sister will go through, even sabotaging her happily ever after for the chance to help keep her sister smiling. I so appreciated the reminder that we can't predict the future but we can decide who we get to be in the present. The readers are invited to witness how much premonitions and fate pertains to this story to see why events had to happen the way they did.

I thought the author did an incredible job giving so much complexity and depth to the characters. They all felt real, grounded, and relatable. And I really liked how the author acknowledges how our personalties are shaped by our past unhealed traumas even from very young ages. I admired how the book is not just focused on Nick and Lexi's relationship but also the relationship between sisters Amelia and Lexi, who even though are eight years apart, are just as close and connected to one another as twins are. So connected that they can sense and feel pain the other one is feeling, even if thousands of miles away.

I loved all the supporting characters as well, which doesn't happen too often. I really liked how the main character Lexi is a romance fiction editor, I thought the choice added several nice layers throughout the story. This is my first time reading work by this author and look forward to reading her other published work.

Thank you to Aria & Aries and NetGalley for the advanced readers copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Wow what can I say, I loved this book! It was difficult reading the last few chapters though as my eyes were full of tears. The relationship between the sisters was beautiful.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book.

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I stopped everything to start this book. The description of this was too hard to resist and it was EVERYTHING! This was the best kind of story. Not only finding love with Nick but reuniting the love of Lexi and Amelia. This author is new to me but I must now read her previous work. I loved everything about this other than reading the last few chapters with blurred vision. This for me is one of the greats that I’ve read in awhile. Thank you to NetGalley for this advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I’ve never read a novel by Dani Atkins, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. After seeing so many great reviews of The Memory of Us, I knew I had to read it! Though I found the twins part of the story to be a little outlandish, it was certainly a creative and interesting twist. Lexi and Amelia’s relationship throughout the book was beautiful. The sisterly devotion they have to one another is something I found myself envying quite a bit! Though this book wasn’t a favorite, I did enjoy it and am looking forward to checking out more by this Author. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4! Thank you so much to the publisher and NetGalley for gifting me an ARC in exchange for my honest review,

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I loved this story from beginning to end, it held my attention and I didn't want it to end. The storyline is clever and unique, it was fascinating to see it evolve as the story unfolds. The book made me smile a lot, sigh over the love story and sob a few times. This is a great story.

I became really absorbed in the lives of Amelia and Lexi and found I didn't want to put the book down. The two sisters, Amelia and Lexi are twins, although they are born 10 years apart, they have a close connection. When Lexi is found dying on the mud flats near her cottage, her heart is restarted and the story begins. I loved their connection; they were so close and Lexi's determination to do everything to help Amelia. Nick, a vet who walked on the beach near Amelia's home, was such a kind man who I couldn't help but love him too.

Dani Atkins always writes a good story and this one is superb. I sobbed through the end and admired the sisters so much for their resilience and love for each other. I can highly recommend this beautifully written story.

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