Member Reviews

I enjoyed this book but admit there were a lot of parts that pushed on the believable but the writing style made me wanting to know more.

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This is one of those stories that I keep thinking about at random times throughout my day, I want more but at the same time I don’t think I want the answers to my questions and loved the ending for what it was. I don’t want to say too much I feel like reading the synopsis is enough to tell you what to expect in the way that it doesn’t give you too much that you’ll know where the story is going or how it will end but enough to make you curious to want to pick it up. I will say that if you love a little supernatural in your stories with great FML, a strong sibling relationship, and a dash of wholesome romance with what could be the perfect book boyfriend. Then this is the right book for you.

Solid 4 stars

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This book will take you on a grand emotional rollercoaster! It reminds us that life is precious and not always tied up in a pretty bow. But it's what we make of the bad times that makes the good times even better. As the the story started to unfold I quickly became very invested in Lexi and Amelia's bond as sisters and how far they would go to make sure the other is happy.

It's a story filled with two kinds of love; the love of sisters and a romantic love between stranges found in the most usual way.

Amelia and Lexi are twins born 8 years apart by IVF. When Lexi has to run to her sister's side from an ocean away when Amelia has a medical emergency we quickly learn that she will do anything to help her sister. We meet Nick when Lexi uses him to help her sister with what she is going through. But Lexi unexpectedly begins to fall for him eventhough Amelia mistakingly believes that he is actually her husband.

It may sound like a confusing plot but it is a very well written story with a unique concept. I enjoyed it very much even though I read the last few chapters with tears in my eyes. Dani Atkins amazingly brought these characters to life and I was not ready to say goodbye when the story ended. I look forward to reading many more of her books in the future.

I am extremely grateful to Aria & Aries Publishing and Netgalley for the opportunity to read a digital copy of this uniquely emotional book. I have written this honest review in my own words without any outside influences prompting me to do so.

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I have just cried the biggest tears. Sobbed my way through the end of this book.

Dani has a writing ability that totally makes it feel as if you’re there with the characters in her stories.

I 100% felt all the emotions of the characters in this book. It was like I was one of them.

Can’t write more at the moment, need to gather my thoughts better

I absolutely recommend this and all of Dani’s books
Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this title

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Despite my adoration for Dani Atkins' previous works, their latest release fell short of expectations. The story felt too far-fetched, and the incredibly sad ending left me disheartened. While I wanted to love it, I couldn't connect with the narrative. Disappointing compared to their earlier brilliance.

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Wow, another fantastic read from Dani. A book that explores what it's like to be sisters but also to be twins!!! This book will have you thinking about what you would or wouldn't do for love from your sibling!

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Another great read from Dani. This book explores what it is to be a twin and sisters. What wouldn't you do for the person you love and the sister you love the most too? Dani explores personal sacrifice, twinness and love at first sight. This book will make you think!

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I normally love Dani Atkins' books, she has the ability to draw me into the story and make me fall in love with the characters in a way few other authors can achieve. Whilst this was still a decent story, I just found some elements a little too much to buy into. I don't think doctors would have been so blasé about the state of a patient's mental health if they had developed a whole host of false memories. I'm fairly certain they wouldn't have encouraged the family to keep the lie going for more than a day or two.

The romance was just a little lacking and I ended up skimming a huge chunk of the book. I just felt no connection to Nick and therefore no buy-in to the developing relationship. I also couldn't quite grasp why Lexi was so set on returning to the USA when she was obviously so much happier being in the UK! Then there was that ending, which some might say was very open-ended. It left me feeling quite flat, and I read romances for the feel-good factor and as a quick "pick me up".

That said the characters are well rounded, Lexi's mum's romance with Tom was very sweet, the story flows well, the dialogue is good and it didn't feel too cliched or trite. Despite this not being a big hit with me I will keep reading this author.

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Thanks to netgalley for the chance to read this book.

Amelia is rushed to hospital from a desolate beach just in time to save her live. Amelia’s sister Lexi is based in New York and rushes to be at her bedside. The accident has caused Amelia’s memories to become concerning for Lexi and her family, she is convinced that she is married to Sam and tells them if their perfect love story.

Meanwhile Lexi meets local vet Nick who is the double of Amelia’s made up husband Sam. She gets him to recreate Amelia and Sam’s love story to try and help Amelia to trigger her real memories.

However, Nick and Lexi start to fall for each other whilst recreating these memories but how can they continue without hurting Amelia?

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🎧Audiobook Review🎧


I'd like to thank NetGalley for approving me for an ARC of this book.

😢Tear jerker

This was a beautiful story filled with a lot of emotion. I loved Lexi and Nick's romance and Tom's role in the family.


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Once I got into this story - I really enjoyed it, however it did feel like I'd read something similar before, but it was very enjoyable and I found myself turning the pages faster and faster as the story progressed.

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An enjoyable &, at times, emotional read.

Difficult to discuss without spoilers, the story revolves around Lexi & her sister Amelia who is suffering issues with her memory following an accident. I did find myself confused & questioning where the story was going a few times, but overall it sucked me in enough to have a lump in my throat on a few occasions.

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Lexi meets a handsome stranger on the beach who looks exactly like her sister Amelia’s drawing of her imaginary husband. Recovering from an almost fatal incident in which her heart stopped, Amelia has woken up with an irregular heartbeat and believing she is married. Lexi convinces Nick to pose for some photographs with her following the events in the ‘memories’ Amelia has created. Nick initially thinks she is crazy but soon gets to know and understand Lexi’s reasoning. Lexi has no idea she will fall in love with this stranger.

Oh my goodness I can’t remember the last book I cried so much at! For the last 20 minutes or so I could hardly read through the tears!

What an extraordinary story. Unique. Tear jerking. Laugh out loud funny. It’s a beautiful love story, actually two love stories, amongst a third and very sad story. Lots of highs and lows and my emotions don’t know what has hit them.

A story of the love which binds two sisters. Twins. Born 8 years apart through IVF. With that other worldly twins connection. They will always protect each other.

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This wasn’t a bad read it was just very similar to many of this authors other books. Accidents, memory loss and heartbreak seem to be this authors go to themes and she does do them well however having read all of her books the repetitive themes are becoming a little bit tiresome.

The concept of this story started off well enough, sister as accident and ends up in hospital, other sister flies over from America to be with her. However once the sister started to imagine a husband things just started to go down hill. I also found the fact that the other sister kept the lie going and recreated all of the photographs a little not weird and ridiculous. It’s a well written book with some good characters however for me personally the whole things was a not far fetched and disturbing.

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Amazing book!
I was thoroughly engaged throughout this book and I didn't want to put it down! The author captured my attention from the get go! Five stars from me :)

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I read this book in one day! I just couldn't put it down. Dani Atkins books are always so good but this is the best yet. Lexi has that dreaded phone call to say your sister is ill & you have to come home straight away. The story follows the ups & downs of sibling love & what we would sacrifice for each other. You have to read this book, it's fantastic!

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I really enjoyed reading this book it was a pleasure from start to finish
It follows the story of a small family beginning with one daughter being found on the mudflats near her home in Somerset in only her nightgown unconscious and not breathing, she is rescued and taken to hospital
Her sister who lives in New York immediately flies over to be with her and their mum, Amelia is on life support at first but then comes off it and wakes up and appears a totally different person
She insists she has a husband called Sam and they have a dog and is very distressed that he isn’t there. Lexi asks her mum and her mum says this is rubbish she would know if she had a man in her life Amelia demands paper and pencil to draw her husband, lexi is amused as she knows Amelia can’t draw,but now she can and she quickly draws a number of pictures of this very attractive man and his dog
Lexi promises to go back to Amelia cottage and try to find any evidence of Sam? However on her morning run the following day she bumps into a man who is identical to the man in the pictures, she tries to see if his name is Sam? No it’s Nick so she tries to see if he knows her sister as they look like twins no he doesn’t remember meeting anyone like her ! Oh dear not going so well never mind thanks
Well she has found no evidence of Sam in house this is obviously a made up memory
Hospital advised just go with it for now
But then Amelia tells Lexi all about all her and Sam dates which do sound like the notebook film
Her mum and Lexi tell her Sam is away on a silent retreat so can’t have his phone so they can’t ring him but no one has found Amelia phone either strangely
How long can they keep this pretence up ? What happens when Amelia comes home and Sam isn’t there ?
This story made me laugh and cry

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When Lexi’s sister is pulled from the beach and resuscitated, it sets off a chain of strange events. It appears that Amelia hasn’t lost her memory, but rather has developed some new false ones. She is now convinced that she’s married and can’t understand why her husband hasn’t rushed to her bedside.

This is an unusual story about illness and memory “loss”, but it’s also a story about sibling relationships and the bond between twins. Add in a couple of romances and you have the makings of a great story.

I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I think Dani Atkins is such a fantastic author. Her books are always so emotive and this is no exception.

This premise of this story is a touch unbelievable and honestly in what universe did Lexi think this was good idea but if you can suspend yourself from reality and give yourself over to this book it's an excellent read.

A warning though that the ending will rip your heart out 😭

With thanks to Aria and Netgalley for the ARC.

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I am a massive Dani Atkins fan so couldn't wait to read this book. It drew me in straight away and held me right til the end. An absolutely beautiful, heart wrenching and emotional read.

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