Member Reviews

Set on the Somerset coast,the beach and sea are featured heavily in this beautiful emotional story. I was hooked from the first page and picked up the book at every opportunity as I was so intrigued to find out what happened to the characters. I've loved every one of Dani Atkins' books and this is another winner. Packed with so many emotions including memory loss, mystery, family love, romance and some thought provoking dilemmas, it really tugs at the heart strings. After an especially emotional ending this book is going to be a hard act to follow. Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.


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Oh I’m really gutted that I didn’t love this one! Six Days was one of my favourite books the year of its release but I struggled to connect with this story in the same way.

I think because of how the love story came about it made it really tough to root for them as a couple. Then the timing of a certain characters recovery was just too convenient for me. I think it’s a brave decision to right a story from this angle and I admire the author for it but where I was hooked on the first 25% I could not get into the romance side of things.

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This book was certainly interesting. I am torn on how I feel about it. Some parts were just a little too far fetched but I do like how it was wrapped up in the end. It was also very though provoking.

Thank you NetGalley and Aria for the opportunity to read this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Just wow! I’m still sitting here with tears on my face after finishing this book. If you have a sister, this book will really touch your soul. Amelia and Lexi are twins separated by years using IVF. They are closer than close and have a bond that is unbreakable. When Amelia is found on the beach without a heartbeat, she is rescued and brought back to life. When she wakes up, she wants to see her husband Sam. But, who is Sam? Her mother and sister have never heard of this man let alone that she was married? Amelia is adamant that Sam exists and wants to see him. She describes Sam to Lexi and begs for her to find him. Lexi goes to Amelia’s house and when walking on the beach sees a man and his dog which describes Sam. Lexi soon finds out this man’s name is Nick and not Sam. To try to help her sister, Lexi re-enacts the photos Amelia describes. But, Lexi feels she needs to stop and cut ties with Nick as she is starting to have feelings for him. I don’t want to give anything else away, but something else happens when Lexi suffers a heart attack that changes everything. I was so invested in these sisters and their stories. Make sure to have tissues ready for the ending of this one. It’s a true example of the power of love. Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read this. Do not miss this one.

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Beautifully written an emotional story. I loved the storyline, and all the characters and the setting on a beach. Started as a mystery it slowly became a love story withlots of emotions. I loved the bond shared by Amelia and Lexi. Nick and Lexi had a great chemistry. This book made me cry so many times. An emotional roller coaster, for sure. Loved it, highly recommended. Thanks a lot to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an eARC.

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Dani has such a lovely way with words that always moves her readers. This beautiful book is no exception.

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I loved this book, it was heartfelt and warm, this was a nice switch from my usual thrillers. Very emotional, so keep the tissue box at the ready. This book had all the feels and my best read so far this year. Great character connection! I will sure be checking out more from this author. Thank you to netgalley and Aria for the ARC
4.5 stars

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This was a lovely story, although very emotional at times.

I liked the characters, the two sisters especially had an unbreakable bond and they would have done absolutely anything for each other. The other people in the story all had a part to play too, from the neighbour right down to doctors and nurses.

I found the first the first few chapters to be slow but it soon picked up its pace and I really started to care about what happened to the people in the book. I was sad when I finished the book but thought the ending was perfect.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for ARC of this ebook in exchange for my honest review.

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Synopsis: A woman is found unconscious on the beach and when she awakes she believes she is married to a man- who she isn’t. Her sister meets and falls for the supposed husband and the story evolves from there.
Pros and cons: I was instantly intrigued by this storyline. I thought it was so interesting in the beginning. But then it got weird. The sister was trying to convince the guy to take pictures as the “fake husband.” There is an element of the sisters actually being twins but born years apart due to IVF that played out in a bizarre way. And the end was sad. So for a book that had a lot of promise it went a bit south for me.
But I still think others may be really interested, so I encourage you to check it when it’s released next month! Thank you NetGalley, Aria and Aries for the advanced copy!


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This was such a lovely emotive read, it had me in tears several times! The main characters were just great and both so selfless putting someone else's needs above their own. their love story was so beautiful and I was just hoping for a happy ending all the way through although I couldnt see how this would happen! I would highly recommend this, dont forget your tissues!!

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When Lexi gets a call that her sister Lexi is in the hospital, she takes the next transatlantic flight from NY to London, leaving behind a boyfriend and a new job offer. Nothing is more important than Amelia to Lexi. They’re biologically twins, despite being born 8 years apart through the wonder of science.

When Amelia wakes up and is clearly not the same person mentally that she was before, Lexi goes to great lengths to keep Amelia’s dreams alive. This puts her in a position to meet Nick, who helps with her plan.

I don’t write spoilers so I can’t go into details, but this is a beautiful story that will have you in tears often. The bond between the sisters, their Mom, Nick and neighbor Tom is magical and so supportive. I felt hopeful, happiness and despair in equal measure throughout the book.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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This book has an intriguing and touching storyline. It was my first book by the author and I found her writing style very engaging and expressive. It comes with a good amount of mystery, intrigue and sweet moments that keep you interested. Characters are also likeable.

However, it was very slow paced, so slow, repetitive and meandering that I was somehow losing patience. There are several things stuffed in unnecessarily. Jeff’s character was totally unnecessary. Even the epilogue was stretched too far.

I guess this book should have gone for another round of editing to cut unnecessary things/rambling out, and it could have been a wonderful read.

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What I return to all Dani Atkins books for is the wonderful way she writes about human connections and experiences, be they extraordinary or mundane, often a mix of both embedded within the characters of the plots, but all who you feel a connection to.

The Memory of Us brings those connections and beautiful prose to coastal Somerset and the unravelling mystery of what our memories mean to us.

Sisters Lexi and Amelia and their mum are a tight trio who have always been there together through tragedy, and now those bonds are tested even more when Amelia falls seriously ill. Through her recovery the unconditional love and support of Amelia's family comes at a cost, and with impossible choices.

Life affirming and powerful this book is heart wrenching but hopeful.

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I really enjoyed The Memory of Us, I loved the bond between the sisters and what one would do for the other. The characters were great and it was well written.

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This was such an emotional read! The bond and love between the two sisters was incredibly well done. The romance was so good too and had me feeling all types of things. I will say the ending left me very contemplative and it is kind of bittersweet if that isn’t your thing but for me it made sense. Would highly recommend this book!

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This was more than just a romance. This opened the discussion of you would want to find out you had a gene that could change your life forever. While seeing your sister go through it.
I loved the way the relationship blossomed in this book. It wasn't insta love and wasn't the main focus.
The book spent a good amount of time on both stories being told.

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Loved this book full of emotion that tugs at your heart following sisters Amelia and Lexi who are different personalities.
Amelia is found collapsed on a beach near her cottage and is revived so when her sister Lexi arrives from America she is in HDU and when Amelia comes round she keeps asking for Sam who she reckons is her husband. Lexi is determined to help her sister so when she meets the local vet Nick while staying in her sisters cottage she persuades him to pose as Amelia's husband Sam.
This story is full of comedy moments but also tugs at your heart and emotionally heart warming.
I would highly recommend this book.
received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Another brilliant read from one of my favourite authors, beautifully written which held my interest from the beginning until the ending.

I loved the characters, they all had their own part to play in this storyline, so well described I felt as though I knew them all.

I have read all books from this author and cannot wait for her next masterpiece.

Thank you to Netgalley and Aria & Aries for this fantastic ARC which I have no hesitation in recommending.

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I have read and adored each of Dani Atkins’ books and always eagerly await her new one coming out. I therefore felt very lucky when I was invited to read this beautiful novel.

If Amelia had been found just moments later, her heart would never have started beating again. Luckily, she was taken from the desolate beach to the nearest hospital just in time for her life to be saved. When Lexi, Amelia’s sister, arrives from New York, Amelia’s heart is beating again. But the accident has left Amelia with a series of false memories in her head. She is convinced that she is married to a man named Sam, and that they have a perfect love story together. Determined to help her sister with her recovery, Lexi enlists the help of Nick, a local vet who bears a striking resemblance to the Sam in the drawings that Amelia has created from her memory. Because of course, there are no photos of Amelia and Sam together! But as Lexi starts to develop feelings towards Nick, she realises things may become a little more complicated than she first thought...

I always feel such a deep connection to Dani Atkins’ characters thanks to her beautiful writing and that was the case again with this beautiful novel. Right from the outset I cared so much about both Amelia and Lexi; their story truly captured my heart and was so unique too! I was really invested to see what would happen next for these sisters and there were so many clever moments throughout. I liked that this book took me by surprise too, and I definitely went on an emotional journey as I was reading. I also thought the little reference to Dani’s previous book The Wedding Dress was cool!

The Memory of Us is such an incredible, beautiful story and I honestly cannot recommend it highly enough (as well as all of Dani’s previous books)!

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Another beautiful, emotional read from Dani Atkins, tissues definitely required. Some parts of it were a little far fetched/silly but it all came together well and ended up being a beautiful, touching story.

My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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