Member Reviews

WOW! The opening prologue basically dragged me into this book, so good, got the heart pumping and from then I just couldn’t leave this book til I’d finished it! Sorry housework, dinner, etc you can wait!!

One night Amelia is found on a beach unresponsive but her life is saved. Her sister Lexi rushes across the Atlantic to be with her. When she arrives Amelia wants to know where her husband Sam is. Amelia has no husband, but believes she does, she remembers everything about him and can even draw him in detail. Then Lexi meets Nick, who is identical to Sam and she convinces him to take some pictures of Amelia and Sam’s memories but Lexi begins to fall for Nick and how can she when he is her sister’s ’husband’

‘There’s a bond the two of you share that’s stronger than your dad and I could ever understand. She’d walk through fire for you, and I know you’d do the same for her.’

This is about family bonds, love and memory. It will tug at your heartstrings and run the whole gamut of emotions. I loved the characters of Nick and Lexi, the will they won’t they, misunderstandings and the way they bantered and teased each other was fabulous. I also had a soft spot for old Tom too, he made me smile.

‘…suddenly our eyes connected and everything slowly went quiet and very, very still. It was a moment spun out of delicate glass..’

I got so wrapped up in this story, it is absolutely incredible and made me cry, Dani Atkins, you took my heart and squeezed it so hard it nearly broke me, the tears fell fast but I would not have missed this one!

‘Losing something you love is always painful, but the good memories you’re left with are proof that it was worth it.’

This book will stay with me for a long time. What a book!

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Have thoroughly enjoyed all Dani Atkins previous tales, she writes with such compassion, yes her stories are sometimes sad, but they will also fill you with a sense of belonging and you will want to read on to find out it’s conclusion

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Two sisters who are almost Twins yet born 8 years apart & when something tragic happens to one of them it sets a whole set of things in motion , this story will make you laugh at times , it will even make you angry at how fragile & unfair life can be in some families. It is a book full of love & raw emotions & I loved every single page & will be buying copies as gifts for friends so I highly recommend it. #NetGalley, #Goodreads,, #FB, #Instagram, #<img src="" width="80" height="80" alt="200 Book Reviews" title="200 Book Reviews"/>, #<img src="" width="80" height="80" alt="Reviews Published" title="Reviews Published"/>, #<img src="" width="80" height="80" alt="Professional Reader" title="Professional Reader"/>.

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Thanks so much to NetGalley and Aria books.

Amelia has an accident. When she wakes, she tells her sister Lexi these memories about a man named Sam. These memories are not real. Lexi meets Nick, who bears a resemblance to Sam. They start to fall for each other, but Amelia is convinced she is married to Sam.

I'm torn on this one. It's an emotional read and I was rooting for the love story. However, the deception with the intent to help was uncomfortable to read. It's still an enjoyable and touching read with likable characters. I wish the focus would have been more on the relationship between the sisters. There was some of that in the beginning, but I wanted more.

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In typical Dani Atkins fashion, "The Memory of Us" unfolds as yet another poignant and emotionally charged masterpiece. Atkins' storytelling prowess shines through as she crafts a narrative that delicately captures the profound bonds of love and friendship, especially between the 'twin' sisters, Amelia and Lexi.

The story begins with a compelling jolt when Lexi rushes back to Somerset from New York upon learning of Amelia's near-death accident. The aftermath of trauma renders Amelia unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy, falsely implanting memories of a non-existent husband, Sam. Lexi, devoted to her sister, willingly goes along with the charade to protect Amelia's fragile state.

The intricate plot takes a surprising turn when Lexi, during a run on the beach, encounters Nick, a man eerily similar to the imaginary Sam. Their paths cross, and fate weaves a complex tapestry of events, leading them to recreate memories of Amelia and Sam. As Lexi and Nick navigate the delicate dance of maintaining the facade, a genuine connection blossoms between them. However, looming factors, such as Lexi's imminent return to New York and the guilt of loving the "same" person as her sister, compel her to make a heart-wrenching decision—ending their budding relationship.

Throughout the narrative, Dani Atkins skillfully constructs a close-knit family unit that weathers heartache and loss, inviting readers to empathize with each character's struggles. The emotional impact extends to the nuanced portrayals of Nick and Tom, adding depth and richness to the story.

As the story hurtles towards its conclusion, Atkins keeps readers on the edge of their seats with unexpected twists and turns. The final chapters, laden with emotional intensity, deliver a cathartic and satisfying resolution. Be prepared to reach for the tissues, as "The Memory of Us" weaves a tapestry of tangled memories and heartstrings, leaving a lasting impression of love, sacrifice, and resilience.

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I thought it was very appropriate that this book mentions Hallmark because the entire time I was reading it, I kept thinking “this would make a great Hallmark Channel movie!” If you like a cozy love story, with a few tears sprinkled in as the story tugs on your emotions, this book is for you. Perfect for a holiday by-the-fire read, or even on a warm beach somewhere in the sun. Overall enjoyable, feel good read.

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This was a very heart-wrenching read, and encompassed more than just the romance genre. It touched on sisterhood, family, memory loss, illness. This book is highly emotional, which I love, and it was a really great read. It gripped me from beginning to end!

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Dani Atkins never fails to deliver a poignant and emotional story, and 'The Memory of Us' is just another perfect example of this.
I thought the story was beautifully written, capturing the love, friendship and the greatest bond between two 'twin' sisters, Amelia and Lexi.

When Lexi receives a call in New York to say Amelia has been in an near death accident, she drops everything and rushes back home to Somerset to be with her. When Amelia wakes up from her medically induced coma, she is frantic and asking for her husband, Sam, not realising he doesn't actually exist! Due to the trauma of being medically dead for a brief period of time, this has falsely implanted memories in her brain, unable to differentiate between fantasy and reality. Lexi loves her sister and would do anything for her - even going along with Amelia's story that Sam and her are real - to avoid exacerbating her sister's weak condition.

Lexi decides to temporarily stay at Amelia's coastal home for the time being and decides to go for a run on the beach one morning. Fate answers her call as she bumps into a man who looks strikingly similar to Sam, down to the same shaggy Old English sheepdog by his side. She finds out his name is Nick (not Sam) and literally begs him for a favour - to pose in a series of photos for her sister, Amelia. He kindly agrees and part ways, probably never to see each other again.

Fate however has other plans, and Lexi and Nick are thrown into a series of events where they meet again and become friends. Nick agrees to help Lexi and together they recreate memories of Amelia and Sam, hoping Amelia will believe it's a moment in time from her own love story with Sam. Through their time spent together, Lexi and Nick start to fall for each other, but with Lexi's impending move back to New York and feeling like the worse sister ever by loving the "same" person, she does the unthinkable and tells Nick there can't be an 'Us', thus breaking her and his heart in the process.

Reading this story, my heart literally broke for everyone! Dani did such an amazing job creating a close-knit family unit that stuck together through heartache and loss.... And let's not forget about Nick and Tom.
The ending will definitely keep you on the edge of your seat, full of twists and turns I'm sure you won't see coming! So get your tissues ready and ENJOY ❤️

Thank you to NetGalley and Aria publishing for providing me an ARC in exchange for my honest opinions.

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Thanks Netgalley, Aria& Aries and Dani Atkins for the advance copy of The Memory of Us by Dani Atkins.

The Memory Of Us is a love story about sisterhood, family and unexpected fates in ones happiness. Lexi was struggling to help her sister Mimi recover from an accident that left her Memory altered imagining a love story in very vivid imagery. Nick fulfilled the criteria of the faberated tale and Lexi longed to aid in her sister recovery by recovering the memories.

This story had my heart racing, my eyes tearing and my questions answered. I enjoyed how she intertwined the title into multiple components of the book and really elaborated on the different characters in the book. I enjoyed her style of writing as it was my first book of Dani Atkins and I know it won't be my last. Realistic love stories are my favorite , life is full of ups and downs; it's how we overcome them that makes the difference and together with family is always better.

February 15, 2024 is the date to keep yourself available to purchase this fantastic unexpected love story.

Thanks again for the opportunity for the advance copy for an honest review.

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If she had been found moments later, Amelia's heart would have stopped and never recovered. Instead she was taken from the desolate beach to the nearest hospital just in time to save her life. When her sister Lexi arrives from New York, Amelia's heart is beating, but the accident has implanted a series of false memories. These memories revolve around a man named Sam, and a perfect love story that never existed.

Determined to help her sister, Lexi enlists the help of Nick, a local vet who bears a striking resemblance to Sam. Together, Lexi and Nick recreate and photograph Amelia's dream dates in the hopes of triggering her true memories. But as love starts to stir between Lexi and Nick, they must navigate a complex web of emotions. How can Lexi fall for Amelia's dream man without hurting her sister?

OMG, get out your tissues! This novel is a work of art, exploring the deep bond between two sisters and what it means to love someone. Quite the twist at the end that left me broken, but in the best way. Thought provoking, tear inducing, heart wrenching. This is definitely a diamond of a book! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced digital reader's copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!

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Readers are taken on an emotional rollercoaster that explores the delicate threads of love, loss, and the resilience of the human spirit. The novel introduces us to two sisters, a woman whose life takes a sudden turn when she wakes up in the hospital with no memory of how she got there. Atkins skillfully unfolds a tale of heartbreak, sisterhood, and the power of love. The narrative is poignant and thought-provoking, blending elements of romance and drama to create a story that draws at the heartstrings. The characters are authentically portrayed, and their struggles resonate with the reader. While the plot occassionally ventures into predictable territory, Atkins infuses the story with enough emotional depth and unexpected twists to keep the reader engaged.

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3.5 Stars

This was a pretty emotional story to start off with and I was flipping through the pages while Lexi flew from New York to England after her sister was found on a beach. I really connected to the sisterly bond they have and how Lexi helped her mum help her sister Amelia. The memory loss plot is not a new one but there is a twist to it in this book, it is not a thriller so that makes it unique.

The book is well written and I love Dani Atkins but this one sort of lost me during the whole let's deceive my sister with fake dating photos and of course, they really do fall for each other. It was just so predictable and repetitive...will they or won't they...I like him...I better not. You know the drill.

The mother's role (I am purposely calling her that because I don't even remember her name and I am not sure she even had one?) should have been expanded on, she felt like a distant cousin or the red-headed step-child. I wish she was more prominent in the storyline. Being a mom myself I was surprised by how much she let Lexi take over.

I was really hoping for a book about family and sisters and mother and daughters and what I got was a romance. This is completely my fault as it is very clear in the blurb that it is a lovely dovey book, but I don't always read the blurb.

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The Memory of Us is a faux-dating type of novel with a story angle I’ve not come across yet (and there’s a big chance you probably won’t have either). Given there are many many books of this type I definitely think this one stands out. The story is very emotional in the end. It’s more than a romance novel, it is just as much a story about family and the strong bond between sisters.

You might have to suspend some belief but if I could do it then I’m sure it won’t pose a problem for you either. See when Amelia is revived after a heart failure she remembers having a husband when there is none. Her sister Lexi then meets this non-existent husband because she recognized him from a picture her sister drew of him, and because the doctors told them to just go along with her sister’s idea for the time being she asks for this stranger’s help.

The story showed some holes because I can’t see how you can recreate an exact photo when someone describes a memory. And how to explain photos but no phone? You know what though, I happily went along with this too because the budding romance did feel very real and adorable and I was just happy to see it happen.

Nick is an amazing guy, good-looking and kind, he has a good sense of humor and a very big heart for animals. He’s the next book boyfriend and he’ll steal everyone’s heart. But that’s just the problem here… how can Lexi be with him if her sister thinks he’s her husband? Ah impossible love, there’s nothing like it.

Amelia and Lexi have more problems coming their way though and there are some tough choices throughout this story. There is a tangible sadness that seeps between these pages and it’s impossible to overcome. Amelia isn’t out of the woods and Lexi can’t just be happy go lucky with Nick any more. Things were changing for them and it made me quite emotional.

This isn’t just some lighthearted romance novel, there’s a lot of lovely tension building up but the last part of the novel is quite tragic and gut wrenching so you better be prepared. Is it possible to have a happy ending? I did have a bittersweet feeling in the end so it didn’t leave me wanting a different kind of ending, even if that was possible. I highly recommend reading this!

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I Received this book off netgalley for an honest review.


What a wonderful beautiful story. Lots of laughter and a lot of tears it's beautifully written. A bond between two sisters which shows true sisterly love between Lexi and Amelia. That they would do anything for each other. All the characters are brilliant especially nick and Tom. I bawled my eyes out towards the end. I will definitely be reading more from this author.

Five stars from me

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What a tearjerker! And a wonderful story. Thank you for the chance to review this book.

When Lexi gets a call about her sister, she's on the first flight home that she can get to be by her side. Although they're twins, they're years apart thanks to IVF. They have a special connection, bordering on supernatural, and have always been incredibly close. Lexi is full of concern and confusion - particularly when her sister wakes up believing she's married to a man named Sam. After Lexi takes a beach walk and stumbles across the man of Amelia's dreams, she must decide between her sister's happiness or her own.

I really enjoyed this story! There were so many moving pieces and it was a little tricky to explain what was going on to my husband, but we got there in the end! I loved the relationship between Lexi and Nick, as well as the love story between her mum and Tom. He seemed like such sweet guy and I'm so glad her mum found happiness too. I would have loved to find out the results of the test at the end, but I do like the way it was left. I'd love to read more by this author.

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4.5 stars

When I first started reading The Memory of Us , I had no idea in which direction things were going to go. But by the time, I got to around chapters 4-5, I knew this book would be a hard-hitting, emotional rollercoaster. This book has one of the most stunning portrayals of grief, love and the bond between two sisters. Trust me, it will get you right in your feels.

I truly truly loved Lexi as our main protagonist and how protective she feels towards her older sister. Her fear of losing Amelia and her determination to help her sister through the immense trauma that she has gone through will move your heart.

It is this very determination that lands Lexi in front of Nick, who bears a striking resemblance to Amelia's "mysterious husband". And honestly, Lexi and Nick's friendship and eventually romance was one of the best parts of the book. The chemistry between these two was intense and really obvious from the get-go. I am truly glad they got the ending they did.

The book ends on a solemn, but good note, that concludes a very important part of this wonderful book. All in all, The Memory of Us is a book that I will definitely be coming back to and rereading.

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What a wonderful book! The emotional journey it took me on was just amazing. I struggle with emotional books normally but this one got me in the feels and had me in tears. There was humorous moments which really lightened up the story throughout. Gut wrenching and wonderful.

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A lovely Hallmark-style novel following a sister who returns to England to find her sister has amnesia but instead of forgetting, has adopted fake memories.
I was intrigued by this unique premise and completely fell in love with this cute story set in a small town in England. As well as exploring sisterly love, there is a blooming romance too which wasn’t overly saccharine but rather wholesome. The ending is so heart wrenching when things come together and you get answers to the story. Just simply beautiful.

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Wow. Aikins really understands her craft. This book has everything, Heartache, passion and twists galore. She’s one of my favourite writers. Always delivers.

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I enjoyed reading Memories of Us. In this story, we follow a family who has been touched by heartache and love. Lexi and Mimi are sisters whose bond is incredibly deep. The depths that Lexi goes to in this story are rooted in the strongest sisterly love and it was written well. The story as it unfolds with Nick and Lexi is an interesting concept and you could feel their bond growing. I loved that their Mom found a connection and happiness in this story too. The concepts and diagnosis that are part of this story are deep and cause many emotions. Overall I liked the story, I was hoping for more whimsy maybe but that wasn’t the purpose of this story.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing me an advanced reading copy in exchange for my honest opinions. I give this 3.5 stars overall.

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