Member Reviews

A great guide with easy-to-read steps for healing one's nervous system. Includes up-to-date science and a gentle touch that readers will find incredibly helpful. Definitely buying this for my personal library!

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I had a little trouble reading this font and background on my iPhone screen, however….. I intend to buy a physical copy since I can tell from what I did read that there’s a lot of absorb here that could be very useful. No stars deducted since this was an ARC accessed on a small screen. Yes, I would recommend it to my many friends who suffer with anxiety and feeling burnt out by the modern world.

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I’d like to thank Quarto Publishing Group and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

As a mental health practitioner who has been working in the realm of neurodivergence and trauma for a number of years, I will be purchasing this resource to use in my professional career. Linnea Passaler does an excellent job explaining concepts without gatekeeping knowledge or practical tools that can be used by those who wish to work towards healthy nervous system regulation.

That being said, I believe this book is not for beginners as an introduction to the topic, and instead is building upon knowledge gained through working with a therapist or self-study about mental health conditions and how they impact the body.

If you're looking for an extension of knowledge once you understand the basics, or wish to help clients achieve a healthy outcome as a mental health practitioner and would like some fresh new tips — I could not recommend this book more.

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I have a chronic illness of my nervous system as well as a few adjacent disorders. This book was very helpful and detailed in practical things I can work on.

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Thank you NetGalley for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.
This was a quick, easy read that felt helpful and informative. I will recommend it to some friends who are therapists and to others who need some nervous system healing.

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5 stars

Thanks NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group – Fair Winds for a great copy of the book!

This book is easily a 5-star rating for me! I have never taken so many notes reading a book in my life although I have read quite many non-fiction books already. It explains a complicated topic systematically and comprehensively with an appropriate amount of information. The book is structured very nicely making it easier for the reader to understand with good summaries at the beginning of the book and every chapter.

Target audience:
- People who have chronic pain, chronic fatigue, always low energy, and don't understand why
- The ones who are disappointed at our modern healthcare system, how ignorant they are of your suffering, how hard it is, and how long it takes them to help you
- You want to learn more about how our mind and body are connected, how your dysregulated brain can affect you physically in a way that you don't expect

I have never thought our mind and body are connected and intertwined very tightly. I had many "ah-ha" moments and revelations while reading it because it explained very clearly the issues that I have but I don't know how to explain why and how to fix them. The author provides valid arguments for the question of why we need to learn how to heal ourselves and not rely only on the modern healthcare system. The book is non-judgmental, open-minded, and provides an objective scientific view. Although it is a scientific book, it's not super heavy. I appreciate that the author provides an appropriate amount of her spiritual view as well. The spiritual aspect is sometimes as important as the scientific one in my opinion.

There are just a few small drawbacks that I can think of. Chapter 12 should be somewhere at the beginning of the book from my point of view because it would provide more information for the readers to understand why they need to read this book. The chapter would motivate the readers more as well. Moreover, some chapters are a bit longer than expected and a bit repetitive.

All in all, I totally recommend this book!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the review copy. 5+ self-help stars to Heal Your Nervous System! I chose this book because the topic interested me, but I did not have very high expectations as I read a lot of medical “self-help” books and many of them are very “sciency” and not at all practical when it comes to offering solutions, or they offer the same solutions every other book offers. Not so with this book! This book does not talk down to the reader, but it also does not use language that requires a PhD. This is a book that talks to the “normal” reader and offers realistic, practical and, wait for it … helpful! solutions that anyone can incorporate into their daily lives. I also love the fact that the author acknowledges that everyone is coming to this book from a different place, and makes room for that, and allows the ideas to be customized to individual needs and abilities. This book is relevant to everyone, as we all live in a world full of chaos and busyness, and that world as affected all of us in one way or another. This book will help you adapt and heal from both the small and the big stresses you have faced. I enjoyed this information so much that I plan ordering my own physical copy so that I can reference the material quickly and can also highlight and bookmark my favorite parts, and share it with friends and family. I highly recommend!

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You definitely need to take your time and work through this book. I read it quickly in order to review it but now I’m going back and starting from the beginning because wow does this author really know what they are talking about. I was taking notes and really surprised at the step by step guide the author details. Great way to ACTUALLY heal and not just survive.

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Linnea Passaler explains in clear, step-by-step instructions how to heal your nervous system as the title indicates. It is very well organized with charts, succinct points, and is easy to read. There were blueprints and supportive exercises for anyone's success in healing their nervous system. It makes a lot of sense based on the latest research and science she provides. I'm grateful to have read this supportive book. Highly recommended.

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A great book that holds a lot of detailed information. Hoping I can follow some of the guidance to heal my own nervous system!

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While reading HEAL YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM by Linnea Passaler, I caught myself grinning, gasping, having a full-body encounter with intelligent, well-written, incredibly compassionate guidance from a person who has learned how to face demons and prevail. Using a five-step approach of Awareness, Regulation, Restoration, Connection, and Expansion, Passaler clearly and convincingly offers a way out of hyper vigilance, worry, and frenetic busy. I deeply enjoyed her way of writing and will recommend this book far and wide. I received a copy of this book and these opinions are my own, unbiased thoughts.

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A great read for those who are interested in nervous system health but don’t know where to start! It’s a step by step guide that will take some time to get through as you must focus on each step for a decent period of time before moving on to the next. I’m partway through the programme and I’ve found it hugely beneficial. I can’t wait to see how I feel once I’ve made it all the way through the recommended steps!

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I found insightful, practical advice throughout this book. As someone who has struggled with nervous system regulation for years, this book is a breath of fresh air.
The layout makes sense and makes it easy to work through the steps in stages.
The information is easy to digest and easy to understand.
I will refer to this book again and again.

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When talking about trauma, anxiety, mental health, etc - the nervous system has been sadly neglected from almost all of the conversations. As someone who struggles with a variety of mental as well as physical health challenges, the title and description of this book instantly struck me. I was surprised how much information is on here and how many new ideas I haven’t heard of in healing trauma this offered. I didn’t realize how much the nervous system plays a role! This book was very enlightening. I am definitely going to be purchasing a physical copy once it is released so I can use this as a handbook to implement in my own life,

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Thank you Quarto Publishing Group – Fair Winds, Fair Winds Press, and NetGalley for the advanced electronic review copy of this wonderful book. This highly informative volume provides clear, step-by-step instructions on how to heal and reset one’s dysregulated nervous system based on the latest research and science. Highly recommend!

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I have been dutifully learning about nervous system regulation practices this year. Having finally come to the realization I have a rather dysregulated nervous system for various reasons including traumatic experiences both physical and emotional.

I know I’m not alone in this as there are countless people in similar situations.
It seems there are just as many countless books on the subject of nervous system regulation practices.

There are also mountains of books you can find regarding them that it can easily get overwhelming.

While I believe it is really good to take in as much knowledge surrounding the basics it can also be extremely overwhelming when you’re trying to figure out where to begin and how to put the practices in to play in your daily life.

This book was great in that it gives you an actual plan! It is very straightforward. The way it is written is accessible but not necessarily over simplified or filled with car salesmen like guarantees I’ve unfortunately seen other people use when discussing nervous system regulation.

The author is also refreshingly authentic and candid with you.
You are told from the get go that nervous system regulation work and healing is not a quick fix and can take a long time.

There are some quizzes in the beginning if you’re unsure if you’re dysregulated and then the meat of the book is the actual program broken down in to five parts.

You are to take it slowly and build up over time.

I am definitely buying a copy of this as soon as it comes out because I believe it is absolutely worth it.

Thank you to NetGalley, Fair Winds and the author - Dr. Linnea Passaler for an ARC of this book.

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Ever since having Covid almost 2 years ago, I’ve been struggling with Nervous System Dysregulation. I’ve been following Dr. Linnea Passaler on social media for the last year+ and was so excited when I saw that she was publishing a book! I was even more excited when I got approved for an ARC!

Dr. Passaler has some amazing programs for those struggling with nervous system issues and Dysregulation. But if you can’t afford them, I truly feel that this book could be a great option! Though it does kind of read like an encyclopedia at times (no dumbing down in here!) I think that’s a good thing because the nervous system is very complex and it would be really difficult to convey this is a simplistic way.

This book is such a wealth of information. It explains how the nervous system works, gives clear reasons and examples of sensitivity and Dysregulation, and gives actual solutions. It might take some time to get through, but if you’re dealing with anxiety, ptsd, chronic cortisol issues, and especially if you’ve been diagnosed with any Dysregulation and/or Dysautonomia’s, I would highly recommend reading this book! It will truly help you so much, as working on regulating the nervous system takes knowledge and time.

Thank you so much to NetGalley & Fair Winds Press for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review. This has helped me so much!

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This book was on point. As a woman in her mid-40s, I was shocked by how accurate it was. There was a lot of information in this book. Finally, a holistic way to look at one's health. I have not done a ton of research in this field so I wouldn't say I am an expert. I loved her approach and I do think I benefited from the book!

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I found this a great source of wealth knowledge. So many people are dealing with health issues that can not be seen. many get swept under the rug by docters and mental health professionals. It is hard for loved ones to understand also. I found the proactive suggestions in thsi book to be great ways to get a start in helping yourself. Whether you believe theise issues can be resolved or not this information is still good for mindfulness and doing something good for yourself. It can also be a great supliment with other methods of wellness that are out there at the moment. I plan getting this physical book sometime in the future hopefully to reference back to and maybe share with others.

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This is a well-researched and content-rich volume that offers a five stage approach to recovery wrt better handling a disregulated nervous system. The stages begin with Awareness, and continue through Regulation, Restoration, Connection and Expansion.

The scientific basis for this approach seems very sound indeed, but book can at times feel a little dense and slightly dry, which makes it hard going. It was interesting to read how the author's personal experiences fed into and also led to the writing of this book.

It may take more than one reading for me to absorb all of it, but I think this can be a useful resource for people struggling with these issues.

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