Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this story! It was fun to read about the lore of Butch Cassidy, which I am not super familiar with. I highly recommend this book.

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Thank you to Netgalley, Lake Union, and the author for the ARC (my very first!).

I was raised in Colorado mostly, as well as Wyoming and Nebraska somewhat, so I grew up surrounded by lore (read: tourist traps) about outlaws and legends from the Wild West, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid included. Not interested, but thanks. So if you had told me that I would have enjoyed a reimagined “tall tale” about Butch Cassidy, I would have had more than a little trouble believing you.

But Amy Harmon is Amy Harmon, and having written one of my favorite ever books (What the Wind Knows), I enthusiastically, if a bit dubiously, dove in. Her ability to make complicated characters out of worn-thin stories from a century ago was remarkable and I found myself totally immersed like I was sitting right there in the train car with them.

I don’t know how to say more without spoiling it, other than this is a deeply heartfelt and heartbreaking story about the push and pull of love and honor, how heavy and tangled family ties can be, and hope for redemption and second chances.

Amy Harmon says she wanted to give this outlaw a second chance, and she did so—tremendously—with this book. (Should I have written this entire in hokku/haiku? Oops.)

5/5, pick this up when it comes out in April, even if you’re hesitant about another Wild West story about an outlaw.

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I loved Amy Harmon’s historical fiction. I’ve read every one, so of course I jumped on the chance to read her newest. I knew I’d love it…but this blew me away!!!! I devoured this. I laughed, I cried, and I didn’t want it to end. Not only were the main characters amazing, but the side character’s (who at first irked me) were too! This historical fiction has heart, emotion, angst and a beauuutiful romance. If you love historical fiction with a love story or like any of Amy’s other books, do yourself a favor and pick this up.

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How do you write the tale of an outlaw but make it romance and not completely rip out someone’s heart and tear it to shreds? I have no clue but Harmon sure does.

Don’t get me wrong. This story was full of heartache but most of all there was someone who just wanted to leave the past and take care of those he cared about. I cried several times because you could just feel all the hope and how fleeting it felt.

It was beautifully written and I didn’t want to put it done. I don’t know that I’ve ever rooted for an outlaw so hard. Loved it and can definitely see a reread in my future.

Some favorite lines: “Honey” & “You’re not real.”

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You just can't go wrong with a Harmon book. I love her style and how she writes her characters. I think my favorite was Augustus or Gus. He just made this whole book better. For whatever reason I just didn't click with Jane. I loved Noble:} He is just one of Harmon's men that just make all other men look bad. I loved the feel of this book. It was so interesting to read about, I lived and went to school near Circleville Utah and once went and checked out all the Butch Cassidy stuff they have there. I loved History and how it shapes us. His story is an interesting one and I love how Harmon wove this one.
This is an adult novel with some sexual content. It is not too detailed. It is the talk of rape that might be the trigger for many people with this book. It is a little detailed. There is drinking and a couple swear words.

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Oh, this book...simply stunning. It was not at all what I expected from a book with Butch Cassidy as the lead character. It was so much more. Beautifully complex characters, an ever-twisting plot, and haikus. Yes, haikus. Everything about this book was unexpected, all the way to the very end. There were many memorable quotes but this one stood out: "See, the thing about monsters is...most of the time, they don't look like monsters." Amy Harmon has outdone herself with this one. It's spectacular.

My thanks to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the digital ARC. All opinions and the review are entirely my own.

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When I saw my dear friend on IG post about this book I immediately wanted to read it. The cover was eye-catching and the synopsis about none other than one of the most famous outlaws in history, Butch Cassidy (otherwise called Noble Salt), completely had my attention. I NEEDED this book and am so grateful to have received an early copy to read and review.

This is the second book I’ve read of Amy Harmon’s and it has me scrambling to add her other books to my TBR. She takes a real person and weaves such a beautiful story around their lives, creating romance and heroism and characters that you can’t help but fall in love with as well as immersing you in the historical world these people lived and breathed in. I loved the sweet relationship between dear ‘Noble Salt’ and Jane as well as the precious little boy Augustus. I loved that little boy so much and his tenacity for life and the way Noble brought so much confidence to him and loved him so purely. There were many interactions that brought tears to my eyes because of the sweetness and kindness that radiated.

There were also so many perfect romance tropes portrayed, ‘Marriage of Convenience’, ‘Only One Bed’, and ‘Second Chance Romance’ just to name a few and I LOVED every moment of it. Who is surprised that I fell head over heels for this outlaw named Butch Cassidy? Probably no one. I love a bad boy but what I love even more is a reformed bad boy and Harmon did not disappoint and knew just the way to my hopelessly romantic heart.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for an early copy in exchange for my honest review. I whole-heartedly recommend and will definitely be ordering a copy to have once it releases on April 9,2024.

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Last year someone gave me a book by Amy Harmon, Where the Lost Wander, which became my #1 book of 2023. Amy has become one of my go-to authors and I jump at the chance to read anything she writes. Having accessed an ARC of The Outlaw Noble Salt was a real treat!

Amy pulls Butch Cassidy from history and creates a beautiful story about the the later years of his life.

A love story that hit the right notes. The romance unfolds within other story lines and feels natural. Sometimes romance novels just push the romance, but Amy Harmon, thankfully doesn’t do that.

This isn’t about the wild west and not an action! It’s a slow burn love story with unforgettable characters.

Speaking of characters, I’m a sucker for good bad guys, and misunderstood characters and these characters hit those notes! She creates complex characters, and Noble Salt is no different!

It doesn’t get five stars only because she has written other books that I love a bit more, but still another wonderful story by Amy Harmon. It really was a 4.5 star book for me!

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I was going into this story without a clue about the real Cassidy and Sundance. Lets just say the author had me right from the start and had me eager to learn more about the men and their history. So her it goes.
Robert LeRoy Parker aka Butch Cassidy and Harry Longabough aka Sundance Kid are in my opinion the most famous outlaws of the Wild West ever. Haunted by Pinkerton Detectives but still living their lives to the fullest, they and their spouses G. Livesay and E. Place are legends. And A. Harmon masterfully draw a masterpiece of a picture, made them and their story come to life.
This historical romance is next to What the Wind knows the more tender of her books and I fell in insta love with characgers, story and writing. One of my very few fav reads in 24, I recommend the book, 5 stars.

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I don’t even know how to put into words how beautiful this book was. I was swept away (again, because let’s be honest, Amy Harmon books always sweep me away) into the early 1900’s and Butch Cassidy’s life, and what a life it was.

I looooved the exploration of Cassidy and his life and how he ended up where he did. I love how the inclusion of history was woven in with the romance. Good heavens I loved Jane. Her continued strength through a difficult life and being the mother she wanted and needed to be for Augustus while allowing herself a chance to be with Butch. It was incredibly romantic and heartfelt and raw with truth and longing.

Also Augustus? In love with him. He was the sweetest boy who had to grow up too soon. And he was the perfect addition to this story. I found strength is his courage and the way he handled himself throughout the book.

I loved the setting and story and the intensity of what was slowly closing in. My heart was in my throat and had to hope with everything in me that we’d get to the ending I was begging for.

Another masterpiece where I fell in love with a ‘villain’.

Overall audience notes:

Historical Romance
Language: low
Romance: fade to black
Trigger/Content Warnings: suicide, rape (mentioned a few times, recounted), gun violence

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The infamous Butch Cassidy is ready to leave his crooked life behind. He goes on the run and travels abroad to escape the Pinkertons who are searching for him far and wide. When he runs into Jane Touissant in Europe, he knows it's a bad idea to spend time with her. Years ago, they had an intense interaction that he still dreams about till this day. Jane is a famous singer and when she asks him to be her bodyguard for her American tour, he hardly hesitates to accept. Butch's past catches up to them the second they set foot on American soil. They form a deep bond as they navigate how to avoid the authorities.

I love Amy Harmon and her books. She writes books so deeply entrenched in historic detail that I feel like I am there. Harmon breathes life into historic characters and makes them feel human instead of just people you read about or see in movies. I never thought much about Butch Cassidy. I knew that he was an outlaw and was affiliated with the Sundance Kid. That was it. This book gave me an imagining of his character that was complex and layered. My favorite thing about his character in this book was that he was so different from what he has been portrayed as in media. He was gentle, caring, and self-sacrificing. This side of him made his relationship with Jane believable and I was rooting for them.

Amy Harmon wrote an ending for this that I didn't expect and that I needed badly. I was in tears for the last few chapters of this book - both tears of sorrow and joy.

Pick this one up for a historical fiction about a redeemed hero who find romance when he least expects it.

Steam level: 🔥🔥
⚠️: rape, murder, gun violence, robbery

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The Outlaw Noble Salt is simply wonderful. Amy Harmon shows her masterful writing skills once again in this tall tale about Butch Cassidy, aka Robert LeRoy Parker. A story that is as grand as it is unpretentious. A veritable 'what if', with Harmon magically imagining what could have happened with what actually happened to the notorious outlaw, thereby providing us with a book that I'd like to think would make the real Butch proud.

Of course, I couldn't stop imagining Paul Newman as our Butch, much like in the movie "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid", as Harmon gave him the striking blue eyes we have all come to know and love. He's a very calm-spoken kind of man, knowing his faults and how his past transgressions decidedly did more harm than good. But when he crosses paths with the renowned songbird known as Jane Toussaint not once but twice, Butch not only sheds his name to become Noble Salt but finds a harmony within himself he didn't know existed.

The book is beautifully written as we get a glimpse of life in the early part of the 20th century in both America and Europe. Harmon no doubt used a bit of kismet to put Noble in Jane's path, he very definitely becoming everything and more to the hardened songstress, who is very protective of her son, Augustus, and the life they lead. Her feelings of being trapped by not only her late husband but by the cruel Lord Ashley had Jane keeping Noble at arm's length, despite her convincing him to be her bodyguard. But I was over the moon when both started to trust the other through heartfelt talks and being in close quarters, changing their lives for the better.

In fact, the very unexpected burgeoning romance between Noble and Jane is a huge highlight of this book. I could feel Jane's awe of the level-headed Noble, how he takes command seemingly easy and without fuss, of most situations when life could and would continue to throw curves in their shared journey. Even though both were to part ways once Jane's tour of America ended, something magical happened to both of them aboard their 8-day excursion aboard a luxury liner from England to the United States that solidified these surprising feelings each had for the other. I knew right then and there that Noble and Jane were destined to find a new course together, however dangerous and unpredictable that might be.

There is plenty of indecision on both Noble and Jane's parts as they meander through America but nothing was as lovely as how they continue to fall hard for one another. The way Noble admits how Jane is the only woman he has ever loved just from the first time he heard her sing and how Jane surprises herself that she can finally feel like the brave woman she undoubtedly is. That she can succumb happily in Noble's arms and the pains of the past can be erased for good.

The secondary characters of this book, whether good or evil, play their parts perfectly. And I must make special mention of Augustus. The boy with the face disfigurement who stole everyone's hearts, including mine, as he enthusiastically makes his way in the world. The way he knows his mother's emotions, as they start to change once Noble is in their lives, is beautiful in every sense of the word. Gus is in tune with the world around him in a unique way and Harmon gave him a voice that was meant to be heard no matter how others may perceive him because of his looks. The way he won everyone over within a few minutes or so had me cheering for this wondrous young man that he forever keep his incredible sense of adventure.

I had been very curious about The Outlaw Noble Salt and how Harmon would craft this storyline regarding the legend of Butch Cassidy. To say it far exceeded my expectations would be an understatement. This new stage of writing historicals is truly a whole new level of brilliance for the talented Harmon and she wrote a superb gem with this newest book. Her research is what sets her apart time and again even with obvious exaggerations used to make the story that much more enjoyable.

The Outlaw Noble Salt is the kind of book that is as easygoing as it is meticulous. I honestly could have read another 100 pages about the man with perhaps too many personas but with the kind of soul that ultimately saved his heart and that of those who loved him. It is outstanding.

5+++++++++++++ stars!

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“I can promise you one thing, I will spend my last breath saying your name, and my last thoughts will be of you. And if there’s a heaven, somewhere, we’ll be together again. Nothing could keep me away.” -The Outlaw Noble Salt

Once again Amy Harmon has drawn me into a world she has created, taking a piece of me that I will never get back, nor do I want it back. The tale of Butch Cassidy is one of legend. The lesson to be learned is that even an outlaw like Mr. Cassidy or Noble salt (as I have come to know him) can find a love worth fighting for. This beautiful story, spun from history, leads us on a journey of true friendship and a love you won’t be able to forget. Butch Cassidy is no longer keen on being an “Outlaw”, running from the law. He finds himself an opportunity he cannot turn down, nor does he want to. What he discovers is a love like no other, a love worth fighting for.

- morally grey character
- marriage of convenience
- Historical fiction
- He says “My Wife”
- True Love
- Friends in low and high places

Thank you again Amy for this opportunity to read and review this beautiful story you have created for us to love and cherish.

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The Outlaw Noble Salt is an endearing love story between the notorious outlaw Butch Cassidy and legendary singer Jane Touissant. Butch is ready to leave his life of crime behind. No more train robberies. No more bank robberies. No more messing with innocent folks. Fate brings him and Jane together as he is hired to be her bodyguard while on tour. Now that he’s ready to finally settle down, will he be able to live the life he has always wanted or will his past come back to haunt him?

Well done Amy Harmon! 👏🏻 I really enjoyed learning about the infamous outlaw Butch Cassidy and his sidekick the Sundance Kid. As always, Amy’s books are well researched and have a captivating plot that will have you rushing to finish the book. This is one book you’ll definitely want to read in 2024!

Thank you to Amy Harmon for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. 🙏🏻🥰

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The Outlaw Noble Salt is another amazing historical romance from Amy Harmon. I am continually blown away by her versatility to write across many different genres and her ability to create the most compelling, captivating stories.

This story was her most tender yet. Never would I have dreamed that I could love the outlaw Butch Cassidy so much. His struggles to find peace and solace, the way he found comfort and contentment in Jane’s singing, and the loving connection he fostered with Gus were all so beautiful and vulnerable. Amy took a large than life legend and made him relatable, made him human, took him off the pedestal and explored man behind the wanted posters.

Incredible! A new favorite!

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Even an outlaw deserves to be loved at least once in this lifetime.

The Outlaw Noble Salt is a fictional tale of Butch Cassidy. A man filled with many complexities. Someone who is seeking a life; that will no longer have him on the run.
I found myself pulled in from the first page of this book. Amy created a character who was always the “bad guy” into someone that could be loved. As I continued to read, my perception of the outlaw changed. His character entangled me in a way I least expected. He was relatable because not one of us has walked through this life, not feeling disappointed in things we may have missed. The entanglement between him and Jane made my heart ache. Love really does conquer all even if you’re an outlaw.
This beautiful novel comes out in April, so add it to your list.
Reasons to read:
-morally grey love interest
-perfect romance
-historical fiction
-he gives her a nickname
-Amy Harmon wrote it
Thank you Amy for this amazing opportunity!

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This book, once again, confirms that Amy Harmon is a master storyteller and I am here for every word. I tried so hard to savor this book but there came a point where I could only devour it.
The writing was beautiful, the weaving and setting of the story was pure genius, and the love story was surprisingly sweet and awe-inspiring.
I grew up watching Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid regularly with my family. I was very familiar with Butch Cassidy and his story and I was surprised to find myself so moved by him in this book. Both by his past and the person he was striving to be. I adored how he was portrayed.
Amy Harmon’s words have previously made me fall for a British English teacher, a powerful king named Tiras, a boxer, a general in the continental army, and many more—and just like all those times before…I’m now in love with an outlaw.
Put this one at the top of your list in April. It’s a beautiful tale you won’t want to miss. Thank you so much, Amy and netgalley, for the early copy. I completely adored it.

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4.5 stars rounded up.

Going in to this I knew absolutely nothing about Butch Cassidy. I just knew that Amy Harmon wrote it and I needed to read it the first chance I got.

My quick thoughts: I loved this book & all of its characters.

Wow, what a story! I was mesmerized from the start and found myself picking it up every chance I got. I will say this was more of a romance than I was initially expecting. It has a bit of action, some historical truths, and a found family that I absolutely adored. The ending had me crying and the author’s note had me smiling from ear to ear.

Thank you to Lake Union Publishing and Amy Harmon for gifting me with an e-arc to read and review.

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Another great book by the talented Amy Harmon. This book really pulls on the heartstrings.

This book is about the infamous Butch Cassidy, but at its core it really is a love story. I can’t say I that I know much about Butch Cassidy, but I did enjoy this fictional take on his romantic life.

If you’re looking for an action packed Wild West story, this probably isn’t the book for you, but if you’re looking for a slow burn love story - this one is for you! Make sure to read the authors note at the end.

Thank you Amy Harmon and Lake Union Publishing for the eARC of this book.

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"Another Captivating Tale and an Unlikely Hero by Amy Harmon. I couldn't stop reading until the very last page!"

Butch Cassidy was an electrifying figure in the history of the American west. Living near the end of the wild west period, his exploits lit the imagination of many, both young and old alike. Both a train and bank robber, he was an unrelenting outlaw, and yet with a reputation for caring for others. Amy Harmon picks-up on this dichotomy and creates a story intertwining Cassidy’s toughness, with his kindness and his commitment to uphold his word and maintain his honor.

This reader began the story with expectations of outlaw gangs, robbery and "cowhand" mayhem. Yet I found myself introduced to another side of this legendary outlaw and quickly became deeply attached to him and many other characters in his circle. The story flows briskly and the book is hard to put down as more and more complications enter Cassidy’s life. I very much appreciate Amy's writing; her clarity, and her stylish use of words to stir the reader's imagination and emotion. I highly recommend The Outlaw Noble Salt to readers who love to learn an imagined, alternative side of historical figures while appreciating great storytelling (and a great romance where you'd leas expect it!)

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